Terveta-Chapter 2: Hostiles (Part 3)

Story by huskyhuskyhusky on SoFurry

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He quickly stared down at is chest to see what damage was done. There was a huge fist sized dent right in the center of his chest where the two breastplates met; the three inch thick material compacted like tinfoil. He quickly stared up in front of him at the hostile. The creature lay unmoving meters away on its back, skull crushed with bright red blood oozing out across the plane of the wall.

There was movement behind him that he caught in the corner of his eye, making him turn. Vace had leaped back up onto the wall and over in pursuit of the remaining hostiles that passed.

Blizzard reared around and jumped from the wall as well onto a nearby building roof and sprinted. He bounded from structure to structure at blinding speeds in pursuit of three beasts that he and the Gamma had their eyes on. Vace was tracking the trio from behind, driving his feet forward as fast as he possibly could with the Alpha not far away bounding over the tops of the buildings. The wolf no longer held his dual swords, instead a pair of thick, heavy spears with the same cables coming form the handle were his new weapons. He pulled one back and aimed, calculating and waiting for the right opportunity before he thrusted it forth.

The spear soared with brilliant precision, finding its mark in the back of a hostile's neck sixty meters ahead. The two screaming beasts at its side quickly split in different directions making it harder to following then what it needed to be.

"I've got the left," Vace snarled and flicked a lever on his armor. The cable that led to the spear became taut and started to reel in, ripping the weapon from the dead monster, and hurling back for its master.

"Right," Blizzard replied.

The two took off for the directions of the beasts, Vace catching the pole when it came close enough and set up for another throw. The husky continued leaping across the ascending buildings in his own personal chase. The hostile he was after decided it best to go along the city streets, making sharp turns and even running along the sides of the structures to evade its pursuer, but Blizzard kept tight on its tail, thinking on his method to kill the creature. A plasma bolt might cause too much collateral, the same with a bolt of electricity, so he couldn't risk missing even though there was a higher chance of him hitting his mark. He would need to crush the life from it.

The Alpha dropped down onto the same level and increased his sprint as fast as he could. The Alpha got closer and closer to the hostile until it was only meters away. The monster turned to stare over its shoulder and uttered a single roaring cry before it reeled and attacked. Blizzard brought both paws in front of him and caught the beast by the torso, pushing his feet as best he could into the brick street to stop.

Claws raked across his helmet and chest. He couldn't act fast enough and he soon found the monster's mouth snapping at him just inches from his mask. The husky threw it backwards as hard as he could when the two finally came to a stop in the middle of the road. The hostile flew into the side of a carriage, crushing it as if it were made out of flimsy toothpicks and cardboard. It thrashed around in the wreckage, breaking it down until it was a pile of splinters.

Blizzard gripped a fist into a ball and began to force great bands of kinetic energy into its threshold. The beast finally got up to its feet and stared at the Alpha with eyes that glowed with unbridled fury.

"Come and get me," Blizzard growled through his teeth and held his arm out at his side, slightly cocked back and ready to let fly.

The hostile began to shake, making its whole body turn into a blurry object. It finally opened its jaw and let loose an earsplitting scream that hit the husky almost like a physical blow. He went against the reaction to close his eyes and cover his ears. It felt like something Vace would do for a joke, but he knew the sound all too well came from an enemy.