Adventures in Bunnysitting

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Ah, babysitting. Nature's most reliable way of getting an innocent cub and an adult who really should know better alone together so as to do terrible things with one another. This time around, there's some kinkiness involved as hypnosis is thrown into the mix. Is this the last we'll see of our dashing but conspicuously nondescript protagonist? Only time will tell - for the moment, happy reading.

"Hey, welcome to my humble abode." Jamie.

"Well well, quite the vocabulary. High spirited as ever I see?" I poked my tongue out at the rabbit - nominally my charge for the night, but at 9 he could pretty much take care of himself. Dinner and adult supervision were up to me, but he was a pretty well-behaved kid and the couple times I babysat for him he had had his homework done before I got there. Tonight was no exception.

"Oh, you know me." He pulled down his lower eyelid at me with his index finger in derision, a gesture he must have picked up from one or another of the Ghibli films interspersed among the DVDs along the back wall.

"I'm never totally sure that I do, J."

"Try not to burn the house down," Mother Dear cut in with a chiding smile. Upon further consideration - "Either of you."

And she was out the door without further ado, leaving us to our devices. Which, tonight, involved one or another of the house's more recent DVD acquirements. We plopped down, the two of us on either end of the three seat couch in front of the TV. The movie was some family-oriented fluff both of us could agree was stupid but entertaining, and it kept him occupied as I dealt with dinner. Something frozen, it didn't take long and we ate in front of the tube, each of us leaning in to eat above the coffee table so as not to mess up the cushions. We left the plates there to deal with later and laid back, myself on the left side but with Jamie in the middle now.

Something about the food had brought us closer, and with our stomachs full we both reclined. I splayed a bit across the couch, and he fell towards me, his weight resting on his elbow behind my thigh. Once the movie finished we had time for another, so I got up and popped in a kids' classic, not entirely coincidentally one that had affected me at around his age. When I got back to the couch, he lay back on my stomach under a blanket. I rested my hands a bit cautiously at my sides, not wanting to overstep any boundaries on his personal space.

There's a scene in the movie we watched where the protagonist, a plucky kid who's in more trouble than he realizes, falls into the trap of one of the villains. He's hypnotized by the baddie and waltzed aroun rather comically before being plucked from certain peril by a passing ally. Jamie looked up at me.

"This scene always makes me feel funny."

"Funny like a clown is funny, J?"

"Come ooon." Making with the pout. Of course the reference went over his head, but he understood the jest.

"Oh, I think I know what you mean," I said.

"You do?"

"Sure, I watched this movie as a kid as well. Made me feel kinda dizzy when I saw it - like maybe it would be kinda fun if someone did that to me."

"Hm." A short pause, during which I took the opportunity to turn the volume down on the TV. "Has anyone ever done it to you?"

"Yeah, they have."


"Yeah, a couple times actually."

Another pause, a little longer. "What's it like?"

"Well, it's hard to describe. The way they make it look, it's like... the things you want, and the things you do, are completely at the mercy of someone else, and you're completely subject to what they want, right? Like, you have no power or will of your own, you just have to obey, right?"

Jamie took a quick glance off into the middle distance somewhere in there before snapping back and nodding with a curious expression. "And it's... not like that?"

"Well, it's hard to describe... it can feel like that, but it isn't that. When you really want it to be, it can be that intense, single-focus obedience where you're kinda acting like a trained animal almost. But that's not what the real essence of it is."

"The essence of it?"

"Like... The main things with hypnosis are relaxation and breathing. Getting into a trance isn't a spontaneous thing, it's a process of becoming comfortable and relaxed gradually. You wanna start off somewhere comfortable." I feel him shift a bit. "Then the first thing you wanna do is focus on your breathing. You make it as deep and slow as you can, in through your nose and out through your mouth." I demonstrated, my belly pushing expanding to push his head up gently. "That gets your body more situated and slows your heart rate. In short, it makes it easier to relax your body."

He slumped a little and looked up in to my eyes, intrigued. The flickering image on the screen had faded to the background. Soon most other things would, too.

"So like... as an example. As your body relaxes, if you relax your whole body, you feel your face going kinda slack too. It's a funny feeling. Can make it feel kinda like it's hard to keep your eyes open. Of course, it's important to keep up that slow, even breathing like before. And pretty soon, your eyelids fall shut, and it can even be hard to open them." Obligingly, after a couple more moments of patter, they did.

"Now, that funny feeling you mentioned earlier, even though it can feel a little distracting at first, when it comes to trance, that feeling is actually your friend. You don't have to worry about feeling it - you can just invite it in and as the trance gets deeper you may find that funny feeling even grows. Now, like I said, example of a hypnotic suggestion... let's say, for the sake of argument, you imagine, simply imagine, that I have a drop of superglue on my finger, and I'm going to dab it on your eyelids. Now of course you know there's no superglue. But after I dab it on," I brushed his left eyelid lightly with a pawpad, and then his right, "You'll still find it difficult to open your eyes. If you give it a try, it's a good test to see if you're in trance or not. Give it a shot, on 3. One... two... three."

I watched his face twitch a bit, but his eyes stayed shut. He squirmed lightly and seemed a little surprised. I observed for a couple moments. "Pretty crazy, huh?" And then immediately, with a snap of my fingers right next to his ears - "Sleep now, bunny."

His form went slack instantaneously. I proceeded to paint him a mind picture or two - stairs, an elevator, each one taking him down deeper and relaxing his body and mind. Then I explained to him how our first real suggestion was going to work.

"Okay, so what happens when I touch you on the forehead, right here?" I asked.

"Fall deep... right away, deeper than before."

"Exactly, perfect. Now, you may not find you remember all the things we've discussed, and that's fine - they're not all that important. And the other lesson - what do good boys do?"

"Good boys obey."

"You got it." And I took him gently back up, pausing afterward to make sure he was alright and see what he remembered. As it turned out, not a whole lot: "I zoned out around where you were talking about the funny feeling. Did I fall asleep?"

"Something like that. What were we talking about again?"

I gave him a second to think, but before he could respond, a gentle tap between his eyes brought him back down hard, his whole body collapsing back down to the couch, and on to me.

"That's amazing J, you're really good at this. I can tell just looking at you that you're so deep, even deeper than before."

"Mmf. Mdeep."

"That's right. Now tell me little bunny, what's the status on that funny feeling we were talking about earlier?"

"Big... it's bigger..."

"Can you tell me where it's big? Any place in particular?"


"Alright, you don't have to worry about talking too much. Still staying so deep and relaxed, can you show me? With your hand?"

Jamie's right hand moved to rest on top of the blanket, right over his crotch. The movement was imprecise and his hand lay slack with his palm up, but I felt a telltale shudder roll through him as it brushed against the sensitive area.

"Heh, yeah. Big there, huh?"

"Mhm..." A slight shift of his body signaled he might be coming out of it a bit. "Kinnnda tickles..."

"All right J, I'm gonna bring you back up now like we did before. This time when you come back that funny feeling will stick around, just like it is now, okay?" A small nod from the bunny. "Good, now rising slowly, 3, feeling better, more awake..."

When he opened his eyes and looked around I could tell he was still a little hazy. He looked up to meet my gaze and I swore I could see a bright red blush painting his cheeks beneath the soft yellow fur. His nose twitched lazily.

"How long was I out?"

"Not long, couple minutes." I tried to maintain a casual tone. "You're a total space cadet tonight."

"Y... yeah, I guess. Did you...?" He trailed off.

"Did I what?"

"Never mind, it's nothing I guess." He flipped over onto his belly on top of me, his forearms supporting him gently on my stomach, and I felt his cock grind slowly into my thigh through his PJs. I kept it cool, but if he moved about half a foot to his right he was gonna feel mine grind right back into him. I wasn't worried about that, however. Worried isn't quite the word I'd use. I reached down and patted his cotton-ball tail through the blanket. He looked up at me with lidded eyes.

"Hey... you goofball."

I ignored his chiding and reached up to pat his head. "Heya, J. Just wondering... do you know what good boys do?"

He tilted his head at the sudden question, but responded dutifully. "Good boys obey... why?"

"And who do good boys obey?"

"... Their masters."

"Good boy. And who's your master?"

"Y... you." Amid the mild confusion on his face, I could see connections being made. He twitched against my thigh.

"So that means..."

"I.. obey you."

"There ya go, squirt." I pet the fur on top of his head again. "And speaking of which, I've got a job for you." I picked him up under his shoulders, the blanket falling off of him, and laid him against the opposite side of the couch. "Remember that funny feeling we were talking about?"


"Show me." My tone was steady and even; it was clear that this was an order.

He looked down at the floor in embarrassment but complied, albeit slowly. First came the pajama bottoms - they slid down to reveal a pair of superhero-patterned briefs with a diminutive but distinct bulge pushing at the seam. "They're silly, I know."

"Not at all. I think they're just perfect for you."

Seeing an expectant smile still on my face, he continued, revealing a solid two-and-a-half-incher with two round, smooth stones pulled in tight beneath it and a serious twitch. His pink tip nestled inside a yellow foreskin that matched his fur. "Like this?"

"Exactly like that, that's perfect. Now..." After a short pause for consideration, "Lift up your shirt a little."

He raised an eyebrow at me but seemed to be enjoying himself considering how quickly he obeyed, revealing a soft white belly whose extent was demarcated by the dull yellow fur that covered the rest of his body. I leaned in and blew a loud, wet raspberry right above his belly button. I heard a soft giggle and looked up to see him smiling playfully at me.

"Hey, what's the big idea down there?"

"Sorry J, I've just always wanted to do that." Pulling away slowly, I let out a slow, hot breath that I knew would reach his shaft. I looked into his eyes as they settled back into a slightly dazed expression of lust. "Now you can touch it. Take just one pawpad and run it gently up and down the underside of your penis, like this." I demonstrated the slow movement in the air with my paw facing me. As he tried it his hips thrust forward, instinctively attempting to push his shaft towards the source of the pleasure. Simultaneously, though, he pulled his paw backwards, careful not to disobey my directive.

"Very good boy. We call that 'teasing,' it helps to build anticipation and make things feel even better."

The poor little bunny was huffing and panting at this point, his breathing ragged. "I... hnf... how long do I have to do this... before I can..."

"Do what feels natural?"

"Hng... yeah..."

"Well, now that you asked I wanna see you squirm a little more. But if you asked nicely, maaaaybe..."

"P... please..."

"Sorry, I couldn't quite make that out."


I looked him in the eye with a smile and tilted my head a bit. "Oh, alright. Go ahead and wrap your paw around it, J."

"Th... thank... fff, aaaah..." The expression of gratitude was cut off by a huff and a loud moan the bold lewdness of which belied the rabbit's tender age. It was around this time I figured if he was having so much fun, I might as well join in. I unzipped my jeans and pulled my boxers down to reveal a bright red member, its pointed tip and the bulge near its base suggestive of my canine lineage. The tip was already coated in slimy precum, a copious amount of which had been left behind as a dark spot visible on the front of my underwear. I stroked slowly, careful not to outpace the little one.

"F-feels nice, huh?" I asked.

"Rrrrreally nice, y-yeah." I could see him picking up the pace as his eyes, though glassy and somewhat out of focus, came to rest on my cock.

"Like what you see, kiddo?" A stock line, sure, but J wouldn't know any better. Presently it elicited a slight nod and an even deeper blush across his cheeks. "Good boy."

He thrust hard into his hand upon hearing those words, and I saw his toes, still nestled under the blanket in the middle of the couch, curl upwards and splay out. I moved in to get us both a better view, looming over the bunny boy with my unoccupied arm supporting me as we spanked our respective monkeys. I could smell his sweat, his breath, the baby shampoo he used on his fur, and underneath it all the unmistakable soft scent of boy. Both of us were breathing rapidly, and our speeds were more or less matched.

"Do you know what comes next?" I asked, still not sure whether he had been this far before.

"N- nuh uh." He shook his head, his hips pistoning instinctually against the motions of his hand.

"That's fine, hff, just remember, when you feel it building, like a really big sneeze, you wanna just let it in, nh, kay?"

"I... uh... ahh..." He was clearly not in any position to be formulating sentences. After a few moments of further closeness and our panting breath on each other, he managed to squeak out, "it's... coming..."

I didn't respond, just pet his head and let nature start to take its course on my end as well. I could see the beginnings of it as he bit down on his lower lip, his motions transitioning to a rapid, short thrusts. Long, sensuous moans gave way to brief squeaks and quick puffs of air. His hips pulled back for one last big push, and I was only a moment behind.

As he finished, I was glad Jamie's family lived in a house and not an apartment. The indescribable noise that came out of his mouth was practically deafening as his cock pulsed and a few drops of thin, clear liquid shot out to stain the front of his pajama shirt. Hearing him caterwaul I couldn't contain myself either, and commenced to add a substantial amount of my own seed to the display. Our hips rocked closer to each other, once, twice, five times each before we both slowed to a complete stop. As the afterglow enveloped us, each looking into the others eyes, I think I was the first to speak.



"Not bad, huh?"

Jamie was still flushed, and looked a little embarrassed. "Are we... boyfriends now?"

"Only if you wanna be, squirt."

He mulled it over for a moment. With a smirk, "I'll get back to you on it."

"Sounds good to me." I flopped over and laid back on my end of the couch. After a few moments catching our breath and getting our respective pants back on, I leaned over and tapped the bunny lightly on the forehead. His shoulders slumped and he fell backwards.

"There you go, that's it. All the way back down deep, to that nice relaxing place. Now J, I'm going to release you. You don't have to obey my every command, I'm just your babysitter again." I rephrased the suggestion a couple times to make sure it would stick and brought him back up gently, with the stipulation that this time he would know he had been hypnotized. I watched as his eyes slowly blinked open and he turned to me.

"That... was pretty cool." He said

"Glad you thought so, I had fun too." I ruffled his fur once more, a gesture of affection at which he now rolled his eyes. "Good to see you're back to your old self, J."

"Man. If you're gonna babysit me from now on... I gotta set my mom up on more dates." We both laughed and headed off to get ready for bed, dropping his shirt in the laundry machine along the way.