Taming the Werewolf - 12

Story by Connor on SoFurry

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#12 of Taming the Werewolf

It was his scent that woke Amanda. The same masculine musk she had always loved, mixed in with his cologne and a tinge of fear. She smelled his fear. In that moment, she recalled that she had just changed, and had collapsed on the bed from the pain and exhaustion of transforming into the wolf.


Half-wolf, rather. She could still speak. When she opened her eyes, she could see her husband hovering over her in equal parts anxiety and fascination. She lifted her arms up to where she could see. A thick line of fur snaked from her biceps, up to back of her hands. Everywhere else was bare skin. As she looked down at her body, she could see the same contrast. Beneath the long strands of hair from her head that fell across her body, pitch black fur sprouted between her breasts, narrowing down her chest and then widening into a patch between her legs. Her breasts were also full, covered in a downy layer of fur, with only darkened nipples peeking out and pointed toward the ceiling. Amanda wanted to touch them, and brought her clawed hands over to them, but with Jacob right next to her, she pretended that she only wanted to cup them out of modesty.

He brought her a bathrobe from the master bathroom, the only cover that would fit on her expanded frame. She could still feel the moon burning at her, compelling her to change into her truest form. But the dialysis had filtered out the wolf, if only in part. A half transformation was what she would have to settle for. What she would have to enjoy.

She didn't dare tell Jacob that she was starting to enjoy the wolf inside her. She didn't know how he would react if he knew. This full moon, Amanda decided, was a test of whether she could be the wife Jacob expected, despite wolfing out in front of him.

The fur across her chest, arms and legs tickled as she tied the bathrobe closed. It wasn't the most pleasant feeling. Her body was warm and she felt any cover could suffocate her. But as Jacob wrapped his arms around her, she and her beast calmed. His embrace was always what she needed, whether as a human or as a werewolf. His chin rested on her shoulder, and she nuzzled her face, a slightly furred face with a blackened but only slightly outstretched nose, into his cheek. Her lips pressed against his skin and he welcomed it.

"I'm here," she said, "Don't be scared of me."

"As long as you're happy," Jacob whispered.

They went downstairs, doing what seemed to be the natural thing to do next. Jacob made a steak dinner in the kitchen, with Amanda watching. It took every part of her self-control to keep from asking him not to cook it. But humans liked to kill their meat over fire, and under the influence of the moon, Amanda had to dig deep to remember how to be a regular human being.

Her meal was tasteless and unsatisfying, but Amanda smiled through the whole ordeal. Everything about their candlelight dinner was dull. The utensils in her hands felt awkward, the conversation between them was contrived. The only thing that kept her interest was Jacob's scent. Masculine and earthy and refined and alluring to her senses. Whatever she could do to please him, perhaps he would reward her with his touch. Anything she could do to get on top of him so she could--

Amanda snapped back to attention. She needed to focus. Of course the werewolf's desires never really disappeared. But she had to prove she could rein them in. Control her beast. Restrain the wild urges that were destroying her humanity.

"Something wrong?"

"No," she said, exhaling sharply, "I'm fine."

She helped Jacob clear the table after dinner. As he hand-washed the dishes, it was Amanda's turn to wrap her body around his. Her furred hands traveled up and down his body. She knew he was slowly become more excited at the prospect. Her hand slowly grazed over the tightness in his pants. She snarled in delight. The wolf within her, desiring fresh meat, growled in pleasure. She stifled the animal's sounds underneath the running water so he wouldn't hear her. She watched him smile, knowing that she was slowly chipping away at any doubt he had about her.

The moon only seemed to burn hotter at her skin. Amanda's beast was becoming more irritated at the self-control she was exercising. She couldn't teach it that her restraint, her delayed gratification, would eventually be rewarded. The werewolf didn't understand such a simple calculation. But Amanda understood her husband. In all the ways that mattered, he was the perfect lover. The perfect mate. In the end, given the right motivation, he would satisfy her desires in ways the wolf couldn't yet realize.

They ordered a movie on the television in the living room and turned down the lights. On the large sofa in front of the screen, Jacob's body wrapped around hers as they lay together, watching the movie. She barely paid attention to any of it, as her wolf's desires distracted her. Dinner was bland but it would fill some of the animal's physical hungers. They were replaced by a baser need for flesh. A growing anticipation that its lusts would be sated by her mate. A longing that did not filter out of her blood. It was gnawing at her insides with every moment that her sensitive places were left untouched.

Jacob didn't know better because Amanda didn't tell him. His arms embraced her tightly, like he always did when they lay together on the sofa. But all those other times, she was human. Smaller, more frail, less powerful. That Amanda was more delicate and was pleased by any romantic contact she had with Jacob. In this moment, she was still happy that he accepted her, despite her transformation. But the wolf clawed at the inside of her body, struggling to break free and unleash itself on her husband. The moonlight continued to stream into the living room, building up heat inside of her until she couldn't stand it any longer.

Amanda shifted positions on the sofa, turning to face Jacob. As she looked into his eyes, she could see her own eyes in the reflection. Glowing yellow pinpoints looked back at her, seeming to glow brighter as her desires sprouted to the surface. She inhaled his scent once more and her self-control began to finally break.

She pinned Jacob down onto the sofa. He had no choice, because she was too powerful. Energy coursed into her arms and made every pore on her skin itch. What's more, she liked it.

Amanda bent down and licked his face. Before he could exhibit any fear, she pressed her lips against his and their tongues rolled. A small wave of satisfaction washed over her. Even this very human touch seemed to please her animal.

Jacob looked up, astonished at first, but the shock of touching a werewolf gave way to his desires.

"So the shewolf wants to play."

He looked surprised that he said it, but Amanda wasted no time in taking advantage. She parted the bathrobe, pulling the fabric across her shoulders and down her arms, revealing the patches of fur that had grown so hot underneath her cover. When her breasts were exposed, she leaned backwards so Jacob could get on top of her.

Jacob brushed away her long hair covering her breasts, and gently cupped them with the palms of his hands. He was so slow and deliberate that the beast inside signaled its dissatisfaction to her. The werewolf was going to learn to be patient or she could never learn to live with her lycanthropy. His rough hands provided all the friction her nipples needed for stimulation, causing her to moan and snarl in equal parts.

Amanda rushed to unclothe Jacob, fumbling with each button with her claws. Her fingers lacked the dexterity she needed to be delicate, and it was all she could do to keep from ripping the fabric apart and revealing his hard chest. In moments, his shirt, and then his pants, were off, much to her relief, if not the werewolf's relief.

Fully naked, the two of them rolled along the sofa, embracing and kissing once again. She felt him run his fingers across her pointed ears, down her furry back, and around the base of her tailbone, something she had forgotten was there until that moment. She wanted to be as playful, but her animal instincts brought her to run her claws across his back, marking him as her mate. Her fingers felt wet with traces of his blood.


They broke all contact as Jacob reached behind to feel the new wounds. He was less angry than shocked, judging by the look on his face. Shocked even more, when Amanda brought her bloodied claws to her lips, tasting his blood. It was sweet and inviting and reawakened all of her hungers. One by one, the barriers of self-control Amanda had carefully erected around her werewolf began to fall away as the beast tasted blood and wanted more of it.


This time, she could feel her eyes burn yellow as her desires began to grow and envelop her, threatening to take over. The werewolf snarled and she pounced on top of Jacob. The bloodlust turning so overwhelming, she pinned him against the cushions and snapped at him several times. He inhaled sharply and mouthed some words at her, perhaps begging her to stop. She didn't seem to care at that moment. Rather, it emboldened her even more. After delaying her desires for much of the evening, she was finally going to have a taste of her mate. His scent so overpowered her senses that she wanted to take all of it, bathe herself in it until she was covered in his presence.

Her nose tried to center on his scent. It grew stronger the more her head drifted down his body. His manhood stood straight in the air, throbbing and bristling her patch of chest fur as she shifted downward until it grazed her chin. Without thought, both her hands wrapped around the base of his meat, holding it in place until her tongue ran around it.


Amanda howled a very half-human howl as the salty taste overwhelmed her senses once again. When she ran out of breath, she lowered her face back down onto it, tasting it and forcing it to swell even more. Yes, this human in front of her - what was his name? - was scared to death, even more as the werewolf shook the walls with her howl, but she knew he enjoyed it just as much. Regardless, she was going to have her.

She guided his manhood between her legs, trying to push it in. The moon had tightened her, creating great resistance. It was swollen shut by the transformation, but the werewolf wanted the human's meat to stretch her out. Shifting her entire weight onto it, she pushed until her walls finally gave way, sparking a burning fire deep within her. Raw, unfiltered sexual energy coursed throughout her body as resistance created friction, creating intense waves of pleasure. She lowered herself onto it until she rested on his base, as his hairs entangled with her fur. The palms of her hands pressed against his chest as she moved up and down, back and forth, just as she believed humans did it.

Amanda didn't know how werewolves did it, but she knew it would be awkward with the human beneath her left unchanged. And so the thought of cursing him resurfaced. She had drawn blood once and it tasted incredible, but she knew only her bite would make him a werewolf like her forever.

As her heat built up toward orgasm, she shifted from bouncing on top of him to lying over him. Now she pushed her body up and down, grinding against his chest, ensuring that he was still pleasuring her. He had already released - if he cried out, Amanda wasn't paying attention - but she was still left unfulfilled. She rocked against his body even faster, trying to force her own explosion. All the while, her teeth, sharpened by the moon, grazed against the skin on his neck.

She could do it. She should do it. She must do it. Make him her mate. Her powerful werewolf. Her alpha to command her every full moon. To hunt and feed and then pleasure each other until the moon set. Two hairy werewolves upsetting the balance of nature, with only each other to keep their hungers sated. It was the only way she could control her beast if she wanted her mate to be a part of her terrible curse. One bite, and she would curse him with lycanthropy.


They stopped thrusting.

"Bathroom. Lock yourself in it."

Amanda couldn't believe she was saying it. But the last vestiges of her humanity, resurfacing momentarily above her werewolf instincts, were pleading with her husband.


"Do it!" she roared at him before throwing his body off her. "Please do it or I'll bite you!"

Jacob hesitated for a moment, but when Amanda's eyes glowed fire once again, he backtracked and darted for the guest bathroom.

"No!" she cried, remembering her desires once again. She ran after him, but the door closed shut with the click of the lock.

She clawed at the bathroom door. "Jacob, come out here. Please? I need you."

Jacob had no answer. She could feel the weight of his body lean against the door to keep her from opening it. As a half-wolf, she was strong, but not nearly as overwhelming as when she was fully transformed. She threw herself at the door but it would not break.

"Jacob!" she cried, frustrated that she was denied her final orgasm and the satisfaction of turning a mate. More frustrated that she denied herself. This time, she howled in anguish.


When she was spent of breath but not of energy, she rammed the door a few more times until she was sure it would not break for her. Denied the pleasures she had been anticipating all evening, she cried out at no one in particular, angry at herself and angry at everything. The werewolf left unfulfilled, she ran to the front door, pulled on the knob, and just as she did during the last full moon, ran off into the night.