
Story by Eveshir on SoFurry

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Philippe sat in the sickly yellow waiting room, staring down at his hooves. The dark brown equine couldn't get the defeat of the last race out of his head. He knew he should have gotten his back checked out sooner, but he had never been to a chiropractor before and was extremely skeptical of the practice. It wasn't until his coach threatened to pull him from the next meet did he finally relent. He pulled out the card his coach handed to him yesterday, a ketchup fingerprint staining the corner of the doctor's business card - His coach was always eating.

As he lifted his head, his eyes immediately locked onto the bright, muscled figure that just slithered into the room. He immediately recognized by the patterns it was an albino carpet naga. His head and extremely long tail were adorned with yellow, brown and white bands. Philippe could make out his figure through the bulging pecs pushing hard against a white button down shirt. The snake had the collar button undone, and a purple necktie loosely hung around his neck. The tweed jacket was a nice touch, the equine decided. But the majority of his mind was directed towards not getting an erection. He had a severe weakness for strong pythons, and if he had to sit across from this adonis for another hour waiting for the doctor then he was going to pass out.

In fact, he would not have to wait long at all.

As the naga approached the receptionist's desk, she smiled at him. "Good morning doctor Zephyro," she said. Philippe's heart jumped up into his throat. This was far worse than what he feared - the naga was going to be touching him. "I have your first patient right here." She handed him a chart. The horse dug his sweat-drenched hands into the seat of his chair.

"Please not me," he muttered over and over. He couldn't be the first one to go in, not in his condition. He prayed the doctor was going to call the cheetah sitting across from him.

"Mister Ndeki?" The doctor called out. Philippe's face flushed with warmth hearing his name. He slowly rose to his hooves to face the doctor. He was greeted with a warm serpentine smile. "Come on in." The snake pushed open a door behind the desk and led Philippe down a hallway and into the examination room.

It was a sparse room, and a little warm. A plush massage table stood in the middle of the room. There were a few pictures on the wall: an anatomy chart of bones, two diplomas and a portrait of the doctor with his arm around two other furs at a bar, smiling and drinking. As Philippe took in his surroundings the python said, "Right, why don't you get undressed and tell me what's bothering you today?"

Thoughts of undressing in front of him now, with his erection painfully pushing against his briefs, terrified him. It was only by the grace of his long tee shirt that he had not yet been exposed. He sat on the edge of the table, turned slightly away from the doctor, and slowly removed his shirt.

"Ah, it's my lower back," he said hesitantly. "It flares up whenever I bend down or twist to the left." He unbuttoned his pants slowly, willing his rising member to cease operations.

"Okay, why don't we take a look at that then." Looking directly at the horse for the first time, he paused his approach and said, "You know, you look familiar. We haven't met before, have we?"

"Heh I'd remember," he joked, not realizing how that came out until he said it. Though a nagging feeling in his mind told him that he'd seen the naga before. He started tripping over his words. "Uhm, what I mean is, I've never met a snake chiropractor before."

The doctor smiled. "Yes, family business. My father was a chiropractor, and when he got too old I took over. Good work for a Python American, eh?" He grinned. Philippe frowned, suddenly worried he had offended the doctor. "That was a joke... Philippe." He double-checked the name on the chart. The horse chuckled defensively, trying to deflect his awkwardness. "You gonna finish taking off your pants?"

"Oh, sorry." Finally it was safe to remove his trousers. Though being a horse, there was little chance of concealing his enormous member underneath the black boxer briefs. He shifted his weight, hoping the trouser snake would slip down his thigh and not stick out so prominently.

"So, where would I know you from?" The snake asked again. "Stand up please." Though he was asking, his hands had already grabbed him by the waist and pulled him to his feet.

"Uh, I'm uh," the equine stammered, caught by surprise, "I'm a runner." Suddenly the snake's tail sprung to life, wrapping itself around Philippe's chest and pulling back. He helped, thinking he was falling, but the doctor's hands kept his pelvis in place while the deft tail arched the horse's back. He could feel the reptile's claws and fingers gently poking at the base of his spine.

"Mhm," the doctor said, feeling around Philippe's toned body. "Oh yes now I remember. You won the New York Marathon last year, didn't you?" Philippe nodded, sweating as he watched the snake loop a second coil around his chest. The snake smiled up at him. "Well, glad to be fixing up a champion athlete. I'll have you feeling better in no time!"

Philippe felt the doctor's tail slither up his right leg, then cross over to the left. Without warning, the equine was hoisted up into the air by the tangle of coils, his legs spread widely apart. The doctor maneuvered his body around Philippe, looping a coil under each armpit and around the arm and finally one thick coil around the neck. The horse gasped, struggling reflexively against the coils. He didn't expect his treatment to go like this and in the back of his mind wondered if he was in danger.

"Just relax," Doctor Zephyro reassured him, his hands poking and prodding, "You're in good coils. Eh? Eh?" The naga had a way with puns, though it did little to put the horse at ease. He could feel his body being twisted and tugged. His head and feet were pulled back while the snake's hands pushed the base of his spine forward, making a nearly complete circle with the equine's limber body. He could feel the dull, sickly crack of bones being popped back into place

It was as frightening as it was arousing, and as the naga brought him down onto the table with a thud, his rapidly rising erection could be seen in plain view. The horse's cock tented against his underwear as if it were housing an outdoor concert inside of it. The serpent noticed the red flush that Philippe's cheeks and ears now sported.

"Don't be embarrassed," he stated as matter of factly as he could to try and put Philippe's mind at ease, "this happens all the time. Doesn't mean anything, it's just reflexive body contact. You just tell me if it gets too uncomfortable and we can stop." The coils rolled the horse onto his left side as Zephyro slithered around to face him. "Though there will be times it's dangerous to stop so it may take a second. Don't want to cause any injuries, you know.

Philippe only nodded, panting a little. The snake was applying very light pressure all around his body, but the weighty coils made it hard to breathe easily. And when he was nearly slammed onto the table, the wind was knocked out of him. He looked up at the snake, getting a read of his face. Nothing out of the ordinary: he had a friendly but clinical demeanor, perfect for a doctor. But there was something, he thought, something familiar about this snake, now that he had a good look of his face.

And yet his mind was clouded. The serpent's scales and powerful body felt incredible against his own. He could feel the sheer strength of the muscular rope beneath the scales, the grip strength of the scutes as they latched tightly around their imaginary prey. That alone was enough to keep the blood rushing through his now rock hard member, but to make matters worse the coils around his thighs had accidentally brushed against it as his leg was pulled up. They seemed to be making contact with the central nerve, the sweet spot on Philippe's equine cock. He strained to think of anything else - cold showers, laundry, track practice... but nothing took his mind off the moment he secretly fantasized about his entire post-pubescent life.

He could feel his right leg being pulled up to his chest as far as it could go. Suddenly the pain presented itself, and he cried out with a horrid yell. Immediately the snake froze. "Aaaah, here we are," he said, his hand feeling around the top of Philippe's buttocks. "It's your sacroiliac." Zephyro's strong fingers pressed into his right buttcheek, causing a dull pain as the joint was stretched to its limit. Zephyro's free hand firmly gripped Philippe's arm, and with a sudden jerk, he twisted the poor equine until a loud pop was heard followed by an even louder cry.

Suddenly the pain was gone. Philippe whimpered in slight relief, but he was still seeing stars from the jolt of pain, the lack of full lungs, and of course the inadvertent rubbing of coils against his bulge. The coils round his legs had been causing far too much friction as the doctor worked, and despite the pain, Philippe's fantasies of being used by a powerful serpent were getting too real too fast.

The coil flexed Philippe's leg for him, working out the remaining tension in their muscles. "There we go," the doctor said, "You're already doing better." But he wasn't. Every time the doctor flexed his leg, those coils brushed against his giant rod. He knew it was too clinical to be intentional, but nevertheless he was dangerously close to the edge already. "Let's flip you over and check the other side."

As Zephyro rolled the equine the other way, some more coils reflexively piled onto him. Philippe's body was nearly completely covered, and with the heavy weight and shifting scales it was too much for him to handle. "Stop, stop!" he cried out tensely.

"Just give me a second here," the doctor replied, feeling the sacroiliatic joint on the opposite side of his hip.

"No, please, I can't take it..."

The doctor wasn't sure what that meant. "Just one more second, Philippe, I'm almost done." With another pop, the doctor realigned his hips completely.

"No!!" Philippe called out, but it was too late as his cry turned into a labored whinney and his entire body began to spasm. Alarmed, the doctor immediately came around to his front to see if he had hurt Philippe, only to find the equine lost in the throes of intense orgasm. The black briefs did nothing to contain the bursts of copious cum; not only did it seep through the fabric but the propulsion was barely contained through the cloth barrier. A pool of semen formed all around his pelvis, completely soaking his shorts and dripping down the side of the table. The doctor pulled his coils back so as not to get them messy, as he watched on with a speechless stare while the horse continued to jerk and spasm. There was no stopping it, no calming him down. He twitched and spurted out more cum for another fifteen seconds, though to Philippe it was an endless nightmare of pleasure and humiliation.

As the orgasm began to taper out, he covered his face in his hands, still twitching in lessening frequency. His muddled mind had cleared up and realized the situation he was in.

"Um," the doctor broke the silence, though not really sure what to say, "well... that's never happened before." Suddenly, he could hear a light sobbing underneath Philippe's arms. "Hey, hey, are you alright?" Zephyro's coils quickly came undone, releasing the patient to curl up into the fetal position. He wanted to place a comforting hand on the horse, but he was already on the edge of a sexual harassment charge. "Philippe, I am so sorry," he said, "I didn't realize the situation was that intense. Talk to me, are you alright?"

Philippe nodded, sniffling a little bit. "Yes.. I'm ok." he said, still fighting back the tears. "I'm sorry, doctor, this is my fault."

"What? Nonsense, you did nothing wrong, Philippe." The equine's apology led him to believe that a gentle hand would be safe, and he rested it on the horse's shoulder. "Listen, these things can happen. And while I've never seen it get to this point, it's entirely possible that this kind of prolonged body contact can lead to an accidental discharge. Have you experienced sensitivity in the past?" Philippe shook his head. This wasn't a common occurrence, but he wasn't about to reveal to his doctor that his dream was to let a scaled deity have his way with him.

"Let me get you a towel. You can shed those shorts, dry off and get back into your clothes. I'll show you out the back entrance if you're feeling embarrassed." The snake's tail reached across the room. Digging into one of the drawers it pulled out a plush white body towel. Philippe slowly rose to his hooves and began to remove the absolutely drenched shorts. He stopped, still anxious about stripping in front of the snake. Zephyro understood and turned around, giving him the privacy he needed to shed his underwear and get dressed again. when Zephyro turned around again, he saw the underwear on the floor and Philippe about to pick them up.

"I can take care of those," he blurted out. Philippe looked at him briefly. He was too shy now to think anything of it. Zephyro led him through a side hall which emptied back out into the building corridor, where Philippe could get the elevator without being seen. Philippe didn't even say goodbye - he couldn't even look at the doctor. He hurried into the open elevator and back home as soon as possible.


Philippe filled the rest of his day with chores, tons of chores, to get the memory out of his head. It didn't help. Half the time he spent sitting on benches and in chairs, waiting for his insatiable cock to retreat to slumber. But every time he thought of what happened, a tingle ran up his spine as if it were on fire. He cancelled dinner plans with his friends and stayed in. As he sat on his sofa watching television and eating lo mein out of the takeout carton, his phone buzzed. He glanced over to see a notification from his Fang app. He swiped the phone and opened the app, where he was greeted by a message.

CracklePop: I hope you're doing okay. I would be happy to recommend another chiropractor if you wish.

Immediately Philippe broke out into a sweat again. He remembered where he knew the doctor from. The horse had been face-stalking sexy serpents on Fang, and he completely forgot that the app shows you who has viewed your profile. There he was, Doctor Zephyro, lying back on a bed of his own coils and sporting a gorgeous set of twin cocks, their plump heads dripping with pre. He stared at the picture and the message for ten minutes, before finally he decided to swallow his fear and respond.

Racr645: Thank you. I'm so sorry that happened today.

CracklePop: I should be the one apologizing. I didn't know you were so sensitive.

Racr645: It's not that.

CracklePop: Then what is it?

A long pause ensued. Should he say it? Should he tell the doctor he was the sexiest thing he'd ever seen?

CracklePop: Ah. I see.

CracklePop: You know, I do body massages too. House calls. Less intrusive. Maybe you'd be more comfortable that way? Very relaxing.

The next response took Philippe half an hour to send.

Racr645: I could do that.

CracklePop: Tomorrow, say six thirty? Text me your address.

Philippe's heart fluttered as he entered his home address into the chat.

CracklePop: My name's Kyrik, by the way. See you tomorrow ;)


That was the last thing the serpent sent him before setting down his phone. He turned around to face the rest of his darkly lit bedroom. A row of candles adorned the dresser on the far wall, providing a warm but foreboding illumination. Before him, a red-furred mouse hung upside-down under a steel sling cage, suspended by a tight cocoon of the carpet python's coils. The mouse's jaw trembled as he stared wide-eyed at the serpent's looming face, his breaths short and labored. The snake grinned, clutching in his left hand the cum-soaked equine briefs, still moist with semen.

"You remember your safe word, mousie?" The snake hissed, a forked tongue licking the sweat of the mouse's brow.

"Y, y, yes..." the mouse stammered.

"And if you can't speak or breathe?"

He nodded hastily. "I wink one eye, then the other."

The snake chuckled. "Open wide." As soon as the mouse opened his mouth, it was stuffed with the balled up wad of shorts. He could taste the musky equine semen biting down. A predatory squeeze set upon his helpless body, and his eyes rolled up into his head as he dug in for what would be a long night.

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