City Nights Ch.1

Story by DireSarcasm on SoFurry

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Fane Fielding starts another shift as a bouncer at Carshione, little does he know that his life is about to take a new twist, with more chapters on the way.

The night air really bit tonight as I made my way to old Carshione, a old bar that my client liked to frequent, it was a nice bar don't get me wrong I've had a few drinks there myself. Tonight was not one of those nights since I was running the door list for a private event that my client was putting on, easy work and the money was okay, this was going to be an even easier night since no one that my client would have around would be in any mood to get out of hand. I tightened my scarf up a little as I rounded the corner to the bar, no one had shown up yet, I came in to the bar where everyone was cleaning and getting set up for the event, Drake, the main bartender, noticed me as soon as I walked in and gave me a wave that I quickly returned; hard to believe that old graying wolf was still one of the best bartenders in the city especially with the amount of gray hair that was showing through his once jet black coat of fur.

I went to the back of the bar to go to the washroom, it was pretty old school with the wooden stalls and porcelain sinks, I finished my business and checked myself in the mirror. I was still the same old bull that came to this city, I adjusted my tie, checked my belt, made sure that my grey trousers didn't have any stains on them, then I grabbed my polish out of my coat to give my horns a quick wipe so that they shone nicely, and finally I gave the length of hair that I had between my horns a final check even though it usually stayed slicked back. I washed the polish off my hands before giving my tweed jacket a final check and heading up to speak to the client and get the guest list.

I was about to head upstairs when Drake whistled at me and waved me over to where he was polishing some glassware. I walked over and he poured me a coffee from the machine he kept under the bar. He was still focused on cleaning the glassware when he started talking with that old accent he had from the "old country" as he put it.

"Cristlers talking to someone at the moment so just sit here and drink the coffee so they aren't disturbed, how have you been red?"

He called me red because all the hair on my body beside the top of my head, was that red hue like most Simmental bulls, but he was the only one that ever called me Red.

"I'm doing okay Drake, how are you and Dwight doing these days?"

He laughed, "He wants to change the fucking curtains again, I say they are fine, He says no, the argument continues on as usual"

That always makes me laugh, Drake and Dwight have argued about the same curtains for the entire time they've been together, but it's pretty impressive they can be together that long and that's the only thing those two can't agree on. The story I was told by Drake was that they came here together from the old country to escape their families, they didn't want those two together and had arranged marriages for both of them, they went on the run and ended up here. Drake slung drinks so that Dwight could go to school, now Dwight's a Tailor and makes good money, but Drake still works here although now its mostly for entertainment and fun money rather than survival. Drake looked great for being somewhere between 40-50 years old with graying fur, his body was still lean and straight and he moved with amazing precision, and last time I met Dwight he still was in pretty great shape especially since he was a naturally gray wolf so his age wasn't as obvious.

Drake continued, "also, Dwight wants to know if those pants he did for you are still workings?"

I replied with a gratuitous smile, "their still the best fitting pants I own Drake, I still got the money set aside to pay for them, if Dwight will ever let me."

Drake looked at me with a slightly confused look, "after how you helped us out? Never on my life will you give us money for those pants, it was the least we could do for you"

I still remembered that day when some thug rat went into Dwight's shop while I was getting tailored for some pants, Dwight stepped out to get some fabric samples and I heard the awfullest commotion, I ran into the storefront to see Dwight on the ground with a wound on his face while this thug was running out with some expensive looking fabric. I caught him before to long and drug him back to the store, throwing his knife into the sewer, Drake was in the front bandaging up Dwight when I came back. Drake had been in the back, having brought lunch for Dwight, and the sight of the thug that hurt his husband sent him over the edge. He grabbed him from me with an astounding amount of strength and drug him into the back of the store, the next sounds I heard sounded out of a horror movie as Dwight quietly stepped by me and locked the door, I asked Dwight if I should stop him. Dwight just shook his head, "I won't even go back there for a while now", he said, "I know he won't kill that brat but that rat won't forget today". He motioned for me to follow him to the counter, while he did some paperwork he told me the pants were on the house, I tried to pay him but he refused. After that day I was contacted by Don Cristler and he hired me to work security for his bar, The Carshione, He wasn't really a Don let alone illegitimate, They just called him that since he reminded people of the old school dons; Mr. Cristler owned a bunch of the warehouses on the shore, the bar, and a few other businesses in town. His office was a steady stream of business men, charity, and people just looking for advice on matters.

I finished up my coffee shortly before a young lad came down the stairs, Drake nodded at me to let me know I could go up now, I knocked on the door of the office. I heard the familiar deep voice of Mr. Cristler say "Come in" and I made my way inside, the office was simple but kinda cozy with the wood shelves and big chairs, Mr. Cristler sat behind the desk. Mr. Cristler was an old rhino who wore thick glasses and a brown suit that he'd had for years. He drank his scotch while he ticked away at a typewriter, He stopped as I closed the door, He squinted at me and raised his eyebrows once he recognized me. He grabbed a clipboard and set it on the end of the desk near where I stood; he cleared his throat and addressed me.

"Fane Fielding, on time as usual minus the fact I was preoccupied, The guest-list is right there but its pretty open as long as somebody comes with someone on the guest-list they are allowed, it shouldn't be that wild tonight its a relaxed crowd", he said.

"Thank you Mr. Cristler, but do you mind if I ask what kind of event this is?"

Mr. Cristler sipped his scotch as he listened, "Well its actually for a bunch of fashion types that are coming into town, their friends of mine but I will warn you Fane, they are an odd bunch, but they are kind people and are generally well mannered."

"Thank you Mr. Cristler, I'll head down and get set up for tonight", I said as I grabbed the clipboard and headed to the door.

"Fane", Mr. Cristler called.


"Don't be afraid to be a little friendlier tonight, I happen to know a few of the guests are single, It wouldn't hurt you at all to meet someone", He said with a fatherly smile.

"Uuuuuh okay sir, will do", I replied, a little surprised at the comment.

"Good man, now you are free to go, do keep warm tonight it's cold outside", Mr. Cristler said as he went back to his work, his subtle way of dismissing someone.

"Yes sir", I replied once more before heading downstairs.

I reached the bar where Drake was facing away from me, going over his stock while drinking some coffee, and I was about to head outside when I hear a familiar voice call me as they came into the room from the back, it was Diane. Diane was a Siamese cat from down south, and despite her polished and well-groomed appearence, she was just as tough as I was and had dealt with her share of drunks and bruisers without a scratch on her thanks to her study of martial arts. She worked as the waitress at the bar, weaving her way through the bar with an unmatched grace, never missing a beat or a tab. She slipped over to me, leaving her rag and cleaner on one of the tables, and gave me a sock on the shoulder.

"What are you doing rolling through here without saying hi to me you schmuck? I'm important too y'know."

"I know, I know, I assumed you were busy and its about time things get moving so I was gonna get to my post", I replied quickly before she hit me again.

"I'll let you off this time you lunk head but next time you come and say hi, If I like you enough I might just set you up with one of my friends, I know you ain't had much luck with dating lately", She jeered.

"Okay, Okay, I'll remember to say hi" I replied, not wanting her to know that the idea of being set up with her friends made me nervous

I finally made my way out to the front of the bar, it was quite chilly out but luckily the wind was down, the lights filled the streets nicely and reflected off the wet sidewalks and roads due to the recent rain but I didn't think it'd be slippery. Just as I set up at my usual post a few vehicles began to pull up.

To Be Continued.....

An Interrupted Camping Trip

I had been looking forward to this trip for months, saving my money, and working hard so that I could get the days off work. I was finally going camping for the first time in years. I was looking forward to all the relaxing I was going to accomplish...

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