Newfound Love Chapter 16

Story by Ray HuskyPunk on SoFurry

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#18 of Newfound Love Series

Chapter 16 to Newfound Love. Sorry that this took a while. It might also be a bit rushed and may have spelling or grammar mistakes. Constantly running out of ideas and time to do it took a toll on my writing. But i'll work at it as much as I can. Hope you enjoy, more to come!

Newfound Love Chapter 16 (Explicit Version)

I woke up with a slight headache. I tried opening my eyes but was instantly blinded by the sun shining through the bedrrom blinds. I groaned as I turned the other direction and opened my eyes. I reached for my phone next to me and unlocked it. Nothing besudes a few emails and spam texts. I set the phone back down and threw the blanket off of me. My back twinged a bit as I got up and the soreness of my ass from last night made itself apparent. I stretched a little before getting up and going into the bathroom. I did my business and looked at myself in the mirror. I could tell where the sweat and straps had matted down my fur, but other than that I did'nt see much evidence of last night. I walked into the kitchen, seeing emptiness. I heard a clinking noise from the basement, or better known as our secret room. I opened the door and walked down the steps, and saw Bruce cleaning away at some of the equipment we used.

He didnt seem to notice me as I stood near the bottom, as he was busy cleaning away very thoroughly. I stepped slowly down and creeped across the room, making sure to be quiet with my steps as I approached him from behind. I was only a couple feet away from him, but as soon as I tried to grab him, he spun around and hugged me, startling me from the speed and making us fall to the thankfully semi-padded floor. We hit the ground in a cluster, him staring down at me with a grin, and the look in his eyes that he already knew I was there. I smiled back at him and proceeded to get up, only to be pinned back down by him.

"Who said you could get up?" Bruce said to me while looking down at me, again with his grin. "I did." I said as I flipped him over with a quick motion, eliciting a yelp out of him, and a fake look fear on his face. But it quickly disappeared as soon as I gave him a sloppy lick across the face.

"Eww, don't do that. You know I don't like that."

I laughed as I got up, offering my hand to him as he tried to get up. He grabbed my hand and I pulled him up, instantly bringing him into a hug.

We literally stood there hugging each other for a while before we realized 10 minutes went by. Something about hugging just brings so much peace. He walked back over the equipment he was cleaning and grabbed it, stowing it into the closet and locking it up.

"What do you say we go pay a "visit" to Jacob?" Bruce asking me while doing the air quote motion with his paws, and smirking at me.

"Im down with doing that, but what are we gonna do after? I bet were only gonna be there for an hour, so I was thinking we should do like a roadtrip afterwards or something. But, that depends whether were too horny or tired afterwards to do anything else."

"You forget to realize what our energy levels are like right? From what we have done in the past we would have more energy."

"Yeah you may be right, but I still want to plan for our road trip, even if we don't do it today." I said to Bruce as I pushed one of the overhead cameras back into its storage area.

"I'll tell you what, we can plan it out on the way to the hospital and while were waiting for Zach and possibly Crowley to show up there. That way we can work it out with them and by the time we start with Jacob everything should be figured out. Does that sound good to you?"

"That works, I'll go grab the bag of gear we need for Jacob today."

We both split off from there. Bruce continued to clean up the basement, while I went back to our room, and grabbed a bag from the bottom of the closet. This bag I am talking about will be for our "revenge" for what Jacob had done to us. We had gotten "approval" from one of the managers in the mental section of the hospital who I had known prior. He gave us a spare key to Jacob's room and the mental ward and told us to phone him when we were about to do it. He said he would also shut the area off since there were no new patients scheduled today, which also meant the cameras were down and the doors were locked from the outside. Since the rooms were soundproof too, we didn't have to worry about anything. Hell, he even said he might join in if we were'nt already done by the time he got back from lunch.

I zipped open the bag and checked the inner contents. I read through a list of items that I had stowed in the bag just to make sure we had everything we needed. After checking through about 20 different items, I threw the list back into the bag and zipped it back up. I grabbed the strap and slung it over my shoulder, bringing it to the living room and setting it down on the table. I went back to the room.

I moved the clothes aside and reached into a small cubby in the back of the closet. I pulled out the rubber suit and unrolled it. I stretched some parts of it to get some creasing out and proceeded to put it on. I could'nt help but moan softly a bit as I felt the rubber tightly surround my body. I don't know why I liked rubber so much, but I guess it was the tightness of it that not only made me feel comfortable, but also very horny. I was able to zip up the back of the suit with ease, as having past experience to do so. I stretched my arms and legs while wearing the suit, even doing some excerise just to make sure the suit was stretched out enough. I also put a green collar with a tag on.

Bruce walked into the room with his rubber suit already on, and smiling at me.

"Well, looks like my sexy pup is ready. I hope you checked the bag for everything we need."

I pointed into the direction of the living room, him looking behind himself and then back at me.

"I put the bag in the living room after I checked everything, just so you would know everything has been checked out. I'm guessing you didnt seem to notice it."

"No I guess I didnt. Oh well, at least we're going through with it."

"Yep, hopefully after this he either decides to finally leaves us alone, or he ends up getting killed in the process."

"Hopefully it doesnt come to that."

I nodded at Bruce and we finished getting our outfits on. We were wearing the rubber suits underneath, but we each set ourselves a set of clothes that would cover all of it up. I pulled out my phone and texted my friend, almost instantly getting a reply back saying, 'yall need to hurry up, im getting bored out of mind here in this empty ass place'. I giggled a bit and grabbed my keys, wallet, and anything else I thought I should bring along. I walked towards the front door while Bruce grabbed the bag. I opened the door, locking it behind us. It was mildly hot outside, but not too hot for us in our "gear". We got into our car, sending a text to Zach telling him we were on the way, before heading towards the hospital.

We arrived there about 30 minutes later, around 1:30pm. Lunchtime traffic around the city was pretty packed, more than normal, maybe because it was a friday. We stepped through the front doors, immediately getting greeted by Zach sitting on a bench. We exchanged our greetings and he pulled the neck of his shirt down, showing that he indeed too was geared up. He told us to follow him, saying he already met with my friend, and also said he could show us the way.

We walked through a long hallway, occasionally turning our heads to see down the nearest hallway, or into another room. I felt very slightly nervous about what we were about to do. But I mostly felt confident that nothing bad would happen. But for those who know me, I always still have a hint of doubt. We found oursleves at a door, secured with a card reader, and the sign next to it saying 'mental and behavioral health wing'. Zach pulled out a key card and swiped it through. The door unlocked instantly and opened for us. We walked through and slowly shut it behind us.

"Alright guys, were in the major section of the mental wing. Keep following me but be sure to be quiet. This isnt the area we are doing this in, your friend works in the ward down in the basement. But, its only accessible through an elevator in this ward. Luckily he gave me the correct keycards to get through the security protocol."

"Thank goodness for that, I cant imagine trying to explain something like this to the employees or worse."

"Agreed." Zach said as we slowly continued down the hallway. It was quiet in the halls, but not too quiet. You could occasionally hear the sound of a machine running or a staff member walking through the halls. Luck was on our side too, because not a single staff member came within reach of us, or even came within view. We eventually found the elevator down at the end of the hallway, blocked by an orange wired door. Kind of like the ones you see in prisons before you enter.

Zach took out an orange keycard, and swiped it through the swiper. The lights on it went side to side for second, then flashed green, and unlocking the door. It pushed open with ease and we carefully closed it behind us. Locking as it shut. The elevator was in front of us. Pressing the button, and opening the doors. They slid open with a slight creak, revealing a thinly padded elevator cart, with set-in mirrors around the corners and sides. Zach pulled out a black and orange card this time, swiping it across the scanner instead of using a card swiper. The machine verified the card and asked for a password. Zach typed in the password and the elevator system turned green, and shut the doors. It scaled down the floors, passing the numerous floors until it stopped at floor 11. The doors opened and we were met with another orange wire door. This time Zach stuffed the keycards into his pocket, and knocked on the small pane of darkly tinted glass in a pattern. The wired door in front of us unlocked almost instantly, showing us to a white room with two doors. Out came my friend from the side door.

"Alex, its so nice to see you again. How has this mental ward life been for ya?"

Alex smiled at me, taking a breath, "Its been a little rocky at the start, but now since Im the main manager of three floors including this one, its been easy to manage here. We haven't had very many bad cases here so its been pretty laid-back a bit. How has life been for you?" Alex asked as he looked at me with a large amount of interest.

"Well, I guess you heard about the shit that happened with Felix. That wasnt a good situation. But pretty much everything has changed for the better. I have the best wolfy in the world. The best friends, and the best oppurtunites."

"Especially with what yall are about to do."

We all laughed and he guided us to Jacob's room. We walked up upon the room. Jacob sitting in the corner with his head down. Alex unlocked his door, it opening with a creak. Jacob didnt bother turning around. Instead you could hear moaning coming from Jacob's corner. I slowly walked up to Jacob, he still not reacting to me entering the room. I walked across the room until I was looking over him. I turned around to Zach and Bruce.

"Sp thats why he was moaning. Looks like he just finished. It looks like he is ready for his revenge punishment."

Jacob turned around quickly and looked at us confusedly. Alex opened the door again, this time bringing a table with hooks on the bottom of it and straps hanging off the sides. He lifted up a padded surface on the floor, revealing hooks similar to the ones on the bottom of the table. He pushed the table down and pushed it forward locking it into place. He went over to Jacob, and scooped him up. He laid him down on the table, Jacob looking at him with a little fear. But relaxed a few seconds later. He pulled out four metal poles from the corners of the table, each having locking bracelets on them. Alex gently put his arms into the bracelets and locked them, moving over to his feet and doing the same. He handed me the set of keys as he turned to my direction.

"Dont worry about the way he is looking at me. This is kind of the routine we have been following for a while. He's given me plenty of signs that he likes to be restrained when he is angry or depressed, or when he has to get his daily vitamin shot done since he barely eats anything here. Its been a couple days since he willingly ate, but his physical records are perfectly fine. He shouldn't have any issues with what you all are planning."

"Alright, I trust you man, youre the mental ward manager here."

Alex finished hooking up the restraints to Jacob's table, and showed us the basic movements of the table that we could use to our needs. He gave us a wave goodbye as he left the room, and locked the door behind him.

The lights dimmed a little in the room, Alex peering behind the glass window, giving us the thumbs up that we can "initiate" our plan. I stepped back from Jacob a little bit, and started taking my clothing off. First starting with my shoes, then my shirt and pants. I kneeled down in front of Jacob, him staring at with fear, but I could tell behind that fear, was arousal, and his hard cock showed it for sure. Zach sat in the corner of the room, he was naked but didn't want to participate. Bruce came over with his clothes already taken off, and turned me to him. We proceeded to kiss each other and then leading to a sloppy make-out session in front of Jacob. He mostly shutting his eyes but occsionally looking at us. I pulled from Bruce, getting a small whine from him, and waving him over to our bag. I pulled out a whip, him pulling out a cock ring vibrator. He proceeded to walk over to jacob, putting the vibrating ring on him. I grabbed the keys and unlocked Jacob's feet restraints, bringing them together and holding them. Bruce turned on his cock ring. Jacob's eyes instantly shut as he brought out a stuffled moan, trying hard to not seem like he was enjoying it, but was already starting to fail. His 8 inch length swelling up to almost full size. Seconds later his knot formed, the ring at the top of it. Jacob let out a long moan, and Bruce brought his hands to Jacob's mouth, telling him to shut up and lick his right paw. Suprisingly, Jacob did as he was told and quieted himself, proceeding to cover Bruce's paw in spit. Bruce pulled it away, moving to where I was, and pulled Jacob's legs up in the air, revealing his tailhole. Bruce stuck a couple fingers into him, instantly getting a low groan from Jacob. Bruce smirked and stuck his entire paw into Jacob, making Jacob emit a loud yelp and then proceeded grunting, trying to move as much as he could in his restraints.

I slapped Jacob in the face, telling him to be quiet before he gets a cock shoved down his throat. This made him instantly quiet, and look at me with a sense of mercy. I looked at him with a grin and Bruce continued forward, pulling his fist out of Jacob, then slowly pushing it back in. He continued this for a few minutes until he pulled his fist out entirely. Jacob sighed as his body relaxed a little bit, but not much as there was still a vibrating ring on his cock. I proceeded to take the cock ring off, Jacob's body completely relaxing.

I stepped back, allowing Jacob to lower his legs back to the table. I looked up and saw a harness set up on the ceiling. It was a harness similar to the bracelets on the table, but this one was suspended in the air, and had a padded bottom fabric where your back would lay. I looked over to the door, seeing the controls for the harness next to it. I went over to the control panel, and flipped a switch, making the buttons underneath light up. I pushed the down button, bringing down the harness from the ceiling. The harness lowered until it was almost laying on Jacob. Bruce unlocked the braclets from his arms and picked him up, setting him into the new harness. Instead of braclets on this one, there were leather straps. Bruce put Jacob's arms into the straps, and I put his feet in them. Jacob moved around a bit as he got accustomed to his new position. He relaxed a bit into the harness, but jerked back up when he heard the table beneath him move. He looked at me, then Bruce, who was moving the table to a corner of the room. I went over to the control panel and pushed the lower button. Jacob lowered down in the harness until he was a few feet off the ground.

I went to the lower half of Jacob, making sure the harness was set up correctly before we continued. Bruce went to Jacob's head, laying his already hard cock on his neck. Jacob looked up at Bruce, who had a large grin on his face. I almost laughed when I saw that, but kept a straight face when Jacob looked to me. I moved forward a bit, stroking my length and placing it on Jacob's. Bruce moved backward a bit and placed his paw on Jacob's chin, moving his head back until his mouth was aligned with his cock. Bruce moved his hips forward slightly, shoving his cock on Jacob's lips, instantly making him open his mouth and sucking on the tip. Bruce shuddered a bit as Jacob slowly worked his way down Bruce's twitching length. I grabbed a small bottle of lube from a pocket, spreading some on my paws and stroking my cock with it. I spread the lube on my cock, starting with the tip and rubbing at the knot. The cool air of the room made my cock twitch a bit, and I moaned softly, slowly stroking my cock until I was fully hard again. Bruce moved forward, making Jacob open his maw wider, taking almost his full length, his nose bumping the knot. Jacob didn't gag, and surprisingly started bobbing slowly on Bruce, making Bruce start moaning and humping softly. I pointed my cock at Jacob's hole, slowly pushing in, grunting as I sank deeper into him. I was surprised how much he stretched out, I was fully sunken into him, at the base of my knot. I moaned loudly as I pulled back out of him, a vacuum-like effect moving around my cock. I wrapped my hands around Jacob's legs, and slammed back into him. Moaning with every thrust I made. Pretty soon, me and Bruce were in unison with our moans, and created a rhythm with our thrusts. Jacob started moaning around Bruce's cock, making Bruce lean back and moan loudly.

Jacob was the first to cum, his cock spraying his chest and stomach. As soon as I saw that I thrusted harder into Jacob, taking one of my paws and placing it on his cum covered chest. I rubbed his chest, soaking my paw from his cum. Bruce grunted and shoved his knot into Jacob's mouth, making him deep-throat the rest of his length. Bruce yelled out multiple insults to Jacob as Bruce filled his throat with wolf cum. Jacob gulped it down, taking short breaths in between each gulp. Bruce slowly pulled out his cock, still shooting cum and aiming it on Jacob's face and chest, painting him with more cum. I leaned forward, grabbing Bruce as shoving my maw into his, sloppily tongue wrestling as I shoved my knot into Jacob. I felt my cock pump into him, him now having a second orgasm and clenching around my knot. I moaned into Bruce's maw as I finished out my orgasm into Jacob, my cock slowly getting softer until it slipped out of his hole, cum coming out onto the floor. Bruce and I sat down for a minute, taking a breath from what we did. Bruce got up and went over to Jacob, laying down on the floor beneath Jacob, and stroking his cock back to life.

I got up and went to the control panel, lowering Jacob until he was on Bruce, Bruce's cock against Jacob's freshly used hole. I went over to Jacob, his length soft from the two orgasms. I knelt next to him, slowly stroking his cock and teasing him until he was fully hard again. He moaned as Bruce aligned his cock with Jacob's hole, slowly pushing into him. Bruce moaned softly along with Jacob as he sank into him, slowly pulling out and slamming back in. I stood over Jacob, dragging my paw along with cum on his chest, it covering a few fingers. I shoved a couple into my hole, lubing it up with the mix of Bruce and Jacob's cum. After a few seconds of loving my paw around I knelt down onto Jacob, pointing his length at my hole and slowly sinking down onto him. Jacob moaned loudly as I sank completely down onto him. My submissive side kicked in, moving my legs as I harshly rode Jacob's length. He was about 8 inches in length, but I didn't care. I rode as hard as I could, trying to scratch a deep internal itch. Bruce started pounding into Jacob, making him move up with every thrust, which made me starting moaning loudly from the extra force. I grabbed Jacob's legs, pulling myself down hard with every thrust Bruce made. Jacob's growled and started screaming as he unleashed his third orgasm into me. Shots of warm cum filled my stomach, making me instantly go over the edge. My cock shot out hard, spraying Jacob's face and chest with husky cum. I grabbed my knot, slamming as hard as possible onto Jacob's cock. Bruce growled and bit Jacob in the shoulder, not hard enough to draw blood but enough to still feel it. He shoved his knot into Jacob, filling Jacob with a second orgasm. Even with Bruce knotted cum still pumped out, pooling onto the floor beneath him. Jacob let out a bark as he came for a fourth time, filling my hole again, and I felt my stomach getting fuller. Bruce grunted as he lifted Jacob from his cock, slipping out and dripping cum back onto himself. I slowly lifted myself off of Jacob, my legs aching and wobbly. I unhooked Jacob's legs and arms from the harness. Bruce lowering him to the ground next to him. I laid down on the other side of Jacob, me and Bruce wrapped our arms around Jacob, quietly basking in our afterglow.

"So Jacob, I'm going to give you two choices. You can either become our loyal pet, and choose to live with us if you wish to, or we will pack up, leave, and you'll never see or hear from us again. ONLY, if you agree to leave us the hell alone and not bother us. So what is your choice going to be?" I said as me and Bruce looked at him.

Jacob looked at Bruce, who had a slutty grin on his face. He then looked at me, and and back at the ceiling. He started getting a nervous look on his face, me getting up from my spot on the floor, looking at Jacob. "You have until we are done packing our stuff to make a decision, but until then, take your time."

Bruce also got up, us going around and cleaning up the room. After about 15 minutes of cleaning up everything, I walked back over to Jacob, handing my hand to him and pulling him up. He stood in front of me and Bruce, looking us over. I held out a collar on one paw, and a sheet of paper in the other paw.

"Alright Jacob. You have two choices here. One is the collar. The collar choice means you become our pup or pet, whatever you would like to be referred to as. You can choose to stay with us, or keep your place of residence if you have one." He shook his head no right after that. "Alright, however you must keep contact with us, and obey what we say. We won't make you a slave, I'm not that cold-hearted to do that. But there will be punishment if you don't follow orders. The second choice is a legally-binding contract. if you sign this contract you are agreeing by law that you will leave us alone and same for us. We have no contact with each other after this. If you don't follow the contract legal matter would be involved. So, whats your choice going to be?"

Jacob looked at the collar and contract multiple times, looking at us every so often. What he did next surprised me. He walked forward, grabbing the collar and clasping it around his neck, and sighed.

"So, your choice is to be our pet? Good choice. Now we have to figure out the living situation. Since you don't have a place to stay, you have two choices as well. You can either stay here in the mental ward, or we can get you out and have you released to us tonight." He looked at me with begging eyes, which I already knew what the answer was. "Alright, now that's settled. We should call Alex and probably go.

Zach got up from the corner he was sitting in, telling us he got good video of the whole thing, and then calling Alex. Alex appeared at the door right after we had gotten re-dressed.

"I see that you all had fun with Jacob, and Jacob seems to have enjoyed it a bit as well. Are you on your way?" Alex said as he looked at me.

"We are, but I wanted to ask. What would be the possibility of releasing Jacob to our care?"

"Hmm, there shouldnt be much issue with that. Jacob hasn't had any mental breakdown or issues for a couple weeks, so he should be pretty much clear to go. But let me check his file real quick and ill be able to come back and tell you."

Alex walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. We all sat and waited for a few minutes. He came through the door after about 5 minutes of waiting.

"Alright, the results just came in." Alex said as he walked towards us.....