Clear Skies [Commission]

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Here's a direct sequel to Through The Storm , showing what happens the day after the otter Nix takes his little brother Kal's virginity ;o Kal's gotten a little more forward in his own displays of affection, and maybe even takes things over for himself by the end of the night.

I've actually had this one done for a while (like, two weeks or so) but was waiting on the client to finish his payment & check over it to see if it's OK. Had a lot of fun with this one! Usually I say no to doing stories with underage characters, but I love these two too much.

Enjoy. ;3

Breathless, shuddering memories, so rich and fresh in the otter's mind from the previous night, rippling all through his mind like the warm water of the shower on his fur to wash away the chlorine... so many things had just gone right, to the point where he actually found himself wondering throughout the first hour or so here at the pool if it had all been a dream. It wouldn't surprise him, really: what happened last night was very much along the same lines as what he tended to dream of most, and just like in those dreams, he woke up with this satisfied warmth in his lower abdomen and this annoying stickiness in his fur...

...but, unlike when it _was_just a dream, this time he woke up with the subject of that dream snoozing into his neck, one arm thrown across his chest and a leg lifted up on top of him. Light drumming of rain on the bedroom windows as an echo of the previous night's storm, then, beneath the piercing drone of his phone alarm that stirred both him and his "partner" - such an odd way to put it - awake, for the two of them to get dressed and make their way to the nearby public pool.

After all, it just wouldn't do if Mom woke up early enough to see the two of them like that. That wasn't the kind of thing that brothers "should" be doing.

He ran his claws through the fur of his chest as he stood there, eyes closed against the spraying stream of water... and remembered how he'd felt his little brother's claws do this same thing to him just last night, as they were settling in to sleep. So many years of attraction, and wondering, and nervousness, and of course sexual frustration... Nix, older brother, had felt this way about him for about as long as he could remember being able to feel attraction. There was nothing he could do about that, and by natural nerves and reluctance kept him from ever acting on it further than indulging himself deeper and deeper into fantasies, and maybe thinking of Kal, younger brother, whenever he found himself in that sort of position with someone else.

A quick glance to his right, towards the section of the showers directly beside him - and there was that same slim, sleek nude body that he'd gone down on last night, the same otter he'd pounded down into the mattress for Kal's first time. If it hadn't been for the drumming rain and the thunder, the younger otter's moans very well might have awoken their parents in the next room.

Hell - just thinking back to it was enough to get Nix a little stiff again. Now that that barrier between the two had been quite thoroughly broken down, he felt no shame about running his paws down between his legs, cupping his sack, giving the base of his length a good squeeze, all the while half-turned to face his brother and show off to him a little bit. Kal very clearly appreciated it, and appeared to have had the same sort of thought in mind already: those green eyes of his flicked around Nix's body towards the entrance to the showers, probably to make sure nobody was coming, and then he stepped forward into his brother's space...

...and settled his paws on Nix's hips, dug his fingers into his thick, wet fur, pressed his claws in and started to bring them around to his front. The younger brother said something to him, but Nix couldn't quite hear it over the rush of the showers. They'd gotten to the pool pretty damn early on this Saturday morning, but - with the time that had passed since then, Nix couldn't help but feel a twinge of nervousness about being caught, keeping his gaze over on that same side of the room while those paws worked at the little knots in his pubic fur, pressed up into his groin, felt and squeezed his shaft and sack. Last night had been all about Kal, with no time for him to 'get to know' Nix as his brother had him. That curiosity was only natural, after all.

Nix leaned into the attention, pressed his hips forward into those paws, curled his rudder partially around one of his little brother's legs... but, just as those paws had started on him did they stop, Kal returning them to the older brother's hips. His eyes, rimmed with blue-grey along the interiors, yet again glanced over to the shower room entrance.

He cleared his throat and raised his voice a little bit. "Nix, I don't think we should... I mean, I _want_to, but... I don't think..."

"Oh, come on..."

Those eyes of his lit up as Nix took his wrist in a paw and guided it back to his length, fully hard as it had been since around when the two first undressed to shower. God - it'd been hard for him to not bend his little brother over one of the benches into the locker room, hike his tail up into the air, and bury his muzzle beneath the base of that rudder. Last night had left Kal's scent on his upper lip all through to morning, and after spending a couple hours in the water, he couldn't really be blamed for wanting to refresh that scent.

He rested his other paw on the smaller otter's hip and tugged him forward a little bit, so that their chests bumped together and Nix had to tilt his head down. Kal would doubtless get bigger, in a few different senses of the word; after all, he _was_just fourteen.

"I know you've pawed off before, and g-"

Ears perked, eyebrows raised, tail flicked. Kal took a half-step back. "You do? Gosh, was I too loud, or..."

"No! No, Kal, every_guy does... I just wanna say, it's not so different when it's another guy, and... _damn, does it feel good..." Also, this being the same young otter that had dominated his fantasies for several years, Nix had no doubt it wouldn't take too long. Of course this had been something he'd thought of before: Kal's arm tight around him while he thrust up into the younger otter's paw, teeth against his neck and breath in his fur, that paw swiftly moving and bringing him to his peak- "So, c'mon - do it for your big brother." Then, a flash of a grin. "You know I'll return the favor."

Even though quiet hesitation crawled across Kal's muzzle, he did not remove his paw from his brother's cock. Slowly, he shifted his other forward, to again cup those balls in his palm, gently squeezing and rolling them over his fingers... unless there were a few times that Nix didn't know about, Kal hadn't yet had the opportunity to explore someone else's body like this.

"E-even..." Kal swallowed. It looked as if he were debating whether to drop to his knees and get a taste of his brother, but nervousness kept him in place. Nix traced his paw up to the younger otter's shoulder in an attempt to ease that hesitation. "Even though Mom and Dad are gonna be home?"

"We can figure something out... besides, tomorrow's Sunday, we don't have school..." Nix lifted Kal's chin with a finger, both of their fur soaked through with pool and shower water. It would take a while for all of this to dry. " what've we got against staying up late, right? Won't be any different from last summer. Could put a video game on, turn the volume down real low so we can hear... and if Mom or Dad wakes us up in the morning, we could just say we fell asleep playing again."

Kal licked his lips, and swallowed again. "Yeah. Yeah, I guess so... we c-"

-but, outside the showers came the sound of a slamming locker door, causing both of them to bolt upright and untwine from one another, backs directed towards the entrance so that whoever that was wouldn't catch sight of their... distractions. What an annoyance. After last night, then getting here early so they could swim together, and then sliding into the showers in hopes of being able to get a little something else in. Maybe they could get their parents to leave for the store or something later today, and then could use that time to themselves...

Two days ago, Nix wouldn't have put any thought into any of this. Two days ago, the thought of ever being like how he now was with his brother was - well, just another fantasy. If it hadn't been for last night's storm, a bit of guilty arousal, and the assumption that Kal had already fallen asleep, the two of them wouldn't be where they were now.

Well, they _might_be. Just not with the lingering excitement of Kal's touch still radiating through Nix's lower abdomen.

With this prospect suddenly yanked away from between them - the older brother glanced over his shoulder and saw a tallish wolf over on the other side of the showers - the desire to hang around also slid away, and Nix quickly finished up getting clean with his brother soon to follow. Since the two had shared a locker since their parents first got them a membership here (Nix used to be on the school swim team and needed somewhere to practice, as well as to teach his brother how to swim once he became old enough), there was a tense half-minute while the two brothers, dripping wet and totally naked, sat next to one another on the benches while getting their things out. Of course Nix couldn't keep his eyes off his brother, and thus didn't really notice that he'd ended up getting himself hard again, right there for anyone walking by to see.

And the hours they'd spent in the pool meant that more people would be arriving.

Not bothering to wait around for their fur to dry, the brothers just slid back into their still somewhat-wet swim trunks (oh God that's cold, Kal had said) and started on their way home, walking perhaps a little closer to one another than they used to. Thing was, they really had nothing to say: nothing had _changed_between the two of them other than this new step in their relationship. They were still just brothers.

...Well, that 'step in their relationship' should be more like a step when taking three or four stairs at a time. Nix hadn't honestly been expecting it, and was still struggling to find his footing afterwards. Not necessarily in a bad way, though; it just meant that, now, he could act on his little urges and fantasies whenever his brother did something cute, or sweet, or - as he had a way of doing - damn hot, without even knowing. So long as Mom and Dad weren't around, of course.

Speaking of, their parents had just finished breakfast by the time the two walked back through the front door, and - then, it was just a normal Saturday like any and every other. Mom asked how the water was, what their plans for the weekend were, how Nix's grades were holding up (you have that history test coming up Tuesday, don't you?; "yes, Mom, I was gonna study for that today"), whether Kal had decided yet whether he wanted to start down the road to eventually make it into either calculus or statistics... had the two not shared what they had just the previous night, Nix would pay no special attention to the little looks that he gave him.

Just a regular Saturday, where Mom made a quiche with the bellpeppers that the neighbors grew and Dad chuckled over the morning comics. As if Nix hadn't taken his little brother's virginity just the previous night. If all went well, that wouldn't be something that their parents ever learned about; after all, they still showed no sign of knowing that Nix had ever lost his, or that he pursued an active interest in other guys as well... there had been that time when he came home after seeing a movie with a guy, still able to taste his cum in the back of his throat. Since then, though, Nix had just never encountered both the opportunity and confidence to act on his desires again until last night with Kal.

That had been something that had taken its time to build up, but once it started, it certainly never relented. Of course Nix had been reluctant to indulge in those thoughts and fantasies at first, but as time went on (and as he earned more experience with sexual matters) he found them to become more and more irresistible... and last night had verified what he'd thought. Those few other times, he'd come out disappointed, and on at least one occasion had to close his eyes and pretend it was his brother's muzzle diving down on his length, or the tight, moist heat of Kal's rump settling back onto him - and then last night had blown all of that out of the water, so to say.

Hell, just thinking about it was enough to cause an uncomfortable stirring in his swim trunks, and prolonged his stay at the table for a good four or five minutes while he waited for it to go down. Kal gave him one of his goddamn charismatic smiles on his way out of the kitchen and to his room. It took just about everything Nix had to keep himself from following him in there and closing the door behind them.

Instead, though, he made his way back to his own room, exactly how he had left it when Kal came to wake him up during the storm last night. Poor kid was still terrified of thunderstorms, and yesterday's had been particularly bad - to the point where he had to come to get his big brother to keep him company. Not that Nix was complaining, of course. The covers of his bed remained thrown back, the closet doors open, the top drawer of the dresser half-pulled out when he'd come back earlier this morning for his trunks.

He did have homework to do, and he really did have to study, but... after about twenty minutes of sitting at his desk and reading over the same three paragraphs of his textbook, it was clear he wouldn't be getting any progress. Claws drummed along the bottom of the pages, his rudder curled around the leg of his chair, his ears and whiskers flicked back, his mind swam... swam just like he'd watched Kal do earlier today.

No getting around it: the younger otter had come far with that, and he really would do well on the swim team. That just wasn't his thing, though; Dad had already yelled at him at least once for that, which led to the first night where Nix almost acted on his desires. That time had just seemed to be in bad taste, though, so he stopped with his arms around his crying brother instead of nuzzling into his neck and pushing him down onto his back.

But, of course he ended up fantasizing about that later in the night, once he'd made sure that Kal was okay - kid didn't really take well to being yelled at. Made sense, with how soft-spoken he could be. Though, Nix had noticed that Kal seemed to be opening up more around him, especially on their little expeditions out to the pool... those used to happen maybe twice a semester, but today's would mark the fourth time in the past month or so. Kal had gone from "I don't feel like it, sorry" to "oh, yeah, sure! I'd love to!" and Nix loved that.

Needless to say, he loved a lot of things about that little damn otter. He dropped his chin into his palm and breathed out a sigh, eyes settling on the digital clock on the upper shelf of his desk. Over breakfast he'd asked if Mom and Dad any plans for the day, since sometimes they went to the gym or saw a movie or went shopping or something, but they'd said no. So if he and Kal wanted to do something more, they'd have to wait until their parents went to bed. Nix was still in driver's ed: it's not like he had a car of his own to drive off and fuck in. Though that was also something he'd fantasized of before.

So they couldn't do it at home. That was out of the question. T-t-t-tap of his claws against the stacked pages of his history book, again and again, mind wandering to where it always went when he had nothing else to fill it. Maybe he could wait until Mom and Dad took their routine Saturday afternoon nap, and then bring Kal in here to help him with the younger brother's homework - and then slip under the desk and help him out.

Or maybe they could go on a walk to the park about twenty minutes away, the park with the rather expansive forested area. Nix had been there once or twice before for different reasons: the clear path cut its way through the woods and looped around back to the main area, but along the way if you kept an eye out, you could find more than a few good opportunities to leave that main path and make your way through the trees. And to put it simply, the idea of sneaking off there to have some sexual fun... well, that wasn't an idea that originated in Nix's head.

Could ask about he and his brother staying the night at a friend's house, but that would be arguably riskier than doing something here. They could just try to be extra-quiet, but... tonight Nix wanted something else from his brother, something other than the taste of his musk on his tongue and the tight, squeezing moisture of his rump on his cock. He wanted to turn things around a bit, and after so long spent in anticipation and expectation...

Suddenly, his ears perked, and one of his claws pricked a hole in the topmost page. As he also knew from experience, the way the public pool worked, there was no strict closing time at which all the patrons had to leave - or, there was, but that was just the time at which the doors locked, all throughout the facility. And they only locked from the outside: to prevent someone from getting locked in overnight, if they just happened to maybe take a little too long in the shower or locker rooms, the doors remained available to be opened from inside. That happened at about 9:30 PM, with someone to come by shortly after to be sure that the main doors had, in fact, locked. But they didn't actually go _into_the rooms.

So if he and Kal decided to run by the pool one more time to tonight, and ended up staying past the closing hours - so long as they'd gone to shower by 9:30...

Yet again, his gaze drifted to the digital clock. That was a long time away: it hadn't even struck noon yet.

And at two or three separate times along the way, Nix had to stop himself from running his paws down between his legs and undoing his fly to relieve the lingering excitement, only growing as the hour approached. With this one goal in mind, at least he _did_make good progress on his studying and homework, just trying to give himself something to do to pass the time. Mom brought up a snack for him, then came up again some time later to let him know that lunch was ready... and he and Kal sat side-by-side on the living room couch, legs touching and tailtips flicking across one another at their feet while they ate, and watched whatever sports game Dad had put on.

Then on their way back down the hall, Nix took Kal off to the side and told him his idea (and of course took the opportunity to set his teeth against his neck, plant a string of kisses up along his jawline to his lips, slide his paw beneath the waistbands of his pants and underwear), to which the younger otter, predictably, had no complaint. After what felt like another expanse of much-too-long, dinner came and went... and then the two announced their desire to go by the pool again.

At first, Mom expressed some concern at it being dark out, and what if something happens when you're on your way back, and you two better bring along your phones so I can call you, and then Dad's weren't you just there this morning? Why are you wanting to go again? and then, a few seconds later, Did you change your mind about the swim team thing? There's still time to sign up for next semester, Kal, I made sure to check... so that was a conversation that took a good ten minutes to get out of, and only ended with Nix tugging his brother out the front door, change of clothes shoved into a bag underneath his arm.

Last night's events had left the salty, musky scent of sex and arousal hovering around Kal's room and especially right along the covers of his bed. They made sure to open the window before they left this morning, to exchange that with the cool scent of morning rain.

Tonight, giddy excitement pulsed through Nix's veins, and when he intertwined his paw with Kal's on the way there, he could feel the same in his brother. It'd be a little bit after eight when they arrived, which gave them some good time to do a few laps and actually get some exercise and practice in before they made their way to the showers. However, this time Nix decided to be a little more hands-on in correcting his brother's form while swimming, with one paw down on his lower back near the base of his tail and the other lifting up underneath his belly, along his waist, his inner thigh...

Actually, Nix hadn't yet pawed off while in the pool before. Would that... was that trashy? Chlorinated water probably wouldn't make for very good lube. It could wait.

He couldn't, though, and neither could Kal. After a while, the two of them just retreated to the shallows, paddling around and keeping their ears perked for the - ding, ding of the PA, followed by "Attention: the pool will be closing in ten minutes". That would be their cue to go start their shower. By now of course most of the other patrons had filtered out and left, save for the pantheress who had fallen asleep on one of the benches near the locker rooms and the mother who seemed to be trying to teach her kid to walk.

Nix nudged his brother as they passed by and murmured - "look, what is she doing? Floor's slippery; why's she...?" and Kal gave a little chuckle, but nothing more. He had something else on his mind.

So Nix coughed into his paw and continued on alongside him, holding the door open for him to the hall that led to the locker rooms and showers. As they'd expected and hoped, it was empty, an eerie half-shadow settled over the room due to some of the overhead lights having been turned off in preparation for closing. Only then did the thought cross Nix's mind: hopefully the lights didn't turn off automatically, too. That might cause some problems.

He glanced over at Kal as the two of them settled back on the bench near their locker, both otters still sopping wet, dripping onto the floor. The younger brother was the one to lean over to open the locker, on the lowest row; Nix settled his paw against Kal's lower back, but drew it back when he jumped at the contact. His tail flicked around behind him.

"You... are you doing alright, Kal? You know, we don't - have to-"

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay."

One towel, another towel. Instead of handing one to his brother, though, Kal just dropped them to the floor in front of him... and remained half-leaned over, even after closing the locker. His small teacup ears splayed out, his whiskers twitched - and then suddenly he was on his knees on those towels, shifting around so that he faced his older brother. This time it was Nix's turn to jump: he hadn't been expecting the touch of gentle fingers on his thighs, blunted claws pricking at his lower belly to get underneath the waistband of his swim trunks. He spread his legs and lifted up to let Kal undress him. Not that it took too long, of course.

So that's what he'd been thinking about. Nix braced his paws on the edge of the bench, leaning back so he could get a better look: a bright red blush burned his little brother's cheeks (or at least it would, if not for the thick fur there), evident in the flicking of his tail, the shaking of his paws as he brought them in towards Nix's sack and slowly-stiffening shaft, how his nose and whiskers twitched with unsteady breathing. His nose almost touched the tip of his head, throbbing gently with his pulse and growing with no more stimulation than just looking down on this sight and feeling the occasional exhalation of warm breath, the tickling touch of his claws on his thighs... the younger otter licked his lips, swallowed, glanced up. Nix gave him a gentle smile.

He reached down and rested his paw on the younger otter's shoulder, giving a reassuring squeeze. Kal returned his smile for a moment, then looked back down - and drew his nose up along the side of his brother's shaft, tasting of his warmth. At first Nix had been nervous of course, not because of the expected oh I'm about to do something sexual with my little brother thing, but rather because the last two or so times he'd found himself in a situation like this, he hadn't been able to perform. They would touch and lick and nuzzle and squeeze him, and his body wouldn't give the slightest reaction...

...until, of course, his thoughts obscured this other person and replaced them with the otter who now did these things, one paw kind of awkwardly at the base of his cock while he nosed up against it, lifted it up as it came to its full girth. So it made sense, really.

"Hey. Kal."

The younger otter stopped mid-stroke, paw halfway along his brother's length. Blue-green eyes looked up at him, that familiar muzzle behind his own hard cock, so close that he could feel Kal's breathing on the skin.

"Don't be nervous, okay? I'm your brother. We have time."

Yet again those whiskers flicked, and Kal leaned in to touch his nose to Nix's underside. This time his tongue followed, just a slight, timid touch and drag up towards his head, but -God, it was still enough to make him shiver and breathe out a low moan. He'd been waiting for this for so long.

That done, Kal moved back again and settled into pawing his brother in a slow, unsure rhythm, eyes focused on that hard cock. His mouth twitched and tensed for a moment before he spoke, as if he was still trying to figure out what to say.

"That's... that's what makes me nervous, though. You're my - brother. We shouldn't... shouldn't be..."

Nix tightened his paw on Kal's shoulder, and waited for the younger otter to meet his gaze again. Funny - even though he said all these things, he did not slow or stop in stroking his paw along his older brother's length, or gently squeezing and feeling his balls with his other... and Nix noticed that his eyes remained fixed on that one part of him when he didn't look up at his muzzle, right between his legs and sort of half-hanging off the edge of the bench.

"Hey. It's just you and me, Kal. Nobody has to know - and, believe me, I've struggled with that same thought for a while..."

Another brush of whiskers along the side of his shaft, followed by the still-slightly-wet skin of Kal's nose. It took just about all Nix had not to relocate his paw to the back of his brother's head and tug him down on him, just as he'd done in so many of his fantasies. Then, hot breath against him, making him unintentionally hump his hips upward:

"You have?"

"Yeah." Fingers tightened on the bench, legs shifted a little bit... and Nix steadily grinded his hard shaft against Kal's muzzle, his thick rudder flicking behind him at the younger otter's response of a simple nuzzle back, nose to skin, lips to base. "Thought about it a lot... I was scared you wouldn't be okay with it. Haven't - hadn't you thought about, like... doing things with me before?"

Silence for a moment. Then, Kal brought both paws up to the base of Nix's shaft, and tilted it down towards his lips as he spoke. "Not until last night. Or, this morning, I guess. It's, um... been on my mind all day..."

"Good thoughts?"

Footsteps in the hall outside the locker rooms; the brothers remained stock-still in place as those steps got louder, and then quieter again. They each breathed out a sigh of relief, and Kal licked his lips. "I... I think so."

And then before Nix could say anything else - those lips finally wrapped around the head of his cock and sent that same sweet shiver rippling up his back and through his body, though this time, it culminated in an irresistible low shudder of a moan. Little grinding of teeth along his shaft as Kal descended, awkward pressure and position of his tongue here and there, a series of short gags as he tried to bring him back into his muzzle, and more awkward shifting and readjustment.

So Nix decided to just let him figure it out, instead of guiding him with a paw under his chin or on the back of his head. As much as he wanted to do that, it was damn nice being able to lean back and watch Kal bob on him, watch him get a taste of his older brother's cock and return the favor from last night... and even with the jerky pauses and not-quite-confident tongue-action, it felt nice, too. Better than the first blowjob Nix got.

And for once, that wasn't just because this was Kal giving it.

The older otter leaned back a little bit further, bracing his legs against his brother's body for support. Kal lifted himself up some to bob on him at a better angle and a little faster, one of his paws still in place at the base of his shaft to follow his rhythm. Once he seemed comfortable with the motions, Nix started to lift up into his muzzle each time it came down, then lowered back down against the bench, again and again as Kal worked at him and - well, maybe he took the phrase "sucking dick" a little bit too seriously. That was okay, though. He'd get plenty of chances to practice.

A low, shuddering sigh worked its way out between his lips, claws digging into the paint of the bench with this continued attention. As it went on, it was clear that Kal became more comfortable with the action and rhythm, diving down just a little bit further, just a little bit easier, paw still following the pace of his muzzle with his other now down between his own legs, arm slowly working in what Nix could only assume was him pleasuring himself. If it weren't for the unforgiving benches and solid cement floor, he'd lie down and get Nix above him in a heartbeat. Maybe they'd be able to find a weekend to themselves soon.


Blue-green eyes flicked up to him once more, his cock halfway between Kal's lips with fingers wrapped around him. The younger otter focused his tongue right there along the underside of his head, squeezed and rubbed his sack maybe slightly too hard, brushed his teeth along his brother's skin again... but, still, Nix could feel that familiar pressure of approaching orgasm, urgent enough for him to finally settle his own paw between Kal's little round ears and pull him down a little bit.

Every little flick of the tongue, each squeeze from his fingers, the pressure of his lips around his shaft - all of these brought that impending pleasure a little bit stronger, a little bit brighter, until... until with a sharp inhalation of breath and a tightening of his fingers on the back of his brother's head, Nix suddenly found himself bucking up into that muzzle. Strong spurt, spurt, spurt out over that tongue, last few emptying out across Kal's muzzle when the younger otter came up off of him, coughing and spluttering with the sudden bursts into his throat.

Nix almost fell over backwards right then, due to how far he leaned back on the bench and how much his arms shook. Even though he'd just gotten off last night (part of him wondered if Kal was still sore from that), this finish felt just as powerful, just as draining... that good kind of draining, where he could feel his heartbeat thrumming in his chest and little echoes of shivering sweetness rippling through his arms, tingling along his fingers and cheeks.

A glance down through half-lidded eyes showed Kal still on his knees, wiping off the whitish cum that had streaked across his muzzle. He bore the same face that he made whenever Mom made him eat her peas at dinner (which really weren't that bad), and when his eyes met his brother's - "...sorry. Sour. Kinda. Bitter, too... wasn't expecting..."

"No, no, it's okay..." And Nix put all the effort he could muster into leaning forward, hooking his arms under Kal's, and then - he lifted him up so he could press his mouth to his brother's, to taste his own load atop the slickness of his saliva, on Kal's tongue pressing up against his, on his lips tight and firm. Kal braced his paw against his brother's thigh while he leaned over him, and the two remained entwined in that kiss - and countless others, strung together with each otter turning his head to the side, bringing his arms up around the other's neck, digging in deeper - until Nix could feel his jaw start to get a bit sore. So he could only imagine what Kal felt.

It was easy to slip out of his swim trunks, already halfway down his legs, once he finally got around to standing up - and he just as swiftly undressed his brother, too, waistband of those trunks already tugged down below his twitching cock, and left the clothes where they'd dropped. Tonight they only had to turn on one of the showers, and briefly stood off to the side so as not to face the initial cold bite of the water, and instead kept each other warm. This time Nix held Kal close to him, teeth and lips working at the smaller otter's shoulder and neck while a well-place paw kept him aroused, excited, ambitious. Instead of the quiet, shy brother he'd known for so long, it was damn nice to have this squirming and panting boy against him, humping into his paw and grinding against his leg.

It felt only natural for Nix to drop down to his knees after leading Kal into the now-warm water of the shower, spraying down onto them from above. A touch of the nose, a good nuzzling, a drag of his tongue up along the underside of Kal's cock just as he had done to him... Nix's heart fluttered at the little realization that Kal really_did_ enjoy this, even against his concern earlier.

If anything, that was one thing that he'd wanted to show his brother. Get past the mental inhibitions, the worries of what will others think and what if I don't really want this and... well, the way Kal thrust gently into his muzzle every time he descended on him, how his little brother even found the courage to drop his paw to the back of Nix's head to regulate his pace... _that_seemed like a conclusive answer enough.

Today, though, he didn't want to stay down there too long. Well - he did, but there was something else that overcame that want. His heart still pounded in his chest, still for a number of different reasons: the risk of being caught; the knowledge of doing this without the knowledge of their parents, who still thought that their two sons were just out at the nearby pool getting some swimming time in; that weird bittersweet feeling Kal himself had mentioned, rooted in the knowledge that this was his brother and, by society and everything he'd felt up until his first realization, that he shouldn't be doing any of this...

But that didn't stop Nix from rising to his feet again, putting his lips to Kal's once more where he could still taste the remnant coolness of his own load, and then turn his rump to him and lean forward against the smooth-tiled wall, rudder raised and hips back. The water of the shower that coursed down along the sleek line of his back tickled at the skin underneath, teased around the base of his tail and along his rear, his inner thighs, the back of his sack - and soon, a nervous yet curious paw followed that same course, claws first tracing down the small of his back and then with that thumb hooking down underneath his tail, lightly touching against the puckered rim of his tailhole.

The actions seemed bold and sure, but in that touch Nix could feel his little brother's nervousness, and then even more so when the younger otter moved that thumb to the side to spread him a bit. The touch itself was enough to cause Nix to bend over a little bit further and push back against the paw under his tail. He wished he could think of the right words to say to calm his brother, but all he could do under the rush of the shower was turn his head and half-look over his shoulder to see Kal looking at him - and then give him a smile.

And in return he received a smile, blue-and-green eyes squinting against the spraying water. That paw on his hip tightened, Kal settled into place behind him, he raised himself up onto his toes a little bit... and then the touch of that thumb against Nix's tailhole turned to something warmer, firmer, thicker. Yet again, his natural reaction was to push back against that pressure, to bring it just a little bit past the tight outer ring of his tailhole - and in response, Kal's grip on his hip tightened further.

As expected, this was how it went for a while. It remained up to Nix to keep pace, claws digging into the grout between the wall tiles as he continued, continued to lean further down and push further back, and soon slid into a slow, steady rhythm. This wasn't exactly something he got a lot of practice with, so there _was_that deep but slight aching pain and discomfort every time he pushed back onto his brother, from the rim of his head along his shaft and until the smaller otter's hips bumped against his rump.

There, any little movement or change in position caused a shiver to shoot up Nix's back. Kal had started to enjoy it, too, after a period of tense gasping and little "_ah"_s tickling at his brother's ear: now every time Nix churned his hips back and again bumped against Kal's body, he could feel the younger otter respond with the slightest of thrusts forward, with a throb, with another shuddering exhalation of breath.

Nix swallowed, and straightened up a bit - which brought Kal to lean forward over him, and bring his arm around his big brother's lower belly.

"There," the older otter panted, still working himself forward and back, forward and back. He could feel almost no remnant hesitation in Kal's body behind him, matching his speed and force and slowly overcoming it. "That's not so bad, is it?"

Kal had to swallow before he could speak. Nix could both feel and hear his brother's elevated breathing, so close to his ear as the younger otter leaned down on top of him. "It's - tight... hurt a little bit, but now it..."

"Feels good?"

Nix pressed back one more time, then remained still... and felt a low moan push its way out between his lips as Kal still continued the rhythm he'd started, nervous and awkward at first but quickly gaining confidence among his own urgency. "Feels good."

From there the older brother intentionally kept himself from bringing a paw down between his legs to work at himself, though the temptation was almost overwhelming. Especially underneath the back-and-forth lurching and leaning of his body, the tightening arm around his lower belly, the grip on his other hip, the little sudden jerks that came every time Kal hilted beneath his tail again... soon both of their panting and moans joined the noise of the shower, as well as the slapping of hips to rump, both soaked through with the water.

Because of their height difference Nix had to remain partially bent-over, and Kal's inexperience showed in the occasional unsteadiness of his rhythm and how every now and then he had to reach down to get himself back in (which always earned another gasp from his brother against the feeling of being entered again), but if this wasn't already Nix's best time... he pressed the side of his muzzle against the cool tile of the wall, mouth hanging open and tongue swaying with the combined rhythm of the thrusts and of his own breathing, heavy and faster.

It didn't take long for Kal to start pounding into him, claws digging into his older brother's hip and balls swaying forward against his with each thrust, just as had been done to _him_the night before. Maybe that was where he drew his confidence from: the way that Nix had only at first held back with him, how he'd gotten over his little brother and fucked him into the mattress, fast and hard with both of them panting and writhing and trying to keep their voices down.

Here in the shower, they had no reason to attempt to keep from being heard. Nix knew it, and Kal knew it as well, and - maybe it was just his imagination, but it almost felt like this lent a little something extra to it all, to the way that Kal's hips slapped against his rump, to the way the arm around him shifted down, to the way Kal took his older brother's cock, already leaking again with slick pre, in his paw to stroke him in rhythm.

Nix straightened back up, braced his paws against the walls again, and alternately thrust into that paw and pressed back onto his brother's length, each time stopping Kal short in his own thrusting. All of the energy and enjoyment and desire, the urgency, the shuddering, shivering need-

Instead of a verbal warning, instead of a few words, Kal only gave him a rising series of gasps and breathy moans, right into his older brother's ear. So Nix licked his lips, swallowed, pressed firmly back against him - and then gasped himself at the strong, sudden bucks into him, each one assumedly accompanied by another spurt of cum into him, the younger otter holding tight onto him - "ah!- ah... ah..." and Nix grinded back on him, keeping his brother as deep underneath his tail as he could. Kal's grip on him loosened and then completely fell away with his encroaching exhaustion, so Nix took over his own pleasure... which took all of a few seconds before he, too, bucked forwards and then back, shooting his second load out against the wall of the shower.

Both brothers panting heavily, both of them suddenly feeling the weight of their exertion in their limbs, it took a bit longer than it would have otherwise for them to untwine and actually get to cleaning up - and even then, it felt appropriate to omit actually shampooing their fur, instead settling for just cleaning what immediately needed it. They'd already been out too long: when they made their way back into the locker room, paws and rudders intertwined, the hallway outside looked to be totally dark. Hopefully Mom and Dad wouldn't question them, but the shower should have washed off any lingering scent.

Nix would be glad to shove his nose up against Kal's sack just to be sure, though. It was hard not to with him sitting on the edge of the bench just then, with the younger brother facing him as he tugged his pants back up his legs. Then again came the problem of not waiting around to dry off: they'd have to undress again once they got back home, and then would have to stay awake for a while longer waiting for their fur to dry, and that would be a pain and a hassle and a-

Nix felt a paw intertwine again with his own, followed by a gentle squeeze. When he turned his head, Kal showed him the same sort of smile that he'd had upon waking up this morning, and on the way to the pool the first time, and then in the water just earlier. On their way out the building, Kal gave another squeeze and then spoke up:

"So there's that - that new movie coming out next weekend. You know, the one with that - tiger guy..."

In response to this, Nix half-turned his head. It was a bit unlike his little brother to be the one to start a conversation, and on such a mundane subject, too. "Yeah? I've seen the commercials for it. Looks alright."

"Do you think we could... like, you and I..."

Ah. He got it. He returned that squeeze. "I'd love to. Maybe we can get Mom or Dad to drop us off, and then we can look around at the mall after."

"Oh." Kal's ears fell. Just like every other night this time of year, the air had gotten steadily colder with the advance of night, and once the two otters stepped out of the dim light of the building, they half-consciously scrunched closer together. "I forgot, I - don't have any money..." His voice showed the weight of his mood, suddenly changed from before.

So Nix gave his paw another squeeze, and leaned over so he could meet his eyes. Kal's whiskers twitched at seeing his brother's face.

"Hey. Let's make it my treat, okay? Especially since - since Mom's been wanting us to get out of the house more often... make both you and her happy. Okay?"

That lit those eyes back up. "Yeah. Yeah, okay. Oh, and, um - when we get back, could you... could you help me with my math homework?"

"Yeah, sure. That'll make Dad happy."

Until yesterday, there hadn't really been anything to set this week as special apart from all of the others Nix had had this semester. Now, though... he tilted his head back and looked up at the sky, dark blue-black with only a sprinkling of dim stars visible. Now this week felt like something entirely separate.

Not that that was a bad thing, of course. All of a sudden, he found himself wondering what tomorrow would bring - and the next day, and the day after. Not a bad thing at all.