Opening Up

Story by Calico64 on SoFurry

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#29 of Writings

A Commission for That_Cat_Enigma (

Two guys set out on a journey in the big city to help their friend, Dacre open up to a more social lifestyle. However, in the public eye, they decide to have a little more fun with the young rabbit man.

"This may be a bad idea." Dacre looked at the two of them as they stood in the livingroom. The young rabbit looked at his two roommates as they got ready. The smaller rabbit removed his collar, and had already been fully dressed before either Noah or Enigma. He sat there and watched as the husky and the cat both got their clothes on, and plotted their day with their little friend. Every time they brought up a place to take him, he cringed. His eyes switched between the two, depending on which one was talking.

"Well, the park is a little too public, don't you think? I think your gym should be a decent place for him to get started. Not a lot of people are there in early afternoons, not to mention, you could tempt him with a smoothie." Enigma said as he slid on his green shirt. The three of them had been naked for the past couple of days, and it seemed odd to be putting on clothes now.

"Yeah, I had the same thought. The gym would be best." The husky said as he tied his shoes.

"I dunno guys. Maybe I should just stay home today." Dacre said in his tiny voice once again. He looked at them to see that they didn't reply, nor were they really paying attention.

"Alright, Dacre! We're gonna see how you do in a public setting! Now, if you're scared, you can hold my hand, or even Noah's hand. We're here for you, right Noah?"

"Oh, ummm sure. I mean, yeah, hold my hand." Noah got up to his feet and started for the door, motioning for Dacre to follow.

Dacre did so, but his rabbit ears drooped down behind his head. The three of them exited the apartment and began to walk down the block. The outside world already began to show its effects on the poor rabbit. His eyes shifted as they walked by people, and he flinched every time a car passed them.

That was when his cat friend, Eni walked up beside him on the side closest to the street and wrapped an arm around his shoulder. He winked at Dacre, causing him to ease some of the tension.

"It's okay Dacre, just think, if you do well enough out here, you could go anywhere you wanted without having such anxiety. I know this is hard for you, but you have to take baby steps. Today, it's just two places for a little bit of time. In a month or so, you could go out and eat at a restaurant and talk for hours! The world would be your oyster! Doesn't that sound nice?"

"Ummm... I guess." Dacre looked off to the side, his ears still drooped.

"Alright, how about this, if you do these two things for us, I'll give you extra special attention tonight when we go to bed." Eni whispered in Dacre's long ear.

Dacre blushed a little bit at this, and he thought for a moment. After a pause, he nodded to Enigma, and even smiled a little bit. Normally, they would be okay with Dacre staying inside all the time, but then they actually stopped to think about it. The last time Dacre had even seen natural sunlight was two weeks ago, and that was just to get the mail. Even then, it took Dacre forever to muster up the drive to go do it.

This was a day to get the bunny to not only go outside on occasion, but also get somewhat excited to do so. Both Noah and Eni agreed that it would do him some good to socialize, and maybe even meet a new friend or two.

The gym couldn't come fast enough for Dacre. It was a public place, but at least it was more inclosed than the sidewalk. The walk only took ten minutes, but it felt like hours to the poor rabbit.

"Alright, Dacre, I'm sure you'll enjoy exercising with Noah. Now, I'm gonna go to the grocery store and pick up some things. Like I said, if it gets to be too much, just tell Noah before it gets bad. Okay? You okay, Dacre?" Eni put his hand on the rabbit's chin and pointed his face up toward him.

He nodded toward the gray furred cat, but his eyes were still shifty.

"Don't worry, we're here for you." Enigma met him in a kiss. Dacre put his hand on Eni's chest and leaned into it.

"Come on." Noah said as they broke the kiss, and he took Dacre's hand. The rabbit looked back at Enigma as he waved at the two of them. "We're gonna have ourselves some fun, and you're going to find out what it's like to get a good day's workout."

The husky brought him into the gym, and instantly, he was exposed to the smell of sweat and disinfectant. There were very large men lifting dumbbells that matched the size of their biceps, which were enormous, and there were also very fit women on treadmills. Noah took him to the front counter, where he signed in with his membership pass, which allowed a plus one. After they were signed in, Noah brought him through the weight room, and Dacre gazed at the men of all different sizes and species. There was a wolf that was at least four times his size, with arms that could easily crush his skull, lying down on the bench press and lifting what looked like around three hundred pounds over and over again.

Noah let his hand go as they got to the small hand weights. From what Dacre could tell, they ranged from five pounds, all the way to a hundred and fifty. He looked them over, studied them as Noah ran over to the trashcan in the corner, and pulled a small wipe from the side of it, and cleaned off the ten pound weights with it.

"Alright, here ya go. We're gonna start with the basics. These are good for your weight limitations. Lift enough of these and you'll get a body with some actual meat to it."

Noah handed him the two ten pound dumbbells and at first they extended both of his arms downward, but then he began to lift them one after the other in bicep curls. As he did this, he saw that Noah was smiling at him, and it caused Dacre to smile as well. After a moment, though, Dacre looked at the weights as he lifted them one by one, and his face went back to its blank look.

"Is something wrong?" Noah looked slightly worried.

"This got boring." Dacre said, and Noah sighed.

It took a moment, but finally, Noah had the bright idea of taking the rabbit to the track. Strangely enough, no one else was in the indoor track. It was on the second floor of the gym, and was rather secluded, as there were no windows to the other rooms. It had one crevice in the wall on the opposite side of the track. It was a small crevice that was only five by five feet, and had a water fountain in it. Dacre took note of this before they started running.

Noah was a little surprised at the bunny's running prowess, though he shouldn't have been surprised. The bunny was a hundred pounds soaking wet, it wasn't like he had a whole lot to carry on those scrawny legs of his. The two of them ran side by side for a while, and finally, the rabbit was starting to lose his momentum, and sweat. Noah smiled at him, and directed him to the water fountain in the small space on the edge of the indoor track.

"You can take a break for a minute, if you need it. I'll keep running, just catch up when you want." The husky said as they approached the edge with the fountain.

"Alright." Dacre said, panting as he broke off from their route. He wiped the sweat from his brow and took a moment to breathe. He leaned down to the water fountain and began to drink, letting his ears droop so they wouldn't get in his way. In this brief period in time, Noah had already made another round on the track, and saw the bunny's fluffy tail sticking out from his gym shorts as he drank.

With no hesitation, the husky came up from behind him and pulled the rabbit's shorts and underwear straight down to his knees. The bunny spat water out in an attempt not to choke on it. He blushed as he looked down at his erect penis flopping up and down as his shorts were tugged. He looked back at Noah, who leaned him over the fountain and began to admire Dacre's bare ass.

"Noah? What are--oohh!" He was interrupted as the husky began to rub Dacre's balls, and the base of his cock from behind. "What are you doing? Someone might catch us." He whispered as the dog continued to caress the bunny's stiff member.

"Don't worry, no one uses this track at this time of day, it's too nice outside anyway." Noah grinned at the blushing bunny as he stuck his ass farther toward him. "Good bunny." He licked Dacre's neck and began to full on jerk his cock.

"Ooohhh, God, Noah." He whispered, closing his eyes and leaning on the husky's shoulder. Noah nuzzled his neck, but then felt the rabbit bend down, seeing Noah's erection as it bulged inside his gym shorts. The bunny wasted no time in pulling his friend's shorts down as well, the tip of the dog's rock hard erection flicking his nose in the process of pointing straight up. The knot on at the base of his cock was already ballooning something fierce.

Dacre shoved the dog's cock into his mouth, slobbering on it with his tongue, and jerking it at the base. It slid from his mouth, allowing some of the precum to drool out onto his chin and his cheek. He took in the dog's strong musk, running his nose from the tip, all the way to the knot at the bottom. The strong scent caused him to precum as his own cock twitched hard.

Obviously, the dog had had enough. He grabbed bunny by his armpits and leaned him back up against the water fountain. It was obvious that Noah was in great need, because he spread the bunny's ass cheeks apart and began to hot dog his cock between them. The way his erection rubbed against Dacre's asshole was almost too much for the small bunny. His breath began to labor once again. As if sensing Dacre's need, the dog shoved his well lubed cock into Dacre's ass, causing him to cry out with his tongue lulled. Noah pulled his asscheeks back as he began to pound the bunny's asshole, the wet, slapping sounds drove the bunny wild. His hands clenched the sides of the water fountain as if holding on for dear life.

That was when the knot entered into Dacre's ass as well, this caused him to moan the husky's name, and leaned his head downward as he was plowed from behind. Dacre came very hard, his iron hard cock releasing long squirts of cum as his face clenched up. He attempted to catch his breath, but then he felt Noah's rock hard rod spurt inside of his ass. The orgasm he felt stretched for as long as it possibly could before the dog pulled his dick out. The knot had finally calmed down to a good point, and semen drizzled from his post-orgasmic hard on.

The two of them perked up instantly, though, Dacre's ears went straight up as the two of them heard a female couple enter the indoor track on the other side of the large room. The two of them looked at one another and quickly got dressed. They played off their sweaty bodies as just running for too long, but neither female, the fox nor the girl rabbit seemed to notice them at all. They merely had a strange smell coming from the fountain area with a wet floor.

Noah led them both to the locker room, where they got their own shower stall. The rabbit stood naked as the dog started to scrub him with soap, and clean him as best he could. They both enjoyed the hot water as they soaped up one anothers' backs, and caressed their bodies.

"You see? Public places can be fun when you know where to go." Noah whispered in his ear as he rinsed the rabbit and himself.

"Well, it's nice to know you had fun at the gym! Because now it's time to simmer down for a bit." Enigma put his arm around Dacre's shoulders and held up his hand. "That's why we came to the biggest arcade in town!!!"

Enigma and Noah showed Dacre around the brilliant multicolored lights, the loud noises coming from large machine gun controllers. There were fighting games, shooter games, basket ball hoops, skee ball, games of chance, and huge game booths shaped like cars with steering wheels and petals. It wasn't especially crowded, mostly because it was the middle of the week, but also because arcades were not as popular as they once were. Thankfully, though, they lived in a community where the arcades were more or less part of the culture, so they thrived a little better than normal.

The rabbit was no stranger to video games, and already saw one or two games he wanted to play right away.

"There are games over here that you seriously need to try!" Eni pulled him from the fighter games he had his eyes on, the rabbit's head turning back to them as he was turned toward another part of the arcade. He was brought to the larger pieces of equipment. The booths that held steering wheels in front of racing games were actually quite large here. There were two booths in the same game for two players, and a wall stood between the two of them.

"Did you bring me here just to play a racing game? It doesn't even look all that great. The booth is kind of impressive in size, though." Dacre said as he studied the game.

"Oh, well, I just had a hankering to play this racer, it's been forever since I hit the arcade." Noah said, and looked at Eni, who nodded.

"Yeah, Dacre! You can pick the next game, if you want. We just wanted to give this one a whirl." They both nodded now.

Dacre wasn't stupid, in the least, but the fact that they were in an arcade excited him to great extents. If they were going to be here all night, he wished he'd brought more quarters and single bills. Right now, he just had a twenty on him.

"Alright, Noah, this is your game." Eni said, and Noah went sat down in the player 1 booth, much like always, hogging player 1. The rabbit got inside the player 2, and within moments, they put their quarters into the slots. The booth lit up all around him with multiple colors glowing all around him. He selected his car strategically, and the two of them were on a pixelated race track in no time.

They were off! Both of them passed up the computer players, no problem. Their race cars looked especially futuristic, in the kind of way you'd expect in a cyberpunk movie or one could go so far as to compare them to the batmobile. Dacre sped off in a red one, his jets flaring from behind his car, propelling him to great speeds as his eyes flicked all over the screen in preparation for the obstacles that appeared in front of him. Both he and Noah were neck and neck for a good amount of time, their practiced maneuvers were obvious.

Then he felt a padded hand run across the crotch of his shorts. To Enigma's great surprise, Dacre's cock was as hard as he had ever seen it. The rabbit paid no attention to the cat as he undid his shorts and brought his extreme hard on out. Eni looked up to see that Dacre was still keeping his head in the game, turning the wheel as fast as he possibly could as Noah and he struggled for dominance!

The only time Eni got a rise out of Dacre was when he swallowed his cock all the way down, and started sucking on him. Luckily the booth was away from the front counter, and very few people walked around these machines. However, the janitor walked around quite a bit, and saw Enigma's tail wagging and his head bobbing up and down.

The badger janitor's eyes widened, and his brow furrowed as he walked over to the two of them in the booth. Enigma's head was now laying on Dacre's lap, watching him play.

"Hey! Get out of that booth! One at a time!" The badger pointed at him, and Enigma was already nervous. His head was barely keeping Dacre's erection front sight, and if he moved now, the jig was up.

"Excuse me! Sir!" Dacre said as he angrily shifted gears for another boost of speed. "He is helping me keep concentration! If you don't mind, I am going to win this damn race, and you are messing up my experience here at Fun Time Blow-out! Do you want me to get your manager involved?!"

The evil in Dacre's voice made Enigma's fur stand on end. The janitor looked at Eni, and Eni looked back. Before the cat could say anything, the badger walked away quietly.

Such anger, such dominance... Enigma found a new love for Dacre, were it even possible, and his mouth engulfed the hard cock once again. Even with a multitude of distractions, Dacre was dominating! Noah had no way to keep up with him as he kept getting speed bonuses, passing through the bonus rings at a mile a minute. There was no stopping him!

Enigma's tongue spread over the rabbit's smooth dick, sucking it like it was full of candy, and only stopping to look up at Dacre's stern, serious face and jerk it with one hand. Every once in a while, he could get a small moan out of the rabbit, but it did nothing to his gameplay.

There it was, the finish line! As Dacre sped through it, he released a very generous portion of cum into Enigma's mouth, which he swallowed with much gratitude. He licked up from the bunny's shaft as it twitched.

"Ah! Damn!" Noah said, coming into the finish line only seconds after Dacre, with the computers at least a minute from finishing all five laps along with them.

To Eni's surprise, the bunny pulled his seat all the way back, making more room in the booth. He got out of the booth and pushed the catman in. Enigma gave a startled yelp, but then found himself with his elbows on the seat of the car chair. Before he knew it, the rabbit nearly tore his shorts straight down to reveal his asshole, along with a raging hard on.

It didn't take long for Enigma to realize that Dacre was taking his victory lap, because with a single spit into his palm, he rubbed his cock down and pushed it straight into Eni's asshole. The cat's face clenched up, and even though it was a loud arcade overall, he knew that the cry out he had in mind would have been noticed by either the clerk, or the other three people on the other parts of the arcade (The janitor had gone home for one reason or another). Before Enigma could warn him about being spotted, he was already getting pummelled in the asshole! The raging rabbit plunged himself deep, spreading the gray furred asscheeks apart as far as they could go so he could get a beautiful view.

Both of them looked to see Noah look into their booth with a surprised look. He turned around and leaned his back against the entrance to the booth, starting to play on his phone. If anyone walked by, he would give them a wink and a nod. No one questioned a husky with extreme bedroom eyes.

"Oh, God! Dacre! Oohh! Slo--slow d- Ah!" Enigma moaned, gazing back at him, his penis was already twitching, and very close to cumming. The result of sucking Dacre off and having rough sex out in public just weighed on Eni like a ton of bricks. Dacre's dick went all the way inside of Enigma's lubricated asshole and let off yet another load. Before Enigma could even question how Dacre came before him, he let out wads of semen into the race car's seat, spurting it hard. He had an afterthought of the janitor walking in the next morning and finding a huge puddle of sperm in the race car seat, but that was for later. Both of them were quick to get their shorts and pants back on.

"Geez, Dacre, what got into you?" Noah asked as they got out of the booth. Dacre went back to his normal, subtle, unsuspecting face, though a bit sweaty. Enigma was sweaty, hot, and still panting as they made their way out of the arcade.

"More like what got into me." He grinned at Dacre, who gave a small, sheepish smile.

All three of them sat, naked in their living room, watching their weekly show. Enigma sat on a padded ice pack, still wincing at the extreme rutting he'd received.

"So, I hope this was a good lesson on being more sociable, Dacre. You gotta know, not everything out there is messed up politics, riots, and robberies at gunpoint." Noah said

"The news makes it all look so scary." The rabbit said, a hefty helping of sarcasm on his voice. He wasn't that ignorant on how the world worked, he just didn't want to be that big a part of it.

"I was thinking about next time you went out into the public." Eni said, wincing as he slightly moved his rump on the couch. "It's a big city, so we could probably come up with something to do pretty soon."

There was a long pause as the rabbit, pianoed his fingers, thinking.

"Well... there is a cosplay convention next month." Dacre had a tiny smile on his face as he looked at the two of them.