Jenna & Kodi: Momma’s Boy

Story by OneDirtyDog on SoFurry

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#7 of Balto Stories

Jenna's family fails to notice her heat and inadvertently locks her son Kodi inside with her. Now dog and bitch must deal with their feral drives and discover some unusual comfort with one another.

"So close... nngghh!" The red husky exclaimed to herself tucked away in the back of the alaskan house.

She was curled in upon herself, paws rubbing furiously into her estrus swollen spade. Her saliva slickened pads did their work, Jenna gasping as her hips became a blur, fulfilling that feral itch within her.

"Mhghhhh...." She moaned out, body vibrating as she came to her peak, mind singing out as it coursed through her. She let the feeling last, indulging a little fantasy as her paws finally slipped from between her thighs.

She lay panting against the bare wood as she cooled, her instincts sated for the time.

Jenna let out a satisfied sigh, her master was away for a few weeks on business so she was home with just Rosie and her mother. The human females didn't pay as much attention to the husky's reproductive ongoings and failed to notice her heat.

But it paid Jenna no worry, she knew well to stay inside like she often did and wait it out. She was already close to the final days of her fertility, another end of a fruitless heat.

During her pleasures Jenna couldn't stop her mind from drifting back to Balto. It had been two years since their breakup. The differing lives of a loyal dog and a feral half breed too much for the eager couple.

Her heats so often tempted her to slip away, to do it all over again and just let it happen, to love and be loved once again.

That whirlwind heat she spent out with him was still stark in her mind. She drifted back to those memories when she felt the need, his big paws wrapped around her, his powerful body upon hers. The loving embrace of the wild canine.

But she knew she could never actually do it, betray her humans and run away.

And for Balto she couldn't stand to break his heart again. To let him touch with a fleeting grasp what she could never fully give him.

Their children had since grown up, Balto taking care of the unruly Aleu out on the boat while their other pups lived happily in their own homes.

So the red husky would spend her heats alone, letting herself drift back to what seemed like simpler days until the need would pass. She was loved by her humans and that was enough for her as she often had to tell herself.

Climbing from the floor Jenna gave a long stretch, shaking for a moment. She left her private hiding place, heading to the kitchen for a drink.

But Jenna was interrupted as she entered the room, suddenly noticing several bags and her humans dressed in their coats.

The little girl, Rosie ran up to her beloved dog, hugging around Jenna's furry neck.

"Be a good girl, we'll be back in four days." She said, giving the stunned dog a start as she realized in her occupied thoughts she had missed this.

It was always stressful for Jenna to have Rosie leave. But at least this would give her some extra privacy to finish out her heat.

But something caught her attention that was about to spoil all that.

"And don't worry girl! Kodi is here to keep you company!" The naive girl spoke up, watching as the red husky hybrid walked in from the front door, his handler waving to the family.

Kodi was on one of his breaks from the mail routes, just coming back from a long trek and happy to see his mom.

It was common for Kodi to be sent over to spend time with the family and Jenna. They did well together and his handler liked to help repay the family for the great sled dog kodi had proven to be.

The unaware male walked right through the door, smiling to the bewildered Jenna as she stared back in disbelief.

"Hey mom! Just got back from--" Kodi was suddenly cut off mid way into the room, nose taking in a strange scent, immediately realizing what it was.

"Oh... sorry mom..." He spoke, having never seen his mother in a state like this.

Jenna focused, looking to her son as she felt a pang of fear run into her, he was a mature male, standing before a heated bitch, this was not good.

"Kodiak... it's not safe for you to-"

"Alright Rosie we gotta run!" Rosie's mother spoke, stepping through the door with her daughter as she waved back to Jenna.

Then they were gone, door slammed shut as the two red huskies were trapped alone with a heavy clack of the lock.

Jenna's eyes went wide, rushing past Kodi as she clawed up the door.

"Wait! Wait! Im in heat! Stop!" She yelled even though the humans couldn't understand her.

She whined and scratched at the door but to no avail.

They couldn't just leave her like this. They couldn't be so foolish to leave a heated bitch with her own son.

But they kept going, knowing Jenna didn't like to see them go, only giving a reassuring call back as they headed down the street. The dogs would find no help from their humans.

The red bitch fell back to the ground, panting heavily as she felt panic settling in, they were trapped, four days, alone.

Kodi stood just as he had been, now awash in his mother's heat scent as she ran past him, unable to stop smelling it even as he awkwardly tried to cover his nose.

She couldn't help but curse her human's inability to smell like a canine, if they knew what they had just plunged Kodi into they would be horrified.

Bowls of food were laid out for her and Kodi, several days worth and plenty of water for the pair.

Jenna had heard of situations like this before. When a heated bitch and a dog were locked together a litter of puppies was the only outcome. No matter who they were, biology had a way of making it happen. The thought terrified her, and petrified the young male unwittingly caught in it.

Her eyes fell back to Kodi, looking at the worried male who had his day's mood thoroughly ruined.

"Kodi... it's going to be ok..." Jenna spoke out, trying to reassure her son even as she herself felt out of control. A bitch was never supposed to deal with something like this.

"It's really locked isn't it?" Kodi spoke, the dog's mind quickly thinking of how he might get out.

"Can windows break? I heard that they break." The young husky mutt piped up after a moment, walking over to the small glass pane in the living room.

"No! If you break it... someone could get in... and they'll be mad at you..." She worried, having already considered the more drastic action.

The small backyard of the house would be no use either. Her master had sealed it up years ago when she kept climbing out to visit Balto. The doggie door had been removed for the same reason. She had never even considered how to break out of this house for years now.

"Kodi... I am so sorry for this, they didn't know, they don't notice these kinds of things." Jenna tried to explain.

"Mom, I'll be ok...." The young male spoke, still smelling that tantalizing scent wafting throughout the house as he tried to focus. He wasn't some brute, he could resist this.

"So... how was your run?" Jenna asked, turning to the mundane to help distract them. Thankfully she saw her boy refocus.

"Oh- Really good! We went farther then we have before, all the way to Koyuk, and in record time."

"Me and your father are very proud of you, you'll have to tell him next time he and Aleu are in town."

Kodi had grown up into quite the handsome sled dog. He held subtle lupine features of Balto, the underlying strength softened by his more doglike features. And he was quite the athlete, her eyes tracing over that big barreled chest and muscled legs.

"And on this trip I got to spend some time with a special lady!" Kodi exclaimed, paw rising to chest proudly, having finally bred a female.

"Oh?" Jenna stopped, listening as Kodi continued despite her immediate hesitation.

"Yeah, master hooked us up! Said she needed to have some good strong sled pups and I was the top pick!" the male grinned with pride.

It was too late to stop the image from drifting into her mind. She saw Kodi behind the heated bitch, panting as he grasped her spreading body, pushing in, slipping deep as he rutted her like a true animal. Kodi was such a strong runner, just like his father, he must have given that bitch quite the ride.

Images filled her. Big paws, thrusting, that deep pumping tightness as his breath cast over her neck.

Jenna gave a long blink, she shouldn't be thinking about that, she had to move away from that subject before it got worse.

"Kodi... can we talk about something else.."

"Oh yeah..." Kodi awkwardly stumbled, realizing now was not the time to brag.

"So on one of our stops Kirby had this little run in with-"

Jenna's mind wandered, eyes tracing over him as she half listened to the story, struggling from within.

Now that he had been in the house for a bit she could smell his full scent from afar, the musk of a fully capable male. She cursed herself, realizing her mind was going there whether she approved or not.

"Then the squirrel whapped him right on the nose! should have seen him jump!" Kodi laughed, Jenna having trouble following.

She was pushing down that primal, shameful thought that only saw a virile male in front of her, his furry balls resting on the floor casually as his sheath wobbled with each gesture of his paw.

"Yeah..." Jenna grinned, letting him continue as she watched the wide shape wiggle. But she snapped her focus back, pushing her eyes up as she had to remind herself to keep above the waist. This was her son, not her suitor.

She smiled as Kodi finished the story she could hardly recall now, his body shifting awkwardly as he could not avoid the scent passing through him.

"Maybe we should stay separate for a bit..." Jenna spoke, needing to pull away for now less her mind get too carried away.

"Sure... i'll see if I can find a way out." Kodi said as he rose, starting to look about the place.

Jenna knew he wasn't going to find anything, but it would at least keep him occupied.

Later that day Jenna walked into the kitchen, heading to the water bowl as her mind wandered as usual. Kodi was still in the backyard, trying to pry the wire away with his paws. Balto could probably pull it off, but not Kodi, perhaps he was a little too doglike.

Her nose twitched, scenting something odd as she stopped along her path.

Lowering her snout to the floor her eyes went wide.

There was a dark stain on the floor, the overwhelming scent of canine cum splattered across it as she inadvertently took in the full scent of Kodi's male body.

Jenna stepped back, Kodi was having a far harder time then he let on. He had hidden it well, she wouldn't have thought he'd need to relieve himself so quickly, or perhaps he was just tired from the long trip and needed a release, maybe.

Jenna glanced back to the yard, still hearing Kodi outside as her eyes came back to the spot.

She shouldn't do this, she really shouldn't. But every fiber of her begged to get a better feel for the scent, to sneak this little bit of perverse pleasure from the opportunity. She had spent so long in celibacy, why not just take this little indulgence she thought to herself.

Just as long as he didn't know about it everything would be fine she thought. And it would help her cope she rationalized.

Her forepaws lowered, letting her push her nose directly against the floorboards. Giving a long breath in she let the fresh scents of a canine cock fill her. Taking in every molecule as she indulged that dark desire in her mind.

It had been so long since she had smelled a male like this, in her fervor she almost forgot whose scent it was, just letting her female mind take in the male like a greedy lover. She imagined wrapping her tongue around a knot, feeling that raw pulsing flesh between her lips, tasting the males cum as she drank him down. She could even smell that hint of lupine musk within him, a scent that was making her pant hard.

The impassioned female shamelessly huffed against the ground, tail flagging behind her as she tasted the male that was now getting her juices flowing. She so wanted to feel it all again, just once, let her feel like a bitch again.

But suddenly she heard the doggie door to the backyard swing open, the bitch jumping back up to her feet like a spring as she struggled to settle herself, stepping away from the lurid stain.

A few seconds later Kodi walked into the room, looking a bit tired and frustrated as he made his way for a drink.

"It's no use, he put that wire on good." The dog like half breed sighed, unaware of the perverse thing his mother had just been indulging in. Jenna stood calmly, trying to remain unflustered.

"So... how are you holding up?" Jenna spoke, taking another step away from the puddle before continuing.

"I hope i'm not... making this too hard for you." She asked, not wanting to let him know it was going both ways.

"I'm doing ok, it's really not as bad as they say." the male laughed confidently, yet still the worry in his voice was evident to his observant mother.

"How about you? You look a little... off." Kodi remarked, having noticed the fluster in his mother when he entered.

Jenna felt a warm flash of embarrassment, he had noticed something.

"Oh honey i'm fine... i've dealt with this before." Jenna sighed, remembering the many heats she spent like this, and the many more she would need to endure to be the well mannered family dog she wanted to be for her people.

"Mom... I would never hurt you." Kodi spoke, looking directly at her as his worry came to the surface. He hoped she wasn't actually scared of him, he knew heated bitches could be unpredictable in their moods.

"Oh Kodi... I trust you." Jenna said, looking right back as she tried to reassure him.

"Everything is going to be ok." She proclaimed, letting her paw touch his shoulder.

After a moment she stepped back, realizing she shouldn't stand that close to him until this was all over.

"Before you know it you'll be back in the kennel with your friends." Kodi's mother reassured him.

"Ha... I'll never hear the end of getting locked in alone with the hottest bitch in nome." Kodi crudely joked, knowing his male teammates would kill to be in his position.

"The... what?" Jenna said cocking her head, did her son really just call her that?

"Oh, I thought you knew, everyone calls you the most desirable bitch in town. I get crap for it all the time." The younger husky explained, enduring many crude jokes from teammates to taunt him on the trail.

"Really?" Jenna scoffed. She had always been called beautiful but she didn't know she had that kind of reputation, she had withdrawn from the canine social scene long ago.

"Oh Kodi, do they really make fun of you for that?" His mother exclaimed.

"Yeah... they call me a momma's boy..." Kodi said, remembering the taunting he wouldn't dare repeat to her.

"Oh honey, i'm sorry if they give you a hard time just because of me." His mother lamented, she often spent any time she could to watch him race, or see him off on a long run. His teammates surely took notice.

"Dont worry, I love my mom and i'm always happy to see her, nothing in the world will ever change that."

Kodi knew they were mostly jealous, few really remembered their mothers, and none had seen theirs since puppyhood.

The fact that Kodi got to be so close the hottest bitch in Nome without anyone batting an eye was sure to cause more jealousy.

"And to have the greatest sled dog in Nome for a father, they always bring it up."

"Oh honey you shouldn't let them-" Jenna started before Kodi jumped in.

"I don't, I am proud. you and dad are the greatest parents a dog could ever have. You and Dad have always been there for me and everytime I come home I look forward to seeing you both."

"But i've also got quite the pedigree to live up to in everyone's eyes." He said paw to his chest leaning back high as he inadvertently flashed his sizeable genitals to his mother again.

The red husky's curled tail swung wide on instinct, flagging as she awkwardly sat down to conceal it. She needed to keep her focus. This was her son, she had to constantly remind herself.

"Its really not bad, the guys just try to get a rise out of me. They can get pretty competitive." Kodi began speaking, keeping himself distracted from his own thoughts as Jenna began to lose focus.

She was getting that urge again. His intimate scent strong in her nose, the wafting of his male body, the masculine power withheld inside of him. If only she would just spin about and let nature take its course, to feel that incredible sensation once again and let it all go.

The fantasy invaded her mind, it would be so easy, just close her eyes and ask him. It would feel so good she thought. To that feral drive inside her it would all be worth it, just for even a day to uncork her long held desires and carnal needs.

But that was absurd, she couldn't take anyone's pups, especially her own sons. He would be shamed, both their masters furious for the unsanctioned pups. She had to control herself, she absolutely could not indulge that dark fantasy.

"Kodi... i'm not feeling well, if you'll excuse me..." Jenna interrupted, rising as she moved towards her masters room, hoping to catch a little privacy.

"Oh... sure i'll poke around the front for a bit." Kodi responded, hoping he hadn't made her uncomfortable.

There was real frustration between them, they had spent many times like this together. Coming back to Nome Kodi was always looking forward to catch up with his mother and spend some quality time. But now they both counted the hours until it would be over. They both wished things could just go back to normal between them, to just lay around and snuggle as they always did since he was little.

In the back of the isolated bed room Jenna palpated her heated spade with a paw, leaning back as she mashed at herself.

But she winced, she had been trying for minutes but failing to give more than a clumsy rise to her pleasure.

Her frustrated hips slowed, the bitch panting as she looked about the room, there had to be something to help her along.

Her mind went back to the lurid stain on the floor, maybe if she got a good whiff of it again she could fall back into the fantasy. But she shook it from her mind, It was absurd, she had to handle this on her own, as she always did.

She flipped over and put her paws onto the master bed, grasping each pillow as she found one that was well firm, she knew it would work best.

She hadn't tried this since her very first heat, but figured it was worth another go.

Falling back to the ground Jenna rolled onto her back, the large pillow grasped in all four paws as she adjusted, letting it ride low on her body.

Pushing her forepaws down and splaying her hind legs wide she opened her body to the firm pillow, feeling its texture run over her sensitive pussy.

"Mhhhmmm" she whispered to herself, hips slowly bucking as she found the angles just right.

With the bulk of the pillow rubbing between her spread thighs and held tight in her paws her imagination was ignited. A big virile male had found her, pinning the panting husky as she submitted, body probed as she desperately held tight.

"That's the spot..."

She had made love with Balto like this many times, the then young husky mashed into the snow by the powerful wolf dog, surrendering everything as she took him in.

Her hips now flew into a flurry, rubbing and bucking up into the pillow, the friction and bulk of it enough for the heated bitch.

"Mgh!... mmm..." another moan came from her, echoing quietly out into the room.

She let her mind go back into those care free days out by the shore. Remembering the feeling of a hard knot inside her, the filling sensation as her heated body grasped desperately at her mate. Closing her eyes she huffed loudly, feeling it crashing down as she came against the pillow with a long moan.

Still she rubbed, giving little coos as her body quivered, almost able to feel a cock inside of her, pumping, thrusting. Oh how she missed that feeling, but she had always told herself she could make it, she couldn't give in to that primal feeling and get herself knocked up.

With a long breath out it was over, another gasping peak to sate that feral hunger. Now she was left with an empty body and a stained pillow. She pushed it off her belly, letting it flop onto the floor, she would certainly have need of it later.

The red husky stumbled from the room, hearing kodi prowling about as she made her way to Rosies room to take a much needed rest.

Several hours later Jenna awoke with a start, panting as worry suddenly filled her.

For a moment she felt like a male had snuck up on her, neck rising as her tail curled inward. She panted awkwardly, this feeling common to the worried bitch during her heats. But looking about the room it was empty.

She shook her head, Kodi was one of the only dogs she could actually trust in the house with her like this. He was a very good boy she thought, letting the worry disappear from her mind, she could trust him.

Jenna was parched again, realizing she had never even gotten that drink of water before, too distracted to complete the task.

Entering the kitchen she lapped from the large bowl. Kodi was lying asleep on the couch, his chosen sleeping space during this awkward period.

Jenna stumbled back down the hall, slipping into her masters room as she felt that urge again. her swollen pussy grew wetter as she thought about another quick get away with that pillow. Inside she found the disheveled pillow still upon the floor.

Grasping the thing with her forepaws she rolled over. But suddenly she froze, the musky scent of Kodi smacking her straight up the snout.

She pulled it in closer, sniffing over the surface as she smelled his seed splattered over the pillow.

His saliva was stained across the surface she had soiled earlier, her own heated pheromones still fresh upon it. It was clear Kodi had mounted and fucked the pillow, pinning it to the ground as he unsheathed his male frustrations.

Kodi was succumbing to the urges, his focus on her now impossible to ignore, the male drive unspeakable and undeniable.

Jenna knew she should be upset at him, knowing her own son had been driven to a sexual peak by her intimate scent. But her judgment could not hold, not as she realized her own nose was pressed into the pillow, letting that deep masculine scent flow into her as it seemed to calm the fire within.

It didn't seem to matter in the moment, it smelled so very good, the pheromones driving those deep animalistic gears in the fertile female. She needed this, just as much as he needed to unleash his own desire.

So her hips ground into the fabric, her needy pussy spreading once again as she pushed. She smeared the fabric with her fluids, a perverse tingle as she imagined him finding a fresh stain to drive himself.

''nnghhh.... Take me..." She breathed out, talking to the hypothetical male mounting her, his hearty scent flowing into her mind as she imagined big paws holding her tight, a heavy cock pressing in.

She took in the scent again, only a few hours old as she imagined Kodi's hard cock prodding into the fabric, pumping himself out as he desperately tried to cool that male need. She wondered how big he was, just how deep he could reach. He must have shown that breeding bitch quite a night.

The thought made her giddy, humping as she let the perversion in her mind take her away. She would be sure to hold nothing back, let her fluids drench the fabric as she would leave it for him to find again, a silent pact between them.

"Mmm yesss...!" She hissed, thrusting as she grasped around the bulky pillow, mouth wide open as she pressed into Kodi's end. Her tongue lapped out, giving a low moan as she tasted the male fluids, imagining a fresh load spraying into her, giving into that dark need.

"Uhh... mom?" she suddenly heard, breaking her trance as Kodi was seen standing in the doorway.

"Could you...please... not be so loud..." He pleaded, the red tip of his cock poking out as the teased male reached his limits. He had heard her the first time she did this, those little pleasured moans and gasps driving the trapped male to madness. But he couldn't keep it quiet any longer, just sitting with paws over his ears as the pleasured gasps and undulations of his mother echoed through the house, taunting the male with something he could never touch.

"Oh god..! Honey... I didn't realize you were awake..." Jenna apologized, awkwardly pushing the pillow away as she became ashamed of the indulgence she had just been caught in. She was supposed to be the mature one here, and now she was laying flat like a scolded pup caught in her perversion.

"I'm sorry.. Its just Im not used to having a male around... during this time." Jenna weakly explained, giving little solace to either of them.

Kodi's eyes were tired, body tense as he stood in the doorway, finally getting to vent the frustration he had been hiding.

"I'm fucked up mom..." He said, gritting his teeth. He had never faced something like this, his male urges now obvious to his mother.

"And I cant believe youre just as fucked up as me..." Kodi continued, looking to the duly stained pillow she had just been lapping at too. He had thought his mother was more proper than that, but here they were.

"Oh honey you aren't fucked up..." Jenna said rising, trying to take back her motherly tone.

"It's just the heat... it drives dogs and bitches crazy." She explained, hoping Kodi wasn't really blaming himself for this. Lesser dogs would have broken far more than he.

"What are we going to do... I... I feel like i'm going to explode..." Kodi spoke, heavy cock stretching his sheath. He was beyond hiding it, no male could stay this close to a fertile bitch and not struggle with that primal draw.

"Maybe..." Jenna started before going silent.

"What?" Kodi thought, maybe he could just break the damn window.

Jenna was silent for another moment, giving herself one more chance to reconsider before she spoke.

"Kodi... you must repeat none of this..." Jenna commanded, taking a step towards him as she stood tall and made her request.

"Sit down against the wall and turn your head..."

"M-mom..?" Kodi spoke with a stutter, wide eyed as Jenna's low muzzle and serious eyes let him know she did mean exactly what he thought she meant.

"Kodiak... I know what i'm doing..." The female spoke, giving another step forward towards the male as he considered. It was obvious what she had in mind but was too ashamed to name.

Kodi looked to her, the hottest bitch in Nome, a beautiful pedigree husky and his mother. Despite that hesitation his cock ached, he could only beat off so many times, clumsy paws pushing at himself to vainly satisfy these urges.

Kodi had gotten licked before, a few females saw fit to congratulate the up and coming sled dog with their intimate attentions. He knew well how good a tongue over your knot felt.

With a gulp of acceptance Kodi slowly stepped into the room, keeping against the wall. Sliding down he presented his frustrated groin, heavy sheath standing free as his head turned fully to the side, eyes held shut. Just let it happen, anything to sate the urge without hurting her.

He gave a long sigh, unwilling to look as he heard footpads closing in.

Jenna didn't speak, eyes glued on Kodi's endowments as she came close, smelling his arousal starkly laid bare for her.

His wide sheath stuck from his white underbelly, his heavy balls nestled below as the heated bitch drank in that masculine shape, his forming knot already pressing to be free.

Slowly she lowered herself, forepaws and hind paws on the ground as she nestled up into the males presented groin. Her paws held on their side as her nose closed in. Sniffing she heard kodi breath a little harder, feeling an eager female between his open thighs.

She wanted to speak, tell him he was going to be fine and not to blame himself. But she held her words, perhaps he could imagine it was some other bitch, one of his teams fans slipping into an alley to please the strong sled dog.

Her muzzle pressed forward, tongue flicking out as she pushed into his sheath tip, the point of his cock rubbing her lips as she crossed the line into the utterly taboo. She didnt hesitate, flicking her tongue over his cocktip, nuzzling into his doghood as she felt him pulse within, that male need begging to be set loose.

Jenna had more than enough experience with Balto to know how to please a male. They had spent so many nights exploring and teaching one another's bodies.

Her lips pushed back his sheath, warm saliva dripping over his exposed cock as she felt him slip into her muzzle. She continued, sliding down his length as his swelling knot gave a triumphant pop into her muzzle with a hearty spray of male essence. Jenna's eyes rolled back, it had been so long since she had felt a male like this.

"Ahhhhh... godddd...." Kodi moaned, eyes still closed as he felt himself unsheathing, knot taking its first direct lick as he spurt down his mother's throat.

His body arched against the wall, moaning long and slow as Jenna saw to his need, tongue delicately running over his knot as her mouth held around him to take in every drop he gave.

The back alley females weren't even this good, the older husky pleasing the younger as he writhed in her experienced grasp. With paws and tongue she held around his growing knot, seeing to his male body.

Jenna's eyes closed, savoring it all as she let herself go wild, tongue gliding and lips pressing as she embraced him with her muzzle. She felt his warm seed fall upon her face as she lapped in, savoring each kiss down his shaft. She was going to make up for all the teasing he endured. If this is what he really needed she was ready to oblige.

Kodi's cock was surging, peak bearing down fast as the needy male let loose in the females muzzle. His whole mind was focused on that strong, delicate tongue sliding all over his cock, lapping over his knot as her warm muzzle held against then around him.

Hips bucking Kodi's paws reached out, grasping onto Jenna's head as he pulled at her, his feet splaying out as he pressed her harder into his groin on base instinct.

"Ah! Ah! AH!" The young wolfdog gasped, feeling his cock reaching its peak, pulsing as his potent seed splashed against her lapping tongue.

Jenna was wide eyed, feeling the male grasp her. It wasn't expected, her face mashed into his crotch, struggling to breathe as her nose buried into his pubic fur. But she said nothing, just lapping away as she took him in, his musky scent the only thing in her mind. The feeling was strangely comforting, she could feel his utter desperation easing as his claws relaxed against her ears. peak slowly calming as she drained that frustration from him.

The male's hips slowly rolled back, gasping aloud as his cock sputtered and twitched. He lost strength, falling back against the wall as the female held on, milking his cock as a deep sense of satisfaction washed over him. Finally his paws hit the floor, panting as Kodi smiled wide. Jenna pulled back a bit, breathing hard through her nose as she caught her breath again.

With his large cock between her lips Jenna gave a low moan, suppressing her voice as she felt the intimate presence of the male. She felt that lurid sultry self finally rising up within her again.

One paw slipped from Kodi's groin, reaching down her body as she spread her legs, god she needed this.

But she tensed, pulling the paw back as she forced herself to withhold, this was for Kodi, not her. Or more accurately she didn't want kodi to know what this was doing for her, the fire within her burning even hotter as she immersed herself in the spurting male. That thought invaded her mind again, but more intense, the image of Kodi on her back, plugging and rutting her. But again she shook it, she couldn't let that happen, she shouldn't even be enjoying this. This was just to ease his needs, and sate some dark curiosity in her mind.

Lazily Kodi opened his eyes as he sighed happily, a warm muzzle on his cock. He almost forgot until the vivid image of his mother nuzzled between his thighs struck the young wolf dog like a snowball to the face.

She was splayed out, long curly tail and round hips kicked off to the side as her slender paws and muzzle worked at him, her beautiful face focused as she held him to the knot. A quick flash of her tongue appeared from her lips, working tirelessly over his bulging knot.

Before the other day Kodi had never seen this side of his mother before. But now he saw a passionate bitch before him, her focus and technique upon him breathtaking. And that body, that scent, no wonder so many town dogs wanted to be with her.

Kodi just stared for a few long moments, the image feeding some deep need in him as he watched the sexy bitch have her way with him.

He saw her shifting, quickly averting his eyes as he settled back against the wall, hoping she didn't notice.

He expected her to withdraw, but she held on, tongue moving slow as she suckled over his hard cock. Jenna knew the male wouldn't be fully satiated until he had a full orgasm. So she held on, giving a mock tie as she swallowed it all without hesitation.

Perhaps this was too far, but she knew this would help. Or so she told herself, her own thoughts and desires mixed up as she lapped at the male, tasting seed against her tongue after years away from a male.

Minutes later Kodi's body could give no more, Jenna slipping him from her muzzle as she stood back up, looking down to the winded male, thick cock bobbing in the air as the last he had to offer faded away.

Jenna licked her lips, paw trying to smooth out her stained fur, realizing now she had let him spray over her like some back alley floozy. Kodi's panting came to a slow, paws pushing at his strained sheath as the stubborn cock struggled to slip back inside.

Finally he sat forward, finding his feet again as he saw Jenna sitting where she had stood before, keeping calm as she gave a little cough to right herself.

"Are you... feeling better?" She asked casually, hoping to just skip past what she had done to achieve it.

"Oh yeah... yeah..." Kodi panted with a satisfied smile, eyes still a bit dreamy as he cooled from the firm seeing to he had just enjoyed. He felt as drained as he did after tying that bitch.

"Good." Jenna sighed, smiling as casually as she could. She was relieved to see him relaxed, knowing she had done some good for the beleaguered male.

Jenna's eyes glanced over to the pillow as she felt her own need, pussy now aching as Kodi's musk still held in her nose and muzzle. That shouldn't have turned her on as much as it did, her hips shifting awkwardly on the floor.

Kodi looked to his mother, her eyes averting as she felt awkwardness between them.

He could see her breathing, lips pressed firm as she held back, eyes darting about the room. Too afraid to ask what her body yearned for.

"Mom... do you ... need anything..?"

"Oh... I'm fine."

"I could do it... I am willing to do it for you too..." Kodi spoke. It was clear she was struggling just as much as he was, wouldn't this help get her through it? A safe way to express the urges that had been driving them mad.

Jenna felt her heart beat faster. Why didn't he just walk away? It would make it so much easier for her.

But now he was sitting right there, suggesting something she wasn't prepared to resist. So much of her was begging for it, pleading to let him return the favor. To let the male cool her raging heat.

"It's ok... just lay back... and you know... don't look..." Kodi spoke, less eloquently than his mother but getting the message across.

The heated bitch breathed hard, now visibly panting as she struggled with the desires and limits within her.

She looked over to Kodi. The strapping young sled dog, the handsome, virile male and her son.

The line had already been crossed, his seed still fresh on her lips. And it would be safe, she wouldn't get knocked up, maybe she could better calm that need within her with a moment of indulgence.

It was too much, she had to take the offer, her body long neglected, yearning for the touch of a trusted male.

Without a word Jenna laid down, rolling over as she looked to the ceiling. flagging her curly tail to the side she closed her eyes, open and submissive before the hungry male.

Her beautiful chest rose and fell, paws clasp together as she waited, a tremble in her breath.

Kodi's eyes were wide, tracing over the contours of the bitch before him. She shouldn't be this attractive, she shouldn't be this darkly alluring. But yet here she was. Kodi saw his mother as the fertile, sexual creature she always was.

Stepping forward his nose lowered, targeting that heavenly, lurid scent that had been tormenting him.

Stopping he let a heavy gasp of air into his snout, smelling the pure scent. It gave him pause, taking a moment to soak into his thoughts as his own mothers fertility, arousal and need absorbed into him.

Kodi's tongue reached out, feeling the puffy flesh of Jenna's pussy. Her treasure felt so heavy, lifting up with his tongue as he swung around for another pass, tasting her fertile nector. Kodi's eyes glazed over. This was the power that drove males mad, natures irresistible lure. And now it was on his tongue, the stuff running straight to the males brain, he didn't care who was below him, lapping again as he tasted more.

Jenna held still, footpaws trembling as she tried to stretch wider, holding back little gasps as the male slathered over her. She could feel him salivating, drooling over her heated pussy as he lapped.

"Nhhgh...!" jenna groaned, feeling her need rising even higher as he passed over her. There was no going back now.

He kept going, lapping over her lips gingerly. Jenna grit her teeth, teased mercilessly as he refused to give her more, just lapping over her folds again and again as he licked away little droplets of her frustrated arousal.

"Nhhhghh...! Don't tease me... Please! It's too much...!" Jenna groaned out in frustration, her body trembling. She couldn't stand it, the teasing was making it worse.

"Oh... am I doing something wrong?" Kodi said, stepping back as he instinctively tucked his tail and lowered his ears.

"Honey... you're not cleaning my ear... you need to... get dirty."

"I've never done this before..."

"But didn't you mate?"

"We didn't have much time together..."

"Master told me to rut her as her own master held her, so I did it... then we left..."

"Oh Honey... that's not how lovemaking should be."

"It's not scheduled and mechanical. It's raw and spontaneous, it's dirty and passionate..." She spoke, a deep longing in her voice.

"So... how am I supposed to do this..?" Kodi spoke, averting his eyes as he saw his mother looking down to him, breaking their thin shell of denial about what he was doing down there.

"Ok... Just do what I say..."

Jenna sat up a bit, forepaws on her own groin as she pulled open her lips a little bit. Kodi watched intently as they both realized any pretense around this had long been dropped, they were doing this and there was no going back.

"You need to get in there, first grab around my hips... dont be shy..."

Kodi laid down on his chest, reaching out as he hooked around his mother's large thighs.

"...Like this?"

"Tighter... take control of... me." Jenna instructed, failing to distance herself from the moment. She couldn't stop feeling his paws pull harder, locking her against him. Kodi panted into the air, his nose so close to that delectable scent as he saw her bounce before him, her body ready for his attention.

"Now... Push your muzzle, your nose your tongue all of you against me... Be rough..." Jenna inadvertently moaned, giving the male permission to do his worst.

Kodi pushed in, his bare lips kissing against her open pussy as he felt her squish under the force. He moved his muzzle, nuzzling the billowing shape as he swirled his tongue over, hooking around the protrusion as he delighted in the pliability of her body.

It was already working, Jenna smiling as the young male sent those lurid feelings up her spine, making the bitch tremble as she prepared for more.

"Push it open, open me wide..." She gasped, feeling him immediately oblige as she spread around him.

Kodi's wide tongue filled her well, making her hips jump, pushing back against her sons muzzle as she delighted in the feelings.

"That's good... very good." Jenna moaned, letting him know he was doing well. Her back lay down against the floor as she let him continue.

A slender paw reached down, finding the top of Kodi's head as she gently pressed.

"Now find the clit... a bitchs weak point is that little nub..."

Kodi's licks probed deeper, eyes glazing over again as he tasted Jenna's sweet nectar, now flowing freely from her open pussy.

"Higher... go higher." Jenna instructed, pulling up on his head to guide the inexperienced male.

Kodi's tongue lapped about, merely glancing against her clit as Jenna's legs jumped, finally feeling him run over the sensitive nub.

"Mhnnn... there" she moaned out, arching against his muzzle as she brought her clit back against his tongue.

Kodi pushed in, tongue tip flicking over the little button as his mother bucked back into him again."

""MHHHH...." Jenna groaned.

She didn't need to tell him what to do from here, Kodi giving a slow powerful swirl of his tongue, feeling her flesh widen as he kept his attention focused.

"H-hold on to me..." Jenna warned, feeling her hips thrusting, Kodi's paws now tightening as she quivered in his grasp.

Jenna stared at the ceiling, mind alight at Kodi did his duty, lapping intently into her open pussy.

"Yes... oh yes that's it, honey..." Jenna moaned absentmindedly, encouraging the male as he dug into her.

Kodi gasped for a moment, breathing in and out as he tried to focus, the pleasured moans of the bitch, his mother urging the young male onward.

"Please... please do not stop..." Jenna gasped into the air, grinding her pussy against Kodi's lapping tongue. She was getting close, so desperate to cum.

Her mind was alight, a wide smile on her gasping muzzle. This is what it was like to be a bitch again, those organic pulses of pleasure running up her spine and scratching that itch within her.

Jenna now had both paws on Kodi's head, the male caught between her paws and thrusting groin as he tried to focus on his rhythm, feeling the pleasure vibrating through Jenna.

She began to clench, Kodi's tongue lapping away as she felt the peak rolling in. It was so close, biting her lip as she gave a firm push into the male, feeling her flesh stretch oh so just right.

"Ohhh-hh-hh-hh" Her voice quivered, muzzle thrown back as she rode out the peak.

"Mhh!..Honey don't stop..." She moaned again, trembling as she fell into a gasp, chest heaving as her pleasure continued, her bewildered son wide eyed as he felt his mother climaxing again his tongue.

He had never seen a bitch like this, writhing against his muzzle, every one of his motions sending a palpable surge of pleasure into her.

"Ohhh.... Baby... ohhh..." Jenna finaly gasped out, her body falling back to the floor as her paws slipped from Kodi. Her body splayed out, large chest heaving as she smiled wide. She had not felt like this for so long, a paw combing through her chest fur as she cooled from the peak, tongue lolling free.

Kodi too caught his breath, withdrawing from Jenna's pussy with a slurp as he stood.

He couldn't stop looking down at her, Jenna, his mother splayed out like a centerfold. Her long elegant body spread open, her large spade dripping with his saliva. Under his gaze it twitched, trembling as the female's body clenched inside.

His eyes focused on it, drool still spilling from his panting muzzle. His very biology called out, seeing the invitation, a body begging to be filled.

He was already hard again, wobbling between his legs as the young male stood. He had never seen anything so arousing, never felt a female like that before. And now she was open, his male need begging him to mount her, take her. Part of him knew she wouldn't object, mutually succumbing to the need as his paws held her tight, pumping and breeding the submissive bitch.

But he couldn't, he couldn't do that to her, firmly shaking the primal thought from him. He had promised to control himself, that he would never give her a shameful litter of pups. But still that swollen shape tempted him, almost pulsing as it begged to be knotted.

Kodi turned away, acting quickly as he pressed a paw down between his spread legs.

The young male humped forward, hind legs flat as his other paw joined, pressing his cock down as he spurt against the ground.

Jenna recovered from the daze and looked up, rolling to her side as Kodi stared down between his legs, cock spurting and growing already as the virile young male sought to sate that dark need once again.

Jenna just panted and watched, Kodi gasping desperately as he grew hard under his paw, hips pumping like mad until he was pressing into his wide knot.

He gave a tired huff as he settled, Jenna's eyes on his needy cock as she crawled forward.

"Here..." she spoke, pushing his paw away as she took over, lapping over the male flesh as Kodi laid down onto his side.

"It's only two days, then we are through this..." Jenna spoke, watching as Kodi's youthful body sprayed before her, the sated male drooling between them.

Her words were met with ragged pants.

For another mock tie Kodi lay on the floor, Jenna between his legs sating their mutual need. Her paw wandered, pads rubbing between her soaked thighs as Kodi gasped down, his own body surging.

Ten minutes later Kodi was fast asleep, exhausted as Jenna slipped from him.

She looked down to her sleeping son, his seed, her fluids drenching the floor as the room stank of their mutual taboo.

She considered lying next to him, but she thought better to leave, quietly stepping out, moving to Rosies room before she bed down herself.

The next morning Jenna awoke with a stretch. It was later than usual, she must have slept quite well.

She rose and headed to the kitchen, ready to grab some bites of breakfast.

Kodi was laying on the couch. He wasn't asleep, eyes peering off into the distance before his attention came to Jenna, ears swiveling as he saw her.

"Oh... hi mom..." He spoke, feeling a little awkward as he tried to act normal.

"Good morning, did you sleep ok?"

"Yeah, i'm fine, just got thirsty..." He said, having woken early to take a drink and been unable to slip back to bed.

"Are you ok?" Jenna asked, feeling a pang of guilt that she may have let things go a little too far the night before.

"I'm fine... just... thinking."

"Ok honey, let's talk about it..." Jenna said, sitting as she gave a sigh, she knew they weren't going to be able to just pretend like all that didn't happen last night.

"Mom... are we fucked up? I mean..."

"Kodi... you do not need to feel guilty you did nothing wrong."

"You're a dog and i'm a bitch... biology does not discriminate... we have to deal with those instincts somehow."

"I know that you feel the pull, that you... want.. to..." Jenna stopped, seeing Kodi's eyes grow wide in panic, her words a little too close to home as the unspeakable urge to breed his own mother became obvious to them both.

"Thats normal... Its just part of the heat." Jenna explained, making the excuse for them both.

"You are actually doing very well, you control yourself far better than most males. I feel safe with you here."

"Heh, guess it's that sled dog discipline..." Kodi nervously laughed, trying to put himself at ease.

And it was helping, His mother was being very attentive, very normal actually.

Kodi knew he had the willpower to resist, he knew no matter what happened he would never knock up his own mother.

"So if you need a little help now and then, thats ok, its just part of the heat."

"And what about you?"

"You don't need to... I'd never ask you to." His mother responded, afraid to request that of him, but her body very much yearning for it.

"I... Kinda liked it... the way that you... uh... Oh nevermind..." Kodi hesitated, realizing the absurdity he was about the blurt out.

But Jenna knew what he was saying, she was not subtle about her pleasure, she never was. But she shook that from her mind, it was just the heat talking.

"So if you want anything just tell me what to do... I am a quick learner." Kodi offered, tail wagging behind him as he thought about pleasing his mother, to hear and feel her cry out again.

"Ok... if that's what we need to do..." Jenna spoke, seeing Kodi perk up at the thought. His male mind was begging for it right now. But she needed to set limits, she wasn't his lover, this was just to sate him, and her during this awkward time.

"But not until noon, then I can help. But no sooner." Jenna declared, making sure she was setting a boundary.

Hours later kodi was laying in the living room, head up as he waited, it was almost noon.

Waking from a nap Jenna looked to the prone male, his curled tail wagging before he willed it to halt, not wanting to show his eagerness.

"Ok Kodi..." Jenna spoke, turning as he rose, following her into the room, ready to sate that deep need.

Kodi was on his back, forepaws wrapped around Jenna's thighs as her hips curled above him.

She was squatting over him, his muzzle pressed in hard as his tongue slipped deep into her clenching pussy.

Jenna's forepaws were firmly on his belly, paws around his cock as she lapped along the shaft. Kodi's firm cock sprayed into the air, dripping down over the heated red bitch. She panted and gasped over it as her son probed deep into her offered body.

Becoming more bold Kodi pushed in, wiggling his tongue until he felt a firm ring, hooking against it as his tongue ran over the edge.

"Ahhhhhoooo..." Jenna moaned, taking her tongue off his cock for a moment as she expressed her pleasure, feeling him sliding inside her. It was the ring of flesh meant to hold a male knot. Kodi was intrigued in his explorations of the female body before him.

Kodis jaw opened, lips pressing harder up into Jenna's groin as he squeezed and lapped inside her flesh.

"Oh yess.. Please keep that up...." She moaned, encouraging him before she let her muzzle fall to his knot, long tongue sliding purposely over it as she returned the pleasure, feeling him twitch at each firm slide over his sensitive glans.

Her eyes closed, hips trembling as Kodi tongue fucked her, feeling her flesh spread so wide, those deep buttons being pressed as female instincts overcame her.

She felt almost like she was being knotted, eyes rolling back in her head as her toes vibrated against the floor, almost falling on Kodi's muzzle as he held her up, pressing harder than ever as he too lost himself in her body.

"Mmmhhh... kodi... ohh..." she cried out, overcome as she came against her son's probing muzzle.

His name hardly even registered on his mind, cock flopping and spraying between Jenna's paws as he drank deep of his mother's heat. He tasted every bit of her, greedily lapping out every drop of her feminine nectar as his male mind demanded.

Giving an exasperated huff Jenna lay her body onto his, resting on Kodi's chest as he continued to lap at her slowly, soothing the heated female as she gasped down around his cock, returning her attention to it as they both cooled from the exertion.

It was dark when they left the room, both stumbling on shaky tired legs as thirst and hunger finally pulled them away from one another.

Kodis mood had much improved from before, the young hybrid smiling and feeling relaxed as he sauntered into the kitchen.

Kodi drank first, heavy balls hanging below as Jenna couldn't help but stare. He had just unsheathed and knotted six times almost in a row. It seems Kodi had inherited that legendary stamina from his father.

"It's only one more day... we are almost through this." Jenna reminded him with a weak smile as Kodi stepped from the bowl. She felt a pang of loss at the realization. Part of her wished it was longer, and by the tired but desperate look in Kodi's eyes he felt the same.

But she did not dare voice the thought, she knew this was just the heat talking. When it ended things could fully go back to normal. They wouldn't be going crazy anymore, and they will have done the near impossible keeping her fertility untouched.

Not to mention Kodi was gaining a lot of experience, he would surely make a bitch very happy one day. She let the excuses comfort her, mind coming back to the immediate.

In an odd way things felt back to normal for the pair. The tension between them, the fear and uncertainty gone. Now they could just be one another spending time in the house, Still mother and son despite the unthinkable things that had just happened in that bedroom.

"Kodi...?" Jenna spoke, seeing him step towards the couch to sleep.

"What mom?"

"Would you like to sleep in Rosie's room with me? You don't have to keep using that old couch."

"And that would be ok..?"

"Yes dear, you'll sleep better."

They normally did sleep together when Kodi came for his visits, Jenna always enjoying his company while Rosie was away. And now with their needs sated it seemed safe to her.

So Jenna lay down, Kodi nestling down on the bed as he curled into her. Jenna's paw fell to his shoulder, nestling down as the odd pair rested their tired bodies.

With a yawn Jenna awoke, light coming in through the window as she remembered where she was.

Against her she saw Kodi's dark red fur, a low snore coming from the younger male. She felt at ease, hearing and feeling him so close. Kodi seemed so peaceful, completely at ease as he slept at her side. He had grown into such a handsome dog.

She stretched her paws, careful not to disturb Kodi.

She did her morning routine, curling over as she licked down her tired leg. But as she neared her groin she scented something she had been waiting for.

Her estrus had ended, the eggs now passed.

She breathed a sigh of relief, she had actually made it. She always felt better when her fertile period ended. Now she didn't have to worry about pups for another six months.

Her hormones would keep raging for a few more of days until her heat faded away, the older husky well versed in the constant cycling of her body.

An unusual thought pierced her mind, one that made her stop dead. If Kodi tied her, she wouldn't get pregnant, no matter how many times they mated.

She could feel her heart beating faster, the light snore of the unsuspecting male so very close.

Jenna needed to stop thinking about it, her family would be back tomorrow morning and it would be over, the temptation and heat passed. She just needed to last another day, just another day she repeated to herself.

But she felt that primal draw within, her strongest argument crumbling as she was faced with the dry end of her heat. It would be so simple, so wonderful an indulgence. To let her son sate his needs inside her, free of consequence.

This was such an unusual scenario, the older bitch struggling heavily as the image and feelings of the act invaded her waking mind.

Seemingly summoned, Kodi's paw stretched out, sleep fading from him as he awoke. The male noticed his awoken mother, turning as he greeted her.

"Hey mom."

"Morning Kodi..." She spoke, sniffing noses before he gave her a gentle lick on the chin, a common affection between them. But the memory of what that tongue had done for her couldn't be dislodged from her mind. The thought made the bitch give a light gasp, feeling those temptations surging back into her mind.

He was leaning closer, Jenna's paw wrapped around his neck, subtly pulling him as Kodi seemed to take the unconscious cue, feeling the need of the female next to him. He licked firmer, his own waking arousal hitting her nose as Jenna was unwilling to halt his unorthodox attention.

Kodi rolled over, hugging closer as Jenna panted, feeling the males attention fall to her.

Her thoughts bounced about. She should put a stop to this, as far as they had gone she wasn't supposed to be his lover, she wasn't supposed to be indulging this.

But as he lapped down her throat, nibbling slowly she felt something she had missed for so long.

The male desired her, cared for her as their mutual pleasure was explored. His tongue and body were yearning for her, fur brushing together as his desire for her made Jenna pant.

It was something special to feel the love of a trusted male, Jenna slowly melting into Kodi's attention as her own needs begged to just let him continue, more than the heat burning within her.

Kodi had learned quickly, he was now careful and attentive, his rising need as lurid as her own.

Closing her eyes she accepted the attention. Whatever it meant she needed this, leaning back as she relaxed, letting the unorthodox love between them bloom. Jenna opened her body, feeling Kodi eagerly climb down her belly, tail flagging high as he reached her treasure.

Any hesitation she had was washed away as his tongue slapped and probed into her still needy pussy. She didn't have the willpower to slow this down, just laying back on the bed as she accepted the delicate attention of her male.

Kodi looked up between them as mother and son made brief eye contact, smiling as he felt her quiver under his firm touch.

"Yes baby thats just right..." she cooed. Letting him know how good he was making her feel, eyes drooping in carnal need.

Kodi smiled, tongue working as he tasted her heat, letting it plunge into his mind. His nerves has long since gone, now free to enjoy the sweet taste of Nomes hottest bitch.

Their eyes meeting once again in mutual lust let the thought return to the aroused bitch. She could let it happen, she could actually mate again. It would be so natural, so raw and loving, the efforts of the male between her thighs making his capacity obvious to her.

Desperation filled her as she thought on it. This may be the last opportunity she would ever have to mate again. She trusted no other male for the dry end of her heat and could never ask Balto. But Kodi was such a good boy, maybe she could let him have this little joy for his diligence.

To Jenna, her body trembling with sexual desire, teased under the pleasure of the taboo tongue it seemed rational. She knew she wanted it, she knew he would give it. They had gone so far already, what was another little indulgence? One last day to cheat nature.

"Kodi... "

"Yes mom?"

"When a female nears the end of her heat her eggs often leave early, leaving her infertile. She cannot have pups no matter how hard she tries if it's too late."

Kodi just stared back, the gears turning in his mind.

"I have reached that point..."

Without a word Jenna stood up before the bewildered Kodi as she looked him straight in the eye.

"I am going to turn around... And whatever happens... I won't be mad." She offered Kodi one last glance before spinning about, closing her eyes as her tail automatically flagged high to reveal her still ripe body to him.

Jenna moaned to herself, rear pushing out as she presented, finally letting her urge lose, knowing there would be no consequences.

She wanted to be railed like the bitch she was, to give herself to her stud. The mere thought made her quiver with anticipation, beginning to pant as she waited.

Kodi breathed deep, eyes fixed upon his mother's swollen treasure. He had held back the urge before, able to sate himself with her in ways he never dared dream of. But now the temptation was literally being thrust in his face. And with the knowledge that they could get away with it, whatever guard he once held up was dropped, the inevitability of it pumping through his veins.

The younger dog was not ignorant to his mother's tone, that ring of want in her voice. She had spent so many nights alone and now she wanted this, badly. Kodi just wanted her to feel good, to have anything she wanted.

His eyes traced over Jenna's slender body, round hips and the perfect shape of her bulging spade before him. She was a very fine bitch, her body's pleas and deep needs known to the younger hybrid.

She stayed turned away, eyes closed as she waited for whatever would come next.

Jenna stood for many moments, beginning to feel guilty as Kodi made no move. Was she pushing him too far?

But with a shift on the bed Jenna suddenly felt her hips grabbed tight, springing to attention as she felt that old familiar feeling of being mounted. Her hormone infused body reacted, tail whipping hard to the side as she spread, feeling a male's weight settle onto her.

Jenna's breath became ragged, staring wide eyed across the room as she felt Kodi positioning himself. It was actually going to happen, her heart beating furiously as her head seemed to spin in circles.

But her thoughts and feeling slammed into sudden focus as the shuffling male found his mark, pushing between her legs as his cock struck home, unsheathing right into her open body.

"UhHHh! HHHhh!" She groaned, bright lights flashing in her mind as she was penetrated after so many long years, feeling the budding erection pushed deep, his anatomy slotting in as his heavy testes slapped into her teased pussy with a squelch.

Yet she didn't dare look back, just letting it happen, focusing on the raw sensation of a male on top of her.

But from above Kodi could make no mistake who was between his thighs, whose pussy he just speared.

Those primal instincts took the reigns begging the dog to rutt, promising that sweet sweet tie for his efforts. He almost forgot she was safe, his subconscious reveling in the thought of cumming inside her, the ultimate taboo indulged as he enjoyed the feel of his mother's body hugging tight around his growing cock.

Jenna braced back against him, feeling the power of the sled dog pounding into her. His paws were big and strong, almost lifting her from the bed as he desperately pulled them together. Then his hips and spine, rolled and thrusted as she felt the first tugs from his knot.

Jenna's maw opened, drooling onto the bed as she was railed. It felt absolutely amazing, the long withheld desire, the mutual need. She almost felt like she was back on the boat so many years ago, Balto claiming her virgin body.

"Please baby!" The assault continued, jenna gasping like a true bitch under her son as the sweet sensation of mating filled her, its relentless pace almost too much for the long celibate bitch.

"mH! mH!!! Don't stop! Dont- UHGGG!" Jenna groaned, forepaws weakening as Kodi pushed her climaxing body down into the bed.

The older husky trembled, the weight of the rutting dog heavy as he slammed deep.

the vibrations and power of her release let loose something she had not felt in a very long time. Her back arched high, head spinning as she was pounded mercilessly, completely and utterly out of control in the powerful paws of a male.

Within she felt his hard knot, pumping as her pliable flesh followed along, hugging tight as she thought of the seed flowing into her, the bond between dog and bitch tightening to a grasping clench.

As Kodi continued his own desperate pleasure Jenna was lost, panting and gasping as she was railed as hard as she could ever remember.

With a fully knotted cock Kodi struggled, desperately pumping as he shot his load deep. He came crashing hard into climax, days of resistance finally breaking as he indulged fully, uncaring as his cock twitched.

Kodi reared back, panting desperately as his thrusts slowed to strong pumps, his hips moving back and forth as he felt the seal around his cock with excruciating clarity in his peak.

"Mmm.. mmm..mmm..." came little whines from the male, still pumping as his face clenched tight, milking every drop from himself as he came, not giving a care to the absurdity of his perch.

Finally he gave a gagging cough, catching his breath as he leaned forward, almost falling on Jenna as he felt his energy sapped, now pouring deep in his unconventional partner.

Within Jenna she still felt that fullness, the male endowment locked deep, unable and unwilling to depart.

She gave a gentle sigh, that deep itch finally scratched as her mind sung out in joy, female instinct celebrating as she moaned against the sheets. She was thoroughly bred, body still trembling under her lover.

Groggily she opened her eyes, looking out into the room as she cooled. But then she caught a glance of Rosie's vanity mirror overlooking the bed. Within the reflection she saw herself, haggard and panting as Kodi lay upon her back, bodies locked in sexual congress, their red fur almost merging as the male panted in a look of utter satisfaction over her conquered body.

She stared at the image, Kodi unaware as he panted above. She felt some twisted sense of accomplishment. She had beaten nature and now was enjoying sex without the danger.

Settled Kodi rose and gave a turn, now standing back to back with Jenna as they settled into a full tie together.

Between them Jenna felt it, the subtle tugging and hugging of their bodies.

Jenna's hips curled in, pulling on Kodi's knot as she gave a slow moan, feeling his girth stretch her gently, rolling back as she did it again. She felt his heavy balls flopping against her rear, a dull pumping from the male.

Kodi couldn't stop himself from looking back, watching as his mother rolled her hips, moaning as she savored every last moment.

Kodi had never seen anything like it, She was completely candid, basking in the tie. That breeding female was nothing like this.

Kodi didn't know what to say, just watching as he gently pulled on his knot, seeing her smile widen as his own slow motions added to her own. Kodi panted happily, lost in watching his mother pleasure herself on his cock.

Opening her eyes jenna glanced back, seeing Kodi's eyes fixated upon her as she realized she had become lost in the moment.

She stopped after meeting eyes with her unusual mate, the depth they had just fallen together undeniable. She was tied with her own son, losing herself in the carnal need of her body.

"You don't have to stop, I kinda like it..."

"Does it feel good when you pull?"

"Yeah... but not to hard, just stretch it a bit..." Jenna spoke, her body and mind too exhausted to keep questioning her actions.

Kodi just stared back, watching her begin again as he delighted in the tugging of his knot, now standing firm as his mother rolled and pulled in the intimate dance.

He was panting, squirting hard and deep into his mother as her face held in a look of utter pleasure, her older body holding his like a vice as she pulled and pushed.

After a few more revolutions Jenna panted, utterly exhausted as the pressure of Kodi's knot held her firm.

Her front lay on the bed, rear hanging from her male as she panted, just focusing on the feeling. It had been so long she thought, now remembering the sensation of being knotted, her body locked and seeded.

And again she glanced up, seeing herself in the mirror, ass up as she tied with her son.

Kodi looked well, experiencing his second ever tie as his male body eagerly pumped into the female.

He glanced back, their eyes meeting in the mirror as he smiled nonchalantly. Even though Jenna was in no danger of getting knocked up anymore she felt guilty, she had listened to those primal voices within her, the ones that begged for a males attention. And with it she had snared her own son, her scent driving him into this lust.

But as she stared at him, still looking back to her she saw no such concern from him. Kodi was just a proud male, grooving on the pleasureable pulses of his body within her.

"Kodi... could you do me a favor?"

"Yes mom?"

"I don't want to leave a mess on Rosie's bed... can you get down?"

"Uhh..." Kodi replied, looking over the edge of the bed as he felt worried, anchored and awkward.

"It's not hard, just follow my lead."

Slowly Jenna lowered her rear, Kodi looking back as he followed, both laying flat on the bed. Then she pushed back, inching him forward as he slowly followed, forepaws reaching over the edge.

"Now just slowly step down, i'll follow." Jenna spoke, following the towing male as he carefully slipped off, forepaws then hindpaws until he stood tall against the bed. Jenna, laid flat on the edge as her rear hung off.

Kodi was amused, never having tried actually moving while tied, the first time he tried he almost missed the turn.

Silence fell between them again, mother and son rear to rear as they sated the biological urges within them, pumping bodies uncaring of the heinous taboo they were committing.

Jenna lay flat on the bed, slowly breathing as her tired body relaxed. She was starkly reminded just how her female mind felt when she tied, gently panting as her instincts sung out to her.

Many minutes later jenna perked up as she felt a slip, Kodi's well spent cock loosening within her.

He pulled forward, popping out as he panted harder, seed splashing onto the floor from the older husky.

He instinctively turned about, lapping at his member as he tasted his mother upon himself while aiding its slip back into his body.

Then his eyes fell back to her, rear still open as Jenna's heat swollen mound dripped onto the floor.

His seed formed a thin stream from his mother as she lay flat, paws kneading into the sheets as her body cooled from her long withheld desires.

Without questioning it Kodi stepped forward. Swooping up under his mother's dripping pussy as he lapped over her, cleaning his own seed.

"Oh!.. Kodi..." Jenna moaned, feeling her son push right into her, he shouldn't be doing that, doing it so nonchalantly.

But as he pushed deeper, wide tongue cleaning her seeded pussy Jenna spread wider, surrendering as he worked to clean out his mess.

Satisfied Kodi slipped free again, leaving her still swollen pussy as he hopped back onto the bed, meeting eyes with his exhausted looking mother.

"So, are you feeling better?" Kodi remarked, turning the tables on his mother as he stood tall on the bed above her. Despite the situation Kodi was beaming, he had never seen a female so into it.

"Uhh... yes... my body... needed that." Was Jenna's response, trying to not think about just how much she enjoyed it.

"Wow, you came really hard! I felt you-"

"Kodiak..." Jenna interrupted, feeling herself get flustered hearing her son talk about her like that.

"Sorry, I just, really... liked it." Kodi finished, averting his gaze as he realized he was going a bit too far.

"It's the heat... we are not thinking right..." Jenna sighed, resigning to that excuse once again.

The pair held their ground, minds working over their situation. Their bodies felt sated, the afterglow of breeding still fresh in the air.

There was no denying how good it felt to breed, the canine attraction having finally met its inevitable peak.

The barriers had been shattered, the taboo committed. The temptation was now even stronger, they knew they had the whole rest of the day, nothing more to hold back, every reason to taste the sweet embrace of a canine tie in the highs of heat again and again.

Jenna let her eyes trace over his body, his strong chest and legs, down to the sheath, growing a little heavier once again as he proudly displayed his assets.

"Do you... need to go again?" Jenna asked, seeing the excitement in the young male.

"...Can we? I'd really like to..." Kodi answered, salivating as he looked to her, a feral hunger in them both.

Jenna crawled across the bed, sliding past Kodi as he watched. She put her head against a pillow, lying on her side as a hind leg rose high, tail flagging as she gave out the female invitation. Her large chest huffed against the sheets as she spoke.

"For the rest of today... just do whatever you need to." Jenna groaned, closing her eyes as she prepared for it again, heart pumping as she felt her son shift on the bed.

She wanted to feel like a well rutted bitch, body taken and seeded by the male against her. She put aside her reservations, just for this last day she would let it happen.

With his mother's hormones still fresh in his nose Kodi shuffled on the bed. Reaching her rear he grabbed her raised leg as he lay against her back, nestling in as he shifted himself for the unusual position.

With her help his jutting sheath found its target, the tight warmth of her swollen pussy still fresh on his mind. He pulled his mother firmly and felt the embrace of her vulva against his pointed cock.

At his motions he heard Jenna's breath grow heavier as she surrendered to what would happen next.

Kodi took it slowly, letting his sheath peel back against her lips, Jenna's body widening as he pushed in, ready for another tie with the heated female.

"Mmmhhh..." Jenna moaned, jaw opening as she lay weak and limp against the sheets. It just felt so good to let go, the worry and restraint she had practiced since Kodi had arrived melting away as she gave him her body, the young male more than eager to take it.

Kodi kept a slow pace, hips tapping against her as his cock swelled again. He paid mind to his knot, keeping it deep as his mother's body caught him, grasping his bulging shape as he reveled in the slow sensation, their bodies lazily but inevitably locking together.

"Do you... do you like it slow?" Kodi asked from behind, hugging up against her.

"...yes... this is nice." Jenna responded, liking the lazy pace after their more frantic mating earlier.

"I want you to feel good..." Kodi moaned, affectionately pressing his muzzle into the back of her neck, feeling his mother's whole body against his front.

Kodi let his strokes grow wider, hilting balls deep as he felt his mother's body stretch with him.

Then he pulled, feeling her flesh hugging tight as Jenna felt the fullness of his knot.

"Ohhh..." Jenna moaned as Kodi's knot pulsed, growing by the moment.

"Pull... H-harder..." Jenna moaned under her breath, feeling his long slow strokes raising her arousal up once again.

Kodi hugged around her body tight as he gave another tugg. Her limbs reached out, gasping as she was stretched. Kodi huffed against her, the heat and pressure of her delightful body holding him tight.

Kodi felt her clench hard around his knot, refusing to let go as his motions tested the tie. It was solid, his knot growing hard as he reached his peak, great pressure slamming on the back of his sensitive glans.

"Mom... oh mom..." Kodi gasped, uncaring as he felt his body climax inside of her, spraying a fresh load of his hybrid seed as he held tight around her fluffy body.

He still couldn't believe it, the feel of her body around his knot as he indulged so casually and sincerely with his own mother.

In these impassioned moments their mutual pleasure was all that mattered, dog and bitch letting go, feeding the needs within.

Jenna could hear him panting, his body wrapped against hers. She was through resisting the taboo, her mind accepting it as a quiver of indulgent pleasure passed through her at what they were getting away with, Kodi's cock tied and spraying into her heat addled body.

Kodi slowed, letting his body just lay behind his mother, knot still locked deep as his forepaw rose to her heaving chest.

Her own body was getting close, eager to cum on his knot again.

Jenna's forepaw slipped down her belly, reaching for her stretched spade. But she was stopped, feeling Kodi's paw brush it away as he took over the motion.

"Let me..." Kodi offered, his soft pads gracing his mother's full pussy, his knot bulging out from within. His muzzle pressed against her, finding the crook of her neck as he gave a long sigh through her thick fur, feeling her so very close.

Jenna's paw fell onto his, a light touch as she wordlessly guided him.

"Push from both sides... it feels very good." Jenna requested, pushing on Kodi's paw as he began to rub into her.

The young male grinned when Jenna gave a little feminine gasp against him. His paw had found that sensitive little nub mashed within her stretched flesh.

He pulled on their tie again, feeling the motion beneath his paw as he gave little circles against her and knot deep within.

Jenna was panting hard, body tensing as Kodi pressed and rubbed her button firmly. He had gotten so adept at pleasing her, his touch purposeful but delicate.

Kodi kept his pace, shallow humps and pumps as he rubbed, his own pleasure exquisite as he felt his mother about to cum, the telltale signs now stark to the young hybrid.

Kodi's muzzle pressed against her neck, tongue slathering into his mother's fur as he moaned against her, the pressure on his own knot rising as she squeezed back upon him.

Jenna glanced back, seeing Kodi's pleasured face as he licked her, his paws holding her tight. She felt so weak, about to cum on her sons knot once again as his long tongue slathered over her cheek. She didn't care who he was, she wanted this, now feeling those little jolts of pleasure running up her spine. Kodi had her tight, his larger body curled around hers, there was no escape from this.

"Oh honey... Kodi! ohhhh!" She moaned out, feeling her son's muzzle pressing hard, her intimacy mashed in his paws, utterly powerless as her climax trembled through her.

"Mhhh..." Kodi groaned into her fluffy neck, enjoying the pleasured moans and vibrations of his mother against him, feeling her as the beautiful female she was.

His paw kept its pressure, feeling his mother shuddering until she could give no more and slumped back onto the soft bed.

Feeling her come down Kodi let his paws rise to her chest again, hugging tight as he smiled, his snout nuzzling against Jenna's cheek.

Regaining herself Jenna felt his warm muzzle so close, those soft lips calling to her as she turned to him, letting their thin canine lips meet in another moment of indulgence.

Kodi felt her tongue as it pushed against his, colliding between their muzzles.

Pressing in their jaws opened, tongues slipping into one another's mouths as they deeply kissed, the hormones and surge of breeding still in their nerves. Their bodies didn't care who they each were, they were lovers, male and female breeding just as nature had demanded of them.

Jenna felt a paw against her other cheek, Kodi reaching around as they twisted on the bed, begging for just a little more during their tie.

Kodi had never kissed like this before, uncaring and passionate as he followed the lead of his more experienced mother, indulging those deep needs as she thanked the male seeding her body.

Soon their bodies tired, falling back against the sheets as Kodi spooned his mother in their tie. They both let out a long sigh, knowing this would not be the last, wanting to rest their bodies on the soft human mattress.

Jenna and Kodi indulged one another for the rest of the day, panting and thrusting together. It was a strange kind of indulgence, mother and son exploring something so unknown in the safety of the dry end of Jenna's heat. They made up for their lost time days before, Kodi mounting her on every opportunity and Jenna begging him for another climax.

Waking from a nap late into the night the pair resigned to the end, making one more frantic union on her masters bed. Kodi grunted like a beast, seeding his mother's sopping wet pussy as she let out one last long moan of pleasure from underneath him.

Jenna's family was to be back the next morning, the pair struggling to clean up the small house of their most noticeable stains and drippings. Jenna would be fine, her humans not smelling her heat, and certainly not able to notice Kodi's intimate scents now slathered upon and inside her.

But Kodi was headed back to the kennel, the other dogs able to notice clues to the unspeakable things that had occurred over the past few days.

Kodi spent much time licking away every bit of Jennas intimate scent he could.

There was no way to completely remove it from the scrutiny of another dog's nose but he knew he could hide it as long as no one got a good sniff of his sheath. Luck having it the other dogs would just smell Jenna's normal scents all over him, a typical state for the proud son.

Hours later they were napping again, trying to resist another round with one another before the door unlocked, Jenna and Kodi both rushing towards the returning humans.

They both were pet happily, glancing to one another as the humans remained oblivious.

An hour later Kodi's handler stopped by, taking him back as their time together came to an end.

Jenna felt a pang of loss, another male she couldn't stay with. But she reminded herself he would be back, his job as a mail dog was pretty well set in Nome. There would be other days, but maybe not quite like the past few.

And finally Jenna had Rosie back, giving a pleasant sigh as the girl scratched her ears in the way only a human could.

Four weeks later and Kodi had just returned from another long set of deliveries, well tired from his time on the trail and ready for a week of rest.

He and the other members of the team were milling around town, each seeking their own distractions out of their kennels.

Walking down the main street Kodi spotted Jenna. She was lying on a large crate, head down as she relaxed.

"Hey mom!" Kodi spoke after a moment, trotting up to her. It was usual to chat after he came back to town, he just hoped things were still ok between them. He still remembered those wild nights now weeks before.

"Kodi!" she responded, surprised to see him back, not always knowing his mail schedules. Her curly tail wagged, body lifting as she met noses with her son.

Kodi smiled as they gave a quick nuzzle, his tongue lapping casually upon her chin. He was relieved, it was just like always.

"What are you waiting for?" Kodi asked, not usually seeing his mother out of the house.

"Rosie will be home from school in about an hour."

"Oh yeah, i forget humans do that." Kodi smiled, letting the normalcy hold for another moment.

"You wanna take a walk?" Kodi asked, seeing she was still free for a bit.

Both of them knew they couldn't avoid talking about it forever, it was still fresh in both of their minds.

"Sure." Jenna responded, hopping off the crate.

They began walking down the street, only a few humans milling about.

After a moment they headed down a back alley, no dogs in sight or smell as they began to discuss the more intimate matter on both their minds.

"Did anyone... did anyone notice..?" Jenna asked quietly, eyes darting for any canine onlookers.

"Kirby smelled that you were in heat." Kodi answered.

"I said you had just finished, they made some comments, but that was it." The hybrid finished, having been relieved when they had quickly lost interest in the subject.

"Good..." Jenna finished, breathing a sigh of relief.

"And you are ok? You don't seem..." Kodi trailed off afraid to say it, that maybe he had knocked his own mother up.

"No, I was in the clear. I know my own body pretty well." Jenna said with relief.

Kodi stared back to her, he too had come to know much of her body, her intimate secrets and delicate features. The taste of her heat swollen pussy hit his mind once again, making a drop of saliva fall from the hybrids maw.

"I can't believe that we actually..." Kodi spoke, still afraid to say the words in the quiet alley. Looking to her he remembered the looks on her face, the cries of her pleasures.

"Don't blame yourself honey... we did what we needed to." His mother explained, knowing the power of that scent and drive.

"In a strange way... it was very natural to happen." Jenna smiled.

Kodi smirked, thinking back to candidly mating with his own mother. Things did feel natural, and even right to their hormone crazed minds. He could suddenly feel his arousal flare up a bit, just thinking about pressing himself into her, thrusting as she moaned. There are some things he knew he would never be able to forget, nor want to forget.

"Out on the route master had me breed another female..." Kodi spoke up after another moment, remembering back to the second time he had been chosen for the studly role. Yet this time his voice was lower, no pride found in what sounded more like a confession than a proclamation.

"Oh?" Jenna asked, her attention turning as Kodi looked her in the eyes.

"I don't want to admit it in front of the guys... but it wasn't very good, just like before..."

"I mean... it felt really good but..."

"I don't think either of the females liked me... they didn't even look at me."

"I tied them... then master led me away... I never even got their names."

"Did I... did I do something bad?" Kodi asked, ears falling as he let the doubt eat at him.

"Oh honey no... It wasn't you." Jenna jumped in, wanting to save her son the stress.

"They didn't want to get attached, knowing you were only going to leave."

Their walk down the alley stopped, Jenna now sitting as they chatted in the privacy.

"Honey, with females it's complicated... we dont always get to know the fathers of our pups."

"I feared master would do the same with me, that my pups would never know who sired them, that he wouldn't even care..."

"When I eloped with your father I broke the cycle... I lived a dream at the cost of Rosie and master." Jenna said with a dreamy look in her eyes, remembering the conflict she had to endure for it.

"Things weren't perfect, we slipped apart but you pups have always connected us, I know he loves you and part of me will always love him for what he has done."

"Not all bitches are so lucky... so just understand, and do what you can." She finished, talking more candidly to her grown son.

"Thanks mom... that does help me feel better." Kodi smiled, she did make a lot of sense.

Kodi had found it strange when he got to know other pups, pups who didn't even know what a father was.

"But I do understand what dad meant now." Kodi piped up, thinking back to conversations that had only recently made sense to him.

"The guys always egg each other on, bragging about females and trying to get every bit they can."

"They say dad is a serious stud, they are so jealous of him."

"But when I talk to him he's not proud, he said it all didn't amount to much more than a moment among a sea of doubt."

"That when you taste what it's really like to be close to someone, you know the true meaning of the word tied and nothing can compare."

Jenna sighed, she had not talked with Balto about what they had lost in a long time. She knew he too still pined for those simpler days. She hoped one day he might find one who could give the wolfdog what he really deserved for good.

And as Kodi continued to look at her Jenna knew she too had let him taste that intimacy. Alone in that house they had just been dogs, free to let their feelings take course. She remembered his paws wrapped around her, the feral rhythm of his body as his muzzle pressed against her, impassioned and raw as she let it all happen.

Kodi looked about, making sure they were alone before he continued.

"Those few days with you... that was really somethin." Kodi nervously smiled, hoping his mother didn't take offense.

Jenna felt her face warm, hearing the males candid compliment.

"And you were a gentleman... Thank you..." Jenna smiled, wanting Kodi to feel better. She knew he was a passionate lover, able to know it first hand. He deserved the best.

"I never knew mating could be like that." Kodi smirked, having seen another side to what the males he hung out with always talked about.

"Kodi, that's how it was always meant to be." Jenna answered, her own mind going back to those special days.

"It's raw and spontaneous... it's dirty... and passionate..." She spoke, feeling her breath growing heavier, looking into Kodi's eyes as their feelings reflected upon one another.

Sitting in the deserted alley Kodi reached out, paw touching his mother's shoulder as he traced down, feeling the beautiful curve of her body.

"You are really pretty..." Kodi whispered, giving a nervous smile, realizing the impulse he had just indulged.

before him Jenna felt the same feelings of need she had in her heat. But this time there was no denying it was a fluke of hormones.

A growing part of her needed to feel intimacy again, the male in front of her handsome and passionate. She wanted to give herself to him, to let him mate her like a true lover.

She felt herself leaning in, slender paw pressing into Kodi's chest. He stood tall, the strong muscles of the fit dog firm under her touch.

Slowly their muzzles tilted, lips gently colliding as tongues reached out to share in another forbidden dance.

Both of Jenna's paws touched Kodi's chest, feeling him press forward as his own paw held behind her body.

In his embrace she felt his desire, wanting nothing more than to surrender her body to him, to let him bring her to another delightful peak as he had grown very adept at.

Her body fell back into a soft snowdrift as the red huskies sunk uncaringly into it.

Kodi felt her spreading under him, Jenna's spade rubbing up and down his sheath as she seemed to beg him.

"Mom..." Kodi whispered, unsure if she was really asking for what he thought she was.

"Yes... please..." She whispered back, hips curling as she felt his swelling sheath against her delicate lips.

Kodi curled in as well, the now well practiced male pressing his cock into the submissive female.

Kodi sunk right in, Jenna's body more than prepared to take him out of heat. His eyes rolled back in his head, his entire budding cock pressed deep as she pulsed around him, his first bursts of seed spraying into her.

It was rare, but not unheard of for a female to mate out of heat. Kodi just looked down to her, never feeling so lucky as he indulged with her yet again.

It felt amazing, once again pressed into her as his hips began to pump, hearing Jenna gasp below him.

Her paws wrapped tight, squeezing kodi's body against hers as she was penetrated. Bellow her body sunk into the snow, leaving a larger dent on every thrust.

"Mmmhhh..." Jenna moaned, feeling her body give in, sweet pleasure surging through her once again as she tasted this forbidden fruit. Her hips bucked up to meet Kodi's, his knot beginning to tie them together as their mashing bodies became locked.

Kodi and Jenna's necks pressed together, rubbing as they mated.

Kodi felt her breath against him, growing ragged as her paws clung tight. Kodi's eyes were closed, savoring this raw feeling as he felt his knot grabbed and held.

Pulling back Kodi looked down to his mother. Both of their muzzles were open, tongue hanging and panting as they embraced. Their hot breath rose into the cold air, the utter indulgence and passion of their union undeniable and unbreakable.

Jenna stared up, weak and trembling as she felt her pleasure coming to a peak, the pumping knot inside her nearing its limits.

Kodi just watched, seeing his mother stretching under him, about to cum as she panted raggedly.

He loved to see her pleasure, the many orgasms he had given her etched forever in his mind.

"K-kodi..." she gasped, eyes wide as her lips trembled.

"Ohhhhh...." Sinking deeper into the snow Jenna's chin rose, huffing into the air as she moaned and tried to stifle her voice in the back alley.

Kodi's muzzle swung in, licking her exposed chin and down her neck as he felt the little reverberations of her pleasure within her throat. A moment later he too lost it, knot full and hard as he groaned against her, pressing into her neck as their paws pulled them closer.

They were fully tied, Kodi's hybrid cock once again deep in his mother, the impassioned sounds of the canines echoing in the small alcove.

Inside Kodi pumped, body uncaring to the identity or fertility of the female wrapped around him.

"I love you..." Kodi whispered against her fluffy neck, wrapped tight as he felt her muzzle press back into his cheek, a comforting acknowledgment from his unorthodox mate.

"Oh kodi..." she moaned, paw petting down his back as they settled.

They no longer had an excuse, Jenna's heat long faded as they awoke to how far they had gone, now tied in a back alley.

They panted for another minute, struggling as they finally addressed their predicament.

"We have to be careful... no one can know." Kodi stammered, head raising as he checked to be sure no one had wandered by.

"Yes... we shouldn't have done this..." Jenna whispered ashamed at her loss of control.

"We need to keep it in the house, this is too risky." Jenna spoke, the thought of stopping not even occurring to her anymore.

"The next time you come over... I promise." she whispered against him, squeezing reassuringly.

Kodi began to pant harder as he thought about it. In many ways he was like the family's second dog, beloved by the little girl and her master.

And in the house they were regularly left together, or at least would be able to steal a bit of privacy.

He couldn't believe it, the thought of more nights with her, indulging and pleasuring her.

He felt his knot throb inside of her, spraying even more into his mother's body.

"We are some fucked up mutts..." Kodi whispered, eyes closed as he focused on the sensation of the tie.

"Yeah..." Jenna sheepishly acknowledged, just hugging closer as her son held her.

They were messed up, there was no more doubt about that. But she had stopped caring, they both needed this, two dogs finding what they could with one another. They both wanted nothing more than love and intimacy, the act rare among the chaotic life of a dog. So she would hold on, hold on as long as she could.

The big male let out a long sigh, laying with his mother as they waited out the tie.

Ears on a swivel Kodi kept a lookout, ensuring their secrecy until his knot loosened.

Stepping back his large cock flopped free, dripping into the snow as Jenna laid back, nestled like a snow angel into the little nook they had made.

Kodi looked down, between his mother's spread thighs was her spade, unswollen but dripping with his seed, almost overflowing.

He had been a bit backed up, almost two weeks since his last orgasm.

But he worried, realizing how obvious it would be as his seed dripped from his own mother.

Kodi swooped in, head low as he began to slurp over Jenna's now sore pussy.

With blurry eyes Jenna looked down, kodi working away between her legs as he looked up and smiled. He would do anything for her, making the older husky moan as she reached out to pet his head. This would be their little secret, their little indulgence.

With a wet pop Kodi's long tongue pulled free, licking about his lips as he savored the taste of their sexes.

Jenna looked down to Kodi's soiled sheath and heavy balls. He was panting proudly as the male he was.

Another urge hit her, to dive under and nuzzle his sheath and let his scent cover her. She had done it with Balto before, both of their muzzles stained with the others excitement to parade for the whole town.

But she couldn't let her indulgences take over, they needed to be quiet about this.

"Kodi... how long before you need to go back?" Jenna questioned.

"Master feeds us at sundown, I have awhile." he said, still panting from the unexpected mating.

"Would you like to come over? I'm sure Rosie wouldn't mind..." Jenna spoke, thighs still spread as she lay before her son.

"I'd love to." Kodi responded, always glad to spend time with her, and now especially if it meant an opportunity for more alone time.

"Just lick yourself clean, we need to be quick, stay away from other dogs." Jenna warned, curling in as she continued cleaning herself, kodi doing the same as he tasted more of her all over himself.

Kodi and Jenna walked with Rosie, the girl skipping happily from school as the dogs kept their tails tucked. They led the girl up wind, hoping no passing dog would catch a whiff of the combination of scents hidden within each of them.

"Oh, is Kodi staying over?" Rosie's father spoke, seeing the two red huskies following his daughter home.

"Could we make it a sleepover? Can we, can we?" The little girl clapped.

"Ohhh... alright, they know where to find him if they need him." The older man spoke, always wanting to see his little girl happy.

"Yippee!" She shouted, hugging around both Jenna and Kodi as they smiled, cheeks pressed together as they shared the thought.

However it had happened they had found a way to make it work, dog and bitch wagging happily on the couch as the little girl pet them both. Whether it was intimate or mundane they both took comfort in their time together, however long it would last.


Author's Notes: This was a bit of an idea I had been brewing for awhile. I already did Balto/Aleu so Jenna/Kodi seemed like a natural exploration.

This story takes place in the timeline of Half and Half. Before Balto and Aleu mate. It may seem hypocritical if this happened then Jenna got mad at Balto but I think it makes sense. We often forget our own flaws when another's is thrust before us. And in a way it helps make sense why Jenna would calm down so quickly, able to empathise and realize her own faults.