Janner's tale 1 - 'Not the best start'

Story by Tony wulf on SoFurry

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Just a quick note, my entire series is only loosely based of 40k, so no getting confused on me.

Year: 40995

Date: 24th March

Time: 8:52 AM

Mission: Kill heretical priest

Status: In progress...

Unit 15

Imperial Guard Regiment: 'Fist's of Redemption'

Bravo squad

"This is Bravo squad, we need air support NOW!" yelled a rather roughed-up tiger. "Bravo squad, this is Valkyrie squadron 6, we are en route to your position. ETA 10 minutes" was the response. "To hell with it. Commissar, take Janner and the new guy to a good overlook, then rain hell on those heretics." At that moment, the Commissar was already trying to find the men and get them moving, but no-one expected what happened next.

A large explosion tore through the squad's position, leaving a trail of fire and gore where 10 men stood. "What the hell just happened!" came a shout from the tiger. "Whatever it was, it's still here!" Janner replied after he finally managed to get out of the crater from the explosion. He was about to get back down when he saw it, a Predator tank had burst out of the cathedral and immediately opened fire on their position. He climbed back down and tried to find his vox-link. "Sir, it's a Chaos Predator, sitting pretty right in front of the objective" "How in the Emperor's name did that get here!" "Don't know sir, but I think we should get out of here now." "We can't until the Valkyries get here in another 7 minutes". At that point, Janner had an idea, "Sir, we still have the heavy weapons team, sure they're far away, but if we can give them enough cover they can take out the blasted thing."

"That sounds like it might just work." Replied the tiger before busying himself with the heavy weapons teams' position.

Ever since the age of 10, Janner has proven to be a great soldier and tactician, his only problem was that his clan, the Arctic wolfs, were taking a lot of (metaphorical) fire from the other major clans, such as the Gray wolfs, Foxes and Tigers. This meant he didn't have a strong enough background to get a promotion, so he was stuck as a corporal for the rest of his Emperor serving life.

"OPEN FIRE;ALL WEAPONS" was all he heard before he was nearly deafened by the amount of noise the weapons were making. He thanked the Emperor for this blessing and added his own fire to the barrage. Any normal person would have taken cover straight away but these cultists didn't seem to care whether they lived or died. All that mattered to them was to serve the Chaos gods, these cultists appeared to serve Khorne, god of death and blood. The barrage lasted a full 5 minutes before nearly all the cultists were dead and the guardsmen were low on ammo. By that time, the heavy weapons team had successfully destroyed the Predator and with it, the heretical priest who they had been sent to kill (Can't exactly do much to a dismembered corpse).

"Not the best start of the day, right lemin?" was the last sentence Janner said before the Valkyries engines drowned out every other noise.

He was aboard the Valkyrie within 3 minutes, eager to get home to his wife and, more importantly, his bed.

Janner's tale 2-Late introductions

Janner was an Imperial guardsman, a soldier of an army consisting of tens of thousands of men and woman, each one ready to fight of dangers to the Imperium. He joined at the age of 18, just like any other citizen willing to fight. One thing that Janner...

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