love your little puppy pt 2

Story by fuzzypaw on SoFurry

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pt 2 is here

Love your little puppy pt 2

hey guys me again just so you know the babyfur pt wont be for a while so please be patient

Marshalls p.o.v

as I was getting ready for the date I was thinking what if he dosent want to be my boyfriend

what if he hates me for saying that if he wants to date who am I kidding he says he likes skye

as I lay out the blanket I think I have to have hope that he likes me

and I wait

chases p.o.v

FUCK im late! I say while running to the bay

finally im here I say to myself

there he is stay casual I mutter

oh h-hi chase marshall says stuttering

hi marshall. Are we having a picnic I ask

well sort of he says nervously

ok what did you pack marshy I ask

your favorite he says smoothly

fuck hes so dreamy

he pulls out two turkey sandwiches

ooohh yummy thanks I say starting to eat

after we finish the food

umm chase I wanna tell you something he asks nervously

what is it old buddy I ask

i-i like you he says blushing

I like you too I say calmly

n-no i-i love you he says blushing even harder

I lean over to kiss him I love you too

will you be my boyfriend he says

YES! I exclaimed I kiss him

he gives the kiss back I thought you would say no he says

are you kidding I thought you would never ask I exclaim

c-can you sleep at my pup house he asks blushing

sure my love I say

to be continued...

love your little puppy pt 3

Love your little puppy pt 3 hi guys two uploads in one day wow I cant believe it im on fire anyways enjoy :) Marshalls p.o.v thank you chase I say blushing your welcome my love he says in a dreamy voice while walking to my pup house I realize...

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love your little puppy

hi guys fuzzypaw here i know im usually pg and all but my girlfriend jackie dared me to do this so enjoy marshals p.o.v Marshall you can do this. i say to my self i walk around nervously looking chase BAM he rams into me and lies on top of me oh...
