The Lion King - He Mustn't Know

Story by Dragon Valor on SoFurry

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#18 of Miscellaneous Fanfiction

Nala has fallen for one of Scar's sinister plots. He made her a deal and she swallowed it, hook-line-and-sinker. Now she's on the run. She didnt know where she'll go, but she has to get away before Scar can use her more. On the run, she finds the last person she ever expected to see again. It's Simba, but he mustn't ever find out what she has been through.

The Lion King (c) Disney


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"You wound me," he said, pressing a paw against his chest. "Really my dear, I didn't summon you here to break you. Why would I harm my best huntress in any way?" He clicked his tongue and shook his head slowly. "Quite the contrary. I wish to extend an olive branch. Mating season is on the horizon and I do not wish to enter it as your enemy."

Scar kept a smile spread across his muzzle as the lioness paced in front of him, her golden eyes glaring at him with a venom he had grown used to over the years.

"You are our king out of necessity only," Sarabi said, her fur bristled along her back. "You will never be anything but my enemy."

He hummed thoughtfully, feigning a pout as he hung his head. "That is truly a shame. I have never done anything but care for this pride." Sarabi tensed, her mouth open as if to dispute him. He cut her off, pushing forward. "I have maintained your health and safety above all others, Sarabi, in hopes you would one day be my queen."

"I will never betray the memory of Mufasa by lifting my tail for you!" she snapped and dug her claws into the stone she trod over.

Scar snarled, crouching low as though to pounce on the aging lioness. "I told you to never speak his name!" He loosed another angry growl, digging his own claws into the hard earth. "If you will not lift your tail for me, then any hope of becoming my queen and giving this pride an heir dies with my brother!"

Sarabi hissed then spun about, rushing out of the chamber she had shared with Mufasa once upon a time. But no longer. Now that was Scar's cave. But therein lay the problem. He needed someone to share it with. Someone malleable, someone whom he could bend to his will and ensure his control over the ever increasingly defiant lionesses.

Someone malleable. Innocent and impressionable. A smile spread along his dark lips again. He lifted his paw to stroke his chin as he realized there was someone who just fit that description.

Slowly he turned, considering his hyena lieutenants who had been sitting ominously in the corner of his cave. "Tell me, where is Nala?"

"Oh Nala?" Shenzi asked, quirking her brow and pondering for a moment. "She's uh... Hunting I think."

"Want us to go make an example of her, boss?" Banzai asked, grinning wickedly.

As arousing an idea as it was to see the young lioness writhing under his hyenas, especially wrapped around Ed's pitilessly large length, Scar shook his head. "NO!" he snapped, then composed himself. "No. Has she gone into season yet?"

Unable or unwilling to hide their disappointment, they nodded in unison, though Ed's head bounced unnaturally quickly. Scar could almost hear the loose pebbles inside his empty skull rattling about. "Yeah boss," Banzai said. "Went into heat this morning. That's why I thought you were gonna send us to-..."

"NO!" he snapped again, turning on them with a vicious snarl. "I do not want her harmed! Touch her and it will be you that will be made example of!"

That had already happened on more than one occasion. He'd marched Shenzi out in front of the rest and forced himself on her until he left her dripping with pained tears and his spent seed. Banzai and Ed had only bore witness to these acts, but neither wanted to be on the receiving end of a lust-hungry pack of hyenas much less Scar.

"Right boss!" Shenzi said, turning and scampering out of the cave with the other two hot on her heels. "Say no more, we'll go get her for you!"

Scar shook his head in disdain. They were lucky they were stupid enough to follow his every order. Their ignorant obedience was the only thing keeping them alive, sometimes.

* * * * *

She paced back and forth slowly, watching the zebra she and her mother had felled themselves being ripped apart and devoured by a pack of smelly hyenas. They flung the meat and hide about carelessly as they gorged their bellies.

Scaps landed in the dust near Nala and Sarafina but they knew the rule. No eating until the hyenas were finished. At all. Not even those small morsels. She growled and dug her claws into the dirt. Filthy creatures! There was not going to be anything substantial left by the time they were allowed to eat. There never was.

After too long, the vermin cackled and sprinted back toward Pride Rock, leaving the bones and a few scraps of meat and hide strewn about for the two lionesses. Nala snarled, then glanced to her mother. "You eat your fill first," she said. "I'll whatever's left."

Cackling laughter made her ears perk. She turned, spying Scar's three favorite thugs standing nearby. "Come to gloat!?" she snapped. "Come to brag that you've got a full belly and we don't!?" she asked, glancing at her mother, whom more thick-skinned than she was ignoring the hyenas and had already begun to eat. "Why don't you beat it, find another kill to scavenge!"

"Oh, we've got full bellies alright," Shenzi said, grinning like she knew the punchline of a joke Nala hadn't heard.

"That's why we're here," Banzai giggled. "Scar says he'll make sure your belly is full if you see him immediately!"

"What is that supposed to mean?" Nala asked, not seeing her mother's wide eyed stare behind her.

"It means you better hurry home and see him before he changed his mind!" Shenzi said and the three of them burst into laughter.

Nala's brow knit together. She didn't trust any of them, especially the three rolling in the dust in front of her. But the promise of a full belly was too much to pass up after two days of not eating. Without bidding the laughing mass of fur goodbye, she ran across the savanna intent on finding out what they meant.

* * * * *

He paced his cave impatiently, his brow creased and his fur bristled. What was taking so long? Had the three of them decided they wanted to have their way with Nala despite his orders? He turned to leave his cave, intent on dragging those three incompetent vermin back to pride rock and throwing them to the-...

"What did you want to see me about, Scar?" the lioness asked from the mouth of the cave.

Her scent hit him a moment later, only a little slow in catching up to the young lioness he'd sent for. The spice of fertile female was intoxicating. His sheathe thickened between his legs and already his barbed length had begun to emerge.

"Ah, Nala," he said, forcing a small smile onto his muzzle. "I sent for you because I have an offer I would like you to consider." He steeled himself, struggling to keep himself in check. It was incredibly hard not to pounce, to force himself inside of her and dominate her in every way.

"Your thugs said you were going to give me something to eat." She said, her eyes narrowing in distrust.

"Did they?" he asked, waving her forward.

"Well," she said, approaching him cautiously, "they said you promised me a full belly."

"That's right," he said, smiling where he stood. His muscles tensed and he forced the feral urge down, unwilling to ruin this with an undisciplined rush. "Tell me Nala, have you felt strangely lately?"

She paused, her ears perking and her narrow lids grew wider at the question. Before she could answer, he pressed forward.

"Does it feel like an itch? Something deep inside you can't quite reach? Something that feels better when you spy the sheathe or sack of a male you're chasing on the hunt, only to return far stronger after?" He clicked his tongue. "Is it something that burns deep in your belly when you look upon me?"

Her jaw dropped and Scar knew he had struck a cord, even if he was leading her. "Y-yes. How did you...?"

"Because I know how to scratch that itch," he said, circling her slowly. He let his eyes glide over her lithe form. She was rather skinny. She and the other lionesses refused to hunt enough, starving themselves to make a point he was sure. But it only hurt them, didn't it? He would have to put more meat on her bones. "Which brings me to the proposition I mentioned."

Her eyes followed him as he circled around her a second time. "What proposition?"

"Become my queen. Rule at my side and you will share in my privilege," he said in a smooth, low growl.

"Share in your privilege?" she asked, looking over her shoulder at him.

He couldn't hold back any longer. He leaned forward, nosing her tail aside so he could see her dripping, puffy slit. It drooled in wanton desire, bathing his muzzle in heat as he inhaled her spicy scent.

Nala lowered herself to the cool stone floor as instincts she didn't understand took over. Scar was not about to pass up the opportunity the lioness's nature afforded him. He stepped over her and nuzzled his cheek against her own.

"Stick with me," he whispered, "And I will make sure you always have a full belly."

Nala nodded, lifting her hips up to meet his thrusting length. She murred deeply and dug her claws into the stone beneath herself. "Alright," she whispered.

Scar needed no other prompting. He grinned and pressed his barbed length deep into Nala's virgin tunnel. He heard her gasp and whimper as his impressive length spread her open, but he ignored it. As he retreated and dragged his barbs over her sensitive flesh, she cried out and tensed up beneath him. It was music to his ears.

He drove into her again, dragging his barbs along her tight, slick insides as quickly as he could. Each time he bottomed out inside of her, his sack slapped against her body. More than once he knew his balls thumped against her clit because she would buck against him and her body would squeeze his length tightly.

All too soon he felt himself readying to make good on his promise. He closed his jaws over the scruff of her neck and bit down, pulling her back to meet his powerful thrust forward. He forced every inch of his length into her and gave a loud roar. Of course, it was muffled by her soft fur, but hers wasn't.

She yowled loudly as their orgasms crashed against her. She was wracked with a violent quaking as his seed rushed into her belly. Her muscles squeezed him from base to tip, milking him and drawing his seed deep into her fertile womb.

Scar grinned as his high subsided and released her scruff. He leaned around, licking at her cheek as she panted breathlessly. "So begins your new life as my queen, Nala. Your belly is full and I intend to keep it that way."

* * * * *

Nala didn't get much sleep. Scar had taken her all through the afternoon and well into the night. She pondered his words though much of it, when her arousal and desire abated long enough for coherent thought to seep through. It was clear what he had meant all along. He was going to fuck her constantly, wasn't he? He never meant anything about food.

She pondered leaving. She could find her mother and the two of them could run away. They would hunt their own food and not have to share it with the hyenas. They could live with enough to eat on their own.

It was hard to plan their escape with Scar's barbs raking over her hot insides. They seared her flesh each time they scraped over her sensitive flesh, making it hard to think, hard to breathe. The pain was intense, but the pleasure was more so. Each time he pulled his cock out and those barbs worked their magic, her belly fluttered.

And his seed! Each time he came inside of her, the fire in her belly dimmed and she could she could think of something other than how much she needed him buried to the hilt inside of her. But those moments never lasted more than a few minutes. Then the desire returned and he was taking her again.

She finally lost all strength and her stamina waned by midafternoon. Scar had sufficiently wore her out and she collapsed halfway through another powerful orgasm.

When she came to, darkness had fallen. It took her several minutes to figure out where she was and what had happened. The sound of lions growling and the slap of flesh against flesh filled her ears, reminding her what was happening. But she didn't feel those barbs scratching against her tunnel. She didn't feel Scar's balls smacking against her clit.

"It's already taken, you know," she heard Scar's voice in a low growl. "I could smell it when the sun set. "She'll be eating for two now. Three, if we're lucky. You'll have to put more effort into your hunts to feed your queen!"

She turned about, trying to find the source of the noise and Scar's voice. Then she found it. Silhouetted against the full moon at the back entrance of Scar's cave, Nala could see him driving his length into another lioness who scratched against the stone beneath her. The spice of her heat tickled at Nala's nose as well as a scent she had known since the moment she was born.

"Of course if you take and you're eating for two, hunting might become a little tiresome, wont it?" Scar gave a dark laugh as he licked Sarafina's ears. "You better get your sisters in line then, shouldn't you? We wouldn't want our queen and her cubs to starve, would we?"

Her blood ran cold. She'd taken already? She glanced down at her slim waist and shook her head. There was no way. She still felt need. A deep desire that... Well it was more manageable now but it was there nonetheless. She had to get out of here before Scar could make his words true, though.

She couldn't very well take her mother with her, though. Not now. And she wasn't going to wait around to let Scar finish the job! She rose to her paws and quietly padded from the cave.

What she met as she descended Pride Rock assaulted her senses. The most revolting laughter filled her ears, mingled as it was with the whimpering groans of countless lionesses. And the smell...

At the base of the stone monolith, mating season had begun. To her disgust, Nala saw all of the lionesses strewn about pinned beneath the brutal, merciless poundings of hyena males uselessly dumping their vile spunk into their bellies.

She thought she was going to be sick. She bolted and ran. Tears streamed down her face, matting her fur flat against her flesh. At first she wondered how all of this could have suddenly changed over night. Then she remembered what it was like growing up under Scar's dictatorship. Once a year about this time she recalled, she would wake to the cacophony of sound and her mother's warmth being pulled away.

"Stay here," Sarafina would urge her. "Everything's okay. I'm going to be right back, I promise."

It had always been enough to placate her and send her back to sleep, but now Nala understood. The image of her mother being ravaged by one of those hyenas, even split apart by Ed's massive cock came unbidden to her mind. Ed was Scar's second favorite way to make an example of a lioness who disobeyed, so everyone knew what the idiot had between his legs. But how many times had that monster speared into her own mother's belly?

She choked back a sob as she disappeared into the night.

* * * * *

Nala had only been gone for a day before she knew Scar's words had bore the weight of an unwelcome truth. His seed had quickened in her belly. She had no doubt in her mind as her heat subsided that she was carrying the unwholesome male's cub.

Her world crashed down around her when she came to the edge of the jungle. She was with child and by now her mother had to be so full of Scar's seed that she would be too if she wasn't already. She thought about throwing herself from the first cliff she found but something deep inside told her not to.

Maybe it was fear. Maybe it was the alien instinct of a mother to be that had begun to sink in. Whatever the case, she slunk closer to the jungle, intent on living. She was so thin. She felt so weak. She needed to eat.

Voices caught her ear and she lowered her body to the ground. Food. Delicious food was nearby. Her mouth watered as she slunk closer and closer. Hiding within the tall grass, she waited for the faint silhouette to wander closer to her hiding place.

She leapt out of her hiding place and gave chase. Her prey cried out and sprinted away from her, but she was faster. He was a fat, foul smelling warthog. Normally she would have passed up such a disgusting odor but her belly demanded sustenance. Her prey darted into the jungle and she followed, her eyes unblinking as she neared her next meal.

Her supper evaded her around the roots of a large tree, doubling back the way they had come but it was only a matter of time now. In one last effort to escape her, the warthog attempted to slip beneath an exposed root of another smaller tree but his fat, juicy hams wouldn't fit.

Lodged between the root and the ground, Nala knew there was no more hope for the squealing warthog.

"She's gonna eat me!" she heard the creature scream.

Damn right she was gonna eat him! She couldn't wait to tear into thise thick, juicy-...!

Another lion bounded over the root and her trapped dinner, snarling and challenging her with a loud roar. Instinct took over. There was no way in hell she was going to let this other lion steal her prey! She would die before she gave up her desperately needed prize!

The two collided, snarling and biting at one another. Nala's claws were out, slashing and striking at the other male aggressively, unwilling to give up just yet. They tumbled through the foliage. She used the male's greater weight to her advantage, flipping end over end until she landed on top of him.

He struggled to get up, but she set her paws against his chest and forced him back down with an angry snarl. She glared down into his eyes, ready to assert her clear dominance and claim her-...

"Nala?" the male asked.

She blinked and backed away from him. Her blood ran cold. This male, he knew her name? But how? There were no males alive who knew her name. Only Scar. She lowered herself to her haunches, her heart hammering in her chest as uncertainty swirled between them.

"Who are you?" she asked, puzzling over his somehow familiar features.

"It's me!" he said. "Simba!"

Her eyes widened. "Simba? WOOOOOW!" She danced forward, circling her childhood friend. It was like no time had passed. She felt as giddy as she did every day as a cub, ready to play with her friend. "Where did you come from!?"

"It's great to see you!"

Ice settled in her gut and her heart skipped a beat. Oh no... He couldn't... could he? She knew she was pregnant. Scar must have known. What would he think of her? What would her childhood friend say if he found out she was pregnant with his uncle's cub?

The warthog approached and a meerkat she hadn't noticed in her panic was chattering between them. She didn't hear the words. They were drowned out by the terror rushing through her heart.

But they were staring expectantly at her. Come on, she thought. Say something!

"Wait till everyone finds out you were here all this time!" she said, forcing a smile onto her muzzle. Then she scowled as another thought entered her mind. "Your mother. What will she think?" They were both carrying Scar's cubs by now. Would Sarafina judge her for giving in and letting Scar have his way? Would she hate her for leaving?

"She doesn't have to know," Simba said matter-of-factly. "Nobody needs to know."

Of course! That's it! No one had to know she was carrying Scar's cub! A plan began to form in her mind and hope filled her heart. Her friend was a genius! Sometimes. Once in a while. "Well of course they do!" she said, growing giddy. "Everyone thinks you're dead!" The plan wouldn't work if everyone still thought that when she went back home!

"They do?"

"Yeah," she said. Her ears flattened. "Scar told us about the stampede."

"He did?" Simba asked, his ears drooping. "What else?"

She sighed heavily, staring down at the two other critters she'd wished she'd been paying attention to during their introduction. "Can you guys give us a minute?"

Their jaws dropped and with Simba's prompting, they disappeared into the jungle.

Once they were alone, Nala turned her eyes on her friend and shook her head. "It's horrible, Simba. Scar he... He's forced his laws on all of us. The hyenas have taken over. We hunt and they eat first. We're left with scraps. And during mating season..." she laid her ears flat and averted her eyes. She couldn't even bare to look him in the eye. "You have to come home with me. Stop Scar before he does even more damage."

"Yeah but..."

She couldn't let him speak any more. She needed this plan to work! "We all need you, Simba." She stepped up to him and tucked her head up under his chin. "I need you. I've really missed you..."

"I missed you too..." he said, still tense where he stood over her.

This wasn't working. She took a breath and started purring, pouring it all on. It wasn't that she didn't truly miss him. She did! More than anything! And knowing he was alive... but she needed him in other ways now. She needed him to never find out what had happened.

She turned, walking along the path beaten in the jungle floor. Thankfully, he followed after her. Good. She took a deep breath and smiled up at him. He smiled back and followed along. The scent of her heat must have lingered in her fur. She could see the hunger growing in his eyes as they walked.

She darted ahead, making her way to the trickling sound of a waterfall. With each step, she made sure to pull her tail to the side. His look stayed the same, not deepening into that lustful smolder she recognized in Scar.

This needed to go faster! She darted ahead of him, trotting into the forest. He took chase! She sprinted deeper into the jungle, trying to escape him while letting him keep pace just enough. Her legs were getting tired, though. The lack of food was starting to take its toll.

Then he was on her. She felt his paws at her waist and her legs finally gave way. They tumbled down a hill, somehow missing all of the trees there. Finally, they landed in the soft grass at the bottom. This time, Simba landed on top of her. Right where she needed him to be.

She smiled up at him, staring with half-lidded eyes for only a moment before she leaned up to lick the side of his face. His body tensed over her own and she smirked. She had him.

Slowly, she rolled onto her feet and laid her belly against the soft grass. She pulled her tail aside and looked over her shoulder at him. "You are our rightful King, Simba," she cooed. "And I will gladly be your queen."

He stared apprehensively down at her for a moment, but she could see the wheels turning. Slowly, instinct took over and he mounted her. "I don't want to hurt you," he whispered as his tip pressed against her slit.

"You wont," she whispered back. "Now take me. Make me your queen!"

He nodded and Nala felt her folds spread wide around him. Her eyes widened and she yowled loudly. Ancestors, he was huge! Much larger than Scar! Were all males like him? Or were they all like Scar? A moment later she didn't care either way.

He drew his barbs across her tight flesh and she gasped, crying out loudly. Her belly fluttered but this time it was missing something. She couldn't put her pad on it, but this time it was different.

"Oh, Nala!" Simba gasped, driving into her erratically. "Nala!"

She felt heat suddenly rush into her belly. Her eyes widened and she stared forward into the trees. Already? He was cumming so soon? She wanted to berate him... but he couldn't know she had any means of comparison. She gasped and moaned, forcing the sound past her muzzle. "Yes, plant your seed!" she cried. It sounded fake to her ears, but another powerful spurt let her know she convinced him, at least.

Unsatisfied, she felt Simba roll over, flumping to the ground beside her. She stared down at him and sighed. Maybe... maybe she should make doubly sure he would be convinced it was his cub in her belly?

"Done already?" she teased, rolling her eyes. "Yep. I'm still better at everything. Nothing's changed..."