An Odd Way to Celebrate Easter

Story by chillpenguin2j5 on SoFurry

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Ace has a perverted idea for his boyfriend Ash, who has no choice but to deal with it like usual.

In a small one bedroom apartment is where a pink furred rabbit with a white underside was snoozing under its sheets. The rabbit looked to be around 16 or 17 years old, this rabbit's name is Ashlin or Ash for short. The reason why he has a girl's name is because he looked more feminine than he did as a full fledged male rabbit. His eyes started opening as he yawned and sat up, showing his skinny and petite body frame.

"Morning already?" He asked himself in a light boyish tone of voice. Letting out a yawn Ash got out of bed, grabbed a fresh set of clothes and went into the bathroom.He started slipping them on and began brushing his teeth while he was wearing a light blue tank top with tan shorts on and with a yellow ribbon on his head.

After brushing his teeth Ash left the bathroom and went to grab some breakfast. He went with some regular toast and butter since he wasn't that hungry before hearing the doorbell go off.

His ear perked at the direction of the door. " Hang on, I'm coming!" He said before getting up from his chair and walked to the door. When he opened it he saw a familiar person behind the door.

"Sup beautiful." smirked a tall german shepherd who easily towered over him who wore a black shirt that showed his strong body build muscles with blue jeans as he reached down and picked Ash up and carried him back inside while shutting the door with his foot. "Miss me?"

"P-Put me down." he blushed from embarrassment. "I just got up from bed."

The German was known as Ace, Ash's boyfriend.

The big guy just grinned and put him down while rubbing his head. "You look really cute when you get flustered this early." Ace teased which made Ash pout.

"So, what brings you here?" He asked the dog.

"What? Can't I see my cute little rabbit for no reason?" Ace asked with a false sad tone.

"Usually when you come in this early it's for something that's either perverted, embarrassing, or both." he replied grabbing his toast and putting the butter on them.

"Oh my dear Ashlin, you wound me." he spoke in a dramatic tone while plopping on his couch. "I just came here for something we'd both enjoy for the holiday."

"And that's spending time with me? Or something else in that sick mind of yours." Ash said pointing an accusing finger at his boyfriend.

"Both." he smiled sitting up. "Wanna hear?"

Sighing Ash finished his food and crossed his arms, before turning to Ace. "What is it this time?"

"Easter's around the corner and I was thinking you could be my little Easter Rabbit." he smiled while pulling out an easter egg from his pocket that was already painted.

Ash however was not amused. "Really? You want me to be a literal Easter Bunny?"

"Yup. You are pink after all so you're halfway there, now you just need the eggs."

Ash sighed shaking his head in disbelief. "I should've known you'd come up with something like this."

"And these eggs are the key." he grinned. "They go in your butt."

Silence filled the room as Ash stared at Ace stupefied. " Wait, what?"

"You're gonna hold several of these in your butt for a while to stretch your butt out, then you lay them like a chicken. Then I fuck you senseless."

" See! Right there I knew you'd come up with something that's perverted and embarrassing!" Ash exclaimed backing away from his perverted boyfriend.

"Aw come on, you'd look adorable like that." Ace said attempting to get his cute little boyfriend to go along with his plan.

"How am I gonna look cute? It'd be awkward walking around carrying those things around." Ash said now backed up against a wall with Ace pinning him.

"Well then I guess I'll have to encourage you." he smiled. He grabbed his chin and brought him into a kiss,

Ash gasped at Ace's forwardness and found himself wrapped in the dog's embrace. As Ace was playing around in his mouth he slithered his hands into Ash's pants and went for his butt cheeks.

Said rabbit jumped and quickly broke the kiss before slipping away from him. "No! Not happening!"

"Oh, so you wanna play cat and mouse do you? Sounds good to me." Ace said with a predatory grin, he slowly advances on the scared rabbit who tried to make a mad dash to his room. But the canine moved faster and shut the door with his body while Ash quickly darted back to the living room. "Come on, it's not like I'm asking you for something weird."

"If having you stuff my ass with eggs is weird, then you can forget it!" he spoke while he was chased around the couch. "Stay back!"

Both Ash and Ace ran in circles around the couch, until Ace was finally able to snatch the rabbit by the back of his shirt and held him in the air. "Gotcha!"

"Put me down, you big mutt!"'

"Ah, but I'm your big mutt." Ace with his prize in his grasp pulled down Ash's pants and started rubbing and caressing his cheeks.

Ash gasped while his boyfriend carried him back to the couch and made him lay down without stopping his rubbing.

"Wow, it feels nice and smooth. It's been too long since I got a handful of these."

"S-Shut up!" Ash stuttered blushing from feeling Ace's strong hands.

Ace spread open the cheeks and leaned in before flicking his tongue against Ash's anus making the rabbit jump.

"Ah! N-No, don't do that." Ash gasped feeling his boyfriend's tongue licking his anus.

"What? I need to help loosen you up." Ace told him then he stuck his index finger inside Ash's ass and wiggled it around some.

Ash jumped and moaned while covering his mouth.

Ace grinned at Ash's attempts to not give in to the pleasure he was feeling. "Come on, you know you love this~"

Ash could barely utter a word as Ace fingered his ass. 'I can't believe he always gets me in stuff like this.'

Ace finally pulls his finger out and leaned over to Ash's ear. "So,do you still want to fight it? Or do you want it?"

"N-No way." spoke Ash trying to keep from moaning.

Ace playfully sighs. "Then I guess you leave me no choice."

'Wait, what's he gonna do?' Ash looks over his shoulder and saw Ace holding a basket full of eggs.

"Time to stuff the bunny~"

Before Ash could say or do anything, Ace placed the tip of the egg at the entrance and slowly pushed it in so not to accidentally crush it. "H-Hey!" Ash yelped feeling the egg slowly being pushed in.

"Oh, hush up boy. Trust me you'll love it." Ace said as he finally got the first egg in. "See? Your ass was made for carrying eggs." Ace told him after he grabbed another one.

"Not it is not!" Ash said only to gasp again feeling another egg entering him.

"Hey, you brought this on yourself baby, so now you have to deal with it." chuckled the canine as he took more eggs and kept slipping them into the ass.

Ash's mouth was opening and closing like a fish, he should've known sooner Ace would do something like this. And yet he'd never admit it outloud he was actually enjoying this. Each egg pushed in made his ass tingle with his dick slowly getting hard.

Ace took notice of Ash's hardening cock and grinned. "See? I told you, you'd like it."

"S-Shut up." moaned Ash while feeling like his ass was gonna split as Ace pushed in an extra big one in. The rabbit could feel each egg filling his insides up, egg after egg he felt like he was pregnant with a small clutch of eggs.

Eventually Ace stopped and smiled seeing the bloated belly. "There we go, not let's get you all dressed back up and go out for that walk."

Ash sighs in defeat and eventually does what the dog said much to his ire. He stood up and groaned while leaning against his boyfriend. "If people stare it's on you."

Ace only grinned. "Hey if anyone has a problem with it, they can take it up with me."

So the two left the apartment with Ash trying not to make any sudden movements that would break the eggs.

Ash was frowning deeply feeling stupid of having to put up with his boyfriend's ideas.

'One of these times I'm gonna put him in this situation.' Already he could feel people staring at the couple, some talking behind their back, whispering to each other and others had smiling faces. Mostly due to seeing the slight bulge under his shirt which just made his cheeks feel warm.

Ace wrapped his arm over Ash's shoulder to ease his embarrassment. "Don't worry, I'm here." Even though Ace was an idiot, he still cared for Ash very much, a trait that Ash loves about him. "Let's go sit down at the park."

Both Ace and Ash found a park bench that sat near a lake, it was an isolated spot letting the two of them have some alone time from prying eyes. They sat down while Ash hissed and held the bulge. "It's like you wanted people to stare at me, jerk."

"Hey now don't be like that, it's not like they were making fun of you." Ace said holding his hands up defensively.

"Well you always do this to me. Remember the time you had me dress up like a maid and call you master after I lost a dare?" Ash said with a glare.

"That was one time! And besides you know you can't beat me in a dare even if your life depended on it."

"And what about the time you took photos of me in a school swimsuit?"

"Come on you had to admit you looked cute in it."

"Or what about when you made us watch a porno naked, with me on your lap and with your dick rubbing against mine?"

"I couldn't help it if I had a cute, rabbit like you sitting on me." Ace said with a perverted grin.

Ash sighed and leaned against his side. "Remind me why I stick with you again?"

"Because you secretly like being with a pervert." Ace teased which made Ash quickly turn and glare at him.


"Well then why don't you break up with me?" Ace said with a feign hurtful voice.

Ash looked at him and opened his mouth to reply, but couldn't come up with an answer. Suddenly he found himself brought into a hug by Ace.

"Will this help?" Ace asked before planting a kiss on Ash's lips.

The rabbit sighed and kissed back while slowly relaxing.

Ace wrapped his arms around Ash carefully so not to crush the eggs in his belly, he gently ran his hand over the belly where the eggs now sit. 'If he was pregnant I think he'd be wringing my dick out. I heard pregnancy can make a women REAL horny.'

Ace then breaks the kiss and brought the rabbit closer to him. He pulled him on his lap while moving his hands down near Ash's ass.

Ash let out a moan feeling Ace caressing his butt cheeks. 'Damn it, I always go soft when he rubs me the right way.'

Before Ace could go any further Ash stops him. "No not here. Let's head back to my place."

"Oh? Is someone getting horny?" teased the dog.

Ash pouted. "That, and I don't want anyone catching us."

"Oh alright, guess that ruins my idea to fuck you in public, maybe next time."

"Not on your life you mongrel." he frowned lightly slapping Ace's chest.

The dog chuckled and got off the bench and walked with Ash to his home. "You love me and you know it."

Fortunately for Ash it was getting late and no one was out so he was safe from the many eyes staring at him.

They made their way back up to Ash's apartment with Ace rubbing his boyfriend's head. As soon as they went through the door Ace grabs Ash, closes and locks the front door and takes him to Ash's room for some private fun.

"Now let's see how you are with laying those bad boys." Ace grinned as he placed Ash on the bed and began to undo his pants to help him with the eggs. He tossed the pants aside and spread his ass cheeks. "Alright, let's see you start laying them."

Ash sighed and does what he said. He takes a deep breath and began to push.

Ace saw the first egg slowly coming out and kept the ass cheeks spread as it rolled out onto the bed. "There ya go, keep it up."

Ash grunted and pushed harder. Soon another egg came out then another and another.

"That's it, keep laying your eggs." Ace encouraged.

Soon after all the eggs that were in Ash's belly were finally gone. He panted and felt relief while wiping his forehead.

"Shame we weren't at the park, you could have hidden them for people to find." joked Ace.

Ash glared and bonked him on the head. "Like hell that'll ever happen!"

"Ow! You're mean." he pouted.

" Ah, quit your whining you mutt." frowned the rabbit. "Besides, after having so many of those things in me, my asshole is gaping wide, I can literally feel it."

Ace gave a toothy grin. "That's the idea bunny boy."

"Well at least let me help you get hard, don't want you going flaccid on me." Ash reached for Ace's belt, undid it, pulled the zipper down and snaked his hand under his underwear and started rubbing the dog's cock. 'It's already half hard, should have known he'd already get excited from that.'

Ash finally pulled the harden cock out and used both hands to rub it up and down. "I swear, you could make a business with all the stuff you're into." The rabbit then engulfed the cock in his mouth giving Ace a blowjob.

The German Shepard moaned feeling his rabbit lover twirl his tongue around the tip of his cock. "Aw yeah, that's a good boy, enjoy your carrot." Ace now fully pantless placed his hands on Ash's head and started thrusting his hips.

'At least he's not drunk.' thought Ash since when his boyfriend got like that he would literally skull fuck him. He relaxed his throat and licked around the dick. Ash suddenly removed his mouth from the rod and started licking around Ace's balls.

"Oh! Someone's liking my balls." Ace said looking down at Ash.

"Well it's not my fault you don't wash them that much." Ash retorted before going back to suck on Ace's cock again.

"Oh please, you love the musky scent and you know it." he hummed while rubbing his ears. Ace then removed his shirt standing fully naked before Ash. "Come on, if you keep sucking you might get a treat."

Ash continued sucking, this time a little more force. 'I'm gonna make him cum like a fountain.' Ash sucked harder and harder which made Ace panting feeling the sudden pressure building up.

"Oh fuck! Ash, I'm gonna blow!" Ace exclaimed as he thrusted harder and faster into Ash's mouth.

Ash tried to relax and sucked harder before feeling it twitch.

"Get ready babe! Here it comes!" grunted Ace before his sperm started shooting into his boyfriend's mouth.

Ash nearly choked from the amount of sperm but managed to swallow most of it. The rest dribbled from his lips as Ace patted his head.

"That was good." Ace said as he removed himself from Ash's mouth. "Now it's time for the best part." Ace then started helping Ash remove his clothes leaving the rabbit completely naked.

Ash laid on his side while raising his leg up like an expert gymnast.

Ace grinned before crawling to his boyfriend and started licking his cock.

"Ah! I-I didn't say do that!" moaned Ash.

Ace ignored him and continued licking his cock while fingering his ass again. Which was easy since it felt nice and loose and gaping slightly.

Ash was panting from having his cock being sucked and his ass being played with again. "N-No, you're gonna make me feel weird!" Ash moaned gripping on the bed sheets.

Ace stopped licking Ash and grinned. "But you know you like it when you feel weird."

"J-Just keep it up."Ash breathed out.

"Your wish is my command." smirked Ace as he resumed licking the dick while sliding two fingers in and out of the asshole.

Ash was gasping lightly eyes wide as dinner plates as Ace had his way with the rabbit.

"Now for the big part." smirked Ace as he pushed his fingers in deeper and added a third one.

Then before he knew it Ash felt Ace pushing his whole hand in his ass. "A-AHH!" Ash cried out arching his body feeling Ace's fist in his ass.

"Wow, I really helped get you open." Ace said as he pumped his fist in and out.

"AHHHHHHH!" Ash cried out as he exploded into Ace's mouth.

Ace grinned and eagerly lapped up the sperm while Ash felt his mind go blank for a moment. " Oh don't fade on me yet babe. The fun's just getting started." smiled Ace slipping his arm out while his dick was rock hard. The dog slowly spreads Ash's legs apart and places the tip of his cock at the entrance. "Now what do you say?"

Ash was panting looking at Ace with a perverted glint in his eye, wanting to ram his cock straight into his ass and fuck him silly. "G-Go ahead then. You perverted mutt."

Ace held the legs before slowly pushing it in with a growl while Ash gasped since the tip of it was going in easier than usual. As soon as Ace buried his cock in the loosened ass he started thrusting in and out causing Ash to move with the rhythm. "Oh yeah! It's loosened up, but still tight enough to squeeze me just the way I like!" Ace was rocking himself and his boyfriend so hard it made the bed squeak with the motion.

"Oh god! I can feel it touching me so deep!" Ash exclaimed feeling the meaty rod going deeper and deeper into his being.

"See? I told you this was a good idea!" Ace told him as he continued hammering away at him.

"Just fuck me! Fuck me like you always do!" Ash cried out wanting Ace to shoot his hot love juice in him.

Ace leaned down and licked Ash's nose with a chuckle. "Thanks for being my cute little easter bunny."

"S-Shut up!" he spoke with a blush while his boyfriend started licking against his cheek while thrusting. "I-If you keep doing that! My mind'll go blank!"

"Then let it go blanke." he growled while sucking on Ash's neck which made the hare moan out like a bitch as Ace hammered his dick in faster and deeper to where it touched the prostate.

Both Ash and Ace started feeling the pressure beginning to build up.

"Oh god! Ace! I'm gonna blow!"

"Then do it! Do it you mongrel!!!" moaned Ash. "Flood my asshole!"

Eventually Ace shot out a tank load of cum into Ash's ass as the dog let out a howl upon filling his boyfriend up.

"OH GOD!" cried out Ash gripping Ace with wide eyes feeling the hot seed.

The two held onto each other feeling their climax reaching its end.

"I'm not finished." growled Ace.

Before Ash knew it he found himself suddenly on his hands and knees as Ace readied himself to enter his bunny boyfriend.

"Now this here is something familiar for me." Ace then shoved himself in Ash causing the rabbit to yelp out as he felt the dog gripping tightly on his hips thrusting him with gusto. "Doggystyle!"

Ash looked over his shoulder in a deadpan expression. "So not funny Ace!"

"Oh you love it and you know it." he reached down and started rubbing his thumbs against Ash's nipples.

Ash blushed heavily upon having his nipples being played with. It made him moan with each pinch and thrust while his small fluffy tail wagged.

As Ace thrusted himself he let out ragged pants and growls as he leans over and nibbled on the rabbits neck.

Ash's head felt blank while he panted and moaned and tried moving his hips against his boyfriend's thrust. His arms buckled allowing his upper body to fall on the bed and his ass in the air.

"Oh yeah! Say my name!"



"ACE!!!" he moaned out while feeling his boyfriend lick against the back of his neck.

"I hope you're ready for another helping!"

"Oh god! Give me it in my ass!"

"As you wish." smirked Ace before slamming his knot inside with a growl as his seed started spewing inside.

Ash cried out loudly feeling the seed flowing into him, which in turn made him shoot out his seed as well staining the blanket beneath him.

"That's my bunny boy!" Ace told him as the two of them laid on the bed panting from cumming so much.

Ash's tongue hung out on the side while he shuddered from all the sperm in him.

Ace reached over and brought him into his arms, grabbed the blanket and covered themselves. The dog the gave one last kiss to Ash before smiling at him. " Happy Easter babe."

"Happy Easter to you too." he smiled nuzzling against his chest. "Night pervert."