Jeremy 013; Karma Never Sleeps

Story by Kyrugii on SoFurry

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Jeremy meets another dominant but one with drastically different intentions. Marked adult for violence.

I've waited so long to hit you lot with this chapter. This little scene is one of the reasons I bothered to even restart Jeremy. Hope you all enjoy it as much as I did writing it.

With little to no free time left for himself Jeremy's sense of time started blurring. He didn't miss any classes but he sometimes lost track of which day of the week it was. His routine hardly ever wavered or changed now that almost every second was accounted for. After a while it seemed to be just another fact of life.

In a few months his training schedule was full enough that he could afford to drop some of his more frustrating clients. A few of the other trainers were more than happy to take them on as clients. It seemed they were more jaded at the attitude of their clients than Jeremy. One fellow trainer also confided to him that they'd still brag about 'going to the gym that had a dominant trainer'.

It was a cynical way to play with words, but Jeremy could see the people he'd become frustrated with using just such a tactic. He was tempted to cut his sessions down but he also needed to save as much as he could. His advancement exams were coming up. At the pace he was driving himself through the modules at the academy he'd be taking his graduation exams within a year. In one of his discussions with his father about the job Steven made the comment that most jobs felt that way. He finally had to admit that while it was a rewarding job, sometimes it seemed his punishment for deeds of a previous life.

The prospective mentors he met continued to be either neutral toward him or even in a few cases dismissive. Zane and Alex proved to have been the exceptions. Jeremy felt lucky to have met them, and even luckier to have gained them as mentors. With all the demands on his time his advancement finals came at him in a rush. He finally understood the pressure his other brothers had felt. Even without the extra time for studying he still finished in the ninety third percentile. His final year of study started smoothly for all of two weeks.

The first he heard of the new transfer was at the tutoring hour. There was now another dominant at the academy. Jeremy shrugged it off the first time he heard, he was focused on so many other things in his life he didn't consider another dominant a problem. He hadn't yet met her but through the course of the first week of her attendance he kept hearing more about her. He hoped the things he was hearing were just overreaction.

That Friday's tutoring hour even saw Marcus drop in just to talk with Jeremy. He was forced to concede the point that even Marcus was concerned about her activities. It didn't take long for Jeremy to find out for himself. He got the opportunity the next Monday.

"Thats Jeremy? So this is the little thing you say spoiled all your fun?" Jeremy heard from behind.

He stopped to look around at the speaker. It was a huge bear, with about eight others behind her. She had to be nearly seven feet tall and as bears tended, fat. Jeremy guessed she could easily out mass him almost three to one due to the excess around her middle. Most of those flanking the bear were also taller than him being larger carnivores. They all stared at him as the bear looked him up and down.

"What do you have to say for yourself, runt?" She asked with a gloating expression.

Jeremy had been assessing her as well. She looked soft despite her mass, or more likely because of it. He scanned the others to either side of her. None of them would be a threat by themselves but as a mob they could be lethal. This certainly explained the sudden change of atmosphere in the academy.

"Not interested." he answered was he turned away. It was impossible not to notice the dozens of students that had stopped to watch the confrontation. They had backed away leaving a clear space a dozen feet in front of him. He had gotten two steps when he felt a poke in his back.

"Where ya going, runt. Candy hasn't dismissed you yet." The voice was a different one than the bear.

He turned to see a leopard standing between him and the bear. He remembered the leopard from his involvement in the power struggle over filling Hugo's vacated position.

"Candy?" Jeremy asked with a smirk on his face as he stared at the bear. He started projecting with his pheromones, the leopard would be forced to back off as a result. It was the first time he'd done so, considering the situation he felt more than comfortable in defending his actions to his mentors. After a second he looked at the leopard in mock surprise. "I take it because Candy there is a dominant you feel bold enough to act like one too?"

Jeremy stood appearing relaxed but ready for anything. His heart beat fast despite his calm exterior. When the leopard held his ground Jeremy sniffed the air lightly. He could sense the bear's own pheromones in the air. He wondered for a moment how a dominant almost a year his junior could know something he'd been taught only recently. He pushed the speculation from his mind. He needed to focus on the confrontation.

This was what Alex had been training him for. He'd actually predicted just this type of scenario, minus the dominant. He hoped the red panda's training had prepared him enough.

Jeremy noted everyone but Candy was a male. He dismissed it as well and concentrated on the eight males in front of him. As the leopard shuffled his feet looking for support the others stepped closer. He continued projecting, it should at least slow their reactions and hopefully make them hesitant to take him on all at once. He really didn't think they planned to leave him be without a fight, they had the numbers. This was the very threat he had tried to avoid by taking out Hugo.

Jeremy cinched up the straps on his backpack. They'd caught him coming back from lunch and it was half full for his next module. It was a liability to have it on his back, but he wasn't going to let this mob take off with it.

"What? Don't know what to say?" Jeremy asked the feline while watching the others in the bear's entourage cautiously. He shifted his right paw backward and turned his body to the side taking a defensive pose.

The leopard finally stepped back glancing to his side. Three of the others had stepped up to stand next to him but were just as hesitant. They blocked the hallway, standing side by side as they stared at Jeremy.

He looked between them at the bear "Is this how you greet a senior dominant?"

"This is how I show upstarts who's in charge."

Certain there was nothing left to say to prevent the impending fight he warned "You know fighting in the hallways will get all of us expelled."

"Show him what I mean boys."

Jeremy knew better than to take the initiative. Whomever struck first in a fight would be expelled, there had never been an exception. Sidling to his left and backing away he forced the entourage to make the first aggressive move. He glanced around for support of his own. All he saw was other students watching in fear. He did notice several phones out recording.

The entourage fell into the trap far too willingly. The wolf following him just to his left reached out and took hold of his shirt and pulled at it in an attempt to force him off balance. Jeremy shrugged off the wolf's paw and backed away further.

"You may want to call your people back before they hurt themselves."

"Shut him the fuck up." Candy ordered.

The leopard snarled at him and charged first. Jeremy crouched and with a twist of his body let the cat pass him with only a glancing blow to his pack. Now free to act in his own defense Jeremy lashed out at the wolf hitting the male in the side of the head. He quickly dispatched his hyena partner with a quick jab to the forehead. Jeremy backed away as they went down and checked behind him for the leopard.

The cat's charge had left him behind his quarry. He looked to have been readying himself but paused on seeing Jeremy suddenly facing him again. With his prey's back against the wall the leopard was forced to circle around and rejoin the rest of the group. Jeremy guessed the hesitancy of the cat due in part to the continued projecting of his own pheromones. It apparently wasn't enough to counter Candy's projecting but it was still sowing confusion and doubt. He assumed a half crouch and gauged the remaining male's intentions as he tried to figure out what to do about his lack of allies.

The six left standing didn't even move. They looked at the coyote and wolf laying on the floor unmoving. Jeremy knew they'd recover within minutes. He would need to finish this well before then. The bold leopard was out in front still, clearly trying to impress.

Jeremy took advantage of the pause and indecision to leap forward and punch the leopard in the throat. As he backpedaled from his attack the cat went down in a heap.

"So sorry about the breakage, but I did warn you."

"Take him out, now." the bear snarled.

The front three rushed him at once. Jeremy moved to the right and aimed a kick to the knee of the coyote at that side. He crumpled with a shout leaving two immediate threats. The panther fell to a backhanded blow at the side of his neck but the otter dodged Jeremy's second kick. He was able to close and land a blow on Jeremy's ribs. Jeremy blocked his second jab and managed to grasp the otter's wrist before he could pull back.

Jeremy twisted the otter's wrist and spun him to use his body as a shield against the rush of the others for the moment. Pushing the otter away from him Jeremy only slowed two of the remaining four. A fox jumped at him from his left even as a badger landed a jab to his right side. The fox's body collided with him as he felt claws rake across the back of his shoulder and chest. The badger landed two more blows against his side before Jeremy could counter with a strike of his own. The mustelid went down at Jeremy's feet. With the fox still clinging onto him he felt the male's weight added to that of his pack pulling him off balance.

The otter and jaguar had disentangled themselves and were ready when Jeremy tripped over the fallen badger. In desperation Jeremy brought his feet together to let himself fall. At the same time he reached up to grip the fox and tucked his head down and twisted. His grip on the fox ensured the male would take the full impact of their combined fall. He only had enough time to feel the fox's body go slack before the last two were on him.

Jeremy saw the otter aiming a kick at his exposed crotch as the jaguar leapt for his upper body. He twisted his hips to block the otter's kick but only succeed partially, the blow landed with enough force to slow his reactions allowing the jaguar time to hit him in the face several times. Another kick to his hips landed but with less effectiveness than the first.

Jeremy grappled with the jaguar bringing him close to prevent the cat from landing any more punches. With the cat close to his body Jeremy was able to counter the otter and kicked the knee of the leg he had planted. The sickening loud pop of the otter's knee signaled his exit from the fight. Before he could turn his attention to the jaguar that male bit into his arm sinking his fangs deep. He instantly started growling and shaking his head to do more damage.

Hissing his hurt and surprise Jeremy curled around the cat. He used his body to envelope the savage cat's head in an effort to stop or at least limit his fang's movement in his arm. He couldn't believe the cat had just gone feral on him. The fight hadn't been that intense. The jaguar had just elevated the fight to a death battle. He was left with few options before the jaguar had time to do severe damage to his arm.

He pried on the cats lower jaw but the jaguar was locked down on his arm with the strength of his madness. With the male gone feral still doing his utmost to maul his arm off Jeremy was running out of time faster than options. He shoved his thumb and first finger into the jaguar's eye sockets. The cat's fangs pulled out from his arm as he snarled his pain. With his arm free of the cat's jaws he slipped his damaged arm under the feline's chin. With his other arm he pulled at the elbow of his damaged arm for a stranglehold on the cat's neck and squeezed with his full strength.

The out of control jaguar feverishly clawed at every exposed part of Jeremy's body. The cat twisted and turned to get as much claw at his victim he could. With the feline's head against his chest and trapped in an elbow lock the rest of his body was left above him free to attack. With his feline flexibility the cat's sharp foot claws reached almost everywhere. Jeremy was taking a savage amount of cuts but refused to make the choice of killing the jaguar.

Forced to abandon his strangle hold on the cat Jeremy wrestled the maddened jaguar into a position under him where he couldn't reach him with his claws. It took several precious seconds before Jeremy managed to gain another hold on the maddened jaguar. After regaining a stranglehold it took several minutes for the cat to finally lose consciousness.

Nauseous and shaking from the damage the jaguar had inflicted Jeremy pushed himself away from the cat's body. He got up on one knee to survey the damage the jaguar had done to his forearm. The deep puncture marks were bleeding freely as was the tearing of the flesh around them inflicted by the cat's movements. Fortunately, and perhaps by miracle the cat had missed severing any arteries. He clamped his paw over the wound to stop the bleeding. He tested his fingers for movement and feeling and didn't think there was any nerve damage. As horrible as the wound looked Jeremy found it odd he didn't feel any pain, yet. The rest of his upper body was full of scratches, some deep but none that bled too badly.

A set of bear paws stopped before him. Looking up he saw Candy with her teeth bared and a vicious snarl on her face. "I'll just have to tell them you went feral first." She said as she pulled her arm back readying a claw filled killing blow.

Jeremy dodged out of the way of the swing but landed on his back leaving himself fully exposed to the sow. She smiled viciously as she brought her foot up to stomp at his crotch. He kicked her in the ankle first but his blow barely had enough force to knock her off balance causing her to miss and strike his inner thigh instead. He brought his legs in and kicked out again. He landed both feet on her right knee.

She went down with a roar of pain and the knee joint bent in a completely impractical direction. Jeremy rolled away from the writhing bear and slowly got to his feet.

A few of her entourage were starting to recover but they were still far from functional. Jeremy looked around at the dozens of spectators. More than a few still had their phones out and were obviously recording.. His arms and fingers felt cold and his head swam from the aftereffects of the fight and the distinct possibility of oncoming shock. "Would one of you," he said to those who had stood back and watched the fight "please call the police."

* * * *

So I didn't want to go into too much detail about this one until you got a chance to read it first. So, a character went feral. Seems to me like this is something that is always a slight possibility for anthro characters. Not going to explain too much more of it here, that would spoil future chapters, but don't let that stop you from asking questions.

Also, as I said above this is one of the reasons I decided to restart Jeremy. I had seventy plus chapters written out when it got shut down in the thirties. This was sitting waiting at number fifty three. This got move up quite a bit, as did the inclusion of all of the mentoring characters. Still, this is the first full chapter I've managed to pull in from the first run. Yeah, a lot of stuff to pull in yet.

Thanks for sticking with it, the fun is just getting started.