Starfox - Exclusive

Story by Dragon Valor on SoFurry

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#7 of Star Fox

Krystal and the Starfox team have fallen on hard times after driving the Aparoids out of the Lylat system. They have resorted to spacial acrobatics for a cruise line and ultimately conning the cruise line with some help from some old friends! Unfortunately, the teams get a little too close for Krystal's liking and she has decided to seek out some even older friends to help find decent work and an opportunity to fulfill her dreams.



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They had never said they were exclusive. In fact, it was she who had been adamant that they not get attached. It wasn't that she was afraid of commitment. The opposite was true, in point of fact. She wanted someone she could settle down with and raise a family together. In fact, the Cerinian species' future depended on that desire. She was the last, after all. She wanted to continue her people's lineage, have children, and teach them everything she knew about her people. So did Fox.

Just not with her. After the Aparoid incident, the Starfox team had been forced to fall back to remedial tasks, missions with very little risk or reward. More than once they had taken jobs with a local cruise liner company, White Solar Line. It was a simple job. Fly escort and provide protection in the safest part of the Lylat system.

Eventually the White Solar Line captains complained that their customers no longer felt any sort of interest or excitement watching Arwings drift in space or do acrobatics in the void. Their contracts had started dropping faster than Andross's fighter drones in a dogfight.

Well, Falco had just the idea to solve that little dilemma. He got in contact with one of his old friends (though he was adamant that they weren't ever anything more than that) Katt Monroe. After some negotiating between the two starfighter teams, an agreement formed between them.

Their last contract with White Solar Line had played out much as it always did. Boring acrobatics and pointless patrols. Then something happened the cruise liner didn't expect. A group of mercenaries jumped in system and started making all sorts of demands for riches, technology, anything of value. Naturally, they contacted Fox right away, pleading for the Starfox team to provide the support they were being paid for.

What they didn't know, of course, was that the mercenaries were flying on Starfox's bill. After engaging in a spectacular dogfight, the leader of the attacking mercenaries frantically opened a channel. The pink furred feline they all knew rather closely declared a retreat, cursing Starfox and promising a future return.

With that promise came a substantial pay increase on all future escort contracts, of which there were many. Of course, half of it, as per the agreement, went to Katt and her pilots. Everyone was making off like bandits, so to speak. Tensions had begun to get high as their budget got lower before all of this, but with their swelling accounts, everyone had begun to get increasingly relaxed around one another.

Too relaxed. Fox had started to open up to her at last. They made sweet love once a week. Then every other day. Then twice a night. It had gotten to the point that if they weren't in their cockpits, they were using every spare moment to themselves to be together.

It was inevitable that they would get caught. What shocked her more than getting caught was what happened after. She had been riding him vigorously, lost in her lust and desire for kits that he still hadn't given her. His knot had swollen and he filled her belly for the umpteenth time with his hot essence. That was when Falco found them.

Naked, straddling her boyfriend on the shower floor, there wasn't any escape for her. She covered her breast with her hands and opened her mouth to ask their friend for a few more minutes of privacy when Fox said something that she should have known was the beginning of the end.

"Don't just stand there with your beak hanging open," he'd said. "There's still room under her tail!"

Her eyes widened and she stared down at her lover in shock. Her blue fur would have bristled if it weren't soaking wet and stuck to her skin. How could he even say that!? They had never discussed sharing before!

Then Falco was in her. The hot water and her body weak from her intense orgasm had made it so she could offer little resistance. Her tight body widened to admit her wingman and she'd moaned in pain as the pair took her again. Of course, boys being boys, they mistook those sounds for the gasps and cries of pleasure. The only relief that evening was the soothing heat washing over her abused tunnel.

She forgave him, of course. She loved Fox too much. It was a one off. It had to be. She told him she never wanted to be shared again, and he agreed. She thought that would be the end of it.

It wasn't of course. After one of their increasingly famous escort missions, the Starfox team was having a celebratory dinner with their 'rival' mercenary pals. Food, alcohol, music, it was a grand ol' time for everyone involved! Krystal couldn't remember having so much fun in her life! Until she lost track of Fox. Her wine-addled brain couldn't feel him, or much of anything for that matter, so she fumbled about the Great Fox looking for a quarter of an hour before she found him.

He wasn't the only one to have disappeared, she discovered. One of Katt's pilots, one Fara Phoenix, had gone missing too and by no merry mistake, she was sure, the fennec had found he way into Fox's bed. With Fox.

They never even noticed her standing in the doorway or heard her choked sobs as she watched Fox knot the woman and confess his love for her as he filled her belly.

She left without a word. Of course, she left a note for Fox, but she never stayed to see or called back to check if he ever got it. She wanted nothing to do with Starfox from that moment forward. But there was so little work for a pilot in Lylat anymore. The Cornerian Army was not exactly a choice assignment. She didn't want to be a number in a squadron. She preferred something much more comfortable and intimate. A smaller team where everyone was on a first name basis.

The options for that were slim, of course. In fact, there was only one she knew of that garnered reliable work. Thus, she found her way to Star Wolf. She begrudgingly asked for a spot on the team, thinking them all a bunch of petty criminals. To her surprise, Wolf O'Donnell had explained that it was never personal. It was just business. They would have gladly fought with the Cornerians against Andross, or earlier in the Aparoid war, for that matter. But Andross paid much better and their service to him had given the team a bad reputation, as it were.

Little by little, she warmed up to the idea of being a pilot of a Wolfen under Wolf O'Donnell. More than that, she had begun to soften her defenses against Panther's advances. To say they became a couple was an overstatement, of course. After all, they never said they were exclusive.

Her desire to have a child and continue the Cerinian line won out over her desire to keep herself unattached and she eventually relented. She was pleasantly surprised, of course. After having Fox to herself for so long, she'd gotten used to the smooth, hot length pushing in and out of her, ending in that incredible knot stretching her so only a dribble of his seed could escape. But Panther... Well, he was huge, compared to Fox!

And the barbs! She screamed the first time he dragged those barbs along her sensitive flesh and experienced the most intense orgasm she could remember ever having in her life! She screamed so loud, in fact, that Wolf and Leon had burst in, blasters raised in fear Panther was hurting her. Seeing her in a quivering mess clutching at Panther's naked body quelled their fears, however. It was something she never did live down. Having such an intense orgasm on just the first thrust? She was the butt of their jokes for over a year.

Then it finally happened. She missed her period. She was so happy but what came as a shock was how happy Panther was to be a father. They made love for the whole of a night when she told him the news. Hand holding had become a thing for a solid week after and Panther would actually cuddle with her in front of the rest of the team, as openly as shaking her hand!

She had begun to get lulled into a relationship she had never intended. They never said they were exclusive and yet...

There she was, standing in the doorway with a broken heart all over again. Panther and Katt didn't even notice she was there. They couldn't hear her soft whimper over the sound of their hips slapping together or their yowls of orgasmic pleasure mingling in the empty air above the rocking bed. They never said they were exclusive, she reminded herself as she turned on her heel and slowly made her way down the hall.

"Why the long face, pup?" Wolf's voice drew her attention away from her self-loathing and attempts to convince herself this didn't feel horrible.

He was leaning against the corner where her hallway and another intersected, quirking his brow over his one good eye at her with that same smug smirk he always wore.

"Oh, um..." She looked over her shoulder and idly rested a hand against the surface of her exposed swollen midriff. "I didn't know we were having company."

His whole demeanor softened, something she never thought she would see in her team captain. "Oh. Yeah. That. Old fling. Her team was testing our borders and I sent Panther out to scare them off. Turns out they knew each other."

"Yeah," she said, forcing a smile onto her lips. "I saw."

He hummed slowly and reached out, wrapping her up in an unexpectedly gentle embrace. "I'm sorry you had to find out this way, pup. But you did go out of your way to make sure Leon and I knew you two weren't an item, you know. You say it enough times, then everyone starts to believe it. Even him."

He chuckled and the pain rose slightly in her chest. Her eyes welled as she rested the side of her face against Wolf's board chest.

"Let's face it though: it is Panther we're talking about here. I think we both know he doesn't know what love is. Love to him is vocal consent to plough himself into a moist hole."

He was right, wasn't he? Panther wasn't a lover. He was a lustful creature whose thoughts consisted almost totally of flying, eating, and fucking. It didn't matter what he was fucking. Her, Katt, hell she was pretty sure he'd fuck Fara Phoenix if that bitch ever came to Sargasso. Which apparently she did. Krystal started to wonder inwardly if she might have stuck around in the doorway for a moment more, would she have seen Fara emerge from the fresher to rejoin the two cats in bed?

"Yeah," she said again then smiled up at her new team captain. "You're right. I'm... I guess I was being a little childish, wasn't I? Thinking that just because I've got his kit in my belly that I was going to have a happily ever after."

Wolf smirked, turning to lead her down the corridor. "No, not really. Listen, pup: we can all have our fairy tale lives if we want. When I was growing up, I used to love holos of dashing rogues and brave adventurers. Now look at me. I have my own space station, a merry band of misfits to fly the Lylat system and pick fights with. I have my whole dream come true all around me. And you?"

His hand pressed against the soft white fur of her belly with a surprising gentleness that Krystal was sure she would never get used to coming from him. She had the urge to brush his hand away, but right now the closeness was exactly what she needed. And Wolf always did have a way of telling the world how it is in a way that made things more bearable.

"You've got your dream come true right here, don't you? The next line of Cerinian lineage growing right here. You may not have a husband or some little cottage on some backwater planet like you wanted, but you have us and we're better than any family you could ever find. Well..." He chortled and shook his head. "Except for Panther of course, but you'll never find a more loyal wingman in all of Lylat."

Her heart warmed and she nodded, leaning against the big lupine as they walked. "You're right. Of course. When I have you, who needs Panther or..."

"Or Fox Mcloud?" her team leader finished. "Forget about him. He was an immature child. If he couldn't see what he had in front of him, then it was his loss, not yours. You've moved up in the world!"

She nodded at that, humming thoughtfully. She did, didn't she? She had more money than she knew what to do with, a whole spacestation to essentially call her own. And friends who genuinely cared about her enough to pull a gun on one of their own to protect!

"Thanks, Wolf," she said, breathing a soft sigh. "I needed that." Before she realized what she was doing, she felt herself leaning up to give him a kiss on the cheek, an affection she never gave anyone but the man she was sleeping with. Or dating, though that had been a one-off really.

"Don't sweat it. Now how about a glass of Zoness Firewhiskey?" he asked. "Or are you going to crack that last bottle of Saurian wine you've been saving?"

She smirked and lightly slugged him in the arm. "Fruit juice, thank you very much! You know I cant drink!"

Wolf rolled his eye and smirked smugly down at her. "Cant blame a guy for trying to get a beautiful woman drunk, can you?"

She knew he was teasing, but something perked deep inside. It wasn't vengeful, per se, but an affirmation of what she had been trying to persuade herself of. She glanced over her shoulder as the desire took a firmer hold on her. They never said they were exclusive.

"Wolf O'Donnell, you don't need to get me drunk to have a good time with me!"

"I know that, but I always wonder how much better it might be if you-..." She could almost feel his heart fluttering through her telepathic link as if it were her own. She gently took his hand and slid it up along the soft fur of her belly and under the tight tank straining against her laden breast. He resisted at first, but with her urging, she felt him slowly begin cupping her heavy mass against his palm. The sultry look she hoped she was giving him helped, she was sure.

"You sure about this, pup?" he asked, the genuine concern in his voice ringing in her ears like a Sunday bell.

"Yes, I need to know I'm still desirable," she heard herself say. The realization that she had begun to feel like there was something wrong with her weighed on her like a ton of smart bombs. After all, she'd been rejected by two men she'd thought she had a real connection to. A part of her just needed to know that it was them, not her.

"Of course you are, pup. Hell, I've had the hots for you since the first time we crossed paths. But I have enough respect not to try to muscle my way into a relationship."

Not like Katt and her team. Krystal glanced over her shoulder back the way they had come and stopped. She took a deep breath then hooked her fingertips beneath the tight fabric hugging her swollen body. She pulled the tank up over her head and dropped it to the floor, leaving her torso bare to her team leader.

"Well here's your chance," she said, lifting her hands unconsciously to cover her exposed breast. She realized how silly that was, considering she just propositioned the man, then started to smooth the fur along her laden curves and gently heft their weight enticingly in an impromptu show, like that had been her intention all along. "I think you need this just as much as I do."

"It has been a while," Wolf admitted as he stepped forward and wrapped her in his strong arms. His lips pressed against hers and his tongue invaded her muzzle, exploring and caressing her own for several moments. "Too long," he said breathlessly when their muzzles parted.

She sighed pleasantly and took his hands. Without another word, she tugged him through the nearest door and thanked whatever power in the universe had been watching. Within was an old forgotten bunk room once used by one of Wolf's hired thugs. After the war, they had all been driven off the station, leaving plenty of empty space like this one.

As the door hissed closed behind them, Krystal dropped to her knees and made short work of Wolf's buckle. She practically tore at his pants as she ripped them down his thighs, exposing the grey fur rippling with the subtle movements of his powerful muscles beneath. And much more.

His sheathe was huge! His sheathe alone was the size of Fox's package! And his balls, he wasn't kidding when he said it had been a long time. They were enormous! The size of her fists! She reached out, cupping the full orbs against her palm while the other hand caressed the soft, downy fur of his sheathe.

"Hey, slow down," Wolf urged as Krystal felt his fingers snake through her blue hair between her ears. "There's no need to rush!"

She didn't listen. As soon as his bright red tip emerged, she leaned forward and closed her lips around the hot meat. His musky taste filled her muzzle instantly and she swirled her tongue around his scalding member, lapping at every inch of the delicious wolf meat as it emerged and pushed deeper and deeper into her mouth.

His tip pressed against the back of her throat and there was still more coming out of that incredible sheathe! She moaned against him and started to gently bob her head up and down his tool, keeping a tight seal with her lips. She stroked him with her nimble tongue from his oozing tip all the way down as far as she could manage before he prodded at the back of her throat again.

Above her, she heard Wolf moan gently and his hips started to ever so gently thrust against her bobbing head. Then she felt it: his unswollen knot emerged from his sheathe and the thing finally stopped growing! She curled her digits around him and gave a bit of a start. She couldn't touch the tips of her claws on her thumb or finger together! Wolf was fucking huge!

She was too committed. She promised herself she was going to take him. All of him. Just to prove a point, she took one last deep breath and plunged downward. As the tip of his length prodded her throat again, she relaxed her muscles and tilted her head upward slightly. She'd done this once or twice with Panther, but this was going to be a true test of her skills, she knew.

Slowly, she felt Wolf pushing down her gullet deeper and deeper. She lifted her free hand away from his ample balls to feel her throat as it expanded obscenely around the invading cock. Her eyes widened when she felt his tip disappear below her collarbone. How much more of him was there!?

Thankfully, not much. A few more inches and one big swallow later, her nose pressed against the musky fur of his groin. She turned her eyes upward at him, urging her brain not to panic from the lack of air. Wolf was just staring at her, both of his hands curled around her ears like handlebars.

She could see the struggle in his eyes. Well, his eye. She could feel the urge, the need to let loose all of his pent up frustrations after a years long dry spell. Part of her was terrified that dam would break and after, he would break her. Another part, the same part that needed to feel wanted, gave a small nod.

That was it. She could see it in his eye. The dam ruptured and the river had been let loose. She only had the briefest moment to take a breath as his hips withdrew and his cock slid out of her airway. A half a breath later, her throat was expanding round him again.

His hands kept a firm hold of her ears and pushed and pulled on her head, moving her against his every thrust into her. She was careful of her teeth, but her tongue was another matter. She lapped at every inch of his length as pest as she could as he used her like a cock sleeve. Her nose bumped roughly against his groin every time he thrust himself into her.

With each passing moment, she became less concerned with pleasing him and more worried about how she was going to keep breathing. Every thrust afforded her less and less oxygen as his pace increased.

Darkness ate at the corners of her vision and she pressed her hands against his thighs. Was she going to die like this, suffocating with Wolf's cock plunging down her throat? Or would she drown? She could see, albeit briefly, his knot beginning to swell. No, she didn't want that! Not that she was afraid of drowning. She did in fact want to taste Wolf's cum but not right now.

She pushed firmly against his hips and gave him a few quick taps to get his attention. His grip on her loosened and she pulled herself off of him with a desperate gasp for breath.

Her heavy body slumped as she fell onto her hands and knees. She sucked in every deep gulp of air like she'd just been in hard vacuum without and EV suit. Finally, when the world stopped spinning and her lungs no longer burned, she pushed herself up straight and looked up at him. "Not in my mouth," she said, pulling herself to her feet. "Not in my mouth..."

Wolf stared at her with puzzlement written all over his face. He seemed to realize what she meant when she pushed her pants down to her ankles, though.

Stepping out of the fabric and kicking her sandals away, Krystal waddled to the cot and lowered her gravid body onto the none-too-soft blankets there. She stared at him for a moment then spread her legs wide, showing him her dripping slit and the matted fur on the inside of her thighs.

"I know it won't do any good right now," she apologized, "but I want you to cum in me anyway."

Wolf stared at her for a moment then shucked the rest of his black and red flight suit. Krystal had never seen anybody undress so fast! He approached her and started to descend onto his knees between her legs and her heart leapt.

"No!" she said maybe a little too desperately. "There'll be plenty of time for that later!" She pulled him upward over her round belly and kissed him with a desperate lust. As they kissed, she reached between them and curled her fingers around his impressive length. Before she could think better of it, she guided him into her tight, dripping slit.

Wolf groaned against her and rocked his hips forward quickly, burying half of his length inside of her before his body tensed.

Panic filled her heart. Was he backing out? Was he having second thoughts because she'd been with Fox and Panther, or because she was carrying Panther's kit? She stared up into his eye, hers full of worry. He wasn't staring back though. He was staring down at her belly with an unspoken question.

She would have none of that. Krystal wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him in deeper. "You aren't going to hurt him," she promised. "Just fuck me, Wolf. I wont let you do anything to hurt them."

"You sure, pup?" the big lupine asked. If she didn't know any better, Krystal might have thought she heard worry in his voice, for the first time ever!

"I'm sure. It's been a long time, right?"

His hips gave an involuntary jerk. Not a huge movement, but enough for Krystal to know he was desperately trying to rebuild the damn beneath the river's rapids.

"Go ahead, Wolf. Let loose."

"Are you su-..."

"FUCK ME, WOLF!" she yelled, squeezing her legs tightly around him, pulling the entirety of his length into her. She gasped and arched her back as her body stretched out farther than it had in all of her life. She felt so utterly full, none more so than when she felt his unswollen knot push past her straining outer lips and his tip seat itself against her womb.

A deep moan rolled from her lips and Wolf's hands squeezed her sensitive breasts. She arched more, pushing the laden swells against his palms. He was trying to rebuild a damn, but she had just thrown a stick of dynamite into the construction zone.

Despite her tight hold on him, Wolf withdrew himself as if she hadn't been trying to hold him deep inside. His hot length slid free of her body and she was left feeling empty and as though he had taken a part of her out with him.

A moment later, his monolithic rod plunged into her again, filling every crevice once more. She cried out and her body rippled with pleasure. Her muscles fluttered, giving a futile attempt to squeeze his length as he withdrew again.

Their hips slapped together rhythmically and Krystal felt her weight being rocked forward with every powerful thrust. She gasped and moaned every time his hot flesh rubbed along her abused, sensitive tunnel. A whimper escaped her lips every time their hips collided and his cock knocked insistently on the entrance of her womb.

She clutched at him, holding on for dear life as he took her harder and faster than anyone ever had before. It was almost animalistic, she thought as his feral movements wrung every drop of pleasure from her body. He was a man possessed, trying desperately to claim her, make her his and somehow change the child within into his own.

In truth, Krystal had never felt more wanted in her life. Not even making love with Fox had felt this visceral. Then, it had been two people who cared for one another enough to become intimate because it felt good and was almost expected of them. This was completely different.

She could feel it, in body and in mind. Wolf desperately wanted her and he was doing everything in that moment to take what he wanted. Every year of longing had boiled to the surface and was overflowing. Not longing for a warm hole to fill up, she could innately feel in his mind. It was a longing for her. Forever the forbidden fruit, the beauty that belonged to Fox, his nemesis. Then Panther, his wingman.

Now she was his and he was making damn well sure she knew it as his knot continued swelling again, this time deep inside of her where it belonged. His primal desire for her as his knot tied the two of them together pushed her over the edge. Her belly fluttered and pleasure erupted outward from there.

It intensified a hundred fold as she felt his heat rush into her. His knot was too large. Unlike Fox's, Wolf's knot stretched her to her absolute limit, creating a seal through which his seed could not escape. Her tunnel, similarly stretched to capacity, couldn't contain the torrent of hot cum rushing into her and she felt a dam deep inside of her give way.

She dug her claws into his back and held on tight as his molten cum flooded her occupied womb. She arched her back almost violently off the cot and cried out as a tidal wave of ecstasy overwhelmed her. Her hips bucked uselessly against his as they shared an intense bliss that seemed to last forever on that forgotten cot.

Moaning exhaustedly, Krystal felt the world shift and turn. Her weight rolled over and Wolf's warm embrace enveloped her. She quivered and quaked in his embrace as they laid there on that cot, tied together and stuck. But there was no place she would rather be at that moment.

With what little strength remained, she tucked her head up under Wolf's chin, muttering something unintelligible as she felt his hands caress the swell of her belly. Her eyes closed and she smiled inwardly. They had never said they were exclusive. Neither of her previous lover did. And for once in her life, she was happy they didn't.