A sister's twin brothers 2 - the next morning

Story by BawdyFawn on SoFurry

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#2 of Sister's Twin Brothers

Her twin brothers tried, but this morning the "problem" has only gotten worse ;)

I slowly woke to warm embrace of my twin brothers. Opening my eyes, my vision was dominated by Steve's sculpted chest. Shifting slightly, I could feel my swollen belly rub against Steve's. The subtle weight of the seed trapped inside me would have turned me on, but I could hardly be more aroused than I already was. As I became fully aware of the state my poor little fox body was in every slight movement tickled my erect nipples and my tail gave the occasional throb to remind me that it had also taken part in the encounter last night. But these sensations paled when compared to the heat of my drooling sex. If my brothers had hoped to quench the fires burning inside me last night, then their mission had backfired, I felt even needier today. Every nerve in my body stood ready, the feel of their hard muscles, the smell of their manly musk, I even swore I could taste them, despite the fact they had both cum deep inside me.

Given how bad my heat was, I was about as awake as I was going to get, and my heart was beating a rapid tattoo against my ribs, in contrast to my brothers' deep thudding rhythms. I reached down for Steve's sheath before a thought hit me. My womb was already sloshing with Steve's seed, it didn't seem right to give him a second shot without giving Sam a chance first. After all, maybe I wasn't pregnant yet. Normally the thought of pregnancy would have stopped me, hell, normally the thought of my brother would have stopped me. But now both things just made me more eager as I gently turned over to face Sam.

Reaching down I could feel his massive sheath, easily filling my small paw as I began to softly massage him. As I waited for him to reach full mast, I reached down with my other hand and teased my swollen cunny. Rubbing my juices over every inch of my outer lips, before massaging them into his quickly swelling cock, I could feel his heart rate speeding up to match mine. Each thud felt as if it was shaking my tiny frame, but it was probably just me shivering from anticipation. At last his massive rod was ready, and I rolled him into his back before straddling him. I grabbed him tight and felt his veins throbbing against my hand as I slowly guided his tip between my legs, my juices running like water down his turgid cock. Then, before the tiny part of my brain that was still working could stop me, I relaxed my legs and dropped. A lewd squelch echoed through the room as his length rocketed through my tunnel before bottoming out at my cervix.

I sat there for a moment, shaking and shivering, I would have been moaning and yipping but the pleasure and pain had squeezed all the air from my body. Even as my vision shivered and my inner muscles fluttered against the massive invader, I finally forced my legs and arms to listen to my commands and tremulously began to lift my pert backside into the air, before dropping it once again on my brother's shaft. Closing my eyes, my vision still flashed with lights and the pain and pleasure mixed and became pure energy to power my trembling limbs as I forced myself up and down on my brothers length. At this point I was bouncing the whole bed and even the deep sleep that held my brothers was outmatched. At the apex of my bounce I felt paws grip my hips like a vice, I tried to fall back onto the shaft as my insides clamored to be filled, but he was easily able to suspend my small weight, his tip resting just inside my entrance throbbing gently as it was franticly squeezed and stroked.

I opened my eyes and looked up to see him give me a playful smile, "Hang on there 'sis, don't want this to end too quickly now do you?"

I wiggled desperately in his grip, "Please, I need you to breed me. Quench my thirst!" He hesitated for a moment, and with a whine I redoubled my efforts to force him back inside me. Then I stopped struggling as almost effortlessly he picked me up and practically threw me face first onto the bed. Grabbing my tail, he slid his length along my outer lips so that his tip pointed towards my breasts.

"Bitches don't demand to be bred, THEY BEG!" he thundered, with his other hand possessively pressed against my back forcing me into the bed. He began to move his hips very slightly back and forth, grinding his slick shaft against my clit. I yipped and moaned, struggling against him, the pleasure from my clit sending me over the edge. I bucked in his grip, soaking him, myself, and the bed, as the smell of my need filled the room. After an eternity, the waves crashing through my pleasure addled mind began to subside, and I felt him looming over me.

"BEG." He growled in my ear causing me to twitch away, sending ripples through my positively vibrating sex. Through my panting as my lungs struggled to refill with air, I was eventually able to whisper back.


I felt his warmth slide back and away from my entrance, ropes of my desire falling across my legs. Time seemed to slow to a crawl as I felt him line up for the plunge straight into my depths. Then, finally, with a feral growl I felt his hips slam against mine, his length driving into me, filling his bitch like only a strong young male could. Then his twin wrecking balls crashed against my clit, heavy with the weight of the load he was about to drive, deep, into my womb. Each thrust rocked me forward and back, I lay there, limp in his grasp, as I waited for him to fill me up to the brim. Turning my head, I could see Steve sitting on the bed, rock-hard, his tip drooling eagerly as he watched his twin brother breed his younger sister. "Just ... wait ... I want you ... too," I managed to moan out between the yips and barks Sam was forcing out of me. Steve just nodded, his whole body was tense as he resisted the urge to touch his aching cock. The sight of his tool, ready and waiting for the moment my hole was empty, was perhaps the most beautiful I had ever seen.

Then, the huge knot that had been spanking me relentlessly pressed against my entrance, slowly forcing its way inside. After a few seconds of grunting Sam finally forced himself between lips and with a pop he was locked inside. I reached back to feel his dangling sack and massaged his balls as I felt them begin to jump and buck. Then the euphoric feeling of his seed shooting up his shaft, blasting through my weakened entrance, straight into my already soaked womb sent me flying once more over the edge as my second orgasm overwhelmed me. I was almost sad as the pleasure sent me drifting in and out of consciousness, I had wanted to feel every detail as he had sent his own seed to compete for the honor of impregnating me.

I was finally coming back to my senses, when I felt the knot that had dutifully kept my entrance plugged tight yanked from inside me. The pain and pleasure barely registered before I felt myself flipped over onto my back. Even as my throbbing insides began to force the cum from my passage, I felt Steve's weight on top of me.

"Don't worry little sis, I'm here now," Steve whispered as I whimpered piteously and tried to urge him faster. Without hesitation, he plunged himself into my well lubricated tunnel and began to jackhammer me. I was in heaven, squelching filled the room as Steve took sloppy seconds as he went for round three in the battle to impregnate my fertile womb. His tongue began to frantically wrestle with mine as we kissed passionately. Already his knot was swelling, pounding against my clit with each thrust, forcing a yip from me each time.

Eventually the moment came, pulling almost completely out, Steve thrust downwards with all his might. With a wet pop, he forced his knot inside me and tried to continue thrusting. I was lifted from the bed, my entrance bulging lewdly around him as he pulled up. Luckily for me, I could feel his rod throbbing as he prepared to fill me to the brim. Rolling over so I was on top, he crashed down as I felt the squirts begin to shoot into me. He groaned as his seed began to squeeze into my already filled womb, and my tunnel milked him for all he was worth. I had just climaxed twice, and many times more than that the night before, so this time I fell into a euphoric trance as my brother's rhythmic throbbing slowed and eventually stopped.

After a while his knot had shrunk sufficiently and I pulled off him, leaving a trail of cum over his chest and crotch as I fell back onto the bed. My pussy was aching and my stomach was bulging, skin stretched tight as a drum by the huge load inside me. I reached down and scooped a mix of all three of our fluids, it tasted amazing. Sighing contentedly, I looked over to see that both my brothers had fallen asleep again, I began to drift off too, lurid fantasies drifting through my head.

The grinding of the garage door opening caused me to jerk upright. I shook my brothers, but they were both out cold. Grabbing my clothing from the floor, I tried to plug my still dripping pussy, as I burst into the upstairs hallway and dashed for the bathroom.

Dad was home.

Hey everyone, sorry it's been so long, but I hope it was worth the wait. No promises on when the next one of any of my series will come out. As always, leave feedback or let me know how much you liked in the comments. See you guys next time, bye ;)