Daddy's Girl - Chapter 5

Story by MD_Doyle on SoFurry

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"It's illegal!"

"Y'all jerked off to it!"

"It still ain't right!"

"Says the boy with his paw covered in own seed while watchin' his Daddy plow his sister!"

Alaina wasn't sure who was angrier with the other, since Cash was still tied in her (which he'd forgotten at one point, causing a rather painful tug when he jumped up) and she was belly down on her bed. Both of their shouts sounded the same.

Cody's brow furrowed, "Anyone else know about this?"

"No," Cash responded. "And being that it's something ...fairly new, I'd rather keep it that way."

"Yeah, I bet."

"So whatcha gonna do about this, Cody?" Cash growled, trying to pull back again, causing Alaina to yelp. "Sorry, baby."

"Right now? Probably go back to work, though I have no idea how I'm gonna be able to concentrate the rest of the day? You know what? Fuck it. Taking the rest of the day off. I'll just say that I got sick because, you know, she's supposed to be sick in bed today. Clearly lying's something this family does."

Cody stormed out. Alaina could hear the front door slam behind him.

She felt her stomach sink. Cody wasn't supposed to know about this. No one was supposed to know about this.

"Fucking bullshit," Cash growled as he finally pulled himself from her a few moments later. She shuddered, feeling his cum run down her inner thighs. She looked up at him as he sat on the edge of her bed, head in his paws. He was trying to process too much.

"I should go see if he's okay," she murmured as she slid out of bed, going over to her dresser to pull out some clothes.

Cash just grunted in response.

"Daddy, he ain't alright right now," she wiped her inner thighs with the towel she had left on the floor from her shower the night before. "I don't want him to be alone."

"Fine, Lainey. Choose whatever side you want," he barked at her.

"I ain't choosing sides," she barked back. "I love you both, I want you both to be okay and I'm fucking terrified right now."

There was silence for a moment. She sat back down on the bed next to him. Cash wrapped his arms back around her and kissed her forehead, murmuring an apology, "You're right. You're always right, baby. I'm sorry. You didn't deserve that."

"He...he ain't gonna go to the sheriff, is he Daddy?"

"Nah," Cash shook his head. "I don't think so. He ain't gonna break up kin like that."

"You wanna come with me?"

"Nah," he shook his head. "I'll find the both of y'all later if you're still out there."

"I love you..." she murmured against his fur, pressing her lips to his before standing up.

"Yeah. Yeah, baby. I love you too."

She walked out the front door and began heading into the woods in the back of their house. She knew where to find him and, sure enough, there he was near what used to be an old moonshiner's shack. It was their playhouse when they all were pups, once Cash had cleaned up the broken glass, rusty nails, meth pipes, and hypodermic needles. She found him sitting on the ground in the leaves, leaning back against a stump, with what looked like a cigarette in his paw.

It didn't smell like tobacco, though.

"Shit," he groaned as he looked up at her, moving to hide the joint, before realizing there wasn't a point to it. She saw it and she smelled it. "Dad send you out here to find me?"

"Nah, I came out here on my own. Are you...Cody are you high?"

"Well I needed something to get that mental image out of my head," he barked out a laugh and leaned his back against the stump, offering the joint up to her. "Have you ever?"

"I've never- "

"Go on then, if you want some. Exhale all the air in your lungs, inhale, let it settle in your lungs for a bit, exhale."

She slowly took it from his fingers and held it to her lips. She followed his instructions and inhaled it, the thick smoke filling her muzzle and then her lungs. Her eyes watered and she coughed hard. But she took it. And already she felt a little tingly as she passed it back to him. That could've been because of the lack of oxygen or the choking, though.

"Yeah, you wanna go easy your first time," he chuckled and took it back from her. He took another long drag from it before exhaling smoke rings.

Cody was always the cooler older brother.

"So. Dad. You have the hots for Dad," he broke the silence.

"Got the hots for a lot of people," she shrugged.

"But you're fucking Dad."

"Cody, it ain't like this has been going on for years."

"When did it start?"

"Last night."

"Christ. I thought I heard something," he growled and took another hit. A long hit. A very long hit. He coughed hard and hit his chest with his fist, eyes watering. "With all of us home? Jesus, Alaina, I thought you had more sense than that."

"Yeah, well, I did too. You've got his temper, you know."

They both sat in silence.

"What's it like?" Cody asked.


"Sex with him."

"It''s really good," she murmured, taking the joint back from him and taking another small hit from it. She raised a brow, "He's really good at it and everything. Can you be bad at it?"

"Oh yeah," he chuckled and glanced over at her. "It doesn't bother you that he's your dad?"

"Not really."

"Christ, Alaina, you're just a kid."

"Why does everyone keep saying that?! I'm 18!"

"Yeah well, you're always going to be my kid sister," he teased and wrapped his arm around her. She grinned and rested her head on his chest, giving a soft sound of approval as his paw began to trail up and down her back.

"Why'd you ask about Daddy?"

He stayed quiet for a moment and then sighed deeply, leaning back against the stump, "Just curious, is all. Shit, I remember seein' him naked a few times. Just...curious as to what he's like is all. He looked...big. Ain't ever seen him outside of his sheath before but, even then, he always looked...big."

"He's really big."

The silence settled around them again.

"He ain't hurting you? Didn't force you into this?"

"Nothin' like that. If anything, I was the one who started this" She noticed the prominent bulge in his pants and grinned. "Shit, you liked what you saw. You like thinking about this."

"Maybe," he murmured.

"Think it was more than maybe..."

"Maybe a lot?"

"Probably a lot," she teased and rested her head on his shoulder, starting to feel very heavy. She took the joint back from him and took another hit from it, keeping the smoke in for a bit longer before exhaling it through her nose. She passed it back to him. "So, you ain't gonna go to the sheriff?"

He barked out another laugh, "Nah. Nah I wouldn't do that. I mean, if this is something you want and shit, I can't do that."

"It is." Her paw moved to his thigh, fingers brushing over his bulge, "Seems like something you might want too."

He shivered under her and gave a low groan. "Alaina- "

"Wonder if my big brother's just as big as my Daddy is..." she trailed off.

He took another hit and looked around. He glanced down at his watch. He frowned. He cleared his throat.

"Why don't you undo my pants and see for yourself? If you want to..."

She raised a brow, "Not so high and mighty now, are you?"

He held up the joint, "High, yeah, and I'm mighty hard at the idea of my Dad railing my sister. So, yeah. High and mighty."

She snorted and undid the button of his Dockers, pulling the zipper down before she slid her paw into his briefs, wrapping her fingers around him. Cash was longer, that was for sure, but Cody had to have been at least a little thicker.

"Shit...Cody..." she murmured as he lifted his hips, helping her to pull his pants and underwear down.

"Not that shabby, huh?" he smirked and groaned as she leaned down, flicking her tongue over his pre gathering at the tip. "Guess not."

She shook her head, "Mmmm, no. Not at all." She licked and flicked her tongue before running it up and down his shaft, sliding her mouth down his shaft to the hilt.

"Alaina," he groaned out, his paw moving to rest on the back of her head.

"Mmm?" her head bobbed in his lap, her fingers trailing and stroking along his heavy sack.

"Just keep doing that. Just like that. Fuck...Fuck!"

"Weed and blowjobs. I could tan both of your hides."

Alaina looked up at Cash looming over them, Cody's cock still in her mouth. He held out his paw to Cody who surrendered the joint and, to Alaina's surprise, Cash didn't put it out. Instead, he held it to his own lips and took a long drag before he sat down on Cody's other side.

"What, so you're fine with me having weed in the house?" Cody cocked a brow, not moving to pull himself from Alaina's muzzle.

"Guess I ain't in a position to complain, all things considered. How come I didn't smell it up til now?"

"Smell proof bags."

"Smart. Just don't let the twins find them." He glanced down at his daughter. "You know you're not supposed to be doin' stuff like that, Alaina," he teasingly scolded her.

"Couldn't help it, Daddy," she whined, Cody sliding out of her muzzle with a soft pop. She replaced her muzzle with her paw and slowly began to stroke him. "Cody looked so good."

"Yeah, he does," Cash agreed, his eyes on his son's arousal. "Bet he's got plenty lining up for him to take that cock."

"I haven't, though," Cody pointed out.

"Shit, have any of my kids ever fucked before? The hell is wrong with y'all?"

"Beau has. That cow up in Macon," Cody responded, shivering as Alaina trailed kisses down his neck.

"Cody, that's not nice."

"No, really. She's a cow. One of them Holsteins and everything. I used to tease him about smelling like warm milk when he would come home."

"That's what that was from..."

"Perks of workin' on a ranch. Alibies," Cody blushed, his breath hitching as Cash's paw joined Alaina's on his cock.

"Easy, baby, easy. Daddy knows you're too little to do this all by yourself. Let Daddy help you, okay?"

"That should be the most fucked up thing I ever heard," Cody groaned, arching back against the stump behind him.

"Yeah but it's hot, ain't it?" Cash chuckled.

"I hate admitting it."

Alaina grinned and nuzzled into Cody's chest, watching as Cash guided her paw up and down, Cody's pre coating both of their paws. Cody's breath was coming out in shallow pants now.

"Daddy's gonna have to teach you how to give handjobs, Lainey. Though it looks like you got the basics down," Cash murmured.

"I..." Cody groaned. "I ain't gonna last long..."

"Oh I bet you aren't, Cody. Mmm. Love watching my puppies play so nicely together," Cash grinned, reaching into his shorts with his spare paw, cupping his own arousal. Alaina reached out towards him and he gently slapped her paw away. "Not now, baby girl. You keep your focus on your brother. Daddy's got this."

Cody paused for a moment, staring down at his father's bulge, "C..Can I do it, then?"

Cash raised a brow, "Can you what, Cody?"

"Touch you?"

He hesitated for a moment before chuckling, "Takin' after your old man more and more, aintchu?"

The younger hound blushed under his fur, "Yeah, maybe."

Cash pulled his shorts down his thighs just enough to expose his cock now halfway out of his sheath. He cupped himself and groaned deeply, "This what you want, Cody? Wanna touch your Daddy's cock?"

"Yessir," he blushed harder under his fur.

"Ever touch another man's before, son?"

Cody hesitated and nodded, "Yeah, a few."

Alaina looked up, "A few?"

He shrugged, "I have some good friends, what? I got curious!"

"So, what, you're gay?" she asked.

Cash shook his head, "Nah. Not with how he's lookin' at you too, babygirl. Boy's bi just like his pops. Ain't that right, Cody?" He ran his thumb over the tip of his son's cock.


"Wait you're- " Alaina's eyes widened.

"I told you, Lainey, you don't know all of Daddy's secrets. Daddy's got some surprises left in him," Cash winked at his daughter. "And Cody's so polite too," Cash smirked. "Actually, I'm surprised some big burly backwoods bear hasn't grabbed him by now and got him to bend on over for him."

"Who said I'm not a top?!" Cody argued.

"Son, you're a loose switch at most," Cash rolled his eyes. "With how you're nearly salivating at your Daddy's cock?"

"Can't help it..." Cody grumbled, his paw sliding up and down the older hound's shaft.

"So, you do anything more than just handjobs?" Cash murmured, giving a low groan as Cody's fingers wrapped around his sheath, giving him another squeeze, his fingers stroking the sack he came from. He took another hit from the joint.

"N..not really. Coupla blowjobs at most but nothin'more than that."

"Daddy can fix that for you too, you know," Cash teased.

"Yeah, maybe," Cody glanced down at Alaina who was suddenly very quiet. "Don't wanna impose or anything," his free paw slid down her back before resting right above her tail.

"Nah," Cash leaned down and flicked his tongue over her nose. "Not imposing. Right, baby girl?"

"Can I watch at least?" Alaina asked, her head cocked to one side.

"Oh, Lainey, you'll do so much more than just watching. Ain't gonna leave you high and dry like that," Cash coaxed.

"She's got you wrapped around her finger, Dad" Cody chuckled.

"She does. Oh, how she does," Cash murmured, brushing his lips against his daughter's. "Daddy's princess."

"Want you, Daddy," she whimpered against his muzzle. "You and Cody at the same time."

"I know, baby. I know. Don't wanna fuck you out here, Lainey," Cash murmured, his cock painfully hard in his son's paw as he began thrusting his hips into his fist, pre spilling into his paw. "Between close it is to everyone coming home a and how long I know my knots take to go back down. It's temptin' though baby, mighty temptin'. Get you up on that stump with me in your cunt and Cody in your muzzle. Both of us fucking you at the same time, fillin' you up on either end. Think you could do that, baby? Think you can be a big girl and take both of our cocks at once?"

She moaned and squirmed, "You could just...not knot me."

"Hell'll freeze over first," he teased. "But I want you soon. Very soon." He glanced at Cody, "The both of you."

"What?" Cody's brow perked slightly.

"When?" Alaina whined.

"Soon, baby. So soon." He smirked, "You wanna suck your brother off, Lainey? Don't think he's gonna last too much longer with that knot startin' up."

She nodded eagerly.

"Use your words, princess."

"Can I suck Cody off, Daddy?"

"Yeah, go for it. Be mean to tease your brother this much longer."

Cody damn near jumped out of his skin as he felt her warm muzzle engulf him once more. It wasn't his first blow job but he couldn't remember the last time he felt such an eager tongue on him.

"Slide your other paw into her pants," Cash murmured in his son's ear, grinning as he watched him shiver. "Your sister's suckin' you off, Codes, least you could do is finger her, hmm?"

"Yeah, Dad," he nodded and slid his paw from her back to slide down into her shorts, smirking as he felt her arch into his fingertips, her moan vibrating around his arousal.

Cash groaned as he watched his son's fingers move inside of the crotch of his daughter's pants, feeling himself harden more in Cody's other paw, another glob of pre-spilling out onto his pawpads, "That's Daddy's good boy. Just keep rubbin' here like that. Goddamn, boy, by the sounds she's makin', I'm guessin' y'all know how to figer a girl right. She nice and wet for you?"

"T.Think it's more for us than just me," Cody laughed. "But, shit, yeah, she's soaked."

Cash licked his lips and nodded, "Yeah she ...mmm.,.tends to get nice and slick. That feel good, princess? Like having your older brother fingering you while you're sucking his cock?"

Alaina nodded and glanced up at him for a moment before her eyes went back to her brother's paw on her father's cock, drool dripping down her flews as she sucked harder, Cody's pre filling her muzzle.

"Dad, you wanna hold that joint up to my muzzle? Hand's full and I wanna hit..." Cody groaned out, arching his hips upwards, glancing alternatively to his paw and then to his sister and then to his paw again.

Cash looked down at the joint in his paws and then back up at his son. "Nah. Not like that," he grinned before he took a deep inhale and leaned in, pressing his muzzle to the other male's. He grabbed the back of Cody's head as the younger hound gave a yelp of surprise and slid his tongue between his lips, exhaling the thick cloud of smoke into him.

Cody momentarily slid his paw from his father's cock to the back of his head, curling his tongue around the other's, panting heavily as his hips bucked one, two, three times before his cock pulsed, his knot swelled, and he shot rope after rope of seed into his sister's muzzle.

Alaina barely had a chance to swallow the load in her mouth before Cash grabbed the back of her head and pulled her closer to him. He thrusted his own cock into her muzzle and deeply groaned into Cody's muzzle as he came hard, coating her tongue.

"Go ahead, princess," he broke the kiss and growled. "Cum for us, Lainey."

Alaina's moan was muffled as she came hard, her mouth stuffed with her father's cock, her cunt still being worked by her older brother, her eyes fixed on her father pressing his muzzle to her brother's once more. She rocked her hips against his paw pads, letting out soft whines as her throbbing sensitive clit was worked over and over by Cody's finger.

"That's it..." he murmured, sliding himself from her muzzle, pulling back from his son. He leaned down and tilting her head up to him, kissing her deeply, his free paw grazing over Cody's inner thigh. "That's Daddy's perfect girl."

"Thank you, Daddy," she grinned against his muzzle, his tail thumping on the leaves under her.

"That was too much," Cody let out a breathless laughter as he pulled his paw from her shorts, running his tongue over his pawpads, tasting her own them.

"For now," Cash smirked. "She's insatiable, Cody."


"Maybe," Alaina grinned and got up on her knees, pressing her muzzle to her brother's.

Cash took one more hit before he snuffed the joint out in the dirt, smirking as he watched his two pups making out on the ground. He tucked himself back in his shorts and yawned, "Wearing me out, baby."

"You love it," she grinned up at him, Cody's hands running down to her ass.

"Hey," Cash barked. "Hands off, Cody."

"Oh, come on," he whined.

"Tonight. Wait until tonight," he grinned. "Doesn't look like you have such a problem with what's happening here anymore."

"I mean, as long as I can get in on this?" Cody laughed. "Nah, no problem at all."