The Neko and The Dragoness Part 1: Play before sleep equals happy neko.

Story by The3tigr3cub on SoFurry


Miranda sat outside the airport, looking around for a girl she would "Offer a free tour" to. "Hm... Not one good one ye-" She stopped and eyed a short Neko girls, who looked to be in her mid to early twenties. She had plump and full breasts, a sexy hourglass figure, and the absolutely cutest cat ears and tail on a neko she had ever seen. "Mm... Time to go in for the kill." She muttered to herself, then stood up with her sign that said: "Free tours: 12 p.m. to 11:30 p.m." She stood next to the sign and acted as casual as possible, eyeing the girl.

Jean looked around as she grabbed her luggage. She had always wanted to visit New York, and her friend had given her plane tickets and a two week's stay at a hotel in times square. "Mmm..." She rolled out her luggage, looking for something or someone that could give her a ride to the hotel. "..." She stopped and looked around, seeing the Dragoness standing next to the tours sign. She blinked once and examined the dragoness. She had a tall and broad figure. Her ass and breasts were huge, barely contained by her skinny jeans and tight jacket (which Jean was sure the dragoness was only wearing a bra under). She also had a large blue scaled tail, sky blue skin, and aqua blue hair. She continued examining her and shook her head, then walked towards her slowly. "Uhh... Hello... Do you think I would be able to get a ride to Times Square? I'll pay you if needed..." She said ever so innocently.

Miranda smiled at the innocent girl, who was obviously oblivious to her true intentions. "Hm... This your first time in New York sweetie?" She asked, smiling more as she was answered with a tiny nod. "Well the ride's all on me... I do things for first timers." She said happily, grinning evilly on the inside. "Come, I'll take your bags." She said, then lifted the bag and suit case easily, beginning to carry them towards the parking lot, where her van was. Once she helped the neko into the van, she went around back and put the bags in, then discretly slipped a few things into them, being sure to act normal as ever. "Alright we're all set to go." She said, then got in the drivers seat and started the car, driving off towards Times Square.

Jean smiled at Miranda and looked out the window. "Thank you for agreeing to take me..." She said happily, resting her head against the glass. "I'm Jean by the way..." She said, smiling back at her. "Miranda." The dragoness said, glancing over at her. "Nice to meet you Miranda." She said, answered with a nod. "So Miranda... How long have you been in New York?" She asked, smiling. "Since you're a tour guide you must know alot about the city... It must've taken you a long time to learn all of the things you tell people about." She said, making conversation with her.

Miranda grinned. "I've been here for about... 5 years..." She said happily. "I'd say it took me about two years to learn everything I needed to learn in order to be a tour guide." She said, enjoying the neko's company. Every moment they spent talking on the ride, was making her more and more horny. "Well... here we are..." She said, looking at the large hotel infront of where they had parked. "I'll get your bags..." She said happily, then got out and grabbed the briefcase and bag from the back, then headed into the hotel with Jean. "I'm with her..." Miranda said to the front desk lady as Jean waited for the elevator. she took the key from the front desk lady and slipped it into her pocket, writing the room number and floor before she did. "Alright here you go." She said, handing Jean her key as they got to the room. "If you ever need anything..." She said, then took out a small business card. "Just call me." She said, then handed the card to her and waved goodbye.Jean smiled and took the key, then opened the door, flopping down on the bed. "Oh yes... so soft.." She purred cutely and threw her smaller bag at the door, making it close and lock. "Mmm..." She cuddled up in her bed and sighed happily, kicking off her shoes and peeling off her socks. "I think I should take a shower first..." She said, then grabbed her small bag and opened it up, taking out her shampoo and body wash, then she eyed something she knew she didn't put into the bag. "... What's that?" She said to herself, then reached in and pulled it out. It was a long, hard rubber vibrator. "..." She blushed lightly as she held it in her hand, then eyed it closely. ".... Maybe... I just forgot that I out this in here?" She asked herself, then blushed lightly and giggled a bit. "Maybe I should stay here for a bit..." She placed the vibrator on the bed and began stripping. "Ah that feels much better..." She said as her un latched bra fell to the ground, exposing her cute little nipples and perky breasts to the cold air conditioning of the hotel room. "Mmm..." She pulled down her panties and grabbed one of the towels, then headed to the bathroom. When she was in she smiled, examining the marble counter top sink and the elaborate curtains for the shower. She knew her friend must've paid alot for her two weeks stay. She set the shampoo and body wash inside the shower then warmed up the water before stepping in, sighing again as the warm water soothed and relaxed her skin. She began washing herself off, then when she had finished, her hands slowly moved along her body, which made a small fire ignite inside of her slit. "..." She grabbed her breast and slowly caressed the nipple, feeling it grow stiff as small amount of pleasure went through her body. "Mm...." She purred greatly and even moaned a little as her other hand did the same with her other breast. "...." She moved one hand down to her slit and caressed it gently, making her whimper with pleasure. She dipped one finger in and arched her back, quickly adding a second and third finger. She pulled them all out and blushed, then stepped out, dripping wet still. "...." She kept the shower running, since she knew she wouldn't be done with it for a while. She picked up the vibrator and quickly went back into the shower, turning it on low vibrations. "Mrow~!" She let out a small squeak as she pressed the tip of the vibrator into her slit. She slowly pushed it in all the way, moaning and whimpering as she thrust it in and out. "Gah!" She let out a small scream as she came hard, then she turned the water off, panting. "...." She closed her eyes and turned off the vibrator, eventually getting the strength to come out and wrap a towel around herself. She dried off and got into the bed, still nude and her hair and cat ears were still a little damp. She covered herself with the blanket and fell asleep.