Busy Day

Story by Tayu on SoFurry

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Life can be really busy, so it's nice to find some time for the simple pleasures in life.

Patreon story for avatar?user=157499&character=0&clevel=2 StreakFox. I hope he enjoys it :3

Let me know what you all think! I love hearing from you all. Makes my day.

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Askia bounced on the balls of his feet as he paced back and forth through the hospital, pager bouncing between his paws anxiously. There were only ten minutes left of his on-call shift, and soon he'd be able to drop the pager off with the nurse and walk out of the building for at least the next three days. All he had to do was avoid another page to head out on scene.

It had been a long week and he'd traded shifts with a few others to get the time he needed to take this small vacation, but it would be very worth it. Eight minutes left now, so close.

The African wild dog paced around in circles, sure to wear a hole in the tiled floor if he didn't take a break soon. He'd been up for nearly twenty-four hours, but now that he was almost off, he was so wound up that he couldn't sit down. Six more minutes.

It wasn't exactly the most glamorous job, being an EMT, and sometimes Askia found himself wanting more, but the way things were now, it was better to just remain where he was. Soon enough he'd be looking at where to go next, but he was good at what he did, and it was nice to occasionally help someone. There were no shortages of days that didn't end in blood, urine, or worse, though, but if it meant making a difference...

Four minutes left.

Askia pressed his nose to one of the long mirrors, a blue and brown eye staring back at him before his breath fogged the surface. He leaned back and traced a small smiley face in his condensation. He was a bit under average height and had a slender frame that belied the strength he needed to do his job effectively. His fur was the typical tan and spotted brown of a wild dog, and he was wearing his favorite color scrubs today: green.

"They just cleaned those, you know," Ida, an old lioness behind the nurse's station, said to him.

Askia spun around, looking over behind the counter where a few of the nurses were busy sorting paperwork, files, and directing people. "Oh. Well... don't care," he said, walking over to the counter and leaning against it, taping the pager against the formica surface.

Two more minutes.

"You seem eager to get out of here," Ida said, looking down her nose at the dog as she put some files away beneath the desk. "Special occasion today?"

"Three years today," Askia said, beaming proudly. "And he got promoted to sergeant, so we have a lot to celebrate today."

"He" referred to Zuli, Askia's boyfriend. They'd been together for several years after meeting in college and hit it off quite well. They were both quite busy with work, but were happy.

Ida nodded and chuckled to herself, shaking her head. "Any special plans?"

"Nope, just gonna wing it, I think. Hard to make plans with our jobs," he said, spinning the pager on its clip on the counter top.

Less than a minute left now...

Askia was about to toss the pager and run with the little plastic device started buzzing angrily in his paws. It took every last bit of patience he had, and nearly caused him a stroke, not to hurl the forsaken thing at the wall. "GOD D-" he started to yell, but a roar of laughter from a few of the nurses cut him off.

His body shook and he squeezed the pager in one of his paws, hackles raised. "That's not funny," he muttered, slamming the pager down on the counter with a huff.

Ida was holding a clipboard in front of her muzzle to hide her laughter. "Oh, you'd think so too if you could see your face," she said, smiling genially at the dog. "Now go on, you're free now."

Askia glared around at the nurses before returning their smile and nodding to them. "Thanks. Have a good day!" he called as he practically ran through the halls to the parking garage.

Twenty minutes later and he was on the last road before home. Zuli would have just left for work, and wouldn't be home for some time. Askia figured he might as well good food since he was quite hungry after the long shift. He pulled his car off into a local breakfast diner and slipped inside to find something to eat for the day. The smells of everything exquisite about breakfast hit his nose and his mouth watered as he thought about what decadent thing to indulge in.

The dog slid into a booth and ordered himself a cup of coffee while he looked over the menu, but the jingle of the front door drew his gaze for a brief second, and the menu was suddenly forgotten.

A tall, black and white cat walked through the door. There was nothing exceptional about him to most people, at a casual glance. He was in a simple pair of jeans and a t-shirt, had short, black hair and grey eyes. He walked in with the air of someone who hadn't ever been there, and he didn't notice the dog in the booth by the wall.

Mika. He had been someone the wild dog had been off-and-on almost involved with for a couple years back in high school. An old flame of sorts that had never fully kindled into anything more. Askia had regretted that fact for a while before meeting Zuli, but it was still a shock to see him again after so long.

Askia swallowed and raised a paw up. "Mika!" he called, beckoning over to his booth.

Mika's gaze flicked to the wild dog and his mouth parted in surprise, not moving for a few seconds. It took another gesture of the canine's paw before the cat stepped through the diner and over to slide into the booth. "Wow, I... wouldn't have thought I'd run into you here," he said, smiling warmly and leaning forward on the table.

Askia's heart was racing and he laughed nervously, taking a sip of his coffee. "I could say the same for you. I thought you were off in the air force, or army, or something like that," he said.

"Army. We're stationed on base not far from here, and I had some time to myself. What about you? What are you, a nurse?" he asked, nodding towards the scrubs.

Askia laughed and looked down at himself, shaking his head. "Nah, I'm just an EMT. Nothing quite as glamorous as a nurse," he said. He couldn't keep from beaming at the cat across from him, trying to take in every detail of the person he knew from years and years ago. "It's been..."

"Six years, I think?" Mika said, drumming his fingers on the table, nodding to the waitress who brought him his own coffee. "How've things been? I don't even know where to catch up on everything. It's just been so long!"

The dog smiled and the two began catching up on everything that had been going on lately, where they worked, places they'd moved to, people they were now with. Mika had been married for almost two years, and Askia mentioned his ongoing relationship with Zuli. They spent nearly an hour at the table even after they'd finished eating.

"So, you said it was your anniversary. Any big plans? Fancy dinner or anything like that?" Mika asked, standing up from the booth and smoothing his paws over his shirt.

Askia shook his head and got up, leaving some money on the table. "Nah, we tend to just wing things. Never disappointed in canceled plans if we never make them, you know? Both of us being on-call a lot, and having to be at work long hours, and always out."

Mika nodded, walking towards the door. "Well, any plans for now, then?"

Askia's eyes fell to the short tuft of a tail, more like a deer than a cat, and his lips curled into a smile. "Mmm, No plans. Not yet, at least. I live just around the block if you want to come spend some more time catching up," he said, letting the words trail off as they left the diner.

The cat paused, watching Askia for a moment before giving him a quick nod. "Lead the way."

Ten minutes later and the door to Askia's apartment fell open as the cat and dog stumbled inside, having just enough sense to close the door behind them. Their arms were tangled in each other's shirts, fingers running through fur, clawing lightly at skin. Their muzzles were locked together in a fierce kiss, tongues twisting around.

The shuffled toward the couch in the Livingroom, too worked up to part for a few seconds to make things easy. They tripped over each other's feet over the last bit of distance and Askia broke their kiss with a surprised yip as he landed atop the cat's chest on the couch.

Mika grunted and let out a soft groan, crawling back up onto the couch, pulling the dog with him. "You sure this is okay?" he asked, pulling the dog's scrubs up over his head and dropping it beside the couch.

"You're the married one here," Askia said, sticking his tongue out at Mika while sliding the t-shirt up to reveal that smooth, toned stomach. "Zuli doesn't mind, though. We're sometimes too busy to see each other."

The cat grunted and lifted his arms, letting the smaller dog pull his shirt off. "That's how it is here, too. Especially since I have to move around a lot at times," he ground himself up against the wild dog with a sigh of content.

Askia's sheath had swollen in his scrubs and he dug his claws into Mika's chest while rubbing his muzzle along his upper body, tongue tracing across the cat's nipples before teeth would tease lightly at the nubs. "Mmf, variety is nice sometimes, too," he muttered, arching his back and pressing himself down against the feline.

Mika growled and wrapped his arms around Askia's back, hugging him tight as he pressed his bulge up into the dog's tan stomach. "Mmm, she'd probably kill me if she finds out," he whispered.

Askia kissed down the cat's chest until his face was rubbing along the flat, muscular stomach. "Well, I won't tell if you don't..." he said quietly. The canine's fingers traveled over Mika's body until they found the metal button holding his pants closed.

The feline lifted his waist as the dog's paws undid the button on the front and back of his jeans, sliding them down his thighs and legs. He watched the wild dog's muzzle press down against the front of his tented jockstrap, nuzzling the hard member there. Mika brought one of his paws to the back of Askia's head, helping to grind the canine's muzzle down against his bulging underwear.

Askia's muzzle parted in a content moan and his tongue teased out over the musky cotton jockstrap, senses drowning in the cat's masculine scent. He could feel the hard cylinder of meat under his face and it pulsed back against him as he nuzzled it wantonly, tail wagging up a storm behind him.

With both paws, the dog reached up and tugged the jockstrap down, letting out a soft grunt as the heavy meat slapped him against the cheek, smearing pre into his fur. "Ooh, damn. I forgot how big you were," he said, pressing his lips to the middle of the cat's shaft and lapping along the thick veins there.

Mika's chest rumbled and he ran his fingers through the dog's short hair, teasing both ears. "Didn't you say your boyfriend was a zebra?" he said, snickering.

Askia tsked and wrapped his fingers around the base of the feline's cock, lifting it away from his body so he could press his lips to the wide head, wiping pre onto his lips. "Mmm, yeah, but I mean... you're still plenty big," the dog replied.

The wild dog's lips parted and he eased the head of the thick length into his maw, tongue bathing the underside in small, swirling licks as he started lowering his muzzle. Already the feline was leaking like a faucet and Askia let it pool in his muzzle, savoring the taste before swallowing. He slid further down, lips dragging against the hard flesh.

Mika's body went lax and he just let the dog attend to his member, eyes closed and mouth open in a dopey grin. His fingers idly played with one of the dog's ears as he fought to keep from humping up into that warm muzzle.

Askia's felt the broad head of the cat's cut shaft at the back of his throat and he had to relax to ease himself further down. He was used to Zuli's larger size, but it was still difficult at times to deep throat, and he felt that hard lengths slide all the way in. The dog swallowed, eyes rolling back in his head in perverse satisfaction at feeling so thoroughly full.

The cat grit his teeth together and gave a light hump upwards, flexing his cock within Askia's muzzle, feeling it straight against the tight muscles of the dog's throat. "D-damn... she can never get that far down," he muttered.

Askia fought back a gag when the cat humped upwards, and he felt a surge of pride wash over him at the accomplishment, swallowing down more pre that endlessly dripped into him. The dog pulled back a few inches and then thrust his muzzle back down, the wide head grinding against the back of his throat and drawing a pleasured moan from the cat.

The wild dog's throat ached from being stretched so roughly, but he continued to thrust his muzzle up and down over the base of Mika's length, countered by the upwards humps of the needy cat. One paw rest on the feline's white-furred thigh while the other squeezed and rolled around the heavy balls between his legs, urging them to spill their contents.

Mika was panting a bit harder and his paws were gripping the cushion he was laying on, rolling his hips in firm, upwards strokes to keep himself buried in the dog's muzzle. "Ooh... if you keep that up I'm gonna cum quick," he whispered, heart racing fast.

Askia didn't let up. He redoubled his efforts and steeled his nerves against the discomfort in his throat, determined to get the cat off at least once in his muzzle before things went further. The front of his underwear and scrubs were damp with his own pre as he ground himself down against the couch cushion, intensely aroused by going down on his former flame.

The cat's eyes watered as he tried his best to hold back his orgasm for just a few seconds longer, but the dog's attention saw to his defeat. With a loud snarling cry he arched upwards and started humping wildly, cock throbbing in the dog's throat as ribbons of thick, hot cum splashed out against the back of Askia's throat.

Askia's face screwed up with concentration and he kept himself steady while the cat began fucking his throat in earnest through his orgasm. He felt the viscous shot of seed in the back of his muzzle and swallowed valiantly before choking and having to withdraw. In the few seconds it took to pull that long shaft from his muzzle, several more hard bursts of cum filled his mouth, drooling from the corners and trailing over his fur.

The cat was still bucking upwards and as soon as the wide head slipped past Askia's lips, the slit flared and painted the dog's cheek in a healthy coat of semen. Mika's hips jerked and spasmed, his cock dragging through the fur of Askia's muzzle and neck as he unloaded the rest of his seed in a mess through the dog's brown fur, leaving it matted and sticking up in odd places.

Cum drooled from Askia's open muzzle and he groaned in a pleased fashion, tail swishing behind him. "Ooh damn..."

A light sheen of sweat had broken out over the cat's head and chest and he looked down at the sticky, covered African wild dog, smirking. "Y-yeah. I'll say... wow..." he said, shuddering as his cock was squeezed from the base to the head, more cum oozing from the slit.

Askia spent a few minutes licking along the length of Mika's package, cleaning it thoroughly and occasionally drawing an over-sensitive gasp from the feline. Neither of their erections had faltered and the dog scrambled out of his scrub bottoms, kicking them and his underwear off. His hard, knotted cock dripped pre everywhere as he climbed back onto the cat's waist, straddling him and whining. "Ooh... this might hurt..."

Mika brought a paw down to squeeze the canine's cock, feeling pre patter down over his stomach. "Mmm, wait, then, let me get you ready," he said, pulling on the dog's legs, urging him further up his chest.

They repositioned in a typical sixty-nine position, Askia on top, and the dog found a short, blunt muzzle up under his fluffy tail. Mika's tongue snaked out and pressed right into the dog's passage, twisting side to side and thrusting in and out of the tight passage. Askia's body shuddered and he pressed his face down against the cat's length, toes curling in bliss.

The cat's tongue worked in and out of Askia's hole, getting him as slick as he could while one paw found the dripping dog shaft and began stroking over it, teasing the fat knot at the bottom. The dog was worked up and could feel the telltale signs of his orgasm approaching with that tongue pressing all his buttons.

"Ooh-oh... oh wait... wait..." he whispered breathily, claws digging into Mika's thighs. "Ooh, you're gonna make me cum like that," he whimpered, hips jerking and twitching as he tried to pull his cock free from the cat's teasing fingers.

Mika ignored him, one paw on the small of Askia's back while the other hooked two fingers behind the engorged knot and began jacking back and forth. All the while his tongue delved deep into the canine's passage, intent on getting him ready.

Askia's teeth grit together, forehead pressed down against Mika's thigh, cum smearing into their fur as he was brought up to the edge of his orgasm. He fought hard to keep from tipping over, but there was no hope. The first spurt of cum streaked down over Mika's stomach, and the cat shoved hard at his lower back to move him.

The dog found himself bodily moved down so he was sitting over the cat's stomach and he could see the tip of his tapered shaft prodding at the cat's cut length. Cum pumped out in thick, warm ropes over the cat's cock, soaking it thoroughly and leaving his thighs, balls, and stomach a sticky mess with strings of seed connecting everything.

Mika let out a pleased sigh and milked out the rest of the dog's cum over his own shaft. "Oh, there... who needs lube, right?" he muttered, lips curling up at the corners into a wicked grin.

Askia's body jerked and spasmed as those deft fingers toyed with his knot. His heart was pounding in his ears, and he barely had time to register what the cat had done before he was unceremoniously pushed forward against the arm of the couch.

The cat was on his back moments later, cum-covered length pressing up under Askia's tail. The thick head pressed to the dog's hole and then Mika shoved forward, spearing the dog on his length. Askia's muzzle parted in a wordless cry as Mika's shaft spread him open wide, his claws digging into the arm of the couch.

His passage burned from the rough entry, but the dog's body craved it and he pushed himself back into the cat's lap, cum still dripping from his cock onto the couch below while more ran from his face from Mika's load.

Mika wasted no time in working up a quick, hard rhythm, bottoming out on every thrust as heavy balls swung between his legs. His body covered the smaller dog, arms wrapping around his chest to pinch at both nipples while teeth scraped at Askia's neck.

It had been some time since the dog had gotten such rough treatment while being mounted and his cock lay atop the now-wet cushion, sliding back and forth dribbling clear fluid onto the fabric. Years of lost time were being made up for in minutes as the cat took him roughly, humping him against the arm of the couch.

The cat's shaft hadn't softened in the least from his orgasm, but it took him some time to work up to another and snarled dominantly as he felt himself drawing close. He found the dog's cock in both his paws and squeezed down hard on it, hips working up a frenzy with his balls now pulled taut against his body.

Askia's prostate was being hammered on repeatedly, and leaked a constant stream beneath him. When those paws suddenly gripped him and squeezed, he could do nothing to stop the hard orgasm that washed over him. His passage tightened down on the cat's shaft, making it feel twice as large, as he began pumping out rope after rope of cum all over the couch under them.

That was all the encouragement Mika needed and with one, final thrust, he collapsed atop the dog, both of them covered in sweat, as his cock began pumping the dog full of cum. It leaked back out around his shaft and joined the mess on the cushion below before they both collapsed down into the puddles.

The dog felt sleep teasing the corners of his mind and he took a long, much needed breath before sighing happily. "Man... I definitely needed that," he whispered dreamily.

Mika nuzzled the back of Askia's neck, giving him a few soft nips. "Rrf... same... I forgot just how wild you could drive me if you tried," he said. "Sorry about your couch," he added with a chuckle.

Askia barked out a laugh and shook his head. "It's scotchgarded, it'll be fine," he said, grinning wide as he closed his eyes. "Mm, do you mind staying here a little bit while I nap?"

"Course," Mika said, pulling the dog against his chest and trying to find a comfortable position on the couch while still hilted in the dog.

Askia smiled and nodded appreciatively, yawning wide. "Mmm, good... I just need a quick nap to have energy for tonight," he said softly.

The nap had been much needed, and Mika stayed by his side the whole time, holding him close. It reminded him of how often they'd spent together in high school, and all the time they missed. He wouldn't trade Zuli for the world, but the memories were nice to look back on. Not to mention make more of.

Mika had been kind enough to help the poor dog clean up the couch before a quick shower, then they said their goodbyes and Askia busied himself with a few adult chores to take care of around the apartment before he'd be able to run off and greet Zuli for their anniversary.

The hours the pair of them kept were so odd, and changed so often, that by now Askia didn't find it at all strange to be driving down to the precinct after the sun had gone down. Zuli would be getting off work in a few minutes, and the dog wanted to surprise the zebra before he left.

Zuli's precinct was in the middle of downtown, a big brick building with windows every few feet around the entire exterior. There were cop cars parked outside, as one might imagine, and people came and went from the front steps and doors as if it were the middle of the day.

Once upon a time Askia would have needed an escort to get through the front lobby to find Zuli, but that had been several years ago when the zebra had just started. Askia visited often enough, and was known by most in the district, especially with his work as an EMT, that he flashed the officer behind the lobby desk a friendly smile as he walked through towards the desks.

Zuli was seated in the far corner of the floor behind a big, wooden desk. He looked remarkably sharp in his dark, navy uniform, the brass badge displayed proudly on his breast. He was so engrossed in his work that he didn't even notice the dog strolling through the rows of desk towards him like a predator.

Askia put both paws on the edge of Zuli's desk and leaned over, a seductive grin across his face. "Hey handsome, I'd like to report a crime..."

Zuli's white ears flicked and he raised his head to see the dog standing over his desk. He blinked a few times in confusion and then his brow furrowed. "Report a crime? That doesn't even make sense," he said, huffing indignantly.

Askia stuck out his tongue, standing up and crossing his arms over his chest. "Well I don't know, you're a cop, so like... report a crime?" he defended.

The zebra leaned back in his chair, folding his own arms and arching an eyebrow. "Yeah, but I'm a not the one who'd take that kind of information, you'd wanna speak t-"

"Oh come on," Askia said, walking around the desk and punching the zebra's arm with a huff. "Dork, I'm just trying to make a joke."

"And you're doing an awful job at it," Zuli said, snickering as he stood up, stretching his arms above his head. "Mmm, what brings you here, hon?"

Askia slipped in under one of the equine's big arms, hugging him tightly and taking in his scent. "I wanted to see you. Is that so bad?"

Zuli brought his arms back down around the dog and squeezed him close, kissing him between the ears. "Not at all. I was about to leave here in a few minutes, though, you'd have seen me soon."

The dog grinned, face pressed against Zuli's chest. He opened an eye and peered around the dimly lit office floor before sneaking a paw down to Zuli's crotch, giving the heavy sheath a squeeze through his slacks. "Mmm, but then I wouldn't get to tease you here at work," he whispered.

Zuli's back stiffened and he sucked in a breath as he glanced around, though no one was paying them any attention this late at night. "You could have just waited to tease me at home..." he said, his chest rumbling as he carefully pushed the dog away, a smile spreading over his muzzle.

Askia clasped his paws together in front of himself, swaying his hips side to side. "I know... but... I was hoping to do something special! It's our anniversary after all," he said, eyes narrowing to slits. "Or did you forget."

The zebra laughed and pulled open a drawer on his desk, pulling out a small box. "No. I didn't forget." He held the box out towards the dog, beaming brightly.

The dog made a surprised squeaking noise and took the box, tail wagging. "I thought you said no gifts this year! I didn't get you anything," he said, fiddling with the edge of the box and looking guilty.

"I know, but I saw it, and I knew you'd like it. I know I did," Zuli said, sitting on the edge of his desk and nodding. "Open it."

Askia used a claw to cut the small piece of tape holding the box shut and he pulled it apart, pulling out a striped, folded piece of fabric. It unfolded in his paws and he found a zebra-striped jockstrap with the word "STRIPES" along the thick, elastic band. "O-oh wow. Hah."

Zuli chuckled and winked at the dog. "Yeah, I thought it'd be hot to see you in a jock, and... well, since stripes are just so much better than spots," he teased, reaching out and poking a couple of the wild dog's spots along his arm.

Askia stuck out his tongue at the large equine and then leaned over to give his snout a quick kiss. "I like it. Want me to put it on?" he said. "Model it for ya?"

Zuli shifted around on his desk, shrugging casually. "I mean... I guess," he grinned and nodded back over his shoulder. "Bathroom is over that way."

"No need!" Askia said. He plopped down into Zuli's desk chair, hidden from view behind the zebra and unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans.

The zebra's eyes went wide as he watched his partner expose himself in the middle of the precinct floor. Even if they were off on the far wall, there were still other people sitting not more than twenty feet away. "What are you doing?"

"Ssh, you'll draw someone's attention," the dog said, winking. He glanced around to make sure no one was looking their way before he wiggled out of his jeans and boxers, sitting naked in the zebra's chair before he began slipping his legs into the jockstrap. It didn't take long before he was tugging the jeans back on, package being displayed quite impressively through the front of the striped fabric.

Zuli had shifted his own stance while watching, a growing bulge traveling down one leg that he was doing his best not to touch. "It," he gulped and took a breath. "It looks nice on you."

Askia grinned and left the front of his jeans unzipped, his package still on display through the stripped fabric. "Ooh? Maybe you'd like to see it up close and personal?"

The zebra grunted and looked back at his desk at his unfinished paperwork, his tail flicking behind him. "Interrogation," he muttered, flashing the dog a quick grin. "I'll be along in a second."

The wild dog's tail was wagging happily and he zipped up his jeans before hopping up. "Come along quickly," he said, winking and slipping on by the zebra, subtly grabbing a few things as he went.

No one even batted an eye as Askia made his way along the back wall and through one of the side halls into an interrogation room. They were all busy with their own work, own problems, and ready to go home. The room was dimly lit with a table in the middle, one chair on either side, and a camera in the corner of the room. Even off, it sent a small thrill up along the dog's spine at the thought of getting it all on tape. There was a big Plexiglas pane on one wall that acted as a mirror for those in the interrogation room, and a window for people on the other side.

Askia immediately stripped out of his shirt and jeans, standing in his new jockstrap and admiring himself in the reflective plastic. The front of his jockstrap bulged nicely and he turned around to hike his tail up, checking out his butt when the door opened and Zuli stepped inside.

The zebra looked a bit flustered, cheeks red under the short fur on his cheeks, and there was an obvious bulge between his legs that ran down one leg. His eyes widened when he saw the canine unabashedly showing himself off in the mirror and he cleared his throat. "D-damn."

Askia's tail stayed up and he sashayed over to the zebra, draping his arms around Zuli's neck and pressing himself close. "Ooh? Do you like what you see hon?" he asked, paws traveling down over the broad chest and popping open buttons one at a time.

Zuli's eyes closed and he tilted his head back with a soft sigh. "Yesss..." he said quietly, shrugging his shoulders as Askia removed his shirt and tossed it into the corner. "You're a bad influence on me sometimes, you know."

Askia slipped to his knees, licking his lips as he began undoing the zebra's pants, tugging them down to get at what he wanted. The zebra had been wearing a simple pair of red briefs under his slacks, but his thick length had pushed out the edge of those briefs and was straining up against his thigh, a slick trail of pre running over the striped fur there. "Ooh, hon. This can't be healthy for you," he cooed, fingers hooking on the edge of those briefs and tugging downwards.

Zuli's eyes cracked open to watch as Askia pulled his clothes the rest of the way off. His huge cock sprung free of its confines and smacked the dog square in the chin, flinging pre against his chest. "Mmm, I can't help it. I've been too busy to take care of it," he said.

Askia nodded and wrapped his paws around the big, black length, stroking along its leathery skin while his lips pressed to the head in a sensual kiss. "Mmm, let me take good good care of you, then," he said, tracing his fingers down over the veins in Zuli's shaft, one paw squeezing that thick ring and lightly tugging at it.

The zebra could only moan into the small, confined room as the dog's paws toyed with his cock, drawing pre from him as if he were a tube of toothpaste. Askia's face continued to nuzzle and rub over the mushroom head, matting down his face with the slick pre seed. His jockstrap was bulging obviously now, and the white sections of fabric were growing darker as more and more pre pooled out against it.

Finally, the dog stood up, both paws still on Zuli's cock, and pulled him over to one of the chairs. He pushed Zuli to sit down and then climbed up on the table, kneeling directly in front of the big zebra with his bulging undergarments on full display for the zebra.

Zuli's big, blue eyes looked up hungrily at the dog and then traveled down his chest to the striped jock where he could clearly see the big bulge. The zebra's cock was jutting up in his lap, peeking above the edge of the table where it drooled unrepentantly.

"Mmm, you wanted to see it up close, right?" Askia said, arching his back and pushing his hips forward to grind his jockstrap against the front of the zebra's broad muzzle. His cock throbbed in its confines as he ground it along Zuli's face and nose.

The big equine shuddered, moving his paws up to rub down the dog's flank, lightly clawing through the fluffy fur as he did so. "Ooh... you smell good, too," he whispered, parting his lips to mouth along the rigid lump, broad tongue sweeping up along the cotton.

Askia shivered and groaned, gently humping against Zuli's face as his fingers toyed with the big, striped ears. "Oooh, wanna... wanna do something really fun with me?" he asked, lips curling up in a dangerous smile.

Zuli, getting drunk off the dog's scent, just nodded and pressed his square nose up against the edge of the jock, tongue sneaking in through the side to lap against the side of the dog's shaft.

The dog chuckled and carefully pushed Zuli away. He tugged the waistband down and let his cock fall free, pre spurting out in typical canine fashion across Zuli's face and chest. When Zuli leaned forward with his mouth open he smacked the equine across the nose and chuckled. "Nuh uh, not yet," he said, packing himself away and hopping off the table. "Bend over the table for me."

Zuli blinked a few times but nodded, leaning against the table, his cock pressed up underneath as he spread his legs and looked over at the dog. "What, you actually gonna mount me?" he asked, snickering mischievously.

Askia let out a haughty noise and shook his head, grabbing a pair of handcuffs he'd snatched from an officer's desk, and clacking them shut over the zebra's wrists, binding his wrists securely, fastening them to the chair on the other side of the table.

Zuli blinked and tugged at the cuffs, eyes going wide. "Wait, where'd you get these?" he asked, his voice threaded with a hint of panic.

Askia's tail was wagging excitedly and he grabbed the bottle of lube he'd brought into the precinct, standing behind the zebra and growling playfully. "Ooh... that's none of your concern at the moment," he said, putting a paw on the zebra's flank.

The cap sounded loud in the small room as the dog popped it open. Zuli's ears swiveled back, cheeks red as he tried to glance over his shoulder. "Wh-what are you going to do to me?"

"Ssh, just try not to tense up," the wild dog said, lifting the equine's whip like tail. He squeezed out a healthy amount of lube across the black pucker and put the bottle on the table. While he rarely ever topped the bigger male, they still fooled around often enough that he knew Zuli could take what he was about to do. All the same, a bit of warm up was polite.

Zuli's head hung between his cuffed arms and he moaned out as fingers slid into his passage, spreading his hole wide and searching deep until the digits pressed on his prostate. It made his heavy cock flex so hard that it thumped the underside of the table, pre splattering on the tiled floor beneath. "Ooh, ooh fuck," he whispered.

Askia's cock ached between his legs and he briefly considered ripping the jock off and plunging himself in past the knot in that inviting passage. It gripped and tugged at his fingers, trying to draw them in further as the dog wiggled them around and pressed insistently on Zuli's prostate. He glanced beneath the table and saw a long line of pre hanging from the mushroom head towards the floor. Every time he pressed firmly, another thick dollop would roll out and lengthen that line until it was connected from tip to tile.

When the dog was satisfied that the striped beast was ready, he pulled his fingers out and grabbed the thick police baton he'd swiped, emptying lube along its black, matte surface. Zuli was unwise to the situation, panting openly as he lay over the table. When he felt the blunt, cold head of something metallic under his tail his head reared up and he glanced backwards, heart beginning to race. "W-wait, Askia. What is that?"

"Oh, nothing," the dog said, giving the baton a gentle push forward until it sank into the zebra's passage a few inches, spreading him much wider than fingers could have.

Zuli's eyes went wide, muzzle parting soundlessly as the thick intruder spread him open. Askia kept pushing forward, gripping the baton's handle to keep it steady. It slid in smoothly, well-lubed, and a couple inches longer than Zuli's shaft was.

"Mmm, just think, I feel this quite often. Now you get to," Askia teased, finally stopping when the perpendicular handle was practically wedged between the striped cheeks.

The zebra was panting hard, his body tense and fighting to relax around the big, makeshift dildo. It was far bigger than anything he'd taken recently, and he wasn't entirely sure that there had been anything so large inside him at all. If mashed down his prostate and kept him hard as a rock, though, and his wrists ached from tugging at the cuffs that bound him. "Oh god. Oh god Askia. It's... I don't know..."

Askia gave his cock a squeeze through the damp jockstrap and began pulling the metal toy out slowly, only a few inches before he pushed back in. There was a loud thump as the zebra's cock smacked the underside of the table and a grunt from the large male.

The dog was having far too much fun and he kept the baton deep inside the zebra as he sank to his knees, crawling beneath the table to nuzzle and lick at the base of Zuli's cock. From this position he was able to slide the baton in and out while planting soft kisses and licks against the big, leathering pole that drooled needily.

Zuli's feet shuffled on the floor, spreading as best he could to try and lessen the slight discomfort of having the metal baton inside him, and also to try and quicken its thrusting pace. Askia obliged, working it back and forth while watching how the deep thrusts would cause the zebra's cock to swell and flex.

One of Askia's paws moved to grip just behind that mushroom head, teasing the ridge of his crown while the other pistoned that metal length into the striped rear. The zebra's flesh felt like fire, and the noises Zuli made were far from the masculine cries that he usually made, closer in pitch to how Askia often sounded when stuffed by the large equine length.

"Nngh, god, Askia. You're gonna make me cum," he managed to breathe out, his hips jerking lightly as the head of his cock ground against the now-wet underside of the table.

The wild dog let out a soft growl of excitement, licking his lips as he watched that big cock flex and swell further, the head flaring almost three times in size. Askia cock twitched in empathy and he bit his lip, working the baton as hard as he could.

Zuli thrashed around, jerking at his cuffs and nearly knocking over the heavy chair on the other side of the table. His cock flexed once. Twice. Three times. A thick strand of white, pearly cum oozed from the head onto the floor before the zebra's cock slapped hard against the table. Cum arced from the flared head of the zebra's shaft, splattering against the wall several feet in front. The black length bounced a few more times, cum splashing against the wall once more until it began leaving healthy, white streaks against the tiles.

The scent of zebra filled Askia's nostrils as the zebra came hard. He pressed the baton up into the zebra, watching with rapt attention as the large length pulsed and fired shot after shot of cum across the floor, leaving quite the mess.

When he was finally spent, the zebra slumped against the table, wrists pulled taught against the cuffs as he panted through his nose. "Ooh..."

Askia left the baton where it was and rubbed his muzzle along the length of the zebra's shaft, ending with a messy kiss to the flared head that continued to dribble cum. He crawled out from under the table, his jock still strained and damp. "Mmm, we'll have to do that more often... I love using toys on you..."

Zuli's eyes were barely open and his muzzle hang open languidly, tail flicking side to side. "What about... what about you?"

Askia glanced down at his crotch and shrugged. "I can wait... I want you to pound me when we get back to the apartment," he said, turning the baton back and forth under Zuli's tail.

The zebra let out a soft whimper and struggled against his bonds. "Then get me out of these cuffs so we can get out of here."

"Sure thing!" Askia grabbed Zuli's pants and began fishing around inside, smile fading into a frown.

Zuli watched for a few seconds before his brow furrowed. "What are you doing?"

"Looking for your key."

"Askia... I don't have a key in my pockets. They're with my cuffs. In my desk drawer," the zebra said, an edge of annoyance in his voice.

"What? How do you not have a key like, on your keychain!" the dog said, tossing the pants on the floor.

Zuli was about to say something when the intercom in the room came on, a voice coming through. "I've got a key you can use," a deep, male voice said.

Both Askia and Zuli froze, the dog's eyes snapping over to the reflective window and then to the camera. The little red light was now lit up on the outside showing it was recording.

"Just tell your boy that he better clean my baton before he gives it back to me," the voice said again, a dry humor behind it.