
Story by Mahiri Morahan on SoFurry

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#8 of Personal Stories

Keedee is a -very- excitable hyena. Especially around big lions. When she's offered anything she wants for her birthday, she can't help but think of something kinky to really get her juices flowing. A hungry cat is happy to oblige.

As with most vore stories I write, feel free to draw your own conclusions on what happens next. If you prefer it lighter, then yes, she'll come back. If you prefer it fatal, then yes, that's it.

This story also goes 'all the way' with the digestion segment. If you don't wish to read disposal, stop when you see " *** ".

Keedee checked her phone. No signal, of course, but that wasn't why she needed it. Tucking her knees up close to her chest, she tried to squash down that tingling, anxious excitement in her chest before she spiralled into a giggle-fit she might never recover from.

The timer on her phone ticked down to zero. Her headstart was over. A short cackle escaped her lips, and she abruptly covered her mouth with a palm. Careful, she thought. He could probably hear that for miles.

While she had her hand there, she licked at it. Mmm. She could still taste him. Before setting off on her hour-long headstart, she'd made sure to dig her fingers nice and deep into his mane. It always felt so nice, and smelled even better. Rich, natural lion. The real deal, born on the wild savanna. And now hunting her through the thickest patch of trees she could find, some ways out of the city.

He could probably smell her, too. Though she had the cover of leaves and branches to keep the sun mostly off her spotted hide, the air was thick and heated. She'd been running, trying to put as much difference between her and the intimidating feral as she could, and now she was sweating. Her clothes had taken a few rips against stray branches. She'd fallen once. Her top hung loosely, only covering one shoulder.

There was no sense running anymore, she figured. She was deep in the woods. Lost, honestly. If he didn't find her, she had no idea how she'd get home. But that was the whole point. One hour to hide, and then he'd come looking for her. She wondered how far away a lion could smell a nervous hyena.

This had all been her idea, of course. Nanji had asked her what she wanted for her birthday, and she came up with this devious little scenario. Help her bring one of her biggest fantasies to life. Alone, lost somewhere far from home, and being hunted down by a feral lion with a taste for hyena.

She had wondered, at first, if knowing him would lesson the effect a little. He was a big scary lion and all, but also one she had hugged, snuggled, kissed. She knew the spots he liked to be scratched. But then she just thought back to the last, ominous words he'd told her before she started the timer and set out.

"I might not be as gentle as you're used to. And I won't stop, either."

Sometimes, when their play got a little rowdy, they had a silly safeword, just in case. "Lemon", and he'd hold up. She'd never actually used it before. She loved when he got rough. So, this time, she went ahead and told him. No safewords. No matter what.

And, thinking back to the look in his eye when she said that, she felt a little pang of fear tightening her chest, cutting her breath short like a sudden grip on her throat. He looked truly feral at that moment. Like a wild beast, ready to decimate his ancient, instinctual foe. People were past those kinds of things these days. But he was an animal. An actual lion.

That was what was after her now. Sure, she had a headstart, but it was only a matter of time. How rough was he actually going to be? The fear bubbling through her head and chest made her feel dizzy. Forcing her to the height of instinctual alert. Threats could be coming from all sides, at anytime. Missing the slightest noise could spell disaster.

It had another effect. This feeling, this heightened, wary, frightened sensation, it made her wet. She felt it all at once. Just like a sudden shock right to her clit. She felt herself warming up, making a delicious mess of her panties. He told her once he loved how she smelled when she was horny. He could probably smell her now.

The thought that she was giving away her position brought a little whimper from her lips. Not a distressed one. Her clit was absolutely buzzing with pleasure, with how turned on she was getting. She knew the more turned on by the thought of getting caught, the more likely he was to catch her. Fear caused arousal caused fear. Over and over, feeding into one another.

Before long, just a few minutes into officially being hunted, and she heard a snap of twigs. She could swear she felt something breathing on her, too. That should have been possible. Unless he cheated! Nonetheless, she froze in place. Just held perfectly still, mid-step. Listening, round ears perked.

It didn't sound like the big lion he was, but she knew cats. Even the biggest could be so surprisingly quiet. She had to grit her teeth to keep from letting out a nervous cackle. She tried not to breathe so loudly, but it was so hard to catch her breath. Not for the exertion, but for the tightness in her chest.

She waited until she lost count of seconds. A minute, maybe two. No other sound came, but she could feel him. That shadowed presence stalking her, watching her every movement. He'd probably already found her, and was just waiting for the right moment to pounce.

Still, she kept pushing on. Slipping in between the tight foliage. Not letting the occasional smack of a bent branch slow her down too much. Though her poor outfit was getting wrecked, exposing little glimpses of her wet spots beneath the clothing. There were no landmarks. Nothing but seemingly infinite nature.

Time was slipping away, but she couldn't keep track of it anymore. She didn't risk the glow of her phone's screen to check. Her initial rush of anxious arousal didn't come to anything, and now she was just feeling worn down. Like she had been running from him for hours. But she hadn't even seen him yet.

She didn't find a break in the monotonous trees until she stumbled upon the edge of a lake. It wasn't that wide, probably not too hard to swim across, but that seemed like cheating. She knew cats and water! Walking around it left her exposed though - there weren't as many trees, and he was likely to see her. She stopped, considering for just a moment. Dropping her guard, only for a few seconds.

Apparently, that was the perfect time to pounce. Not a single sense she had felt him coming. He was invisible, silent, not even smelled until he hit her hard from the side. The impact utterly stunned her, flattened her, sent her skidding over the grass until it stained deep into her torn clothing.

Keedee ended up flat on her back, with two great big paws on her shoulders, and the drooling snarl of a wild lion. His fangs were all on display, dripping onto her. His breath was hot and wet in her face. His eyes were fiery, vicious, almost angry. He looked exactly like her fantasy.

A wet snarl in her face flung heavy gobs of lion drool onto her fur. He rumbled and growled so loud it hurt her perked ears. The twisted, fangy look he was giving her, he looked furious she even existed. It filled her with a cold fear, with the sudden sense that she was making a mistake. Her eyes scanned him all over, looking for those little marks on his face that would tell her it was really him, and not some thoughtless beast loosed on her in his place.

But no, there were those familiar colours in his mane, that little scar she had run her finger over many times before. It was him, but roaring, snarling, drooling in her face with such ferocity she shrank right down, unable to even properly squirm. She'd run this scenario through her head a hundred times, often with two fingers or more nestled deeply in her cunt, but seeing, feeling, breathing it all at once was something else entirely.

Nanji laid off the snarl to lean down over the rest of her. He started sniffing her, aggressively. Just sucking in great big lungfuls of her scent, as she lay streaked with dirt, sweat, and arousal. He sniffed her breasts, her belly, casually tugging her shirt between his teeth until it tore mostly off of her. Just a rag now. Then he stuffed his muzzle right between her thighs and started taking in her lust.

His heated breath there, his whiskers against her inner thighs, it made her wiggle and cackle, trying to tug away. It was just too much. He responded with a sharp growl and thumped one big paw onto her chest, nearly knocking the air out of her lungs. If she moved even slightly, that continuous rumble spiked in intensity, a wordless threat that sounded so much more violent than anything he could ever say. She obeyed.

She couldn't help her laughter though. Any other hyena in earshot would have known the sound. No delighted giggle. More just a constant, repeating "whoop" that basically said "I'm in trouble." Stalked, pounced, and pinned, she was reduced to little more than the sum of her collective instincts. Hyena on one side. Zebra on the other. Both flooding her with a mix of sensations and urges. Fight, said one. Run like hell, said the other.

When he showed those fangs again, they spiked ever higher. Her alarmed noise grew shrill. He bit down, and she seized up, twitched, violently shook, but he wasn't actually hurting her. Pricked her skin a little, maybe. But mostly he worked his jaws to tear off the layers that kept him from her bare fur. Through belt and denim and soaked panties, he sunk his fangs in until they indented her flesh, and then effortlessly tore through the garments.

It made her flinch, expecting the pain to set in any moment after such an aggressive motion. She closed her eyes, gritted her teeth. But instead she felt his rough tongue working over her sensitive folds, like she had many times before. This time, she couldn't even bear it. It was so hot, made her tingle so much. He tossed his maned head with the force of his demanding slurps between her legs. Slathering her whole pussy, drinking in the freely-flowing juices. Every part of her wanted this, but the way he was simply forcing it got her even wetter, until those smooth black lips were glistening and with fragrant juices all over again between every greedy lick.

He dug right inside of her with the force of his tongue, sending a jolt right down to her toes and a scream to her lips. She could be as loud as she wanted, but there was simply no one around to hear them. His continuous rumbling, the rolling thunder in his chest, drowned her out anyway. He ate her out, deeply, firmly, with fangs nestled in the dark tuft of her crotchfur, while she nearly screamed for mercy to feel the harsh texture of his tongue working over her swollen, painfully aroused folds and details.

Inside was one thing. When he specifically found her engorged clit and wrapped it in his lips, even in his teeth to give the smallest bite, she couldn't stand it. She kicked at him, thumping his underside, flailed her unpinned arms, screamed and cackled and whooped. She needed to cum, but he wouldn't let her. Instead, he pinned her arms and moved up to snarl steamy breath in her face once more.

She could see the fur around his lips smeared and matted by her juices. Could see his whiskers gleaming wetly. But most of all she could see his teeth, dripping with hungry saliva, like he could just lunge for her throat at any moment. She found herself lowering her chin, feeling vulnerable. Nothing to provoke him, like she were truly dealing with a wild animal.

But she couldn't really protect her neck when he wanted it in his jaws. He growled and rumbled and opened up wide. His fangs locked around the side of her throat, paralyzing her with excited fear, and he curled himself down over top of her. She was smothered in mane, in fur, in big, horny lion as he thumped his balls down on her clit. Direct hit. Humping her, grinding, and soon spreading a generous smattering of hot pre through her mussed, spotty fur. Giving her a generous marking of the musk in his sheath while his barbed cock dug into her.

The grip on her throat made it a little hard to breathe, and made it dangerous to move too much. He was holding tighter than he usually did. None of the usual overly cautious treatment he gave her. He was biting her, choking her, pinning her, and soon fucking her. Not a care for teasing or buildup. Just finding his mark and shoving every inch he had into her, soft barbs sending their electric zaps all through her senses as he jammed them in along with the rest of his fat lion dick.

And just like an animal would, he thumped and rutted her without stopping. Even when she felt herself getting sore from the constant slap of his balls against her. Even when she found herself straining to get enough air. Her eyes were glazed and wet. She was drooling a bit. And she was squirting with excitement. She felt pleasure like a vice grip on her thighs, leaving her uselessly flopping and flailing beneath him while she gushed into his fur. Maybe it was an orgasm, maybe a few. Or just one continuous cumshot fucked right out of her by the drooling, snarling lion.

He was filling her too. She felt the hot rush of lion cum inside of her womb. Shooting out as he thrust into her, pounding her into an indent in the dirt and grass. He wasn't stopping. It didn't matter if she was soon sloshing with his seed, he kept rutting her, breeding her as roughly as he would a lioness. His roughness hurt here and there. But she was right back to full arousal moments after cumming her thoughts right out.

They kept going like that, exchanging sloppy noises, panting, drooling, sweating. Marking their surroundings with the scent of their collective lust. Pooling the juices that wouldn't fit inside of her. Running down her taint, reaching her tail. She would feel how all his muscles flexed with the effort of taking her. Making her his own. She'd never felt him so possessive, never felt so unsafe with him. She loved it.

Before she could soak his nuts with another squirt, he pulled from her. His barbs were soft, but yanking them out so suddenly still made for an intense spark of pleasure that left her gasping. Even more when he briefly released her throat, giving her a minute to desperately refill her lungs with air. And with the lion sex that wafted deeply through those dark woods.

She tried to crawl away, but could only manage a feeble struggle, turning over onto her side and dragging herself through the sodden grass. He was upon her in moments. Pouncing again just to squeeze the cackles out of her. This time, he pressed his chest onto back, pinned her flat on her face, and didn't relent. He was just sprawled over her a moment, dominating her with his sheer weight, She felt his mane on the back of her neck, felt him smooshing down on her to keep her in place while she whooped for a pack that would never hear her.

Then she felt those fangs again. Toying with the back of her neck. Finding a bit of scruff to nip at, and biting. He knew where to put the pressure so it didn't hurt, but it still had her frozen in place, unable to even think of moving. Even as she felt those soaked barbs tickling under her tail, finding her tight black ring and grinding wetly over it. Smearing her up with their collective lube. She was going to need it.

Everyone made a big deal over how intimidating cat cocks looked, with all those hooked barbs looking all nasty, but once they were inside, Kee always found they were like these perfect squishy nubs of pleasure that always seemed to know exactly where to rub. But like this, excited and frightened to the point of exhaustion, tense all over, with his fangs holding her tight, she really felt them. Dragging hard in shocking tingles as he stuffed his dripping cock into her ass. Thankfully he was soaked, but it was still a tight, slow fit. It brought shrill, yipping noises out of her she didn't even know she could make.

Another few inches of slick, lewd shoving and she was getting fucked in the ass by a wild lion, in the middle of nowhere. It was starting to rain. She was mostly shielded from the drops coming down by that big lion on her back, but the moisture in the air mingled with their shared musk, bringing out the horny cat all the more. Overwhelming her nose with it while he tapped his balls against her spotty rump. He always was so greedy for her ass, and now he was fucking her until she was going numb from the constant spank of his underside against her.

She could already feel her womb sloshing all that spunk he'd shot up into her. When his pre turned thick, his balls tensed, she knew more was coming. She was just trying to relax, trying not to let squirmy excitement take her over, but her legs still kicked and flexed around, sending some nice contractions around his rutting cock.

He snorted against the back of her neck. Huffed, grunted, growled. Lions were such crude, lumbering creatures sometimes. No more evident when they came. He slammed her a few times, just seeming to be punishing her body while she squeezed down tight on him. The scraping, tingling feeling of his cock throbbing in and out of her, of his muscles tensing all over, of him breathing so quickly... she screamed out again, and squirted what surely had to be the last of her juices all over herself and the forest floor. Her hips jumped and bucked entirely out of her own control while he splattered her insides with his seed all over again.

Hot, thick, copious. Belly-stretching. She felt his potent cum filling and heating her inside, all the way up to her chest, until she swore she could taste it. He was grinding her so hard it felt like he'd break her in half, milking himself dry deep under her tail, twisting and shoving while his sack pulsed against the rise of her backside. She was heaving, gasping, sweating. Her joints hurt and her body sloshed with the slightest movement. Her arms wobbled as she tried to pick her face up out of the wet grass, but failed.

The pullout was mercifully slow. Not so much because he was being careful with her, but more just she had gone so tight during their shared climax that it took time to slide his cock out of her overfilled ass. She was soaked, sore, and for once, silent, aside from the panting for breath. He released her throat and let her refill on air once more. Gentle rain turned to downpour, really bringing out the musk of their fucking, thick in the air she was gasping.

While she remained sprawled and defeated in the increasing mud, he circled her. His tufted tail slowly swishing, his head low. A growl so guttural it didn't seem real. She felt it rattling her bones while she raised to a crawl, trying to drag herself away from his threatening posture. Maybe it was how often she was blinking the rain out of her eyes, but he seemed to be everywhere at once. In front of her, then behind, as soon as she looked. And getting closer.

He'd already caught her. There was no need for this. Eventually she got herself to a seated position, knees up, arms raised, ready to fend off his attack. She turned her head away. Part of her was acting, but it was a very natural sort of thing. Method acting, you could call it. Letting the moment fill her. She was a lone hyena runt, isolated and cornered by a vicious alpha lion. The strongest of his kind, versus the weakest of hers. Survival of the fittest, or whatever.

Really, the temptation to just stick two fingers down between her thighs was strong as he made his approach. Low to the ground, staring her in the face. Eyes nearly glowing in the limited light. Amping up the rumbling like revving an old engine. She saw every one of his fangs out, his face all scrunched up in that nasty snarl. Like he was going to truly fuck her up any second. But he took his time. Damn cats and their toying with prey.

Until THUD, she was on the ground and he was on top of her again. He'd already done that, but apparently wanted the pleasure of pouncing her more than once. He held her down, snarled in her face, and just kept that hold for a while. Ten seconds or maybe ten minutes, she really couldn't know. Not when he was staring her deeply in the face, licking his chops, and showing off his superior might.

Nanji made a few lunges at her. Just some sharp jerks of his head towards hers, making her jump, silently yelp, flinch away. She could tell he was enjoying all the power over her. God, he was getting this perfect. Making her feel so helpless, like she was in such danger. Being the cruel, greedy lion she just needed in her life sometimes.

Even with the teasing, she wasn't ready for when he actually made his move. He just spread his jaws wide, gave her a momentary glimpse of the back of his throat, then jammed her face towards it as he slurped her muzzle into his jaws. Those teeth framed her vision, and then she was overtaken by darkness when he began to gulp. No teasing, no savouring his meal. He was simply devouring her.

She could hear the muffled sounds of him mmming and grunting as he ate her whole. One big paw was on the back of her head soon, shoving her in. Urgently. Like he couldn't stand not having her inside of him. He gobbled and he began to swallow, taking her nose and lips into his gullet.

His breath grew hotter, thicker. It was rather nice. Had he freshened up for her, the silly lion? He hadn't eaten anything in a while, either, judging by the lack of digestive scents. And the hungry rumbles that were soon audible as she got closer to their source. The big cat had been fasting. Preparing himself for his luscious hyena meal.

And it just seemed so effortless to swallow her. He was massive even for a lion, more than four times her weight, but the way he just shoved and stuffed her into his sagging gullet without a moment's pause was at first so stunning she didn't even remember to squirm. Perhaps to remind her, he bit her shoulder. Hard enough to make her yelp. That got her squirming. Reminded her that she was a small hyena, being swallowed alive by a hungry lion.

Though he'd already taken a lot out of her, she wasn't going to pass up this opportunity. She found a good spot to dig in her heels, and started desperately fighting to get out of his jaws. Even made a little progress at first, dragging herself deeply over his tongue as she fought to stay unswallowed. When was she ever going to get the chance to get attacked by a lion again? She did everything she could to escape, to make it feel real. Even if the end result they both wanted was the same.

A shake of his head from side to side, a rough application of both paws, and he overpowered her once more. Just clenching her around the ribs, tossing her about as he ate her. She felt her face outlined in his throat, felt him truly starting to take her inside. Though tiny compared to him, she packed a lot of strength and endurance into such a small frame, and she kicked at thrashed in a panic that was easy to fake. Maybe it wasn't entirely fake, given the instincts buzzing through her head, telling her to get out of the lion.

Another toss of his great maned head, and she was in the air, her legs flailing in all directions as raindrops smacked down over her remaining spots. He pinned her arms to her sides with his gullet as he squeezed her shoulders into it, leaving her grasping at his lips, his fangs, his tongue. He slathered and ground her against his tastebuds, squeezing every last drop of flavour out of her like he was juicing an orange, and then kept swallowing.

When his steamy breath was directly right onto her overstimulated pussy, her flailing legs went stiff for a moment. She'd almost forgotten what a number he had done on her. How he'd pounded her, battered and bruised her and filled her with his cum. She was so sensitive there that her yelping whoop echoed all the way up his throat. He teased her hard, going right for her clit, bringing a whole different kind of struggle out of her. One to get away from that tongue at all costs, to stop it before it became just too much and she passed out or something.

Such a perfect distraction for him to give another big toss of his head, and slurp in even more of her. Now she was nearly vertical. Falling into his throat as he tipped her legs towards the sky. His eyes were closed, and he sighed in delight feeling the last of her slipping into him. Her hips disappeared past his lips and became part of the bulge she made. Her head shoved into his roasting hot belly, followed by more of her. It was almost entirely empty, clean even. He'd been waiting for this a long time. He needed her meat. Every last bite of it.

Her legs, he finished off with an exaggerated slurp, giving her the noodle treatment, sucking on every inch she had left. The last few spots to see the light of day. Her calves, slurped and sucked, her ankles, nibbled at, and then her toes, given one last little tease of a lick. Then he closed his mouth, rolled his shoulders and head into one last big gulp, and left her sliding into his gut until it sagged near to the ground.

Full, satisfied, and with a squirming bulge, Nanji had little else to do but belch as long and rudely as he could and find a good spot to collapse. Somewhere with a bit of cover so he wouldn't get wet while he digested his meal. Still full of energy, Kee squirmed all about, outlines of her hands, her paws, her muzzle, her tits all pressing up against the gut she was trapped in, here and there. She felt herself swaying back and forth in the darkness, the walls closing in on her after that burp, knowing he was happily trotting off to go sprawl somewhere.

Soon, the chamber inverted, sending the fluids splashing all around her and messing with her sense of direction. The lion was laying on his back, stretched out as luxuriantly as possible, rumbling away. No longer growling, just sounding like a satisfied kitty. She felt his paws rubbing in on her, trying to keep her under control. But mostly, he was just going to be a lazy cat and turn her into lion pudge.

It was so hot in there that it was tempting to just relax and let it overtake her. But she said she wanted to be hunted down like prey - so she was going to act like it. She kicked and she struggled. She knocked her fists against the slimy walls around her. And she couldn't stop giggling. Her jaw ached before long as she cackled and cackled, a wordless cry for help for someone of her kind to come save her from the lion's clutches. But it was far, far too late, even if there were another hyena around to hear.

She spoke the first few syllables of a desperate plea for mercy, just to add to the drama of it all. But she quickly trailed off, reconsidering. He'd hunted and taken her down like a wild animal. He wasn't speaking, even now. Why ruin that illusion? They were just two beasts, two ancient foes, acting out of deep-rooted instincts. And today, he was victorious.

The gurgling got loud. He was really working on her, in his hunger. She could feel a tingle here and there as needy acids got through her fur and onto her skin. It didn't hurt yet, but it was starting to itch and irritate. Her fur was definitely falling out here and there. Leaving bare patches for his gut to work on. The walls were getting tighter and tighter on her, almost crushing bone.

Her struggles were slowing, too. There just wasn't enough air in there for her to feed her muscles. Her head was spinning, some of it from the lingering pleasure of countless orgasms. But some of it was her slow demise in a steaming lion gut. She wondered how she looked, stretching out his belly as he lazed and digested her. The bulge shrinking inwards as she was churned.

He was breathing in long, pleasured gasps, getting plenty of air, and some of that got down to her. She was properly digesting now. She could feel it. Through her remaining strength, she managed to keep her head above the bubbling, churning mess that rose below. But she couldn't protect all of herself.

That irritating sting flared up briefly as a surge of pain here and there, bringing out some sharp whimpers from her, though she was still excited as ever. It numbed over soon enough, anyway. She never expected this to be especially pleasant. And it could definitely have been worse.

Her cheeks got hot when she heard some telltale grunts and groans from the relaxing lion. He wasn't just enjoying the feeling of digesting her alive. He was getting turned on by it. She knew those sounds. His paws found the lump of meat that was her, and massaged at her, while she twitched and flinched during the gurgling, messy digestion.

She couldn't feel a thing, but she knew it was getting worse. The layers were being stripped away, the sludge of digesting hyena meat was rising, and she was coming apart. It was in so many ways an incredible feeling. Giving in. The ultimate submission, to feed him and sustain him. To be his reward after a successful hunt.

When the acid sizzled its way up near her neck, she had to be honest. It was hurting. She was tough as hell, could endure anything, but she was getting no mercy as the digestive fluids ate away at her most vulnerable places. Getting under her tail. Over her nipples. And getting inside of her as they burned right through her. She couldn't feel really anything below the thigh anymore, nor at the elbow down. Bits of her were floating about and bumping into her. She wouldn't be whole much longer.

Nanji must have heard her whimpers, because he rolled over suddenly and seemed set on ending it. But not without one final bit of dominance. Pressing the sagging bulge of her form against his cock, he began to grind on her. Hump her as she submerged fully in the digestives. Twitched her very last. In her very last moments of consciousness, gurgling away full immersed in stomach acids, she felt him thrusting his cock in against her softening body, heard him grunting, felt him tensing, and her last thoughts before fainting were of what it must have looked like, the big cat cumming all over himself as she passed out. What a way to finish her off.

The lion flopped over onto his side, snorted once, and then set back to contentedly rumbling. He placed one paw on the bulge of what used to be a hyena. Just twitching meat, now. And soon, not even twitching. She was utterly still, while his gut noisily worked her over. Stripped every last bit of that pretty fur away, and sizzled the delicious meat right off her bones. Even those were being worked on, pockmarked and splintering, while he closed his eyes and slipped into the deepest of feline dozes.

As he slept, contented in most every way a lion could, she churned away. Not a single detail was recognizable by then, all sloshed into nothing but a slurry of various bits. It got pushed down into his intestines to slowly be drained of all the nutrition she had to offer. All digested down and soon just adding to his body. Fuelling his muscles and his strength, but certainly packing a layer of soft padding onto his gut as well.

He had nowhere to be, so he slept as long as he damn well pleased, digesting that hyena away in the rain. When he woke, it was dark.. He smacked his chops, glanced about, and slowly came to his feet. Really he couldn't remember the last time he felt so good. Getting to use all those buried instincts, to rut her and take her however he pleased. And to fill up on her body, knowing she was so excited to do it. Maybe it was a favour, but she tasted good. And the feeling of gurgling her down to nothing, still squirming, it made his sheath twitch just to remember it.


No time for that though. His body was finally done with her, taking everything it could from her, but not everything was useful. The weight of her remains tingled through him, no doubt with some clumps of fur still present to tease at his bowels. No time to find the perfect spot. He needed to shit her out.

So he turned and squatted at the base of the nearest tree, lifting his tail high and drawing his lips back into a slight snarl. He grunted, he huffed. She tickled on the way out. Before long, he was squeezing a long, thick log of lion shit onto the grass, flecked with plenty of her fur and some little fragments of her bones. But it was all just filth. No one would ever have known it was her.

He could hardly believe how long it took to dispose of her. She wasn't even that big a girl, but here he was, piling up pound after pound of former hyena. He had to admit, it felt pretty good. All the satisfaction of a huge dump, with the added devilish thought that it was her he was shitting out. Every last piece of her, either made a part of him, or steaming in that great big mess.

By the time he was done, he felt like a new lion. His cock had lazily filled his sheath in the process of getting rid of her, but he wasn't full hard. He turned, pissed on the pile and the tree, then sighed. That was it. Looking with maybe some odd sense of pride to the mound of Keedee, he considered a moment.

Then he unsheathed a claw, and scratched her name into the trunk of the tree he just shit her under. Along with an arrow, pointing down. That made him chuckle. Then he spotted her discarded phone, and a wicked grin spread across his lips.

It took some fumbling with great big paws and claws, but he eventually managed to get the damn thing to take a picture. That pile, clearly marked. Then he went through her contacts, ticked every single one with the tip of a claw, and hit send. Whether or not it would go through, so far from a decent signal, he didn't care. Someone would see it eventually, and know exactly what happened out here.

He left it at that, striding off towards that lake for a drink and a bath, licking his lips along the way for any lingering hints of her delicious flavour, all that fear and arousal making for a meal he wouldn't soon forget. Happy birthday, kinky girl.