In over his head (otter/merfolk UB)

Story by Strega on SoFurry

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A merfolk male with a sea otter fetish finally gets a chance to get with one. It's as bad an idea as you might expect in the Stregaverse.

In over his head By Strega

It wasn't the first time Kurik masturbated while sneakily watching a sea otter. The big water-weasels were powerful and fluffy and both genders of them appealed to him - the males for the abundant endowment (when it was visible at least) and the females for the warm fur-lined slit under the tail the he dreamed about filling. He'd watch them mate, or spy on one stretched out on the beach, maybe a male with a sheath swollen hard with arousal or a female pleasuring herself, and his own scaled hand would steal down to grip his cock as it appeared from its slit. He'd watch and pump himself until he came, but he was too wise to ever approach an otter.

It was not that such a pairing was unheard-of. Sleek green-scaled merfolk such as himself did get with otters from time to time, just as they did with dolphins and even the occasional playful orca. Humans from the shore, too, sometimes joined in the fun. Of all the things a merfolk might fuck, though, otters were the least trustworthy. They were predatory and hungry and the last he'd seen of his friend Kappa was a finned tail folding flat under the whiskery chops of an otter as he was swallowed whole. Much as he'd like to get his cock into an otter's sex or anus it wasn't worth the risk of being digested.

So he silently lifted his head from the water for a better view of the big female otter on the shore. She was giving him a terrific show, curled bonelessly down over herself with her tongue busily cleaning her sex. Her long bristly whiskers twitched and she let out a churr of pleasure as the "cleaning" progressed and she slid her tongue deeper. Kurik slid silently closer in the water but despite the urge to get still nearer he was smart enough to not come within reach. His cock was hard and his muscular lower body arched as he thrust against his palm, imagining he was in her instead of fucking his hand.

He was far enough away to be safe but it was still alarming when her whiteless feral eyes blinked open. She looked right at him, alerted perhaps by a splash as he enthusiastically humped his hand, and then rolled onto her belly, moving her tail aside to expose her sex and spreading her legs to give him a good view.

"Come on then," she churred, peeking seductively at him past her shoulder. "You can do better than your hand."

The temptation was to slide out of the water and be in her but Kurik was too smart for that. "I would like to be inside you," he said honestly. "But not that much inside you. I've seen one of your folk get hold of a merfolk and all I have to remember my friend Kappa by is some scales the otter burped up."

"You don't trust me?" purred the otter, and Kurik laughed. "Well, I can't blame you," she went on. "But I'm horny too, and you're the only male around." She made to curl around herself and lick once more, but then seemed to have an idea. "How about this?"

She rose on her short furry legs and Kurik backed off as she padded down toward the water. Sleek and powerful as otters were he knew he could outrun one in the water. She walked only as far as the shore and draped herself over a rock half out of the surf. It looked awkward and uncomfortable but otters are as bendy as eels and when he couldn't even see her weaselly head any more, but only her haunches and rump, she moved her tail aside once more.

"This is a bad idea," Kurik muttered, but a male's penis gets a vote too and it was uncompromisingly on the side of fucking the otter. He kept a careful eye on her as he approached through the water but after years of fantasizing about it the urge to get his fingers into her fur was irresistible. Kurik shivered with excitement as he did just that and with a firm grip on her haunches he put his tip and in and slammed his hips forward, driving into her to the hilt.

Mermen are hung like dolphins, meaning oddly curved and well endowed by human standards, but though he went to work enthusiastically and energetically, pounding that ottery slit, all he drove out of her was a half-interested churr and a flip of her tail. For his part he was happy to find her as warm inside as a dolphin and already slick with arousal.

"Harder," she growled, the purring note in her voice dropping an octave and sounding suddenly more demanding than seductive. Harder!"

Unfortunately Kurik had been fucking his hand for a couple of minutes before she invited him close and the hot wet grip of her pussy was too much to resist. He only managed half a dozen more thrusts before he groaned and shuddered, spending his seed in slick otter sex.

"Already?" She complained as he slipped back into the water. "You have to be able to do better than that!" She shifted her haunches, and for a moment he noticed the webbed hindpaws and their claws. Luckily an otter's back paws are not designed for gripping or she might have seized him as they coupled. With the edge off his lust he considered swimming away but a merman has his pride.

"Just a moment, woman," he snapped, and stroked himself to stiffness again. This time when he rose out of the water he wasn't already nearly spent and he put himself to her with new energy. Even she noticed the difference and the thick column of her tail rubbed his scales as he thrust. Her fur bristled between his fingers where they dug into her haunches and he felt the thick hide and the strength beneath it. Cute and fluffy as the sea otters were they were whipcord and muscle underneath. At the moment he was more concerned with the slick wet flesh around his cock and he drove his hips against hers, loving the way she responded by pushing back against him.

The deadly danger he was in only made it better. He had to watch her every second to make sure she didn't bend in the middle and come after him with sharp claws and jaws ready to make a meal of him. It only made him fuck her harder, keeping her thoughts off of a potential merfolk breakfast.

Even so it wasn't enough. Kurik gave her everything he had and more but otters are bigger and better hung than merfolk and when he eventually tensed and spasmed it still barely made her tail shiver. Panting, he slipped back into the water. He'd gotten what he wanted but the she-otter was hardly more excited than when he'd started.

"It's all right, dear," she said past her furry shoulder. "At least you tried. Its not your fault you're small."

That did it. "Want something big, do we," Kurik growled, and his right hand squeezed into a fist. He liked to think of himself as well hung but his forearm and fist together were twice the size of his cock and when he shoved his scaly arm into her past the elbow he at last got a reaction. The otter let out a startled bark, sounding more like a seal, and tried to crawl forward over the rock to escape.

She'd wanted it and she was going to get it and Kurik grinned and followed, stuffing even more of his arm in. He was almost to the armpit in otter and her attempt to creep over the rock collapsed as her short legs began to shiver. His arm was as long as a big male otter's cock and the scales scraped her delicate inner flesh. A shudder of lust ran up her sex all the way to his armpit and Kurik cackled with glee as her vagina clamped down with what had to be the beginnings of orgasm.

"No," the otter moaned, her tail trying to push him away her a hindpaw. His other hand had a firm grip on her fur though. "If you keep - if you keep going -"

And then suddenly it wasn't so fun any more. She let out a rattling growl of lust and her sex pulsated around his arm, its powerful muscles clenching and rippling. It gripped so powerfully it almost hurt but the worrisome thing was the nature of its pulsations. Her whole sex gripped down and pulled, its spasm running inward toward her womb, and with a wet fleshy squelch his shoulder was sucked in after his arm. Kurik blinked as his cheek was drawn against the soft warm fur and the smell of her sex filled his nostrils, and a moment later she spasmed again. His eyes went wide with the beginnings of real alarm as her sex gaped - only on the outside, not inside where her muscles continued to pull - and the furry lips swallowed his whole head.

"Now hold on," he said, only for the last word to get lost in the depths of her sex as his face was drawn in. Otters were smelly enough from the outside and her powerful musk filled his nostrils as he was drawn still further in. He'd finally made her come and her orgasm went on and on, shudders running inward through her long sex and dragging him along. Her furry sex stretched wide around his upper body but it wasn't until the push of her mound against his free shoulder forced him to let go of her fur with his free hand that Kurik truly began to worry. With a lurch the grip on his arm pulled it still further in and as her sex swallowed his other shoulder and pinned his arms to his sides the sudden horrible realization that he was was being eaten sprang into Kurik's head.

It was impossible. He would have heard if otters could do this sort of thing. The occasional orca, yes, but he wasn't that much smaller than the otteress and yet her pussy seemed in no hurry to stop sucking him in. From the shoulders down a Mer is a long tapering cylinder, the perfect shape for easy swallowing, and she slurped up his humanoid half like a sea-snake engulfing an eel. He was being swallowed whole and whether he ended up in her womb or somehow in her stomach the outcome would not be good.

Already the overpowering heat of her body was making him uncomfortable. He was fish-temperature and she was mammal-temperature and as much as he'd liked her warmth around his cock he liked the heat soaking through his scales a lot less. A Mer might lie on the beach for a little while to mate with a human or seal or merely to bask but soon they must return to the water to cool off. The folds of flesh pressing in all around him made that impossible.

With another slurp his hips were sucked in and he lashed his powerful tail and fins, accomplishing little but to grind his scales against her sex and excite her even more. What he thought was an orgasm before was dwarfed by the shuddering spasm that ran through her entire body and the sucking grip of her shuddering sex pushed his head through a muscular obstruction into what had to be her womb. There was more of him inside than out how and Kurik groaned in despair as he felt his tail begin to be pulled in. Once his tailfins folded and disappeared he'd be fully swallowed and he no more trusted her to birth him back out than he had trusted her not to eat him if she had the chance. Even if she did push him back out he was certain he'd find a set of ottery jaws open and waiting outside her sex.

With a last shudder and a purring growl he heard from all around him she tensed and came, just a little orgasm compared to the last one. It was still enough. A final spasm ran through her sex, from the outside to the inside like the others, and his tail-fins squeezed into the wet folds of her sex as they were consumed. The last of his tail and fins joined him in the stretched cavern of her womb and Kurik pushed feebly at the surrounding flesh. He was already weakened by the stifling heat inside the otter and couldn't seem to force the sphincter through which he'd arrived open. Even if he could she'd already shown that her sex was stronger than he was. It had swallowed him whole with little effort and to her great pleasure and if he tried to crawl out it would just repeat the performance. He was inside her and he'd only get out if she let him.

Somehow he was not surprised to feel the first tingle. Big droplets of viscous fluid were beading up on the folds of flesh around him and rolling down onto him, and as they spread and accumulated the tingle became a growing sting. Either her womb could digest him or he had somehow ended up in her stomach. Either way he knew what was going to happen next.

"I knew this was a mistake," Kurik said, his long Mer body curled up tight inside the otteress. Briefly he struggled, but the flesh and fur around him pressed in too tightly. He lasted just long enough to hear her sex burp as it expelled the air that went in with him and then sank slowly into the rising pool of digestive juices, too weakened by the heat and struggle to fight any longer.

"Well, that explains a great deal," said the big male otter watching from the sea. He'd arrived just in time to see the Mer's tailfins sucked in and the wet belch that emerged from the otteress's sex soon after told him all he needed to know.

"Oh!" exclaimed the she-otter. "Anik!" She had the good grace to look embarrassed. "How long have you been there?"

"Long enough," the male churred as he climbed out of the water. Anik was a big, fierce male and could easily have overpowered and eaten her on any of the many occasions they mated. He never did, though. As he often did he clambered up behind her and nipped at her scruff, the usual prelude to sex. But when his forepaws went around her from behind this time they encountered the bulge of ingested merfolk, still shivering as it expired inside her.

"I tried to warn him," the otteress churred. "It was an accident."

Anik laughed into her scruff. "Was Miki an accident too?"

Miki was another of her lovers, smaller than Anik but very nice. She'd liked him a great deal and she sagged in the big male's grip, hanging her head. "How did you know?"

"I didn't until now," he growled, and she heard the amusement in his voice. "Yura," he said. "You have always been my favorite lover. I have tried and tried to fill you with cubs, because when you come - and I try very hard to make you - it feels as though you are trying to suck me in. And you are."

"I didn't know!" It burst out of her, the guilt, the fear. "I would shove fish in and they'd go in and I didn't know what happened to them. I thought it was normal! Then Miki, he's smaller than you are, he couldn't satisfy me. He stuck his whole muzzle in and I just couldn't stop it. I pulled him in, I didn't want to but I couldn't stop it."

Anik was grooming her nape as she cried. He could easily eat her now, or kill her with a bite. Instead his voice was gentle. "Yura. I saw the merman's end. I saw how much you enjoyed it. If it felt that good when I ate people, no one would be safe. I'd shove dolphins up my ass to feel like that. It's a gift."

"But, but Miki."

He laughed again. "Yura. If one day I am sick, hurt. I know I am to die. I would come to you, put in my muzzle and and let your pussy have me. I cannot think of a better way for an otter to die. Miki would have felt the same. So would others. And I sent him to you because you are such a good lover. Part of the blame is mine."

She nodded, and moved her tail aside, knowing that despite the gentle talk he would be aroused by her scent. And he was. They moved together as the big male otter's cock, more than twice as long as the Mer's and thicker, slid into her. He slammed his hips against her with such force that she was sure his tip brushed against the slowly dissolving scales of the Mer her pussy had swallowed. It wasn't the first time they'd mated when one of both of them was fat with prey. It was just the first time her meal had gone in through the same hole he was using. It aroused him even more than usual and his fangs dug into her scruff as his claws raked her tough pelt just barely softly enough to avoid drawing blood.

The she-otter pushed back against her lover, sated from her merfolk meal but eager to feel that pleasure again. Anik hadn't lied. He really did do his best to make her come. If he were much smaller it might have been his end, but even her carnivorous pussy couldn't suck a big male in cock-first.

It tried, though, and that's why Anik loved her.