Desert Plea

Story by kergiby on SoFurry

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#5 of Desert

Desert is back with its longest entry yet. Plot, love, smut. What's not to like?

Jessica hoisted Katherine up, holding her up so she could blow out the candles to her cake. David snapped a photo of it, smiling at his daughter's giggle and proud proclamation.

"I blew them all out!" she said, her tail wagging.

David grinned at her. Setting the camera down and giving his mom a hug. She beamed at her son for a moment, giving his hand a slight squeeze.

"You sure did," Jessica said.

There were a few other children and a group of parents who all cheered and clapped for the young pup. A small leopard boy bounced in his seat.

"Time for cake now?" he said.

"Shush!" His dad said, lightly patting his cheek with a hand. The boy's mom leaned into her husband. David couldn't remember the dad's name but the mom was named Sarah. She had a breezy dress on that hugged her hips nice enough for every man in the room to take notice at least once. Jessica's ears burned hot at the way she seemed to flaunt herself.

Jessica went over to David, leaning on him while David's mom cut the cake. She gave the first piece to Katherine who immediately went to work demolishing it with her fork. Jessica took David's hand and smiled.

"She's so happy," she said. "You did a good job, David."

The shepherd smiled. "I know how to make a cake."

"Not just that," Jessica said. She took his hand, dragging him away into the laundry room. The collie closed the door part way, taking his face in her hand. She kissed his lips, smiling up at her husband.

"You've been such a good father and I'm so proud of you. I know you've been worried about if you're any good or not and I can promise you that you're a good Dad."

David's tail wagged slowly.

"Well, of course you say that," his arm wrapped around her back, kissing her again. "You're stuck with me."

Jessica shook her head. "Shut up. You know what I mean."

The dog looked down at his wife. Glancing out the door, he saw the gathered parents and children eating cake, leaving the two alone for a moment. The dog's hand slid into the front of her pants. She grabbed his wrist, shivering at his touch.

"D-David, no..." she gasped. "Not here."

His smirk didn't go away, rubbing her through her panties, kissing her neckline of her navy dress. She smacked his chest a few times.

"I'll stop when you tell me what you meant by that."

Jessica's hackles rose a bit and she shivered. Her husband was teasing her just a few feet away from their daughter's birthday party. It was so wrong, so sick. She loved it and grabbed his wrist.

"St-stop. Please," Jessica whined.

David's hand slid away, rubbing his fingers on his tongue.

"I love you so much," he whispered. He kissed her, holding her tight against his body, making her feel so small and safe. Stroking her cheek, he looked down at her.

"I'm going to get back at you later," the collie whispered.

David slid back into the room, his tail wagging on the way out of the laundry room. But as Jessica leaned in the doorway, watching her husband slide back to the party, she couldn't help but run a thumb over her ring, and smiling. He was so caring and sweet... She needed to do something for him.

The dog was being sent away on a business trip to a conference on network security. Jessica would be fine without him but she knew he'd miss her the weekend away. The collie went back into the party and grinned. She took a piece of cake from David, kissing a bit of frosting away from his lips.

This was the man she married.


Katherine yawned, all decked out in a new outfit that one of their friends had given her. She had tired herself out running around and playing with some of the other kids. Jessica smiled at David, tucking his daughter in, who had barely even started a bed time story before she fell asleep. David kissed her forehead and slipped away, shutting the door behind him.

Jessica took his hands and led him back to the bedroom. Her hands ran over his chest, her own tail swaying.

"I know I promised revenge for that stunt in the laundry room, but I'm too tired tonight, baby."

David's ears drooped ever so slightly before he took her hips in his hands and squeezed.

"You'll just have to make it up to me when I get back."

Jessica whined, hugging him tight against her. She closed their bedroom door, kissing his chest a few times.

"I wish you could stay. It's not fair that you get to go to San Diego without me."

The dog's ears drooped further and he kissed her cheek.

"I'm not happy about it either, but it's a company thing."

She yawned, pulling away to climb onto the bed plopping on top of the covers. Her tail slack and face close to his pillow. She heard him chuckle before turning out the light. Jessica felt him climb in next to her and kiss her forehead.

"Mmm. Today was a fun day," she said, resting her head closer to his.

"It was. Katherine's so cute too! It's hard to believe she's already three!"

"I know. I'm almost thinking we should have another one soon."

David laughed, nibbling on her ear. She gasped, wiggling closer to him, arms on his chest.

"We've been trying plenty," he said.

"You know what I mean. It'd be nice for her to have a younger sibling."

David brushed her cheek a couple times, nodding.

"It would be. She'd be happy to have someone to boss around, just like her mom!"

Choosing to ignore that, Jessica closed her eyes.

"Did you see what Sarah wore?"

There was a silence over them for a moment or two before David spoke.

"Not really."

"What?" Jessica said, opening her eyes.

"I mean... she was in a dress, right?"

Jessica looked at him, trying to figure out if he was really that dense or just toying with her. The vixen wore a blue dress with a white trim that stopped mid-thigh. She looked stunning and probably caused a few talking-to's by angry wives later that night. So the fact that David claimed not to notice...

"Are you just messing with me?" she said.

The shepherd shook his head.

"Really, I don't know what you mean."

"Are you telling me that you didn't ogle her at all? Notice how great her legs looked? That her butt looked so great and slappable?"

"What do you want me to say?" he said. "I noticed her? I ogled her? Sure, a little but I would never--"

Jessica grit her teeth, claws digging into his chest. He whined, stopping himself short at the sudden pain before Jessica realized what she was doing and retracted her claws.

"I don't mind you looking. Jesus, it's natural to look, but to try and pretend that you weren't?" Jessica shook her head. "Why would you do that?"

The dog sighed, his ears drooping low. She could see that through the dark.

"I don't want you to think I'm going to cheat again."

Jessica pinched the bridge of her muzzle.

"David... Come on. I know you won't. You gotta stop beating yourself up over that. I mean, don't worry about it anymore, okay? It's been years and I'm tired of you walking on egg shells when it comes to other women. I want you to look, to be yourself. Just please don't try and..." She sighed, hugging him to her chest.

"I just want you to love yourself like I love you, David. Okay?"

David sighed, holding her close. He kissed her a few times, each time sincere, eager, and tender.

"I failed you once; I don't want to do that again."

"Then don't worry about that okay? The past is behind us. Looking at other women is fine. But if you want to touch them, just... touch me first, okay? I want you stop beating yourself up when I forgave you years ago. It's exhausting sometimes."

He sighed, nodding his head.

"I'll try, Jessica."

"Good... I love you."

David kissed her, holding her cheek and stroking it with a thumb. Her tail thumped against the bed, letting him feel the love and care she had for him. And hopefully... he would stop dwelling on his mistakes.

"I love you, Jessica."


The morning was hectic. David woke up half an hour before Jessica did, getting dragged out of bed by the excited Katherine. Jessica lay in bed, moving to the warmth left vacant by David. Pressing her nose into the sheets, she breathed his scent in, trying to savor that little bit of her husband before he left her for the weekend. She still wasn't happy. They made him leave right after Katherine's birthday and didn't give him any time off.

With some of the breaches in health care networks in the past, Jessica understood why he had to get dragged away but the selfish part of her wanted her husband to stay. He'd leave Friday and be gone Saturday and Sunday and Jessica...

She was being selfish. This conference could help him meet new connections, maybe get a new job so he could be somewhere that would appreciate him more. But the collie wasn't happy that her husband was treated so boorishly. Slipping out of bed, she pulled on a pair of jeans, buttoning them up and putting a comfier T-shirt on. It didn't take a lot of work to get a casual Friday implemented but it still felt odd to see her boss in shorts.

Coming out of the bedroom, she slipped down the stairs to find David crawling around with Katherine, giggling with her. She pounced on him, squealing in triumph.

"Got you!"

"No! But what about the forces of evil?"

Katherine placed her hands on her hips and glowered down at her father.

"Evil isn't very nice, Daddy."

Jessica giggled, catching Katherine's attention. The girl came running up and Jessica scooped her up, hoisting her onto a hip. David came over to her and gave her a kiss.

"Want me to make coffee?" he said.

"Go get your things. I'll get coffee ready for you."

"Thanks, babe," David said, going back up the stairs to grab his bag.

Jessica carried Katherine over to her booster seat and sat her down in it. She got a plastic cup of milk and placed it in front of her.

"Be careful. I don't want you spilling again."

Katherine took the cup in both hands, taking a big gulp without spilling. Satisfied for the moment, Katherine hit the on switch for the coffee, watching it bubble to life. Running a hand over the pup's hands, she went over to their office, grabbing her bag and double checking that the audit for the company that wanted to lease part of the building was solid. It would be really helpful if things went okay. Jessica needed something good. It was all...

She needed a break.

David came around the corner, all smiles at Katherine.

"There's my princess. Are you going to miss me while I'm away?" he said.

Katherine nodded her head a few times, fixing the headband that fell over her eyes.

"Are you going to bring me back something?"

He scoffed, sitting down at the table, looking at the demanding pup.

"Of course. And this summer, when it's really hot we'll go and take a vacation at the ocean. How does that sound?"

What Katherine said, Jessica couldn't quite make out but David kissed her cheeks and hugged her all the same. Jessica handed him his coffee and the shepherd pulled her onto his lap.

"And you, Mrs. Mendez, what can I bring you back?"

Jessica grinned at her husband for a moment before whispering in his ear.

"Bring your cute butt back to me so I can keep it close."

"I'll do my best," he said taking a sip from his mug.

Jessica slid off of his lap and went to the pan of eggs that David had cooked earlier. Katherine and David had already eaten which just left Jessica as the odd one out. She picked at her eggs straight from the pan. Katherine was going on and on about every animal she knew that lived in the ocean, including things that weren't quite true but it was adorable all the same.

When David finally had to leave, Katherine clutched onto him, squeezing him close to her chest. She held him close until she could hear his heartbeat in her ear. She was scared. She couldn't really be sure why but something scared her. She felt... a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach like she shouldn't let him go. It was just a weekend trip, it didn't make sense but Jessica had a nagging worry that he should stay home. She would need him... Something about the day or looking at the company's financials told her she would need him at the end of the day.

"Stay safe?" she asked.

David nodded his head and kissed her one last time before walking out the door, letting it shut behind him.

The collie was thankful for the young girl hugging at her leg to distract her from her worry.


With Katherine dropped off with David's parents, Jessica was on her way to work. She kept thinking to the audit of the tenant's financials and it scared her. There was no way they would be able to afford the agreed lease if business didn't improve but her boss didn't seem to care. The wolf kept looking at the potential rent and was gleaming at the boost in their revenue stream. Jessica had kept her objections to herself, not wanting to risk an all-too-public berating or losing her job. If the wolf wanted something, best to let him have it. Give the dog a bone and all that.

Pulling into her parking space, the collie sighed, looking into her mirror, trying to steel herself for the meeting. It would take a lot of strength to keep a cool head but she could do it, right?

Riding up the elevator, the collie saw the door open to Alvaro in a form-fitting polo and khaki's. He hugged Jessica, his tail stopping the doors from closing.

"How was the big day yesterday?"

"It was good," Jessica smiled. "Someone from David's office got her this really cute outfit and she has just refused to take it off."

"Well that's good," said the fox. He stepped all the way in, letting the doors close the two of them together. "And what about today? Are you going to raise the objections you talked to me about yesterday?"

Jessica sighed and nodded her head. "Yeah. It looks like I'm going to have to. They've been staying afloat but barely and I'm worried they may try and sign us into a lease before filing Chapter 11 and dragging us down with them."

Alvaro shook his head. "Boss should listen to you. It's so stupid, why even have you on board if he just ignores everything you say?"

Jessica rubbed her cheeks with her paws.

"He's probably hoping keep me around long enough that I start acting like him."

The elevator dinged and the two of them walked to their stations. The fox gave her hand a squeeze of support before Jessica went right towards the conference room.

The wolf glanced up over his glasses at Jessica. With a nod of his head, he nodded to the seat.

"Just in time," Mr. Troy said.

Jessica took a seat and listened to the meeting begin. A small cat began talking quite emphatically about the money that the tenant could bring in. He was animated and excited and if Jessica hadn't spent the past week looking over them, she might have been fooled into thinking that this could be good for the company. But as it was, she shook her head the more he droned on.

Mr. Troy kept looking over at her and the collie felt herself shrink into her seat. She couldn't lose this job. She couldn't risk disappointing David like that. She couldn't risk disappointing herself.

The marketing leader seemed just as excited. A sleek lizard, there were rumors that she was sleeping with the boss on the side. Jessica didn't know the veracity of that statement but hell, she wouldn't be surprised. She didn't seem to know a damn thing about marketing but at least she wasn't tanking them either. Jessica heard so much excitement and eagerness that she tuned it out. It wasn't worth the energy to pay attention to people whose minds had already been decided.

Hell, that was why she stopped talking to her sister during the election. Last thing she needed to do was hear proverbial dick-sucking.

"Jessica?" Mr. Troy said. "Your thoughts?"

Jessica stood up, looking over the table at her colleagues. She shook her head, brushing hair behind her head.

"I've been reviewing their financials and the more I see, the more I get worried. They've been losing money and downsizing workforce at a staggering rate. They've been shrinking their facilities over the past year and don't seem to be slowing down any. If I had to guess, I would say they're on the path to bankruptcy and I feel they could try and drag us down with them."

All eyes fell on her as she sat back down. People blinked and the cat immediately went off, talking about how solid and good they appeared to be. That Jessica was just saying a lot of hearsay without facts to back it up. She felt her stomach tie itself into knot after knot, each word adding to the misery in her stomach. Mr. Troy raised a hand and looked over at the conference room.

"Thank you for your time. I'll be reviewing what we talked about here and we can discuss things further at our meeting next week."

He stood up and buttoned his suit jacket over his black t-shirt. The wolf started walking before stopping. He looked at Jessica and smiled.

"Can I talk to you for a moment?"

The collie gaped for a second before following her boss. She stepped up her pace, not wanting to fall behind his fast pace. He seemed to march forward, on a mission of sorts. When they finally got to his office, she sat down on the chair in front of his desk. He smiled at her from across the wooden surface and nodded his head.

"So, Jessica. Why are you holding out on me? What the fuck was that?"

Jessica's ears drooped. She looked down at her feet and then back to him.

"What do you mean by that sir?"

Mr. Troy growled, looking over at her from across the desk.

"You withheld information about this deal until the last minute. Information that could have put this company in jeopardy. You should have talked to me about this a week ago at least! But only coming to me with this information now?" He shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Christ on a crutch. You're fucking incompetent."

Jessica felt her lip tremble. She bit down hard, fighting herself so she wouldn't cry. He... How could he say that about her? She was doing her job! She hadn't had the chance to work on their financials because they withheld them!

"Sir... If you'll just allow me to explain. I didn't get the financials until Tuesday night, I started to go over it but you were out of the office all day yesterday."

Mr. Troy scoffed. "If it was important to you, you wouldn't have let these obstacles get in the way."

Jessica bit her tongue. She looked over at the wolf and balled up her fist, trying hard to fight back the tears.

"With all due respect sir, you didn't make yourself available and the other people in that room have been talking about how great the deal is for months. I didn't feel I was _able_to say anything."

Mr. Troy shook his head. "I don't care. If you don't have the nerve to stand up and tell them off earlier... if you can't do your job correctly then you don't deserve to have it."

Jessica's ears rang. Mr. Troy kept talking, he droned on about how she could talk to HR and get a severance package but Jessica was too shocked to realize the weight of what had happened. But when she left the room, she realized that she had lost her job.


San Diego's sun was drifting away, the hotel was near the beach and from the entrance you could see the sunlight fading out over the Pacific. David sat up at the hotel bar. He took a long sip from his gin and lemon juice, sighing down into it. The conference was so fucking boring and worst of all; none of the panels seemed to help him with a damn thing. The dog felt defeated. He was stuck in a job he hated with people who didn't respect him. The pay was good; it helped him take care of Jessica and Katherine. It was good to feel that he could provide for them but his soul felt like it was being stripped away by a power wash. Layer by layer, David was being torn away, until nothing was left. He shivered at that image.

"Why the long face, handsome?" asked the new bartender. David looked up to see a fox with a couple piercing in her right ear. She had a few extensions on her head that seemed to simulate hair, a bright red that seemed to mix with the orange of her natural fur to look more like fire. Her neck and face wasn't white but gray. The result was like a fire atop of ashes and David couldn't help but stare.

"Oh, the usual. Hate my job; wish it wasn't so mind-numbing and stupid. I wish it gave me even an inkling of satisfaction. Instead I just provide network security to a bunch of assholes who think that there's nothing wrong with their passwords being password," David sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose and shook his head. "Sorry, you didn't need to hear all of that bullshit."

"Dude," the fox said, leaning over so her white blouse dipped down a little. "I'm a bartender. I hear way worse. Lotsa dudes meet up here to bang someone behind their wife's back. Hell, some of them even try to bang me. The point is: I'm used to it."

"Thanks," David said.

"Don't mention it." She smiled at him, holding her hand out to him. "I'm Katie."

"David," he said, taking her hand and shaking it. She turned his hand to see the ring on his finger and nodded. "How long you been hitched?"


"Congrats," the fox smiled. She let go of his hand and grabbed herself a glass of water. "My man and I are planning on getting to the courthouse in a few weeks."

"Yeah?" David smiled, taking another sip of his gin, warmth spreading through him like a thick honey, filling him up.

"Yeah. He's a sweetheart. We got the rings and everything. He's got a date in mind too. August 3rd. His parents, his grandparents and his great-grandparents anniversary."

"That's really sweet," the shepherd said.

Katy shrugged, clinking her glass to David's. "To the babes in our life, right?"

David nodded, finishing the next round of his drink. She grabbed a bottle of gin and David pushed his glass forward so she could fill it up. The fox set it down; glancing over at the rest of the bar and finding it empty enough where she could stay put.

"So did you tell your wife about how much you hate your job?"

"Yeah. I mean, I did but she's counting on me. I got a kid and I can't just up and quit just because I hate it."

"Why not? Like, why haven't you told her?"

David shook his head. "I'm just worried to upset her. She's got a lot to worry about and I can't add to that."

Katy took another sip of her water.

"But she's your wife, right? She's supposed to be there to support and listen to. So talk. Figure out something else you can do. You've got a cushy job in networking. You can find something else to do."

David nodded his head. He looked at the fox, and he felt good... Confident. Yeah. He could do that. He could do something else. He had to. His life was being wasted with the people who employed him.

"And what if she doesn't understand?" he said.

"Make her understand. Be honest. You need to do what's right for you too."

David rubbed his eyes, sighing a little and finally glancing back up at her. His new friend seemed so sure of herself, so kind and understanding. She was younger than him but maybe more wizened? Or was that the alcohol talking. No matter what... Jessica would be there for him. Everything in the past had proven that before, right?

A hand grabbed David's shoulder and leaned on him. He looked over to see his wife, wearing the same loose t-shirt he saw her wearing earlier. Her eyes seemed to glow when he looked at her and he grabbed his wife, holding her close to him.

"Jessica, what are you doing here?!"

The collie swallowed, shaking her head. "I have something to tell you and I just... I needed to see you. It's stupid but--"

"Where's Katherine?" David asked. He stood up now, right against his wife. He could tell Katy was walking away from them, giving them space.

"She's with your parents. I told them what happened and they're looking after her."

David sat back down on the stool and tugged her with him. She smiled, leaning into him. Her nose pressed into his shoulder and he could feel him crying. The shepherd ran his hands down her back, kissing her face a few times. But she didn't seem to stop crying. She just clung to him, holding him tight and whimpering.

"I'm so sorry... I'm so, so sorry," Jessica whimpered.

David took her face out and kissed her lips, tasting the salt from her tears.

"Let's go back to the room first, okay?"

Jessica nodded and stood up. She took her husband's hand and held it tight. David reached for his wallet and plopped a twenty down on the bar. Katy smiled at him and nodded her hand and picked it up.

"Take care of that shepherd, yeah? Guy loves you to death," she said.

Jessica gave a shy smile and squeezed him around the hips. "Thanks," she said.

When they were in the elevator a few moments later, David cleared his throat.

"She gave me some good advice. I think I got something to talk to you about too."

"I know, sweetie. You don't have to explain that to me," Jessica kissed his cheek. "Stop worrying so much, okay? It's exhausting."

David's ears dropped but he knew she was right. He'd rolled over and just accepted things instead of taking life by the horns himself. The more he thought about it, he knew that he had to take control of his life, of his family. He needed some sense of control in his life and dammit, he would take it.

The door to the room opened and David pulled his wife inside. He held her close, kissing her lips a few times. She grumbled a complaint but held him tight anyway. He wasn't even horny. He just...

If he could go back in time and explain to teenage him that the most wonderful thing about being married was being able to kiss someone you love and hold them in your arms and not the terribly misleading fucking he saw in pornos, he would never believe him. But here David was. He held her close, paws fumbling to run up and feel her body. He just... Something about her comforted him and it put his nerves at ease. He knew that what he would tell her would be tough but it needed to happen.

Jessica slipped away and lay down on the bed. She sighed, resting her head on the undisturbed pillow. David climbed in next to her and gave her cheek a kiss. His arms wrapped around her hips and squeezed.

"So what happened, babe?" David said.

Jessica leaned against her husband; she closed her eyes, rubbing his chest in slow circles. It began slow but the more she talked, the faster it came out, a torrent of explaining the accounts, the meeting, the smugness in her colleagues. But the words from her boss were the hardest. David practically had to coax them out of her with a few soft pets to her back. He let her finally say the words.

"I got fired today, David."

The weight in his stomach doubled. The shepherd sighed, petting her back and resting his head on hers. The collie's tears were wet on his shirt but he leaned into her, surrounding her with his presence. She needed him and that was what mattered now. His wife was hurting so it was his duty, his prerogative to take care of her. If that meant that he would be stuck that dead-end, soul sucking job, then so be it.

He'd be stuck there forever if that's what it took.

The tears slowed and she leaned into him, rubbing his stomach slowly. Night had slipped into the room, the darkness all around them, swallowing them whole.

"I fucked everything up..."

David shook his head, holding her cheek.

"No you didn't. Look, you did your job to the best of your ability. Other people fucked you over but you can get past this. We'll be fine. Okay? We've still got my job so we'll be fine for a little bit. But don't blame yourself, okay?"

Jessica buried her face in his chest, holding him tight against her.

"But you hate your job. I know you do. I don't want you to be there either," Jessica said. "You deserve better than that."

David shrugged.

"I'd rather keep us afloat and hate my job than--"

Jessica smacked his chest.

"No! None of that! David, you deserve to be working somewhere better than that. Because they're a bunch of assholes and you deserve better. You seem so miserable any time you have to go into the office and I just... I want you to be somewhere else, okay? So let's just figure something else out."

"But what about the money?"

Jessica scoffed. "I do our taxes. We'll be fine for a while but I want to figure out... something else, okay? Just promise me you can start looking? Sacrifice is noble and all that but don't kill yourself just for us. You need to be happy too."

David nuzzled into her face and sighed.

"It's such a pain... And I just... I didn't know that you'd be so supportive of me wanting a new job. And with you losing your job... I was afraid I'd be stuck there forever."

Jessica shook her head. "Well then don't be that much of a dummy! Stay on there for a bit and we can look together and... I dunno, we'll make it work. I know we will." She smiled and kissed her husband, rubbing his cheek.

David sighed and hugged her tight to him.

"I'm happy you're here though. Even though the context really sucks."

Jessica gave a half-smile and shrugged.

"Hey, we've got each other, right?"

"Yeah," David said. He squeezed her hand in his and let his tail thump against the bed.


Jessica stirred in her spot next to him. The sun streaked through the curtains onto her face and she grumbled, turning over to bury her face in David's bare chest. She had fallen asleep to a rerun of Conan, snuggled up to him. He must have helped her under the covers and she had already stripped down to just her t-shirt and panties by the time they were cuddling together so it wasn't like she would be uncomfortable at all.

David had the faintest hint of a snore, his head lying on the pillow. She looked over him, seeing his scars, his rich tan fur, the black around his eyes. She smiled and gave his neck a few kisses, rubbing his stomach and then going back up to his chest. The collie stared at her handsome husband, her love and she smiled.

"So beautiful," she mumbled to herself. Claws ran down the scars. Time had faded the marks considerably but Jessica could still remember the rage, the hurt. She had a right to be angry, but he'd made it up to her again and again. She kissed his lips, grinning at the sleepy smile that went over his face. Jessica's thighs rubbed together, that familiar want spreading through her.

Sliding her panties down, the collie tossed them aside, followed by the t-shirt. This was a little playful, a naughtiness to her pulling his boxers down with him still asleep. Leaning down, she wrapped her lips around his swollen shaft. She bobbed nice and slow, careful to take him slow. She rubbed his stomach, feeling her fur between her fingers. It had been a while, and both of them had been so busy that they weren't able to be together like this. But here they were.

She rolled her tongue around, slurping him and getting him wet. That red shaft glistening with her spit. She didn't stop though. Closing her eyes, Jessica slid down, tasting his balls before gliding back up. She stopped now and then, his groans or sleepy mumblings music to her ears.

"J-jess..." he whispered.

Good. He should dream of the two of them. Let him wake up to her, to this gift, this... lewd, wonderful connection. She grabbed his balls and squeezed. The shepherd groaned, bucking into her face. It was so good to get that from him again. She loved it. She loved him so much...

Her mouth let go of his cock, that thick shaft shimmering with her spit in the morning light. Standing up, Jessica peaked around on the floor. She found his belt and removed it from his belt loops. Grabbing his wrists, she bound them together, cinching them up tight. David stirred, his eyes drifting open. She grinned at her groggy husband and slipped down, straddling his lap. She felt his cock rub against her lips. She shivered, a broken gasp leaving her. She moved back, feeling it poke at the apex of her entrance. The dog leaned back, letting that large canine shaft disappear into her.

"O-oh..." Jessica shivered.

David's eyes were open now. He looked up at her, a drowsy lust in his eyes. The shepherd grunted when Jessica tugged on his bound wrists. She smiled down at him, breathing down his face.

"Morning," he smiled. He kissed her, both of them whining when she dropped down, letting gravity take over and the cock disappear into its rightful home. She moved back down, sliding up and rocking on him. David was wiggling in his seat. He wasn't trying to fight it, just hang on for the ride. She could do anything to him and the shepherd would love it. Jessica knew it. She shoved him back down and smiled.

"Stay, boy. I want to just ride you. Okay?"

David nodded his head.

"Can do."

She squeezed hard around him and he shivered.

"Try again."

"Y-yes, Ma'am," he said with flushed cheeks.

Jessica closed her eyes and started to rock her hips. She rode him slow, rubbing around, going in circles and letting it stay in her. It stayed deep, filling up every inch of her and rubbing against her g-spot. She was quiet, staying slow so she could keep going.

Jessica laughed, seeing his heart pounding on his chest. The skin pulsing with the muscle's movements. She rocked forward and rose up only to sink back down. Each motion was slow and the more she relaxed, the deeper she felt him get. A sharp gasp left her throat and she shook hard.

"You okay?" David said, starting to sit up.

Jessica nodded her head. Her eyes were closed and she smiled at him.

"H-hit my cervix. F-fucking hurt," she laughed. "Alright, let's get back to it."

David gasped as she started to move faster. The dog was sliding up and dropping down, letting his cock pierce her deep. She let gravity do the work, moaning and gasping whenever she was hilted. It was a mixture of pain and pleasure but she wanted... him. She wanted his smile, the ease of his laugh and the comfort he gave. He was so hardworking and Jessica couldn't help but feel that she wasn't letting him be himself. The collie felt a little bit of guilt at taking control of their lives. So she told herself they could talk about that later but for right now...

Leaning down, she kissed him, tugging at the makeshift binding so she could kiss him. She didn't stop moving; her chest heaved and bounced each time she dropped onto his canid shaft. She held his face close, his tongue invading her mouth. Jessica was in heaven, the taste of her husband on her lips and the girth of him between her legs.

David quit the submissive act. The dog bucking up into her, thrusting harder the more she bounced on him. Her tits were bouncing in his face and Jessica knew from experience that he wanted to grab them. She burned and rocked hard, bouncing on his shaft. It broke into a moaning, shuddering bounce. Jessica couldn't hold onto a pretense of domination anymore. She surrendered to his hammering cock, the knot growing and threatening to spear her open. She didn't have her BC pills with her. She didn't even have another change of clothes. If she took his knot...

Slamming down, Jessica shivered. Her extremities seemed to tingle and it felt like she was almost... glowing. The breath caught in her throat and Jessica couldn't help but whine. Looking at him, she nodded in approval.

David grabbed her face despite the bindings and kissed her. He held her close, right up to her and let him thrust, rocking and tugging at the knot. She squeezed hard, a primal plea to her husband to breed her. It was what they were meant to do; what nature intended they do together. The two of them could handle a change of career, another child... They were so good together. Jessica closed her eyes and made a wish to a universe, to a God she hoped might be out there.

Let us get through this.

David groaned and the kiss was broken so David could clamp his teeth down on her neck. Her body rocked with pleasure, singing his praises and she came again. It was a torrent of her juices flooding around him. She clamped onto his knot, feeling his cum fill her. It was warmth that filled her up, spreading and going right up to her cervix. The pain was dulled by pleasure of her orgasm. It rocked her, sending her into a shivering, gasping state, she clutched his back, whining into the nape of his neck.

They stayed like that, frozen in a moment of bliss until David feel back onto the bed. Jessica followed him down, giggling at her husband's goofy smile that made her all gooey inside... Or maybe that was his cum. She wasn't sure.

Her hands traced the outline of his jaw and she kissed him, holding his face to hers.

"I love you, Mr. Mendez," she mumbled, kissing him again.

David didn't say anything. He held her there, in the kiss, his wedding ring on her cheek. And somehow, despite all the fear and the concern... she knew they would be okay. It would be okay. She squeezed her sore cunt around his cock one last time and sighed.

They could handle this challenge together.