Rylene Blackscales backstory(pre-lude to Fair Winds)

Story by Jade Wulf-Crimsonpelt on SoFurry

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#4 of Fair Winds

Rylene Blackscales backstory written by her in a book of her crewmates stories. sorry for any grammer and spelling errors

Rylene Blackscales(because she didn't want her original last name of bloodscale)

*sigh* the captain really wants me to write about my past because she can see it is bothering me so here is my past so i guess i better get this over with, *opens a book with the stories of everyone in the crew in it*

So my story begins in a landlocked village 78 miles from the port where Captain Shayde found me but that happens later, my life and old family were farmers, with my dad and 7 older brothers and 14 younger, thanks to my 2 mothers who are also my aunt's, yeah my dad knocked up both his older sisters when they went into heat back when he was 14 and they were 19, i was the runt of both clutches and my dad didn't like the fact that i was female and smaller then my brothers, as i grew i tried helping but my size made it for me hard to help with the farm work so i got stuck with feeding the animals and cleaning the house when my moms weren't able to but when i reach 13 years old my dad got drunk, beat the hell out of me before ripping my wings off while yelling that runts don't get to fly this caused me to pass out both from blood loss and pain, when i woke up a week later both my moms were there with two soldiers writing a report but the attack, one of the soldiers saw that i was awake and came towards to say i screamed is an understatement i caused not only my moms to stop talking but every doctor and nurse in hearing range to come running, the female soldier since there were two and one was female the other male, it was the male coming towards me and after what happened with my father i am both scared and hate men, the males partner ask all the men to leave the room and asked one of the nurses to talk with me but all they could get out of me were winces and incoherent babbling. when the female soldier was done she collected her partner, who i later found out was her husband, i was okayed to go home but when we did my father and older brother looked pissed when they saw me because my hospital stay cost the farm about $10,000 but my brother soften their look when they saw that i was okay and not dead, my father had a look of pure murder he didn't want me back so i knew i had to get out of there but first i was going to wait until everyone went to sleep, i didn't have to wait for long because my moms told my brothers to go to bed they had unwittingly helped me because i went to my room and packed a small backpack and get the small hammer that i keep in my room, when i heard snoring coming from all the other rooms i went to each of my older brothers rooms and got close enough to hit their balls, they were like dad and had everything external so that made it easy to de-man them, they are also heavy sleepers so they wont notice anything until they wake up, when i was done with them i went to my father's room he was still awake reading so i walked up to him hiding the hammer, when he looked up and saw me his look had softened to that of the man i use to call father, he stood up and walked toward me without the hostility i came to expect from him, but little did he know his only girl was there to cause him as much harm as he caused her, when i pulled the hammer out he froze like a deer in headlights, he even asked me what i was going to do since he could see that i was out for vengeance, i told him 'i am gonna make sure that i don't get any more sisters for you to harm if they are runts' with that said i attacked and he screamed bloody murder as i crushed his balls like i did my older brothers.

when i was done he lay curled into a little ball or as little as he could get, my moms ranin just as i turned to get them so i could get a horse saddled and someone to take me to the city which is that port i mentioned earlier it was also the place i just got back from, my birth mom said i wasn't going anywhere, i just walked past them dropping the hammer at their feet as i passed and went back to my room to get my bag, as i walked out of my father's room i told them that i wasn't welcome here and that i made sure i wasn't going to get any more siblings that would end up like me, that was the last time i saw my family because once i had my bag i started the very long walk to the port, i did grab what food i could and what wouldn't spoil until i got to the port and found some type of work and healed fully,little did i know that by the time i got there, it was being raided by pirates and i walked until i got to the only ship was empty and walked on board and hid because the ship was my only way to truly put my real family behind me.

i didn't know how long i was sitting there because i must have fell asleep, i woke up hearing yelling around me which caused me to try and make myself smaller but then i heard a commanding voice that definitely sounded female, one of the people yelling said, "but captain we found a stow away," the captain walks over and looks at me as i cower in the corner i am trapped in now, turning to the others "ladies our stow away is a frightened little girl who by the looks of was beaten and had her wings removed," i flinched at that, "and she also looks like she is very hungry, i will take responsibility for her until we get home, but then i would like each of you to help look after her" when she mentioned that i looked hungry it was because i hadn't eaten in three days, when she turned back to me she lowered herself to my level and wiped some of the mud off my face and said "my name is Shade Shirius, what is your name, since i hadn't talked to anyone in weeks my voice cracked a little causing me to clear my throat "my....*cough*.....my name is Rylene"

Shade smiles "well Rylene why don't you come with me so we can get you cleaned up and fed," and the rest as they say is history or at least not much to write about since most of it is with in this book i am writing in because the captain gave me the book of everyone's backstories and i read it all because i was also told that if i wanted to i could read the stories in the book and well the people i now call family are a bunch of misfits but that is why i love them more than the one i came from even to this day my back still hurts and i have to use a herb to numb the pain just so i can function and sleep with out screaming in pain plus on top of that we just rescued a male from prison and i voiced my objections, but the Captain said we were going to rescue him, he is nice and i have a feeling he will get this after me, and i would like to write that once i saw how happy he looked when we showed up was priceless.

The black and green dragoness closes the book, "well thats that, i better get this back to the captain" she gets up and grabs the book before leaving her hut to bring the book back to Shade.