Loving and Lusting for My Brother Chapter 5

Story by Vikthefox on SoFurry

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#5 of Loving and Lusting for My Brother

Author's Note: Thanks to my friends, watchers, and viewers. You guys are great!

Loving and Lusting for My Brother

Chapter 5

Malakai's POV

Monday finally arrived. I decided to take off work, after all how could I work when I know my brother is about to visit some shady doctor. I decided to come with him to keep an eye on him. I called Denver too to let him know where we were going and he decided to follow us. Her house was located on the other side of town, which involved two bus rides, one to downtown and the other to the neighborhood known as Oak Hill, a rather nice neighborhood with the oldest houses in the city. The doctor's was more modern though, it's plain white facade sticking out like a sore thumb among the centuries old brick houses that neighbored it. Inside was just a boring modern house. Just like her house, she seemed quite plain showing no emotion at all as she talked to us. She started with Rodya first and for the first time I heard it all.

"It started when I was 13, I just remember looking at my brother and getting a feeling I never felt before when I was around him. I shrugged it off as just a side effect of puberty, but over and over again I felt it. It's a burning feeling, a desire, so intense and yet I could do nothing about it. Even my dreams had begun to reflect it. This desire to be intimate with my brother, to know him in a different way. It's not all lust though, there's also love, deep, deep romantic love that I just don't feel with other guys. When I reached maturity, I hoped that these feelings would finally go away, but they've only gotten worse. I've tried to cure it by having sex with other guys, but it never works. Malakai and I did have sex about a couple weeks ago. I thought it would get those thoughts out of my system, but it hasn't. Please, Dr. Schneebrot help me get rid of these desires," Rodya said.

"I see. Well before I can diagnose you I want to hear Malakai's feelings. I'm pleased you could attend Malakai," Dr. Schneebrot said in that cold, unfeeling voice of hers.

I didn't want to talk when we came in, but since Rodya had told her everything I figured I might as well.

"I didn't start having feelings for Rodya until about a year ago. I mean I always thought he was a handsome fox, but I never felt any romantic or sexual feelings for him when I was growing up. I haven't been as lucky in finding guys as he has. My first boyfriend only dated me as part of some high school prank for the prom and my second boyfriend beat me and told me that I deserved to be treated like shit if I failed to please him. It was Rodya who rescued me from him. Rodya and I moved in together at our parents' old house. They moved to the Bahamas and left the house to Rodya. They were never around much when we were kids because of their jobs and nowadays we rarely see them except on major holidays. Anyway, Rodya and I have been living together for a year and that's when I noticed the feelings. I thought it was just gratitude for saving my life, but as time passed I realized that I want him as more than just a brother. I know it's not conventional, but I honestly and truly love this fox, Dr. Schneebrot," I said, tears welling up in my eyes.

"How touching," she said in her usual cold voice. She jotted down some notes and looked us over again. When she was done writing she said to us, "I see what's going on here. Rodya clearly has some form of psychosis, a birth defect perhaps. You Malakai, you seem to have fallen into this incestuous line of thinking out of situational convenience. You justify your incest because of your bad relationships in the past. Neither of you are healthy," she said.

My blood boiled, I wanted to smack that bitch, but I held back. Rodya started crying and said, "can we be cured?"

"I'm afraid there is only one cure," She said. She then reached into a drawer and pulled out a handgun. "Euthanasia", she said matter of factly.

"What?", my brother and I shouted.

"You freaks are beyond help. Incest doesn't go away and you already committed the crime. The only thing you two deserve is death," she said. She cocked the gun and fired, but missed. She was about to fire again when Denver came in and fired his own gun at her. The bullet hit her in her right arm causing her to drop the gun. Denver quickly picked up her gun and aimed it at her.

"Never expected to see you again, Denver," Dr. Schneebrot said.

"I always knew something was off about you," Denver said, "Is this how you treat your patients now? By murdering them?"

"Only the whores and faggots," Dr. Schneebrot said, "And incestuous fucks like your friends that can't be saved. You really need to reconsider your taste in friends Denver. Rodya and Malakai deserve to die just like those scum you used to hang out with back in college remember? It felt so good to watch them burn alive in their own house." She cracked an evil, creepy smile as she recounted the furs she murdered because she felt they "could never be cured." Denver was shaking as she told him in great detail about the murders. One of the guns slipped out of his paw and both she and I went to grab it. We grabbed it at the same time and we wrestled with each other for control of the gun. At some point the gun went off and Denver was shot in the leg. He yelped in pain, snapping him out of his grief and he took a couple more shots at her. The last bullet hit her in the head and she let go of the gun. I had never fired a gun before, but I intended to deliver a final blow. Just as I was about to make my first shot I heard her say, "yiff in hell..." and then she collapsed face down on the floor. To make sure she was dead, Denver shot her in the head again.

We called the police and an ambulance to take Denver to the hospital. We didn't tell them that we were two incestuous brothers. We just told them that we were both gay and seeking advice and that when she found out we were gay she shot at us. We also told them about the murders she confessed to. Denver backed us up on our story. It wasn't the whole truth, but even I, who has the least amount of problems with incest, wasn't going to tell the cops about it. They decided to let us go and while I was relieved, I was still shaken. For the following few weeks I had nightmares about that day and how things could've ended differently. Rodya took it harder than me, he shut himself up in his room most days and didn't talk to anyone except for Denver to make sure he was alright. Denver was stricken with grief over finding out the fates of his old college friends and the identity of their killer. He recovered, and he was back to his old self within a few months. Rodya hadn't recovered yet and while I still thought about it constantly I felt better than before. There didn't seem to be any change in Rodya's mood. He still went to work, but he never spoke with me. I checked up on Rodya every day to make sure he was okay, but all I ever got in return was either silence or a weak "I'm fine." Then something happened, something that scared me more than dying.