(Commission) Delivery Boy

Story by Nefrette on SoFurry

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#8 of Commissions

This was done for http://www.furaffinity.net/user/alluringming

Local femboy gets a nice surprise when he orders out.

"Ugh. Why is there nothing to do?" Feng said signing afterward. He laid on the couch, flipping through channels on his television. He was bored. Eventually he turned off the television, stretching and getting up to go to the fridge. He frowned once he opened it. He forgot to go grocery shopping. He did not want to get all dressed up just to go to the store today. He only had on a tank top and booty shorts. Instead of this, he decided he was going to order out.

Feng went for his cellphone. He flipped though it until he found the number he needed to order some pizza. He called them up, the phone ringing twice before someone answered it. He told them the order and paid for it with his card. Once it was done, He cleaned up a bit. The place was not a complete mess, but not spotless

He swept, he cleaned up the coffee table, all the works. He figured that he needed the place to be presentable, even though it was only the person that was delivering the pizza. He did not do much else until the delivery person came. They knocked on the door, nearly making Feng jump. There was weight with each knock that caught him off of his guard.

"Coming!" He said nearly falling out of the couch. He fixed himself and went to the door. When he opened the door, he saw what seemed to be a stallion that stood much taller than he was. He looked mature in age. He had brown fur, with black hair for his mane and his tail.

"Here you go sir." The stallion said giving him the food. He took the food and went inside to set it down. He did get quite a view of Feng's derriere as his hips swayed when going to put it down. It was his last delivery for today, so he did not need to go back to work. When Feng came back the equine gave him a pen and the receipt. He signed for it. He was going to close the door when he forgot something.

"Crap. Forgot the tip. Care to come inside? I rather not have you stand outside while it's getting dark out." Feng said as that was evident. The sun was setting. He came and closed the door behind him. Feng went searching all across the living room. The way his hips moved and the way his ass looked when he bent over was tempting him, as if Feng was doing that on purpose.

Ultimately his searching yielded no results. He could not find any immediate change. It was common curtsey to tip delivery since their salary was lower than normal paid workers. He came back to face the equine disappointed. "Sorry. I don't have any change on me. The food looks really good too. Is there any way I could tip you?" He said being sincere. The equine gave him a looks over. He was a cutie, the way he'd put it. He has all the good qualities, being the trifecta of hips, thighs and derriere.

"There is one way." The equine said reaching for Feng's derriere. Feng did not move during this. He let the equine touch his ass.

"I never did catch your name." He said looking him in the eye. His heartbeat quickened the more the equine groped him.

"Kevin. What may be yours?" At this point, there was a growing bulge showing in Kevin's pants. Once Feng noticed this, Feng could not keep his eyes off of it as it continue to fill out. Kevin stopped groping him as he became uncomfortable. His bulge was showing and became slightly embarrassed.

"Feng. Seems like you might need help." He said pulling away from him. "Go take a seat on the couch."

Kevin went and did just that. Once seated, Feng helped him take off his pants. He was hit in the face with his cock. He believed it was as big as his forearm. Feng liked this, however. It showed as he did not back away from the equine's member, rather he took his tongue and worked on the underside of Kevin's cock. It was too big to fit inside of his mouth sadly. This did not stop him from fondling and playing with Kevin's balls. The orbs were as big as his fist.

He worked at his cock for some time, his own cock throbbed as well but ignored touching it. Kevin was enjoying this, but was getting bored. His main attraction to Feng was his derriere. He stopped Feng with his hand.

"Feng, the slobbering is nice, but I'm craving a more direct pleasure." He said reaching for his ass. Feng took the hint and got on the couch. He put his ass toward Kevin. It was as if he had done this before. Kevin took this an opportunity to pull down Feng's pants, sliding them down enough so that his pucker was fully visible, but his pants was not off. He mounted him soon after, not trying to put all of his weight onto Feng, he was sure he'd suffocate him. Kevin soon pressed his cock against Feng's pucker, soon sliding his cock inside an inch at a time. He was unable to bottom out to much of his disappointment.

"I'm going to start moving now Feng." Kevin said slowly moving his hips back, sliding his cock slowly out of Feng's pucker. Admittedly to Feng, this did hurt a little because he was not used to sizes like these. Feng let out a moan as Kevin moved.

"Fuck... this is so big..." Feng said, grabbing a couch pillow and biting down on it. Soon it would be better than this, but for now it was simply a pillow biter. Kevin started to fuck him, going slowly at first. He gave him time to adjust to his size before he moved faster. He tried not to be too rough with Feng, but he did show some roughness as the couch moved slightly.

Kevin pinned him down as he worked, getting closer and closer to his orgasm with every thrust. In a way, Feng was happy. His prostate was getting rubbed by every thrust, he was close to his own orgasm. Feng lolled out his tongue. He was happy that that he got such a stud to take him up on this offer!

Kevin started to slow down, taking bigger but slower thrusts. He was getting tired, but that did not stop him from pulling out of Feng when he was too close. He considered it rude to just finish inside of him. He pulled out of Feng and turned him on his back. He was bewildered by this sudden change in pace.

"Finishing inside isn't my style." He said in a low tone as he started to stroke his cock off in front of Feng. Feng closed his eyes, as getting cum in there burns like a bitch. Kevin hunched over Feng, being face to face with him as he reached his breaking point. He came, covering all of Feng's clothes and his body with his seed. The couch was covered with his cum as well. It was as if a hose has been put on full blast. Once he was finished, he got up from off the couch to grab something to remove the cum around Feng's eyes so he could look at the end result.

Kevin cleaned up Feng's face and set it down on the coffee table.

"Ah geez, it's everywhere. You must have been really pent up there." Feng said noting how Kevin's once hard cock was slowly going flaccid.

"Yeah. Sorry about that." He said rubbing the back of his head.

"It's quite alright. You worked me pretty good, my ass is a bit sore. It's going to be hard walking after that. "Kevin was a bit relieved that Feng was taking the situation lightly. He was blushing as well. He was not used to this much praise after sex.

"Well...Thanks." He said for a lack of words.

"You're still going to help me clean up. I can't clean this up on my own."

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