Daughter First, Daddy Second

Story by Joshiah on SoFurry

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With a title like that, I'm sure you're expecting incest...and you're wrong! This story for Jon Sanders goes a different direction, even if a father and daughter are involved.

The common link is Jon, who has been dating the daughter, a lioness by the name of Heather. Her father, Tom, has just come out of a rough divorce, and his daughter means everything to him, but Jon seems to be a good boy, and he's quick to approve his presence over dinner.

That night, after Jon is done fucking Heather's brains out, he walks down the hall to shower off from the rigorous session, but when he sees Tom emerging from the shower first, the otter shameless goes in for a taste of his asshole, and as sexually starved as he is, Tom simply can't push the boy away...

As always, read, comment and enjoy!

Meeting someone's parents had a special significance to it, when you were dating that person.

Jon could remember all of the conversations leading up to the moment, and how many times he'd stuttered over the phone. He was beginning to run through scenarios in his mind where he would completely screw up the entire evening, and he was hoping that he wasn't sweating through the armpits of his polo shirt as he walked up to the front door.

It's still too informal, he thought, though his girlfriend assured him that it would be plenty fancy enough for a dinner with her father. Should have worn a tie and a button-up. I look like a slouch.

Dark, navy blue threads were tucked into a pair of neatly pressed, ironed khakis, and though he might not have looked as professional as he hoped, Jon still looked the part of a man that most fathers would trust their daughters with. His hair was combed neatly to the side, his clothes were clean, and his smile was friendly enough, albeit riddled with nerves.

Holding a small bouquet of flowers in one paw, Jon tried to distract himself by rubbing a digit against one of his fangs, as if to remind himself that they were a part of who he was, and in no way did they represent a flaw. He could already imagine Heather's father making a comment about them or wondering what kind of an otter had such a deformation, and it kept his legs shaking, even as he finally mustered up the courage to ring the doorbell.

Heather must have been waiting close by; the door swung open hardly two seconds later, and there she stood, clad in a pure, white sundress with a dark, black cardigan around her torso, covering up the thin straps that kept the dress hoisted on her body. " Jon! You finally made it...I was starting to think that you were gonna chicken out on me."

"I w-wouldn't dream of it," Jon tried to get the last of his stammering out of his system. He'd been told plenty of times before that meeting a girl's parents was a huge deal, and even if he was only meeting one of them tonight, he picked the tougher one; Heather's father was single, and his own recent relationship troubles made him very hesitant to welcome a man into his house to court his daughter. "Besides, you keep telling me that your dad is really a nice guy..."

Giggling behind a paw and pulling the door open for Jon to step inside, Heather leaned forth to press a quick kiss to his cheek before he stepped into the front landing. "Daddy is strict, but he's fair. If you're polite and make a good first impression, I'm sure he'll warm up to you in no time," she assured her otter boyfriend, and though her words were comforting, they only managed to pull the stammer from Jon's voice; they couldn't quite get his legs to stop shaking.

An odd couple if there ever was one, Jon was a fairly standard otter of a milk chocolate fur pattern, though the fangs poking down from his muzzle often raised questions and concerns. Heather was a bit less than average herself, as she looked to be a typical lioness, but her skin was a light, subtle shade of lime-green, showing a subtle illumination under the standard tones of sandy tan and cream that one would normally find in a lion's fur. To that end, the pads of her paws, the tip of her nose, and her other extremities all carried an exotic glow, and Jon was quick to find out which parent she inherited those traits from.

"Gee whiz! Are those flowers for me?" came a voice that was deeper and thicker than Jon imagined it would be. He stood about the same height as Heather, and though he'd just recently passed the age of 18, he was sure that he wasn't quite done growing vertically.

That put him a few inches shorter than Tom, the father of the girl who he'd become so enamored with.

"They're f-for Heather," Jon replied without putting much thought into it. He silently cursed himself at the return of his stutter, and he forced as nervous of a smile as he could as he handed the bouquet over to her. "But I'll...uh...I'll try to remember to bring some extras for you, next time!"

Tom raised a brow at the obviously frantic otter, and seeing just how quickly he'd intimidated Jon, the lion chuckled quietly and waved a paw in dismissal. "I'm just messin' with ya, kid! Come on in...any guy that can get my daughter all wrapped up the way that you've got my little Heather is the kind of guy I'd like to meet."

It took a moment for Jon to accept that Tom's answer was real, and when he finally did, his sigh of relief was visible. Heather was completely floored by the bouquet, which she'd somehow missed before, but she happily took it and hugged Jon tightly in her arms, before peppering a few quick, affectionate kisses upon his lips.

She's trying to get me killed, Jon thought, as Tom gazed down upon the two of them in the rather passionate moment, but knowing that pulling away could be even more insulting, he returned each kiss that he was given, until he was left with a stupefied smile and a slight wobble in his step. "Glad...g-glad you like them," he mumbled out, as Heather playfully tugged him into the house, and Tom closed the door behind him.

The quick slam of the door shutting behind Jon was a bit sobering; he'd been inside the house plenty of times, but never when any parents were around. This time, he had nowhere to hide, and though Tom seemed like a nice enough man, he was still watching Jon like a hawk, as the otter wiped his footpaws on the welcome mat and stepped into the living room.

"I see that my daughter is in one of her usual moods," Tom mentioned, and the statement felt odd to Jon, who didn't think a father would ever say such a thing about their own daughter with any sense of approval. "I hope she saved some appetite for dinner. She told me that you really like to eat, Jon."

Odd as the moment felt, Jon decided to just go with the flow of the moment, and nodded. "Yeah, I think I embarrass her in public sometimes with my appetite," he admitted. "Not that I'd ever do it on purpose."

Heather rolled her eyes and gave Jon a playful shove toward the dinner table. "You don't embarrass me...you embarrass yourself," she clarified, and stuck the very tip of her tongue out at the otter as he stumbled closer to the kitchen. "Maybe you can eat like a civilized creature, tonight?"

"I'll certainly give it a try," Jon replied, and seeing that Tom was smiling down at him, the otter managed to relax just a little bit more, as the pair of lions joined him at the dinner table. The spread looked delicious, as a tray of smoked salmon, a side of garlic potatoes, and a bowl full of buttered peas graced the table, and the various aromas left Jon struggling not to drool on himself as he was about to sit down...but he remembered his manners, and waited for Heather, so that he could pull her chair out for her.

"Looks like my daughter picked a real gentleman after all!" Tom pointed out, his face beaming with a certain pride in his offspring. "It's nice to see that some young men still know the importance of putting a woman first."

Though it was a traditional value, perhaps even dated in some eyes, Tom appeared to be a fairly traditional man. Jon knew that he was working all day, but the lion still took care to wear a clean, white dress shirt, tucked in to a pair of black slacks. The shirt clearly didn't fit quite the way it used to, straining around the gentle rotund of a growing gut, but even then, it appeared Tom kept himself in fairly good shape for a man his age, and the growth of his stomach, even in combination with the loss of his wife, didn't seem to do anything to lower his spirits.

"Heather always comes first for me," Jon agreed, and he only afterwards realized the naughty double-entendre that his words could have been construed as.

Fortunately for him, it seemed that the opportunity to make the joke flew right over Tom's head, as the trio sat down to enjoy their meal.


Dessert at the table was a thick, rich pie of the French silk variety, carrying such a perceived weight and intense flavor that no one even finished the tiny slices that they took.

Dessert in the bedroom involved Jon being a gentleman once more, as Heather sat upon his muzzle and bucked herself to an early orgasm, before the pair of young adults took to humping like the wild animals that they often were.

Heather kept her face buried in a pillow, and her fangs continued to dig into her lower lip as she held still on the bed for Jon, keeping her backside lifted and her hips pushing against him as he drove into her haunches. "G-gonna...gonna cum," Jon whispered, and though Heather was barely able to hear the words, she could feel the familiar, pleasurable throb of her lover's cock against her inner walls, teasing her with the prospect of a warm, delightful flood of seed.

The lioness was already working on her second climax, and she knew that if she allowed her boyfriend to finish inside, she'd be hard pressed not to scream with delight at the top of her lungs. The game was risky, but exciting; if they were too loud, they'd be caught, but the idea of being found out was something of a turn-on for both of the lustful creatures, and though she'd never admit it, Heather had a feeling that her father already knew exactly what they were doing, even if he'd gone to sleep long before they'd started fooling around.

"Gimme," Heather groaned against her pillow, and knowing that her words were muffled, she turned her head and gazed back at Jon through a lidded, sensual eye. "F-fucking gimme that cum," she begged of him, and her inner walls clenched with devious purpose around his length as she did.

Hopeless to fight against the skillful, squeezing inner walls of the lioness, Jon winced his eyes shut tight and plowed ahead, knowing that Heather could handle anything that he gave her. His hips pounded into her rapidly, and no doubt, anyone walking by the door could hear the quiet, rhythmic pap pap pap of his balls slapping against the hood of her clit.

Cum rushed forth in the next moment as Jon's entire body went taut, but he kept on thrusting, making a spattered mess of the thick, creamy yield. "Yes! O-oh, fuck yes! Fill me!" Heather cried out to her lover in hushed screams, knowing that Jon would feel her body climaxing around his member, even if she was being too quiet for him to hear her orgasmic moans.

A thin, moist trail of seed began to spill down and out of the cunt of the lioness, and her chest heaved against the bed as she panted, feeling a sense of relief that only a deep, proper orgasm could bring her. A pair of young, high school lovers that were still dealing with the stresses of their final semester, Heather was often in need of such a release, and her relationship with Jon was the only place that she ever seemed to be able to find it.

Though his chest was flatter, Jon's own pecs were heaving slightly as his paws released their painfully tight grip on Heather's thighs, and he slumped forward for a moment to brush a lazy kiss across the back of her ear. "I'll w-wash up f-first," he told her, unable to finish the words without panting puffs of warm, moist breath across her fur.

She trembled with giddy delight at the sensation, and nodded lazily to him as she curled up in her bed, running her pawtips through the seeping cum and using it as a lubricant to tease her own sex as she began to drift off to sleep.

Jon, however, had to make a run that he was terrified to make, and he'd been dreading it for a while. He slipped on his underwear, thinking that it would be enough cover, and quietly opened the door to Heather's bedroom.

His footpaws were light as feathers as he made his way down the hall, and with each step that he took, he could feel panic building up in the pit of his stomach. His cock was still mostly stiff, and it was dripping with the juices of Tom's daughter, not to mention the plentiful quantity of the same that she left on his muzzle from their earlier session.

If Jon was caught on his way to the shower, there would be no denying what he'd done, and the great first impression that he made would be all for nothing.

Creeeeeeeak... Jon could barely see in the dark, but the poor shape of the door made itself known when he opened it. It creaked the whole way through the motion, until Jon stepped onto the nice, but slightly dated tiles of the bathroom floor and closed the door quietly behind him.

He went completely still as the creaking of the door faded, giving way to the sound of running water...Tom was already in the shower, and Jon could hear the knobs within squeaking as the older gentleman stepped out of the shower and threw the curtain open.

The otter was scrambling to come up with an alibi as he went completely stiff, watching the naked lion emerge from the shower, still dripping water.

"...W-what the fuck? Jon! What are you doing in here?"

It was a more peaceful reaction than Jon was expecting, but the bisexual nature of the otter was getting the better of him. He might have reached his climax with Heather, but he wasn't nearly done playing, and he knew that she would be unconscious within the minute...

...Tom, on the other hand, was wide awake and completely naked, dripping from the ends of his mane down to the thick, heavy footpaws that were freshly cleaned with soap and water.

"I came in to grab a shower, same as you," Jon replied. When his sex drive was doing the talking, the otter wasn't nearly as timid as he might usually be, and though Tom was scrambling to grab a towel and cover himself, the otter was quietly hoping that he'd fail to do so. "Good thing you're still naked...I think you could use a second opinion...make sure that you're really clean, y'know?"

Still bewildered, Tom was reaching for a towel as Jon knelt down to the floor behind the older lion and wrapped his paws around Tom's thighs. "Wh-what the hell do you t-think you're doing?" Tom asked, finding that he was the one stammering uncontrollably, now that Jon was finding his stride.

The otter didn't have any intention of stopping. His knees were planted on the bath mat, and his face was quickly buried into the lion's ass, right under the base of his freshly cleaned tail. "Giving you a free inspection. I usually charge for this kind of stuff!" Jon teased, and from behind, he could see the full, hanging orbs of Tom's sack, giving him plenty to admire before he robbed himself of his eyesight, looking only into the base of Tom's tail as his snout pressed up against the older male's asshole.

Even fresh out of the shower, there was a hint of a spicy, heated musk that Jon was happily drowning in, and the otter could feel his cock straining against the confines of his boxers once again as he held Tom still and opened his muzzle, slurping his tongue out over the intricate wrinkles of the lion's anus.

"Jon, w-what...y-you can't do this! What would my daughter say?!" Tom continued to try and protest against Jon's advances, but he could feel his knees beginning to tremble as a pleasure that he'd never known before crept up from the base of his tail. It tickled along the lower end of his spine as he felt a warm, moist tongue spreading flat against the pucker of his asshole and slurping up and down over the sensitive area, cleaning it even further than the body wash was able to reach. "D-damn it, young man, you...you need to stop!"

The complaints were growing weaker and weaker as the minutes continued to build, and Jon could feel that Tom's ass was loosening up a bit as the very tip of his tongue managed to penetrate the tiny gap. Sensing that the lion wouldn't run if he was released, Jon slipped one of his paws along the underside of Tom's sack and brought it to tease against the easing pucker, pressing just one digit against the green flesh of entrance.

It slipped in easily, and Jon couldn't keep the grin from his face as he pushed the pawtip in to the first knuckle, able to feel Tom's inexperienced muscles clenching and fluttering around it.

"Something tells me that she wouldn't mind," Jon suggested, and though he didn't have any evidence for that, he was confident enough in his relationship with Heather to think that it would survive this incident, even if she were to walk through the door the very next moment.

Passed out with her fingers still buried in her snatch, that simply wasn't going to happen...but Jon was glad to be able to focus on his work, as a second pawtip cozied up next to the first. "And I know that you don't mind, Tom," Jon called the man by his first name as he continued stretching out the lion's asshole, spreading the orifice around his digits and prying it open a little bit further so that he could enjoy the unique sight of the subtle, green glow that emanated from it. "You're stretching out so nicely, Tom. I wish you could see how wide and loose you're getting...it's pretty fucking hot."

Tom didn't have to be a genius to know what his daughter was doing earlier. He was the kind of parent who allowed his daughter's actions because she was an adult, and he knew that he couldn't control her forever, but the fact that her boyfriend was slurping away happily at his wide, stretched asshole with the same tongue that had been inside of her cunt just minutes before was such a lewd ideal that he couldn't help a little blood rushing to the end of his cock, and the barbs on the tip of his feline manhood began to stand on end at the end of what was a stumpy, but fat and wide member.

I can't be enjoying this, Tom thought, and though his mind might still hesitate to accept it, precum leaking from the tip of his cock made it clear that his body was willing to enjoy the moment, for as long as it would last. "You're just as squirmy as your daughter is," Jon admitted, and his lips were curled in a teasing smirk as he felt Tom stiffen up at the mention of his daughter. "She came all over my face, just like it feels like you're going to...but she wasn't done there, so I bent her over the bed and fucked her brains out while you were in the shower, completely unaware...she's probably still leaking cum. I think I drained about a week's worth into her."

Such disrespect was hard for Tom to fathom, especially given what a nice, young man Jon seemed to be when they first met, but as the minutes piled up, and Jon teased a third pawtip into the already loose passage of Tom's asshole, the lion couldn't find any shock in Jon's mannerisms. He had no idea that such a sexual deviant could exist, let alone that he could put on such a pleasant smile, and now, Tom had to deal with the repercussions, as he tried to ignore the rush of warmth that continued flooding to his cock, encouraging him to enjoy his treatment.

"Don't you talk about my d-daughter like that, you fucking punk," Tom growled back at the invasive creature. "She's a little angel, n-no matter what you've done to her!"

"She might be an angel, but she fucks like a devil, anyway," Jon was quick to reply, not even slightly concerned with upsetting Tom, as he should have been. "I wonder, though...who can take it better?"

Boxers fell down to the floor as Jon stood up, and Tom looked back with gritted fangs as the otter pushed the heavier man forward. Still nervous and stumbling over himself, Tom caught his paws on the bathroom counter, but the otter was already in position over him, holding the base of his cock and rubbing the very tip of it against Tom's prepared entrance.

"Think about what you're doing, boy. I'll tell her every detail of this..."

"You'll tell her that a slim, little otter overpowered you and fucked you in the ass? You think she'll believe that?"

Tom wanted to argue that he'd have evidence. He wanted to protest, and get Jon to reconsider what he was about to do.

His hesitance on the matter left him to dig his claws into the composite of the sink as the tip of Jon's cock, still dripping wet with mingled cum and feminine juices, slipped inside of Tom's asshole and spread it even further than his pawtips did before.

"I won't l-let you have both," Tom said, and though his words were hollow, he tried to keep up a tough front as he was completely dominated, struggling to deal with the rod of thick, throbbing flesh that was spreading apart his insides. "If you're g-going to do this, you can forget about fucking my daughter, you twisted bastard!"

Jon's smirk only widened, making it clear he didn't take the threat seriously. "Like you can stop me? You're plenty strong enough, Tom. You could have stopped all of this, but you didn't...I'm gonna fuck your sorry ass, sir...and then, when I'm done, I just might go back to Heather's bedroom and make her suck all of the mess off of my cock!"

Such a threat should have been enough to prompt Tom to spin around and toss the otter to the floor, before mauling him, regardless of his daughter's affections. His mind, however, was confused to the point that he couldn't bring himself to do more than growl in frustration and look back over his shoulder as his inner muscles were pounded into again and again by a long, thick member.

His head began to lower in shame as he left deep, raking claw-marks in the sink, knowing that he'd have to explain the damage to his daughter later on. "If you d-don't treat her...fuck... if you don't treat her right, I'll...I'll f-fuckin'-

"You won't do shit," Jon cut off the lion mid-sentence, and picked up the pace with his hips. Having come off of such a recent orgasm, he could feel that he'd be pounding away at the lion for a while before his body was anywhere near a climax again, but that was a predicament that he was glad to have, especially given how tight Tom's asshole was, even after ample preparations for the act.

The otter couldn't wait to spill his seed inside of a second lion, that evening, and he wondered just how Heather might react if he told her the truth...and who she'd be angrier at.