ONE OF THESE NIGHTS (English Version)

Story by Twillight on SoFurry

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This is the english Version translated with the Google-Translator.

A low moan. UNREST!Roll.Flabby shadows. Sticky embrace.

One vote. What does it say? What does it say?

Confidence? What kind of confidence?

A knock knock!

Suddenly: Absolute silence.

He opens his eyes: Nothing! Absolute darkness.

A dream.

AND he shocks:

Why can not I move?

Who holds me?

WHAT hold me tight?

A cramp? A SPASM?

Bewildered and frightened, he tries to reach the switch.

And it can not.


And because he feels it, this tiny little flame

which now is beginning to eat through his body.

Bigger and bigger it becomes. A wildfire ignited in his body.

He wants to scream,

and it can not.

He wants to cry

and it can not.

He wants to flee,

and it can not.

His consciousness, scared, trapped in his own body.

His thoughts are shooting up like lightning through my head:


He closes his eyes:



DNA chains are broken. Skidding into other cells. And make other new strands.

So far, inactive genes send out instructions.

Cells expire and are built up elsewhere to other entities.

Bones shrink, move, resize, deform.

Bodies migrate or die.

Formed even new organs?


Grinding. Burn. Hot breath. Sweat. Cold sweat. The blood rushed to the only way through the veins.

Rattle. Near suffocation.

And above all:

THE PAIN !!!!!!!! PAIN !!!!!

Then it's over.

Slowly his mind again climbs to the surface.

Can I dare?

What was that just?

Am I dead?

He opens his eyes slowly and carefully.

All things in space are in their proper place.

Have tempered Well, I shall probably the lamp, he thinks.

But the light is off. He sees things in the room without a light source?

Slowly, the feeling returns to his body.

Dry mouth. The tongue touches: Palpated and sharp teeth!

Wet and cold it through him and he begins to scan: His perfectly toenails have made sharp claws place.

His fingernails have become longer and more pointed, but no claws.

His skin is covered with extremely soft thick fur.

He believes his mind is collapsing, which is still his body?

But there is something else, something was scratching at the surface and tries to manifest itself.

He suppressed it.

And further scans.

And reaches into the void!


In the center of his manhood, a slot?

Worlds crumble. Buildings crumble.

He does not want

But the suppressed forces him

gaining more and more power.

And then there is this unbearable curiosity.

When he is exploring further, unmoved found to his surprise that his two nipples

to two well-formed, have formed buds crowned hills.

When his (or should we now say her?) Hands brush over her drives him (her?) An extremely comforting goosebumps Showers

through the body.

Rain showers to the ecstasy

Can he admit it? Must he accept it?

And two horns growing from the sides of the head also normal.


And the oppressed are now finally paves its way.

He / She does not hide it any longer, get out of it can be.

A veil falls away from her. Where am I?

A glance at a photo: Who is this man?

Fragments of a memory of another life lost in the fog.

She brushes it off.


Was there a time before now?

She gets up, stretches and stretches.

While spreading out their leather-upholstered wing.

Expands every fiber of her body.

Its wild blood penetrates into every cell.

Again, these showers!

Her athletic body is taut as a harp will vibrate in the wind side.

She is ready.

A set of the window,

One last look back.

Out into the night