Don't Mess With Ryu Skunk's Diet Feat. Jackson Panther-Fox

Story by FoxDragonAnthro on SoFurry

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Ryu loved to eat. His stomach was like a bottomless pit. He'd eat any good thing in the world from ramen, to steak, to cake, etc. Until one day he looked at himself in the mirror and he was a little overweight with that big gut. "I think I need to cut down." He said. He started thinking how he was gonna do it. Well the majority of food he eats are meats and sweets and he's rarely ever ate vegetables. After thinking he's decided his diet: Vegetables only and he can eat meat only once a year. And as far as for kinda sweet foods, just eat some healthy granola bars, fat and gluten free of course. Ryu also thought about being more muscular so he also decided to hit the gym. So for the rest of the days Ryu stuck with his diet and ate nothing but carrots, celery, salads, etc. and for sweets he stuck with the healthy granola bars. Little by little he began losing a bit of weight. Ryu looked at himself in the mirror and was proud of the result until his stomach began rumbling and he bent over lifting his tail.


A loud skunk fart escaped him and the mist got to a plant making it wilt. Either that was from milk he drinks or his diet...or both. But Ryu didn't mind it much, after all it is natural. Ryu then got some gym clothes he bought and went over to a gym that he was recommended to.

"Well hello there Skunk." A panther-fox said walking over to Ryu.

"Jackson Panther-Fox?" Ryu asked.

"The one and only buddy. How you been?"

"Pretty good. Except for this." Ryu said grabbing his gut.

"Hehe I see. Well you ready to get rid of that?" Ryu nodded and began. It wasn't too overwhelming but it was intense especially with Ryu's gassy outbursts but Jackson didn't mind. After a while Ryu was sitting on a chair sweating a lot when he saw a girl looking at him with a smug look. She had blonde hair and peached skin wearing a blue top and blue shorts. Ryu raised an eyebrow at her and she just looked at him.

"How you feeling Ryu?" Jackson asked tousling Ryu's hair.

"That was kinda intense Jack." Ryu said.

"Yea I know but it at least helped right?"

"Yep. And I do plan to get muscular as soon as I get this off." Ryu said patting his gut.

"Heh good luck with that fatso." The smug girl said as Ryu looked to her with a "What did you just call me?" look, "Yea you heard me fatso. Or should I say gross fatso with your disgusting backside. Heh it'll probably be months maybe even years for you to be muscular like me." She said showing off herself.

"That's enough Melissa." Jackson said, "Don't be talking to my best friend like that."

"I'm just speaking my mind. Plus you know it's true especially the stink. It seriously smells like something died in him." Ryu growled at Melissa snarky comment. Jackson then smirked.

"Come on now Melissa." He said walking towards her, "Everyone has gas. Even me."

"What? Psh please." Melissa said rolling her eyes.

"Don't believe me? Okay then." Jackson pins her down.

"W-what are you doing?" She asks.

"This." Jackson sits his sweaty backside right on her face. She coughs from the musky scent.


A loud wet fart escaped Jackson. Melissa coughed even more.

"That stinks!" She said. Ryu sat there watching and smiling at what he's witnessing.

"Get a load of this." Jackson said as he grunted.


A brassy fart escaped Jackson. Melissa gagged and tried to get Jackson off.

"Get off me!" She screamed.

"Hehe fine. And I'll let a certain person finish this." Jackson said getting off and keeping her pinned, "Ryu?" Ryu smirked and walked over to Melissa and sat on her face.

"No! No please! Please I'm sorry okay. I'm sorry I called you fat okay! Just stop!" She begged.

"Hehe you will be sorry." Ryu said grunting as hard as he could.








A barrage of strong, musky, and wet farts and SBD's escaped Ryu filling half of the gym in skunk mist. Ryu sighed with relief and stood up seeing Melissa gagging a lot and coughing.

"Hehe probably take months to shower all that stink off." Jackson said with a laugh.

"Maybe even years." Ryu said smirking. Melissa weakly got up and went outside vomiting as she went out.

"Hehe don't think she'll mess with you anymore buddy." Jackson said patting Ryu's back.

"Yea. Thanks for sticking up for me."

"What best friends are for. So you coming back tomorrow?"


"Alright. And make sure to stay true to your diet. No matter how much gas it gives you."

"I will Jack. Thanks." Ryu got his things and left the gym. While going home, he saw Melissa in a pond trying to wash the stink off. He giggled to himself.

"Hehe. How typical can you get?" He said continuing his way home.

Ryu Skunk's experience with a crazy girl (Ryu's POV)

I was dating this girl in high school. Her name was Lisa. She was a pretty nice, intelligent girl and we had some things in common. We've had tons of great times together until one day...and let's just say after that day I don't think I ever want a...