Jerinoh's Capturing!

Story by theonehowl on SoFurry

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#5 of What Happens After.....

The two layed on the pure black rock set in the center of a lake of lava. The incredible heat didn't affect the two devils lying peacefully on the stone. They were each on one elbow facing each other and looking at the other with affection. Jerinoh was smiling to his lover.

The dark brown stallion only could hold Jerinoh's gaze for so long before they drifted down and away. Jerinoh obviously saw the things drifting through his mind. Those yellow eyes with a light brown were thinking so spontaneously. Jerinoh reached out and touched the lean line of his muzzle. "What are you thinking about?" The horse looked to Jerinoh when he heard the soft words.

"I don't know...I don't think I can do it. I mean, I know I was chosen to be a devil to rule in this hell, but I don't think that's not me. At least, that wasn't what I would have done. I'm still who I used to be before I got here, right?" Jerinoh watched his lover look to him for an answer as if so much hope lied in it.

"No, you're much more, Julius. You're not the weakling that dropped down here six years ago. You are a good ruler..." Jerinoh leaned forward, "and a great lover." The wolf kissed Julius on the lips softly and tenderly. The horse blushed and looked down a little. "Now, are you still going to ally with me? It would be wonderful to finally have you living closer to me, and maybe we could make a secret quarters where our slaves won't see us." Jerinoh still stayed close as he spoke and the hand on his cheek caressed along the long muzzle.

"Well, I was thinking maybe we could live together in the same room, maybe?" Jerinoh tilted his head and smiled as he looked at his lover with condescending adoration.

"You know if our slaves see us, they will lose respect for us and think we are weak to fall in love. We can't show them we're in love, and I know you don't like to be rough like the way we would have to be."

"But I see you show your slaves such love. Why can't you show me that in front of them?"

"Julius,...that's because that was a slave. I always show my slaves a gentle touch when they do as they're told, but if they knew I was going soft on other devils then a lot of them would plot against me. I don't feel like going through that, and I don't think you would want to either. Trust me."

"I do trust you, Jerinoh, but I also love you..." Julius's eyes wondered around, as if reflecting his mind's search for an answer to all his problems. "What if...what if I could be your slave and you take over my slaves."

"Julius..." Jerinoh said his lover's name that made it sound like he was flattered and a sadness tinged at the tone.

"It's the only way, right? Well, I'm willing to do it to be with you. I'm going to write up an agreement and you can bind me through Devil Law. I'll do it to be with you." Julius leaned forward and kissed the wolf deeply. The small muzzle took the large horse tongue in eagerly and slid around, playing with it. Julius pulled away briefly. "Just, don't be late. You have to come before sundown."

"Julius, you know how bad I am with arriving on time."

"I know. This will be testing you. If you don't come by then, I will be pissed at you, Jerinoh. I mean it. Promise you will be there on time, do it to show you love me...please." Jerinoh smiled and kissed his lover on the lips once more.

"I promise."

His chest heaved, his eyes glowed in their blackness, and his fists clenched tight. Jerinoh was beyond rage. He growled and raised the hackles of his mouth. He looked out over the city of Drusilla and saw slaves running forward through the streets. His lips went still as he judged the next move. He sniffed in a deep breath and his fur stiffened as he threw up his head and howled. Only a few seconds went by before his trusty griffin came towards him. He ran up and jumped off the edge of Drusilla's castle. He dove forward and then swung forward to land on the griffin's back perfectly. The flying creature went with the heavy force and swooped down only a few feet away from the ground.

His claws grasped into the feathered body of his pet. "Fly! I don't care where, just fly damnit!" The griffin only replied with a soft call and flew faster, sensing the need for its master's venting. It flew to the dead forest that ran across between his and Drusilla's lands. The griffin did dodge through branches and jumps off the trunks to give its master a thrill to take away his frustrations.

The adrenaline fueled the fire in Jerinoh. "Pet,...take me to my castle immediately. We have trouble." It glanced back at the serious expression its master held. It called out and flew faster out of the trees and to the castle. When they approached it, he leaned forward to speak into its ear, "Take me to the main hall. Then round up Bausel and Droan." It gave an echoing cry and busted through the window of the castle. When the griffin eased down to the floor, Jerinoh hopped off and went to his thrown. He pulled something out of the side. It was a small vile of red liquid. The griffin had already flown off as soon as Jerinoh left it unburdened. Bausel and Droan were already running into the hall by the time Jerinoh had finished getting dressed. He added on leather straps wrapped around his arms, twirling away from fingerless gloves. The straps went around his chest and ended at three buckles on his back. He was getting into his combat wear.

The two slaves ran up to him, Droan, a white lion, coming up to speak; and Bausel, a female white wolf, following behind. "We heard that you needed us for an emergency, Master..." Droan and Bausel kneeled.

"We have invaders," was all Jerinoh said. He gave Bausel the red vile. "Light the alarm. Let the red light tell every slave to be at their emergency stations." Bausel only nodded and ran to the stairs to get to the top of the castle.

"What may I do, Master?" Droan looked up only once and then put his head down finished.

"Push back the invaders. I know I have trained you all well enough to do that. Once you get the rats out, find the rat hole and I'll go in and deal with it." The lion nodded and then left. The alarm was sounded by the time Jerinoh reached the entrance of his castle. His loyal minions moved quickly, fighting off whoever was unfamiliar and not where they were supposed to be. The opposing force was smacked around and then pinned and captured. Every one of them would be taken to the special prison designed for invaders.

The griffin came to Jerinoh after it picked up an invader and dropped them down in front of the prison. Jerinoh climbed up its back and gave it a good pat. "Fly me to Droan." The griffin did as it was ordered. They both scouted out the ground below, looking for Jerinoh's second. They finally spotted him as he was roughing down a rat slave. The tall rodent was being forced to the ground while his arms were held behind his back. They touched down as he was straightening the rat and himself up on their feet. The devil landed close and he said, "Droan, have you found who is doing this?" Droan grunted, gripping the rat harder.

"No, Master. We have almost captured the invaders. More are fleeing. We plan to follow the ones that flee."

"Do not bother with it. I'll do it myself."

"Master, please, let us go, so we may make a counter attack, capture more slaves for your kingdom."

"No, I can see who it is. This is for me to deal with on my own. Wait here and be ready. There could be a chance I won't succeed." The rat laughed to himself.

"A chance?" the grey rodent said with a Celtic accent. "You will never overcome him. He is too powerful."

"Hush!" Jerinoh thrashed out a flame across the rat. He stiffened and then went limp, shaking and sweating as desire filled every inch of his being. Droan marveled at his master's power, looking bewildered as he watched the mouse shake violently. The lion thought of wonderfully playful things he could do on the way back to the prison. "Go," Jerinoh commanded. "Keep my servants organized and keep them ready for anything."

"Yes, Master." Droan began to walk away.

"Oh, and by the way." The lion turned his head and stopped briefly. "If Drusilla comes-"

"We will shoo her away with haste, Master. Do not worry we will handle the nuisance." Jerinoh smiled amusingly.

"I wouldn't really mind if you could antagonize her, but it would not make a healthy start for our alliance." The lion was a kind of surprised as if his pants were pulled down in high school.


"Yes, she is our newest ally. Welcome her warmly and make sure she is comfortable. She might be interested in trading for some of these new slaves we have now."

"Y..Yes, Master."

"I mean it, Droan." Jerinoh went serious and gave a stern look to his second.

"Yes, Master," Droan said with more confidence.

Droan walked on towards the prison, the rat shivering now like a weak little rodent. Droan smiled as he held the mouse firmly with one hand and reached around with the other to stroke the bulge underneath his kilt. They would take a while to get back to the prison....

Jerinoh could see the great mass of the Dark City. He flew over the tall buildings. He knew there were slaves to be captured inside all of those buildings. They were constantly dropping down and running for shelter to think everything out, sometimes looking to find answers to where they are and why. Jerinoh had the rare occasion of catching a new comer right on his door step. This day would not have any new slaves except the ones he had captured back at his prison. The other devils will take advantage of Jerinoh's having to lock up his kingdom to defend it. He rode the griffin on. The Dark Road led out of the city and after half a minute out of the city he saw a lone figure standing off the side of the road. Jerinoh pointed and pushed griffin to fly down to land. As they got closer, Jerinoh's suspicions were confirmed. The flying creature touched down on the dark soil of the wastelands. Everywhere outside the Dark City was dark, brown wasteland. Nothing lived outside the Dark City. Jerinoh lifted up and got off his pet. He walked to stand at the side of the highway, looking across to his opponent....looking at his ex-lover.

Julius gave a huff through his large snout.

"So the Great Jerinoh shows his face..." Julius spoke across to him.

"What are you trying to do, Julius? Do you want my kingdom? You will be fighting for quite a while. My slaves know very well how to defend themselves."

"No, my dear, I just did that to draw you out." Jerinoh concentrated on figuring out the situation. "I want you, Jerinoh. You will be my slave, forever." Jerinoh's features slid down to anger.

"You think you can do it, just like that? You're looking at a large scale war."

"Do you really want to involve your slaves in this?" His anger slipped back a little. "I mean, what if you lose a favorite? I heard that you take care and keep up with each and everyone of them. The casualties of war can be so severe. I would rather you fight me here, one on one." Jerinoh went to calm.

"I heard that you treat your slaves without as much care. In fact, I heard your part of hell is probably one of the worst to go to. Last I talked to you, you were a gentle devil." A smug smile splayed onto his lips. "You had to get me to help with them. You didn't have many, but you always had no idea what to do with them." Julius glared at him.

"I've changed since then. I got stronger, much stronger."

"So I've heard...well, I hope you're ready. I heard you were strong, but I am one of the strongest in this hell. Every devil will tell you how foolish a move this is."

"All the devils that have faced me one on one will tell you the same with even greater passion. I wouldn't face you, Jerinoh, if I knew I wouldn't win. You know that better than anyone. You should know me."

"I don't think I know you as well anymore." Julius smiled a little. It wasn't the kind of smile that said 'happy', but more of a cross between humored and pissed.

"Well, let's start the festivities..." Jerinoh nodded to Julius in agreement. Jerinoh started stepping towards Julius slowly. Julius only closed his eyes as his head tilted back, his arms held out at his sides as if calling something from above. Jerinoh's steps became more careful as he watched Julius. He was in the middle of the highway, standing on the yellow line when Julius then reached down and began slipping a large finger into his sheath. It rubbed around his soft, fat member in circles over and over. He breathed in deeply and let out a large snout-full of air. Jerinoh wasn't sure what he was doing, but knew it shouldn't be carelessly over-looked.

Julius smacked his lips open and let out a soft sigh. "Ahhh...." Jerinoh stopped, getting ready. His senses were on alert. His nose picked up something. Then he gasped at the smell. The sudden intake of air made the smell get into his mouth and he fell to his knees overwhelmed. His breathing was fast and it didn't help things. The smell was unbelievable. His nose felt a slight tinge of burning it was so hot. His mouth was watering. His body was packed full of need and desire. His erection was already in his hands being stroked and given the satisfaction it screamed for.

Julius opened his eyes finally. "Do you like that, Jerinoh? It's my musk." Jerinoh shivered constantly, just jacking himself off more and more. It was his musk. The scent was so true, so male. It was pure heat and sex packed into the strongest scent ever. Jerinoh was almost rocking back and forth in his shivering. Julius walked forward, the tip of his member coming out a little and was slowly growing as the sight of Jerinoh pleased the horse more and more.

Julius walked closer and began walking around Jerinoh in circles as he spoke on. "You look so delicious sitting there. I never would have thought I would have done this years ago, but now..." He got on one knee in front of Jerinoh's face, which looked like he couldn't think at all; drool running down the wolf's lips and teeth. "Now there's nothing more I want than to have you on all fours begging me to take you, to give you the relief." The wolf's paw threw up and grasped onto the horse's crotch for dear life. The flame erupted as Jerinoh threw everything he could muster into the ability. He felt Julius shiver and heard him moan, and still the strong scent was always there.

Jerinoh let go, unable to do anything with the strong smell filling him. He lost balance and was about to fall on his side jacking off if Julius didn't kneel down and grab the fur behind his head. "And you will always be begging me for relief. And I will be there. I will be there to give you the hardest fuck you ever had every time." Julius walked around and kept a strong hand on Jerinoh's shoulder. He kneeled back down behind him, his other hand resting on the other shoulder. Jerinoh could feel what was coming and his over bearing lust complied with it all so willingly.

Julius leaned forward to speak softly into Jerinoh's ear. "It will have to be later. I don't want anyone or anything ruining our moment." With that Julius let himself rest back on to his rear, spreading his legs as he started to massage his cock. "For now, I have to keep you like you are. Come here and taste the scent that captivates you so." Jerinoh could barely move as he struggled to turn around. When he finally was facing Julius, he let himself fall forward into the male's lap. His muzzle sniffed over the precum drenched member. His muzzle went over and covered the cock. Jerinoh sucked on Julius' sex, his tongue wrapping around the tip and then slipping in deep. His mouth sucked and licked as if beckoning for his shaft to come out. It did so as it rose, letting Jerinoh lick and suck more, tasting the precum all over it. More cum seeped out of the horse's tip. Jerinoh just sucked down the juice, unable to stop himself or think about anything else except the taste and smell and desire that filled him.

Jerinoh closed his eyes as the wet sounds slipped out from his lips. Julius pet the wolf with a strong hand as he watched, feeling his shaft rise higher and making Jerinoh raise his head to keep sucking at the tip. The wolf's paws caressed it more, trying to gain more to swallow down. Julius watched every gulp, felt every suck from those wonderful and desperate lips. He just watched as the noise of very light feet touching down on the earth behind began to make steps towards him. Julius did not bother turning around as he knew that the plan called for his ally to come to him after he had captured Jerinoh.

Julius rubbed over Jerinoh's head as it sucked down the addicting, warm liquid of his cock. His eyes looked with adoration and his smile spoke of a pleasing accomplishment. The slurping, wet sounds grew a bit louder and tried to block out the conversation between the other two. Julius continued watching and spoke. "Do we really have to go so soon?" The voice that responded held a shadow and was so sly, it could have sneaked away from any conversation.

"Yes, we don't want to take any chances with a devil as strong as him."

"But he's not so strong anymore. He's kind of cute..." Julius gave a scratching behind the wolf's ear.

"Julius..." The crow bent his knees crouch down behind Julius. His feathers began take comforting touches and rubbing over the lean muscled horse. "Please, we need to move before one of his slaves might come and look for him. I can take care of one, but if the whole bunch comes for us, we'll be unable to take so many."

Julius closed his eyes and sighed. "Very well," he began to get up, "come my little wolf." Jerinoh's mouth never left the equine shaft; it was following and sucking along. His eyes were closed, so devoted to one thing and one thing one cock. His hands reached out and held on and caressed for more. Julius stammered and let out a large sigh as seed slipped into Jerinoh's mouth. The eager wolf was rewarded with a long stream into his mouth as the horse shivered. "That was so delightful." Julius hand pet at Jerinoh again.

"I will do my part," the crow said as he walked around and kneeled with one knee behind Jerinoh.

His feathered hands caressed up Jerinoh's chest. The need that was being satisfied was now gone...and yet, still there. He didn't need the cock in front of him anymore, but knew that something was keeping the unbearable desire at bay. Jerinoh shook as he finally was able to let go of the equine cock and rested back into the crow's embrace. "That's right, just rest little wolf," he cooed to Jerinoh. Jerinoh couldn't resist. He had sucked so long, he was so full of the horse cum. He even almost got used to it. He shook again as thoughts of sucking it all day filled what coherent imagination he had left. He just wanted this comfort now. These feathers caressed over his body so nicely. They were as comfortably as pillows. They felt like the softness of cooking flower and cool winds on a sunny spring day. "Come and kiss me wolf and fall to the will of comfort." Jerinoh could lean his head back to his stick his muzzle upward and let the beak take his mouth. A long, bulge of a tongue slipped between his lips. Jerinoh found himself sucking it down as hard as he could.

The crow caressed his feathers over the wolf's body and up to each shoulder. There, they both pressed in hard at the same time as he sucked back at Jerinoh. The pressure point technique sent Jerinoh right into sleep. The hawk picked him up and gave him to Julius. The horse held the wolf in his arms as the crow began lifting from the ground, flapping. Then Julius offered Jerinoh to the claws of the flying creature and the raven was off with Jerinoh. Julius only began running after them after looking around, knowing no one was watching.

His breathing felt normal and comfortable as his eyes were still closed. Jerinoh opened his eyes and focused to realize the situation. He then sat up and started to observe his surroundings. He was inside an old, grey jail cell. It was fit with one basic bed, toilet, sink, and bars. He got up and stretched his limbs a bit and walked around to get the sleep out of his muscles in case they will be needed later. He finally approached the bars and looked out. There were jail cells all around, about two floors, and no guards at all. There were walkways and stairs on every level. "You're awake..." Jerinoh turned his head to the right to see the raven speaking to him.

The black bird lifted off from leaning back against the wall and walked towards the front of the jail cell. He kept his distance from Jerinoh now that he was awake. "It seems I knocked you out for quite a while. You really shouldn't be so easy to beat like that, Jerinoh." The wolf devil only growled at the antagonizing. "Are you ready for your new future?"

"Is it the kind of future that involves me throwing you into the most severe torture chamber I have..." he growled more. The raven only laughed like a high class snob.

"Your new future will be my lover's slave." Jerinoh's face lost its anger and went to emotionless. "We'll have lots of fun with you once you're all broken in..." He reached a feather finger towards the bars, towards the muzzle that only slightly poked between them.

Jerinoh growled a warning at him and he only pulled the feather back slowly. "You should really relax..." The raven blew air at Jerinoh and the wolf devil felt a calming feeling from the cool air.

"The only reason Julius hates me is because you made me late, Hegole." A smile grew across his beak. "I was always trying to figure out why you did it, and now I see why. It was very tricky. He would never see me, never talk to me. I suspect your comforting touch had something to do with that..."

"Hey..." Hegole gave a sigh, letting the air flow over Jerinoh's face. "Someone had to comfort him after you stomped all over his heart. You should have seen him." The raven paced a little to the right as Jerinoh watched. "He practically knew I was up to something, but he came to my arms anyways. After a while, he began to trust me. I never asked anything except if I could give him the comfort I have. He always accepted. After we became a couple, I taught him how to take control of his pets and then he eventually found his great power." Hegole ruffled his feathers and then turned to Jerinoh again. "You like that smell? I bet you went wild when you got the taste in your mouth." Jerinoh looked away, unable to say otherwise. Hegole took in a silent breath and let it out over Jerinoh. He could see the wolf relaxing more and more. Again he inhaled and blew as he took a step forward. Then he did it again. And then again he took a step forward and repeated till he was in arms reach.

The dark bird leaned close and continued blowing into Jerinoh's face. "I have him forever and he has you trapped with him forever. Now...I will make your kingdom into a whole new perch castle, which your slaves will build." He blew another deep breath into Jerinoh's face and his beak was now poking in between the bars. "Feel me," he whispered, shooting a few quick jets of air. Jerinoh's paws reached out a little ways through the bars and started to feel the soothing feathers. His nails dug slightly through them and his canine pads caressed through the overwhelming coolness that those feathers gave off.

Hegole's beak parted just enough to let Jerinoh's muzzle cover it. The raven's tongue caressed and soothed Jerinoh's over and over again. He reached deep into his mouth, and then deeper. It poked and slithered into places that made Jerinoh feel weaker and submit even more. As Jerinoh's jaw was almost completely slack from the overwhelming calm that purged into him, his hands slid down and felt the curvy fluff of the raven's body. Hegole's beak was shaping a smile as he continued his enchanting kiss on Jerinoh's willing form.

Then Hegole stopped dead and a cold chill replaced his warm satisfaction. His body was tight as his crotch was being very tightly and uncomfortably held by a wolf's claws. Jerinoh pulled away and grinned an evil, toothy grin right into his face.

"I would be pretty insulted of how badly you have underestimated me if it didn't just give me my freedom." The bird only stared, fear corrupting and betraying his confident reply.

" can't get out of here, Jerinoh. You don't know the way out and...and...-and Julius will find you." Jerinoh only grinned more.

"I hope he does, then I won't repeat the mistake that you've just made." Suddenly, a flame erupted down between the bird's legs. The crow let out a stuttering moan and went into convulsions. Jerinoh gave a throaty laugh as he increased the energy higher...and higher...and higher....

Jerinoh was running down, passed all the cells in the house. He left the evil crow laying starving for relief and trapped in Jerinoh's old holding place. He was running towards the end of this large jail room, hoping he would know what to do when got there. Everything was just concrete and plain. He looked left and right and only saw that both halls lead to another splitting decision. He sniffed the air for to see if he could smell the outside, but all he could smell was the same smell that filled every area of his own castle. He could smell sex, but maybe he could sniff out some kind of fresh air or maybe a warmer scent of it, heated by the day's sun. He got something that 'felt' familiar.

He went right in search of the familiar feeling. He was trying to think of what it was as he turned around the corner. He was suddenly looking at where he was going as his feet followed the very obvious path his nose laid out for his mind. He was getting dizzy. The paths were winding and now he was going down stairs. Then he tried to think of which ways he had just gone so he could get back to keep from getting lost. His mind was now racing after he opened a door and went down deeper on spiraling stairs. He asked himself why he was going down stairs when he was trying to get outside. He knew the place wasn't more than three stories tall and he knew he had been on the first floor a while ago.

He reached a large, heavy wooden door that had candles lit on mounted holders. His nose was always sniffing at the warm scent. He felt a tight filling in his gut as his paw touched the door handle. He pulled it open and stepped in. The room was a mix of an office setting and leisure. There was a desk and very comfortable looking leather rolling chair in front of the far wall to the side. Then there was a very decorative carpet on the hard wood floor and it surrounded the grey fire place which was now burning and lighting the room. There was also a little coffee table and a large chair facing the fire place. Jerinoh could smell something in this room and felt a cold, deadly chill take hold of him on the inside, but still he couldn't leave.

Jerinoh slowly approached the tall, fluffed chair. As he got close to the side he fell to his knees knowing finally what was happening and he quickly questioned himself. Did he want to be enslaved? He stood on his knees right beside the chair and closed his eyes and listened to the quiet, wet sound coming from beside him. Did he want this? He wanted it so bad. He wanted to be helpless and desperate like he was before. He loved the pleasure of being owned, and there was finally a devil that could really own him. He breathed in deeply, and felt the strong smell take him and make him a willing doll. "Come and sit at my hooves," Julius said as he kept stroking his long shaft. Jerinoh fell till his hands touched ground and he walked on all fours till he kneeled in front of Juilus' hooves like he was told to.

The horse looked adoringly into the empty eyes of Jerinoh. Precum was dribbling from his tip and slowly sliding down like a sweet honey on the trunk of a meaty tree. "Go ahead, Jerinoh. Lap it up, taste me." Jerinoh almost leapt at the little bit. His tongue slid up Julius' shaft, slurping his precum and tasting the sticky flavor that already coated the cock. His wolf lips sucked and his tongue lapped at the long length. Julius' breathing deepened and quickened. "I had a feeling you would have gotten passed that bird..." Julius continued speaking as Jerinoh took the member into his mouth and sucked it down. "He told me he was going to have a little fun with you, so I started letting my musk capture your little nose." Julius reached out and thumbed at the nose that led Jerinoh here.

Julius was feeling himself about to cum all over the wolf. "Enough." Jerinoh did not cease his sucking and slurping and licking. Julius grasped his head and pulled it away. "Enough I said." He threw the wolf's head back and his body fell back limp to the floor. His muzzle gasped for air, his erection bulging out after tasting, smelling, and engulfing the horse's musk. "Get on your hands and knees, pup." Jerinoh just looked at him with the lustful, empty stare. That look turned Julius on even more. "You'll do what I say if you ever want your tongue to touch my dick again." His eyes widened only slightly as if they were very heavy. Jerinoh rolled over on his stomach and dragged himself to do as he was told.

"Now, retrieve your gift I got for you. It's in the right drawer of my desk and has a bow on it." Jerinoh did as he was told. He used his mouth to open the drawer and retrieve and Julius was pleased he didn't have to teach his new pet much. Jerinoh came back with a spiked, shiny silver collar with a red bow attached as Julius had said so. Jerinoh already knew what to do, knew what was happening and still didn't care. He was consumed by this power Julius had. It wasn't just a power he was using over him anymore, it was Jerinoh's addiction. He would do anything to taste that wonderful juice. The smell was always reminding him how much he wanted....needed it.

Julius took the collar from Jerinoh and took the bow off before placing it around the wolf's neck. "There, a suitable item for my new pet. There's just one more thing that needs to be done. I want to be able to call you my bitch." Julius rubbed a finger across the engraved word 'Bitch' on the silver collar. "And I know about that gender shifting power you have." Julius beckoned the 'pup' over to him. He began whispering to Jerinoh. "I want you to put breast on your chest and make your dick into a pussy." Jerinoh's fur stood on end in outrage and in a deep dark pleasure that he was getting off from the forceful action. He was being forced do things he didn't want and that turned him on all the more. "Make yourself a bitch."

Jerinoh's paws grasped his chest and then trembled. His shoulders shortened, his muscles compressing, legs shortened and also compressed muscles. As his body began pulling towards the middle, his breast began filling out. C cups were on his chest and an emptiness in his groin became a burning fire starving for something to fill it. Julius began petting his new 'bitch' as he smiled. "Good little, pup. Now, become my bitch forever. Choose to be my bitch. Tell me you want my cock and spread your legs on that floor so I can take your new cunt." Jerinoh panted, feeling hotter and hotter. She watched the horse cock and felt more and more needful to have it stuffed inside her pussy.

Jerinoh fell onto her back and spread her legs, showing her dripping pussy to Julius.

"Yes..." she said, her voice also feminine as well. Julius moved down on his knees, hovering over Jerinoh.

"Yes what?" Jerinoh threw her head back.

"YES! I'LL BE YOUR BITCH! FUCK ME! FUCK ME PLEASE!" Julius grabbed her sides and slid her over his long cock. She got half way down the member before he began pumping her. She had her first female orgasm on the first thrust and was getting close to her next one after a few more thrusts. She couldn't believe the feeling of having so much cock inside her like this. "MORE!" She screamed him on. He shoved more of his long cock into her as she orgasmed and let her new pussy lips clamp down harder onto his member. She orgasmed again only minutes after. Then again. An hour after that, Julius was now ramming every inch of his shaft into her juiced, wide cunt. Julius panted and then harder and harder.

"AHHHHHH!!" Juilus shouted as his seed exploded inside her and filled her up even more. Her belly was obviously bulging by all that was inside her. She panted hard, harder than she ever had.

He pulled out of her and walked into another room to get cleaned up by a slave that waited in the bathroom. Jerinoh was left lying on the floor, her cunt spilling seed all over the carpet. She moved and began licking it up, cherishing the musk that filled it all. She shook all over. She felt the despair of her choice to succumb to this life, but also felt the warmth of one of the greatest orgasms Jerinoh ever had. She didn't know what to do. She didn't know what she really wanted....