Part 15 - What Was Destined To Happen

Story by RiyuuJinsei on SoFurry


#16 of Razor Fang

Part 15 - What Was Destined to Happen

I can't believe it, but I woke up way before my alarm clock went of. I took my shower, got dressed, even made my own breakfast and lunch. By the time my mom woke up, I was ready to leave for school. I was an hour and 30 minutes early.

"Wow, honey ... you're up early." mom said when she saw me all ready.

"Yea, I know, I don't know why though, but I woke up really early." I replied.

"And I feel just fine, not tired or anything."

While mom took her shower, I made her breakfast and after that, I packed my bag. Somehow I was eager to go to school today, especially because today starts with the coolest teach ever! FE, immediately in the morning, I had to be ready for it.

"So ... why are you up so early and ready to leave already?" she asked.

"Well, I'm not sure but ... I believe it's because today starts with the coolest teacher ever." I replied.

"I don't know why, but I seem to like FE a lot, maybe that's why I'm so eager to go."

"Just you be careful in these FE classes, you hear me Razor." she said with a worried look.

"Hey, mom, no worries, I'll be fine. After all, Silver's my teacher in FE." I said smiling.

I studied a little, practised some skills and before I knew, it was time to leave home to go to school. I was ready to go and face the day with a smile. But ... somehow, I knew that smile wouldn't last long. It would be gone rather soon, and my thoughts wandered off as to why. At arriving at school, I was greeted by Anna and Elize who were talking about FE and how they would get a test today.

"A ... test?" I asked curiously.

"Yea, I just heard, we're going to get a test in melee combat skills against some experiment monsters." Anna replied.

"Teach said he wouldn't make it hard though, so you shouldn't worry too much I guess." Elize said.

"Hm, I didn't know anything about this. Oh well, all I can do is do my best I suppose." I said smiling.

We moved on towards the class when the bell rang and everyone was rushing to class except me, Anna and Elize. It was beginning to become rather normal that me, Anna and Elize would enter class last. But when we arrived at the classroom, we found everyone rather confused as the door to the classroom was locked and there was no sign of Silver.

"What's going on?" Anna asked to a nearby classmate.

"I don't know, the classroom's locked and Silver's not even here." The fox replied.

"That's odd, Silver's always on time. Maybe he's not done preparing yet?" She said.

"Actually ..." someone's voice came.

Everyone turned around to see Silver stand behind us with his eyebrow lifted and hands in his thighs.

"... the reason the classroom's locked is because we're not going to have the test here." he continued.

Everyone just looked at eachother and then just stared at Silver as he was heading towards the school gates. We followed fast after. He stopped at some kind of weird metallic building that we didn't see standing there a few minutes ago.

"This is where we're going to have the test." he said pointing towards the metallic building.

"In here, I will summon the experiment monsters using this keypad. And all of you will enter one by one and fight an experiment monster."

"And don't you worry about the difficulty level, I didn't put it that high, but not too low either. It should stay a challenge."

We just blankly stared at Silver as he started pressing some keys and the metallic door opened.

"Alright, first volunteer please." he said.

We all looked as a classmate, a tiger, head into the metallic building. Everyone stood at the bullet-, shockproof window and watched as a freaky tiger-like monster showed up. Looking at how the monster stood, it most likely was a level 4 monster. Pretty basic if you ask me. The only thing that made it difficult was that you weren't allowed to use any of your weapons. So you had to beat it with just using your melee combat skills with your fists and feet.

"Wow, that was cool." I said eyes wide open.

"Heh, that's just the start Razor, I'm just feeling sorry that it turned out to be a monster that looks like him." Silver replied.

"It must be hurting him to fight a tiger look-alike."

It didn't take long for the tiger to beat the monster, he used only half of the skills we had learned through the entire time we had FE. As time passed, everyone started to have a turn in the metallic 'monster building' as we called it. Until ... it finally was my turn to go in there.

"Alright, my turn I guess." I said walking through the metallic door.

I waited in the metallic building, waiting on my monster to show up. I noticed Silver pressing a lot of keys though. Most likely he will try to scare the hell out of me with some freaky monster that will be beaten in a few hits on the head. I was so wrong to even think that. In just a minute, the freaky, slimy monster that Anna beat the day I came to this school showed out of nowhere. I noticed Silver baring his teeth in fear as this wasn't a level 6 or lower monster, it was more like a level 10 or higher. He kept trying to open the door, or make the the monster disappear, at which he clearly failed as neither the door was opening nor the monster vanishing.

"Holy crap! This isn't a low level monster you said you would give Silver!" I yelled at him.

"I know! The controls are going out of control! Get the hell out of there Razor!" He yelled back at me.

But it was too late, the slimy thing had already closed distance to me and was preparing to attack. It was enormous, and I had no chance of beating it as I had no weapons to use. How could I beat this thing with just my skills and bare hands?! The only thing I could think of was run away, but I was way too late to figure that and was being attacked from all sides by the slimy tentacles.

I was literally flying through the air as I was getting hit by the monster multiple times.

"Come on! Stupid controls, work!" Silver cursed.

"Silver, if this continues, Razor's going to ..." Anna started but was interrupted.

"I know Anna! You don't have to tell me that!" He yelled at her interrupting her sentence.

"If only the darn keypad wouldn't freak out, this would've been prevented!"

They all looked through the window as I was slammed against the wall nearly unconscious and completely exhausted.

"I ... I'm going to die here ..." I thought.

"Is this ... the end?"

I closed my eyes as the monstrous thing put it's slimy tentacle around me and dropped me in it's slimy mouth, swallowing me whole. I thought all hope had been removed from my side and I thought I was going to die in this slimy thing's stomach, until ...

"Hey Razor, c'mon! Don't you dare give up!" Dad's voice echoed in my mind.

"You can get out of there! Trust your instinct, trust your senses, trust your strength!"

"I know ... thanks dad." I thought.

My eyes turned blood-red and I started going berserk on this slimy thing's stomach, with little result. I kept punching and kicking, using everything I had learnt to get out of there. To no avail though, no matter what I did, the slime would just absorb all the blows and make them useless. I had to find a weak spot. And so I did, as my time was running out, I desperately searched for a weak spot, which I eventually found! Part of the slime only covered a few spots, but some weren't and could easily be attacked and actually hurt it! I kept attacking those weak spots and I heard it yelp in pain, so I kept hitting them non-stop.

"Hit it as hard as you can Razor! It's weak now, finish it!" Dad's voice echoed again.

So with a quick spin and a precise hit on the weak spot, I actually punched straight through! And I came crashing down on the floor a little bit off from the door which opened at last. I was out of breath and couldn't even move anymore. Everyone rushed to my side and noticed me just gasping for air with my eyes closed.

"Stay here everyone, I'll get the nurses!" Silver yelled running away to the medical sector of the school.

It took about 10 minutes before they had rushed to my side and had completely taken care of the situation. I found myself in the 'school hospital' pretty beat up, barely alive, but I was. Alive and breathing ... that's what everyone said, and I was lucky to have lived through that nightmare to tell the tale.

Part 16 - A Steady Recovery

**Part 16 - A Steady Recovery** It's been a few days now since the incident at school. The huge slimy thing that I defeated bare-handed. Mom had taken me to the hospital to find out if I were going to be alright. To her surprise, and mine, I had no...


Part 14 - Swimming Class Starts

**Part 14 - Swimming Class Starts** "Alright Razor, first, let's see how much you really fear water." Silver started. "If you can do the exercises I'm going to give you, well ... then you'll be just fine." I was shaking and...


Part 13 - Afraid of Water

**Part 13 - Afraid of Water** Soon after me and Silver broke the hug, the principal called Silver back into his office while Silver told everyone to go back to the class. I wondered what it could be and why the principal would call...