A short story.. By Karter Demonica

Story by NikoTehWolf on SoFurry


Something i'm working on... now i'm not a story writer but i'd like to work on them every so often and this one kidnapping story was stuck in my head so i hope to work on it more.. if anyone has ideas or wishes to help then your very much welcomed to be appart of ideas and suggestions :D

[Color=blue] **5 years ago* *

*~Prologue *

[color=black] Karter: "Dami are we gonna be otay?" The young pup looked up at his older brother concentrating on the road while driving to another safe house, Tears were rolling down both of our cheeks now after witnessing that horrifying event* [color=red] Damien: "I don't know little brother... but as long as you with me nothing bad is going to happen to you i swear it..." *Damien says in a uneasy manor trying his hardest to stay calm but barely doing so after seeing his foster parents being killed* "For now we need to get to somewhere safe away from this,"

*During one hot summer evening on April 23, 2006 the Demonica family had finally came back from a vacation visiting other family that stayed in Columbia, Karter, Damien and their foster parents went for the trip when their perfect vacation would soon come to a screeching halt as a group of mercenaries and ex military groups that decided to ice my step dad for the large amount of cash he own for his own problems including drugs and other necessities he spotted, Karter would briefly remember the loud shots from a handgun being fired off and seeing his step/foster dad collapsing to the floor dead on the spot at only 2 years old... their foster//step mother had been taking to a different bedroom by 2 or 3 other masked men while screaming from our mother was heard before the utter silence... Damien acted quick as he had some combat training and managed to snap one of the merc's necks untying his younger brother and taking their foster parents car outta there,,, Damien however was shot two times once in the back and the other through his shoulder blade so the car ride wasn't safe.... I still have nightmares about it to this day...*

[color=blue] *Last week September 21, 2011*

[color=black] Damien: "Karter how are we doing on pipe bombs and ammunition?" Damien asks his younger brother with a slight smirk on his face as Karter would check the ammo crates counting the 250 mm Armor piercing rounds and High Explosives. [color=purple] Karter: "We got 100 Armor Piercin shells and 50 High explosives big brother... But we need too acquire more ammo and weapons if were planing on surviving another night... Them feds and others that are hunting us down will surely kill us if we run outta resources..." Karter looked away sadly feeling somewhat scared... "What happens if I lose you next... what then big bro..?"

*Damien stopped and thought for a few minutes before smirking back and raising an eyebrow at his younger hellhound hybrid brother, while holding an AK-47 in his paws* [color=red] Damien: "That's not gonna happen they're gonna have to kill me a thousand times before they get past me to get you little bro... I'd stake my life on the line... for our family and our heritage for being Hell hounds..."

[color=purple] *Karter blinks confused and chuckles a bit patting his older brothers back playfully as the young pup walked beside an old antique but still fully operational Mobile Armor that was armed with 150 mm Cannons and .177 mm machine guns on the sides and frontal armor chest plate of the suit* "I Nicknamed this bad boy the maus... goes back to world war 2 and its a German tank..."