The Corruption of Carpathia

Story by Pyruoo on SoFurry

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The setting sun cast magnificent hues of indigo, scarlet, and pink into the cloudy blue sky as it sank beneath the horizon. The last bits of sunlight rested on a mighty forest, mixing with the green canopy. A mountain stood silhouetted in the distance, a fine mist covering its peak.

Far below, an odd creature trekked through the darkening expanse. A winged wolf, fur muddied and matted, feathers dirty and out of place. She was an angel, her name was Carpathia. The name had been chosen and gifted to her by powers beyond that of mortal kind. A warrior sent from the heavens, but did not complete her task, a failure that left her stranded in the mortal world. Her fur was a light blue colour, bordered by a regal white, with golden spots running along the inside of her wings.

She stumbled blindly through the thick foliage, twigs and dried leaves broke and rustled beneath her paws. Tears welled up in her eyes, fear weighed her heart with every pawstep. Shadows loomed as the sun sank lower and lower behind the towering mountain. Her eyes darted back and forth, every shape and movement deceptive to her eyes. Her heart beat quickened and her pace swiftened. The darkness that threatened to overtake the young angel terrified her. Her fluffy blue cheeks lay stained with fresh tears, her wings sodden and limp against her back, and her paws ached. A place to lay her head, away from the darkness was all she hoped for.

The rolling acres of forest felt unending to the angel, the thought of salvation, the thought of rescue, all shoved to the back of her mind as the sunlight began to fade. Her hope washing away as she pushed through some shrubbery, her delicate paws tripped up over a log hidden in the undergrowth. With a loud squeak, she tumbled into the bushes, rolling into a small meadow. She lay there, curling up in a small wolf ball, her large blue wings quaked as she strained to cover herself with them. She cried, giving in to her feelings of dread and sorrow. The chilling air crept up her naked body, prompting a small shiver from the wolf. The last bits of sunlight lay across the meadow, and what sat in the light gave hope to the she wolf. A cottage stood lonely near the far end of the clearing. Carpathia lifted her head, sniffing slightly as she wiped her tears away with her furry blue arm.

She couldn't help but smile, she had found a place to finally rest her exhausted body. She pushed herself up, taking slow gentle steps towards the cottage. The sun had set far below the horizon, making way for the full moon. It's delicate rays of light guiding her paw steps.

It didn't take her long to reach the lonely cottage, her body shaking from the chill of the night. The building was Gothic, black stained wood, and uniquely aged. Fresh flowers of multiple colours lined the outside, adding an odd contrast to brooding home. She paid this no mind, nor did she knock. She pushed open the unlocked door, walking inside the dark cottage. The bright silver rays of light filtered through the windows, lighting the small building enough to see. She whimpered, her exhaustion nagging at the back of her mind.

The interior was plain, and old fashioned. A fireplace rested on the opposite side of the door, flames burned softly. The warmth of the building stole the chill from Carpathia's bones, her wings shivered and fluffed up as she sighed in relief. Her goal was a nice soft bed and her search for one was short lived. A door lay open near the mantle, the only room to branch from the main one. She pushed the door open, her eyes finding themselves glued to a black satin bed. The frame of dark gothic architecture, the pillows large and welcoming. She immediately fell upon the soft sheets, her belly laying flat. She was asleep before her head hit the pillows. Not a worry in the world.

A strange creature approached the small abode, its hooves falling heavily against the ground. It snorted, smoke bellowing from its nostrils.

Alexander had returned. A demon horse from the depths of the underworld. His fur a dark grey with a lighter belly and his mane an odd colour of turquoise. His eyes blazed a reddish orange.

He stood there, looking at his opened door, a curious smell invading his senses. A smell he had not had the pleasure of experiencing in over a century. Angel. He took in a depth breath, the intoxicating aroma attacked his mind. He stepped inside, his nose twitching, following the sweet scent. The smell of angel working like an aphrodisiac on demons. Branding the want and the need, to breed an angel. His naked body shivered in delight, his balls swaying with each step.

His hoofed feet making a soft clack as he pushed deeper into his home. His guard was up, having had no idea what was in store for him. He wasn't taking any chances, he would be ready for any assault... and for when he won the encounter... He grinned deviously, his horse cock poked from his large sheath, throbbing lightly.

It didn't take him long to find the sleeping form of Carpathia. On his bed no less. Sleeping peacefully, blissfully unaware of the demon's presence. He closed the door behind him, his tongue running along his lips hungrily.

Tonight he was going to take an angel.

He carefully and quietly lit the many candles that surrounded the room, one by one. They burned dimly, setting a nice and warm feeling throughout the room. Carpathia didn't stir, her chest rose and fell in a sleepy rhythm. Her soft little blue ears flicked gently and her tail swayed gently.

The angelic smell had begun to over power the demon horse. His cock now fully erect between his legs. He flicked his tail as he climbed onto the bed. His hands gently stroking the slightly dirty but still wonderfully soft angel fur. His hands traveled along her sides and down her exposed thigh. Dragging his thumbs along her fluffy ass cheeks. He stopped here, pulling her lovely butt apart, exposing her holes.

Her angelic musk hit him hard, his eyelids fluttering slightly as he pushed his muzzle into her cunt, taking in a deep breath. The tipping point. His hands grabbed her thighs, spreading her legs apart gently, careful not to wake his prize. His muzzle gentle pushed her tail away, his nose resting on her pussy, taking in her scent.

His tongue pushed against her cunt, licking up and down hungrily. His wet tongue soaked the angel's pubic fur and her soft lips. He pushed harder, spreading her lips with his large tongue, taking care not to push too deep. She tasted divine.

Carpathia's wings twitched slightly as the tongue invaded her tight virgin depths. Her eyes began to flutter open, strange smells and feelings assaulting her. Her small thighs quaking in what could have only been pleasure. The demon's musk was powerful, the scent invading the young angel. Her mind was swimming, unable to fully grasp her reality. The Demon musk easily overpowered her.

She tried pushing herself up, but is immediately pushed down by Alexander. His powerful hand weighing down onto her back. Her wings fluttered weakly in panic and tears began to stream down her cheeks.

Alexander licked his lips, swallowing the last of Carpathia's sex juices. His free hand moving her fluffy butt up to his waist line, spreading her perfectly. She was powerless against his strength and overwhelming musk.

"P-please.. S-stop.."

Her vision was blurry and her head felt a mile wide. Her words barely above a whisper. She weakly moved her head, getting a good view of her assailant. A small squeaking scream escaped her lips. A demon has her, she knew her fate, her exhaustion sealed it. She could not fight back.

Tears splashed against the pillows as Alexander pressed his horse cock against her most intimate areas. Her eyes were locked onto the large asset, a small whimper erupting from her throat. Her eyes closed tightly as the throbbing tip pressed against her virgin folds.

Alexander growled as he pushed his weight against Carpathia's beautiful angelic body. Her words lost to his lust, her amazing scent driving him completely insane. He needed to be inside


He pushed his throbbing flare against her soaking wet pussy, prompting Carpathia to struggle weakly, her feathery wings flapping wildly. The rest of her body lay still, her exhaustion evident.

His body pushed against hers, roughly shoving his flare inside her wet cunt with a soft shlick. She managed a small scream, tears staining her cheeks. Her hind legs trembled and her pussy throbbed with pain. The flare having been way too much for the virgin angel.

Alex smiled, her pain turning him on even more. Her crying persisted as Alex slowly pushed inside her virgin hole, splitting her hymen and taking her virginity. His giant horse cock spreading her tight walls.

Carpathia the angel had been taken by a demon.

He did not take her slow, he hilted her hard and fast, his balls pushing up against her beautiful blue pubic fur. Her shaking and throbbing body squeezed and vibrated his cock. Her hot wet insides felt like what he could only imagine to be heaven.

After a moment of enjoying the warmth, he began to slowly pull out of her now puffy and swollen cunt. His throbbing flare dragged along her tight inner walls. Streaks of blood covered his pubic fur and shaft.

His hands moved along her sides, traveling up her thighs and along her stomach, ending their journey on Carpathia's perky boobs. His hands squeezed them tightly, feeling them to their fullest as he thrust back inside her.

Her inner walls reflexively squeezed and hugged down on his invading shaft. Causing Alex to grunt in pleasure. He hilted, his balls slapping against Carpathia's soft fur, he instantly pulled out of her, his cock throbbing in the hot musky air for a moment before he thrusted back in, forcing his way into her depths. He picked up a good rhythm, moaning and grunting in absolute pleasure.

The pain Carpathia was in was unimaginable to her, she had not felt such pain ever in her entire immortal life. Her tears began to dry up, having no more to give, and she grew silent. Closing her eyes and accepting her fate as a fuck toy for the demon.

The smell of sex and the powerful musk from the demon horse mixed, pushing into the nose and maw of the Angel. The scent proved to be intoxicating, meddling with her mind and senses like never before. She began to take deliberate deep breaths of the wonderful scent, unable to get enough.

Something snapped in the back of Carpathia's mind, the cock sliding in and out of her swollen pussy stopped hurting her, instead, it began to fill her with a wonderful feeling. Her legs no longer trembled in fear, they trembled in pure bliss and her pussy squeezed down on the invading cock, trying to keep the sensation alive.

She was enjoying the sex. She no longer cried, instead moans escaped from her maw and she pushed against the demon's force with her own, trying to get more of the large cock inside her depths. This excited the demon, prompting him to pound into her harder and faster, his balls aching to release inside his new fuck toy.

His teeth clenched shut, and low grunting moans vibrated his throat as he was pushed over the edge. Carpathia let out a loud moan, her wings flapping wildly in bliss, her butt wiggling against the demon as he thrusted into her one last time.

Hot white strands of demon seed painted the angel's soaking wet insides. She pushed against him, squeezing down against his cock, milking him for every drop as she shook with her own orgasm, her hot wet sex juices soaking the demon cock.

The demon's cum felt hot inside the angel, her wings twitched slightly and her eyes widened as she felt a strange heated sensation glide over her body.

Her once beautiful blue and white fur began to burn, sending waves of pain over her body. The flames burned her fur away, revealing a new dark fur underneath. The flames consumed the rest of her body, burning away all the good that used to be in her. Her feathers erupted into flame, though, instead of burning away like her fur, they simply changed colour in a blinding fiery light.

Blue trimmings of fur dotted her body, her toes were a bright blue, her pussy walls, and her nipples all became blue. Completing her transformation. Alex was not surprised nor did he pull his still throbbing cock of Carpathia's tight hole.

He had corrupted his first angel.


The rest of the night passed with more sex, this time consensual. Carpathia no longer struggled, instead she fucked with meaning. She wanted his demon cock in her and she wanted it just as bad as he did. They fucked the night away, only stopping once the first rays of sunlight filtered through the cottage windows.

They lay on the sex stained bed, panting heavily. Alex's arm wrapped around Carpathia's body, pulling her against him. Letting her rest her soft head against his chest. Both of their private areas soaked with sex juices.

With his free hand he leaned over to his nightstand, pulling open a drawer. He fumbled around inside it for a moment before pulling out a large bong and crazy demonic lighter. The bong was yellow, with a long corkscrewed green stripe running along the yellow exterior.

Carpathia had never seen such a thing before, she watched curiously as he brought the odd thing to his maw. He grinned sheepishly at her before pressing it against his lips. He had packed a good bit of Northern Lights, good for a nice relaxing high.

His light lit up, the water bubbled loudly and the bong filled with a pleasant smoke. He took the whole toke, keeping it all in his lungs for a moment before exhaling a large circle into the air over Carpathia.

Carpathia was mystified, the smell, the sounds! She had to try it.

Alex laughed slightly as he handed the bong to Carpathia. She held it up to her maw, allowing Alex to light it. She held still, waiting for it to fill with the delicious smoke. Alex pulled away, allowing for Carpathia to take the overly large toke.

Her eyes instantly watered, coughing almost immediately. Alex gave off a booming laugh as he grabbed the bong from her, setting it onto his night stand. Carpathia's coughing slowed and her eyes grew a nice shade of pink, a small smile growing on her face as she lay back down against the demon's chest, relaxing into her first high.