Two Eggplants and an Iguana - The Request
Silverwolf626 wrote on , 4 July, 2017:
A story about two eggplants and an iguana. :P.
Blame him ._.
The rain battered the thin glass of the second floor window shaking it lightly in its frame. As was traditional for a city of vice in the 40's, especially when everything was in black and white. Sitting in a chair facing the window an iguana sat hunched over peering out and tapping a cigar. The ash floating softly and staining its white vest.
A smile crept across its long lips and as it reached the corners of its mouth, the crest and spines atop its head raised in a wave and settled. Money could buy the silliest things and the wickedest. But it could also buy this.
Across the street and through the window sat the shady and inconspicuous face of Aubergine Earl. Dark and smooth features shadowed under an ever darker fedora. Motionless except for the occasional sip of coffee from what was apparently a cup that could sometimes float. From time to time, the waitress would come over with a mop.
The window far to the right of the iguana's vision sat an almost identical figure. Eggle L'Plon, primarily a legal aide but like everything else in this town, could be hired for the right price. The hours ticked by as they sat opposite each other, not unlike vegetables. Unmoving and quiet. Patient and focused.
An amused huff escaped the iguana's mouth as he leaned the chair on two legs and poured a bourbon in an adjacent glass.
It was going to be a long night. Two private investigators. Hired to investigate each other.