Rainy Day Blues Chapter 9

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OBLIGATORY CONTENT WARNING: The following story contains SEXUAL EXPLORATION BETWEEN MALE CUBS, including MASTURBATION. If this offends you, DO NOT READ ON. By reading beyond this point, you waive your right to be offended by my work, because YOU WERE WARNED. For everyone who I haven't scared off... enjoy!

A steady rain pounded against the windows at Country Elementary School. The cafeteria's usual hustle and bustle was slightly more subdued than usual, dampened by the thought of recess in the classroom rather than outside. Not that it was a huge downer for Jimmy Caulfield -- he knew a thing or two about having fun indoors!

As he settled in at an empty table with his lunch, he glanced around the cafeteria. Ellie and Chloe were still in line for lunch -- they'd dashed to the bathroom on the way to the cafeteria, and he suspected he knew why. He glanced toward the other end of the line, and saw the new kit, Aiden, who'd been seated with them in the classroom. The pudgy kitten was looking alternatively at his tray and around the cafeteria, looking for somewhere to sit. Jimmy raised a paw and waved to him, motioning for him to come over. When the kitten spied the fox, a little smile spread across his muzzle as he made his way over.

"Hey, Aiden," Jimmy said as he got close. "Come sit with us!"

"Us?" Aiden said, giggling a bit as he sat down in the seat at Jimmy's left. "I don't see anyone else sitting here."

"Ellie and Chloe are still in line. They'll be here in a minute," Jimmy replied. "We always sit together at lunch."

Aiden nodded, blushing a bit as he looked down at his tray. "Yeah... I noticed." He picked up his fork and poked at the small pile of broccoli on his plate. "Kinda wish I'd brought a lunch today..."

Jimmy giggled. "What, just 'cause of the veggie? The broccoli ain't so bad, and the chicken's really good!"

"'Ain't' ain't in the dictionary," Ellie said as she sat down to Jimmy's right.

"Actually, it is," Jimmy said, sticking his tongue out at Ellie. "It's just co... colloquial."

"Oooo, big fancy words!" Chloe said as she sat down across from Jimmy at the table. "I bet you don't even know what that means!"

"Do too!" Jimmy said. "It means it's a word that you can't use in formal writing! It's fine for use in casual conversation, though." He looked over at Ellie. "You shoulda known that. I mean, isn't your dad a writer?"

Ellie giggled and ate a piece of her chicken, then stuck her tongue out at Jimmy. "'Course I knew that! Daddy teaches me all sorts of neat things about words like that!"

The fox kit nodded, and took a bite of his lunch before looking at Aiden. "What's your dad do, anyway?"

Aiden shrugged. "He's a banker. We used to live in Scotland, but the bank assigned my Dad to some bank out here in America."

Chloe giggled. "No way you're Scottish. I have a great uncle who's Scottish, and the way he talks, you can barely tell it's English!"

Aiden blushed a bit. "Well, I was really little when we moved. I don't even remember living in Scotland, though we go back a couple times a year to visit family. I used to live in... Virginia, I think it was, but now we're here in Massachusetts. And my Dad's English, anyway. Well, English and Scottish. It's my mum who's full Scottish, and she really sounds it."

"So can ya talk like a Scottish fur?" Ellie asked.

"Yeah, talk Scottish for us!" Jimmy said.

Aiden blushed deeper. "I dinnae ken whut ta say!"

Chloe giggled. "Now THAT sounds more like my great uncle!"

Jimmy giggled a bit as he took another bite of his chicken, then looked at the chubby kitten. "Say, Aiden... you been over anyone's house since you moved in?"

"That's over TO anyone's house!" Ellie said, giving Jimmy a gentle kick under the table.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Jimmy said, rolling his eyes. "Anyway, have ya?"

Aiden shook his head. "Nah. I mean, we only just moved in a month ago. Don't really know anyone here, 'cept you guys."

Jimmy giggled a bit. "You should come over to my house sometime! It'd be fun!"

The kitten nearly dropped his fork. "You'd want me to come over to visit?" he asked.

"Sure! Why not?" Jimmy said. "You're nice, and might as well welcome you to the neighborhood and stuff."

Aiden smiled as he picked his fork back up. "I'd like that," he said. "I'll ask me mum when she picks me up today after school."

Ellie giggled a bit and looked at Chloe. "Well, you should come visit me sometime, Chloe! We haven't done that since... uh... when was the last time you came over?"

Chloe tapped her chin with her fork. "Uh... oh, gosh, it musta been in early July, right before we went out to California! Yeah, we gotta have another play date!"

The cubs continued to chat until lunch ended, when they reluctantly returned to their classrooms.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

The end of the school day couldn't come soon enough for the cubs. As 2:30 came around, the cubs were on edge, ready to head out the door.

At long last, the final bell rang, triggering a tsunami of cubs, each eager to be the first out the classroom door. In the midst of them were Jimmy and Aiden, driven on by the prospect of a sleepover.

"Daddy!" Jimmy yelled as he ran up to his father.

Keith smiled and ruffled his son's headfur as the boy ran up and threw his arms around the adult's chest. "Hey, kiddo. Have a good day at school?" he asked.

Jimmy nodded. "Uh huh! Daddy, can I have a sleepover?" he asked, tilting his head and giving his dad the puppy-dog eyes that he knew the adult could never refuse.

"Of course you can," Keith said, smiling down at his son. "Who do you want to invite over?"

"Aiden!" Jimmy said, grabbing his father's paw and looking around the school yard as the crowd of parents thinned. It took him a moment to spy the white kitten with his mother, but when he did, he began dragging his dad toward the two felines.

Keith chuckled, allowing himself to be dragged along by his son, and waved to the adult as she noticed their approach. "Good afternoon," Keith said as they got close.

"Daddy, this is Aiden," Jimmy said, releasing his father's paw and bouncing over to stand next to the chubby kitten. "Can he stay over sometime? Please please please please pleeeeease?"

The adult fox laughed. "Of course, Jimmy. Your friends are always welcome." He extended a paw to the kitten's plump mother. "Keith Caulfield. Pleased to meet you."

The female cat smiled and extended a paw. "Pleased to meet you, sir," she said, her voice carrying a thick northern Scottish accent. "Heather Walsh. So I suppose my little one's wantin' to have a visit with yours, then?"

Keith chuckled. "You'll have to excuse his excitement. He's never had a friend over before." He looked down at his son. "Jimmy, have you introduced yourself to your friend's mother yet?"

The little cub squeaked. "Oh! Sorry! Umm... I'm Jimmy."

"Oh, so you're this little Jimmy fellow Aiden was tellin' me about!" Heather exclaimed, grinning down at the cub. "Aren't you precious?"

Jimmy blushed a bit but smiled up at the cat. "So can he come over? Huh huh huh?"

Keith chuckled and shook his head. "Oh, Jimmy. Give us a minute to arrange it first!"

Both adults had a little laugh as the fox kit's ears drooped, but they quickly swapped phone numbers and addresses, and arranged for Aiden to spend that Friday night with the Caulfields'.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Friday evening saw Jimmy flitting around the house with a nervous energy that Keith had never seen in the boy. Aiden's mother had insisted on bringing him home to drop off his school things before bringing him to the Caulfields' for the sleepover, and Jimmy was worried to death that they simply wouldn't show up. Every couple of minutes he ran to the living room and stared out the window, his tail wagging frantically, before running back up to his room, where he would repeat the process with his own front-facing window.

After the sixth time Jimmy ran downstairs, Keith walked up behind his son and patted him on the shoulder. "Jim, your tail's going to fall off if you keep wagging it like that," he said.

"But, Daddy, I wanna see him!" Jimmy whined. "What if his mom decides not to bring him? I don't wanna miss out on my first sleepover!"

Keith rolled his eyes and smiled kindly at his son. "Would you like me to call his mother and ask?" he offered.

"Would you?!" Jimmy said, looking up at his father.

"Sure thing, son," Keith said as he walked over to the phone. He picked it up, then fumbled around in his pocket. "Where did I leave that phone number..."

Jimmy followed his father to the phone, staring up expectantly at him. He nervously bounced from one footpaw to the other.

"Damn, I must have put it down somewhere," Keith said as he walked over to his home office.

"Daaaaddyyyyyy, come oooooon!" Jimmy whined, grabbing onto his father's tail and following him.

"Relaaaax, son," Keith said, ruffling the boy's headfur. "I'm sure they're just running a little late, and that they'll be here any minute." As he reached his desk, the doorbell rang. "That might be them now," Keith said.

Like a rocket, Jimmy was out the door of his father's office, heading right for the front door. He slid to a stop, nearly slamming right into it, then unlocked the door and threw it open, his tail wagging frantically. His ears and tail drooped as he saw that it was just Teddy.

"Hey, Jimmy," Teddy said as he walked in, pulling off his jacket and hanging it on the coat rack. "Why the long face? You're not getting tired of me already, are you?" the fennec asked.

Jimmy sighed and shook his head. "No. I'm jus waitin' for my friend to come over... it's been so looooong!"

Teddy pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and checked the time. "Jimmy, it's 4:15. You've been home from school for less than an hour. Chill, I'm sure they're coming," he said as he shut the door.

Jimmy let out a frustrated groan and started walking back upstairs.

Teddy watched him for a few moments, then swooped in and picked up the cub, carrying him upstairs.

Jimmy squeaked and giggled at suddenly being lifted up. "Ack! Teddy, what are you doin?" he asked.

The fennec chuckled, then grunted and put Jimmy down as he reached the top of the stairs. "Oh, just tryin' to cheer you up. But you're heavier than you look!"

"Or maybe you're just small and have proportional upper body strength!" Keith called.

"Good things come in small packages!" Teddy yelled back.

Jimmy giggled and nuzzled the fennec's belly. "You silly," he said.

Teddy gasped and looked down at Jimmy. "What? Silly? Me?" he said, feigning affront. "Why, my dear boy, I have never been so accurately described in all my life!"

Jimmy giggled madly at that, his frustration forgotten for the moment. He hugged the fennec, his tail wagging. "Daddy, does Teddy ever hafta leave?" he asked.

"That'll be up to him," Keith said as he hung up the phone. "Well, I got the answering machine, so I can only assume that Aiden and his mother are on their w-"

The sound of the doorbell interrupted the fox. It was immediately followed by a whoop from Jimmy as he rocketed down the stairs, the kit once again just barely stopping in front of the door.

Keith sighed and rolled his eyes. "I swear, Jimmy, one of these days you're going to run smack into that door."

Jimmy stuck his tongue out playfully at his father, then threw the door open. Sure enough, this time the two cats stood at the door. "Hi, Aiden!" Jimmy said, reaching out and grabbing the chubby kitten's paw, practically dragging him into the house.

Keith laughed at his son's enthusiasm. "Don't tear his arm off now, Jimmy! Those things are hard to reattach!"

Jimmy groaned and rolled his eyes. "Oh, fine. C'mon, Aiden, let's go to my room!" he said, tugging on the kitten's arm.

Keith sighed and put an arm out to stop his son. "Jimmy, don't you think you should let Aiden say goodbye to his mother before she leaves?"

Jimmy groaned in frustration. "I guess," he muttered.

The female cat laughed. "Oh, it's fine, laddy. He knows I'll be seein' him tomorrow. You two go have fun," she said.

"Awesome! Thanks, Mrs. Walsh!" Jimmy said as he tugged on Aiden's arm again.

Aiden squealed as he was dragged upstairs. It took but a moment for him to find himself in the kit's rather spartan room. "So, this is your room, huh?" Aiden said as he looked around.

Jimmy's room lacked much decoration. A bed, a dresser, and a bookshelf half filled with books made up the furniture in the room. He had a few plushies in the corner, but that was it for his toys. "Yeah," Jimmy said as he sat down on his bed. "You can put your stuff anywhere."

Aiden nodded and shrugged off his backpack, then tossed it onto Jimmy's bed. "So, whatcha wanna do first?" he asked.

Jimmy squeaked and shrugged. "Uh... dunno! Never really had a sleepover b'fore," he said.

Aiden giggled. "Got any video games we could play? Movies to watch?"

The kit perked up and nodded. "Yeah! C'mon, let's go downstairs," he said, running out of his bedroom. As he reached the top of the stairs, Teddy poked his head out of the guest bedroom.

"Hey, Jims, gonna introduce me to your friend?" he asked.

Jimmy came to a stop at the top of the stairs. "Oh! Teddy, this is Aiden. He's in my class," he said, putting a paw on the kitten's shoulder as he caught up.

Aiden raised a paw in greeting. "Hullo there. Pleased to meetcha," he said.

The fennec smiled and walked over to the two, offering a paw. "Pleased to meet you, too. I'm Teddy. I, uh... sort of live here for now," he said, chuckling nervously.

Aiden nodded and shook his paw, then looked at Jimmy. "C'mon, let's go play a game!" he said.

"You two have fun!" Teddy said as he returned to his room.

"We will!" Jimmy called as he ran downstairs, reaching the living room well ahead of the kitten. He knelt down in front of the TV and opened the door to the entertainment center. "I don't really have a lot of games yet. My dad only just got me some," he explained as Aiden reached the living room.

The kitten got down next to the fox and looked at the titles. "I shoulda asked what systems you have. I've got lots of games. Coulda brought a few," he said as he looked at the few titles there. "Ooo! You've got Super Bash Brothers! We should play that!" he said.

Jimmy grinned and grabbed the game. "Sure!"

* * * * * * * * * * * *

The evening quickly faded away to the sounds of giggling cubs and the whacky sound effects of the fighting game. Keith and Teddy poked their heads in periodically, but mostly left the cubs to themselves, only dragging them away from the TV for dinner. Eventually, though, the cubs' energy waned.

Keith chuckled as he came down to check on the two cubs, and found them sprawled across the couch watching cartoons. "It's getting late. Don't you think you two should be headin' to bed?"

"Nah," Jimmy said. "I'm not even tiiiired," he said, failing dismally to stifle a yawn.

"Yeah," Aiden said. "Not tired at all!" Though a quick rub to his eyes betrayed the kitten's own tiredness.

The adult chuckled and shook his head, then picked up the remote and turned off the TV. "I know you two are having fun, but it's almost midnight. I think you should get to bed."

Jimmy yawned again and sat up. "Alright, Dad," he said, standing up and giving his father a hug. He then turned to his friend and waved him over. "C'mon, let's head up to my room. I got a sleeping bag you can use," he said.

Aiden stretched and stood up himself, and followed the kit upstairs, waving to the adult as he passed. "G'night, Mr. Caulfield," he said.

When they got to Jimmy's room, the fox kit opened up his closet and pulled out the sleeping bag, then unrolled it next to his bed. "Should be comfy enough," he said.

Aiden knelt down and unzipped the sleeping bag, and laid down in it. "Yeah, this'll be good," he said as he sat up.

A knock on the door grabbed their attention.

"Almost forgot to give you these," Keith said as he tossed the two cubs a couple extra pillows. "Figured Aiden might like something soft for his head."

Jimmy caught one of the pillows, and Aiden caught the other. "Thanks, Dad!" Jimmy said, handing the pillow he caught to the kitten.

"Sleep well, you two. Love you, Jims," Keith said.

"Love you, too, Daddy!" Jimmy said as his father left, and squeaked as he realized what he'd said.

Aiden didn't seem to notice. He laid out his pillows, then grabbed his backpack. "Guess we should change into our PJ's, then," he said.

Jimmy nodded, and pulled off his shirt, tossing it into a corner of his room. "Oh, uh... I usually just sleep in my undies," he said.

Aiden paused as he opened his backpack, and looked up at the kit. "Really?" he asked.

Jimmy nodded. "Uh huh. S'more comfy that way," he said.

Aiden blushed a bit and put his backpack aside. "Well, then... guess I can sleep in my undies, too," he said, and he tugged his own shirt off.

Jimmy giggled a bit as he pulled off his shorts, and tossed them into the same corner with his shirt, then leapt into his bed, sprawling out in his briefs. He rested there for a few moments, then looked over the side of his bed at Aiden.

By then, the kitten had pulled off his shorts, and was sitting cross-legged in just his briefs. "Where can I put my glasses?" he asked.

"Oh! Uh, guess you can jus put 'em on the dresser," Jimmy replied.

Aiden nodded and stood up, walking over to the dresser, and laid down his glasses. Once he did, he made his way back to the sleeping bag, moving slower this time. When he felt the edge of it with his footpaw, he got down on his paws and knees and crawled in, yawning again as he sprawled out.

Jimmy watched the kitten, a thought going through his head. But should he voice it? Would Aiden even be interested? Only one way to find out... "Hey, Aiden?" Jimmy said.

"Yeah, Jimmy?" Aiden replied, rolling onto his back and looking up at Jimmy.

"Umm... what's your peepee look like?" Jimmy asked.

Aiden squeaked and blushed deeply. "W-w-why would you ask somethin' like that?" he asked.

Jimmy shrugged, blushing himself and regretting the question. "Just curious... 'cause, like... I know different species have different kinds of... ya know... peepees... and I was wonderin' what yours looked like... I could show ya mine, too, if ya want," he said, almost immediately regretting adding that last bit.

Aiden rolled onto his side, looking away from Jimmy. For a few seconds, the kitten was quiet. Jimmy could only guess at what was going through his mind. Then he sat up, pushed the door shut, and looked up at Jimmy, his ears folding even lower to his head. "O-ok... but you gotta show me yours first," Aiden whispered.

The fox kit grinned, sitting up in bed. "Deal! Come sit on the bed with me," he said. He waited a moment while the kitten stood up and crawled onto the bed, then he laid back and slipped off his undies, putting them aside as he spread his legs and showed his sheath to the kitten, his tip already poking out. "Hang on, let me get it all pokey," Jimmy said, and he reached down and started to stroke his sheath, teasing out his member.

The kitten stared, fascinated, as the fox rubbed himself, teasing out his shaft. "Wow... it's so different from mine," he said.

Jimmy giggled as he reached full erection, his knot just barely noticeable at the base. "Well, I showed you mine. Your turn!"

Aiden squeaked and blushed deeply, but nodded, lying down across the bed as he slipped his own undies down and off. When he got them around his ankles, he kicked them free, then sat up and spread his legs, showing his own sheath. His paw shook as he started to stroke his sheath, slowly coaxing out his own kittenhood.

Jimmy leaned in to watch as the kitten stroked himself. His cock was very different from canines! "Why's it all spikey?" Jimmy asked.

Aiden shrugged. "Dunno... it's just how cats are, I guess," he said.

Jimmy nodded, reaching out a paw. "Can I touch it?" he asked.

Aiden squeaked and blushed deeply, scooting back a bit reflexively. "Umm... well... I guess... I don't gotta touch yours, do I?"

Jimmy grinned and wrapped a paw around the kitten's shaft. "Only if you wanna!" he said, and he focused his attention on the kitten's cock. He stroked it slowly, feeling the barbs. They weren't sharp, but they definitely stood out against his penis. "Hey, Aiden, you ever, uh... jerk it?"

The kitten blushed at the question. "Umm... I done it a few times," he said, looking away from the fox.

Jimmy giggled and nodded. "I do it a lot. It feels nice!" He grinned as he looked at the kitten's tip, continuing to stroke his length, then looked up at his friend. "I can do it for you, if you want... it feels a lot better when someone else does it."

Aiden shuddered, leaning back against his arms. His only response was to thrust his hips forward a couple times into Jimmy's paw.

The fox giggled and started to rub Aiden a little faster. He watched the kitten's face as his paw worked his length. "We can stop if ya don't wanna," he said.

Aiden shook his head quickly. "N-no... k-keep goin'... it f-feels... kinda nice..."

Jimmy grinned and nodded. "Lie down, then. Get comfy," he said. The kitten quickly obliged, crawling around and lying down next to the fox, covering his eyes with his paws. The fox giggled and shook his head, but continued to stroke the kitten's stiff member. It was such a weird sensation, feeling all the little bumps on the kitten's shaft and tip. Briefly, Jimmy wondered what it might feel like in his butt, a thought that pulled a giggle from him. Maybe eventually...

A sudden gasp from the kitten pulled Jimmy back to reality. He glanced over at Aiden, and grinned as he saw the kitten's face screwed up in pleasure, his paws no longer hiding him. The kitten's hips bucked up into the fox's paw, and Jimmy grinned as he slowed his rubbing a bit, working the kitten's cock steadily as Aiden let out a breathy little moan. The fox could feel the kitten's member twitching in his grip, and knew he must be having an orgasm.

"S-stop," Aiden whimpered.

The fox released the kitten's member at his request, and grinned at Aiden. "Better than by yourself?" he whispered.

The kitten nodded, then looked over at Jimmy. "This... this doesn't make me gay... does it?"

Jimmy tilted his head and glanced up at the ceiling while he thought about that one. "Nah. I don't think so," he said. "I could ask my dad. He might know."

Aiden shuddered. "Nah. No need. Umm..."

The fox looked at the kitten. "Yeah?"

The kitten took a deep breath, then reached out and wrapped a paw around the fox's shaft, earning a gasp from his friend. "S'only fair," he whispered as he started to rub the fox.

Jimmy murred softly and bucked his hips into the kitten's stroking paw, then looked at Aiden. "You don't hafta if you don't wanna," he whispered.

Aiden blushed deeply, looking down at Jimmy's penis, and whispered, "I... I wanna..."

The fox giggled and nodded, and laid back, reaching a paw out to rub the kitten's thigh as he was pawed off. It didn't take long for the kitten to find a good, even pace to stroke the fox's cock, and Jimmy's hips helped, thrusting up gently into his paw. "Aiden, that feels really nice," Jimmy whispered.

The kitten blushed, but kept up his stroking as he snuggled in close to the fox. A couple minutes passed, and soon Jimmy was panting as he felt the pleasure building up. He shut his eyes and let out a few soft whines and yips as he orgasmed, his cock twitching in the kitten's paw. Aiden continued to rub him until Jimmy's body went limp, then released his member.

"Did... did that feel ok?" Aiden asked.

Jimmy smiled at the kitten, and without thinking, gave him a quick peck on the lips. "Uh huh."

The kitten blinked at the kiss, but didn't try to back away. "I... do I hafta sleep in the sleeping bag?" he whispered.

Jimmy tilted his head. "Where else wouldja sleep?"

Aiden glanced down at the bed. "C... could I sleep with you?" he whispered.

Jimmy blinked, then grinned, slipping up and pulling up the covers. "Sure," he said, crawling in under the sheets and holding them up for Aiden.

The chubby kitten wiggled up, then crawled in under the blankets next to the nude fox. He put an arm around Jimmy, and squeaked when the fox moved away for a moment.

"Just grabbin' yur pillows," Jimmy said as he pushed himself back up, offering the two pillows to the kitten.

Aiden nodded and took them, resting them on the bed, and he snuggled up against the fox, letting out a squeak as he felt his stiffy poke Jimmy's rear. He immediately pulled his hips back. "S-sorry..."

Jimmy giggled and pressed his rump back until he found the kitten's hardness. "It's ok," Jimmy said, snuggling up against the kitten. "Mine's still stiff, too. Oh, and, uh... if ya wanna... ya know... rub it up against my butt... that's ok."

The kitten blushed deeply, and gave the fox a little squeeze, whimpering softly as his hips began to move of their own accord, rubbing his stiff little member between the fox's warm cheeks. "Umm... Jimmy... are you... ya know..."

The fox giggled and shook his head. "Nah. I like boys AND girls," he said. He wiggled his rump as the kitten dry humped his rear.

"Oh," Aiden said, nodding to himself as he shut his eyes and focused on the feelings from his member rubbing against the fox's rump.His energy soon faded, though, and he slowed to a stop. He yawned softly, and nuzzled the back of Jimmy's neck. "We should sleep now..."

Jimmy giggled and nodded. "Kay. Nini, Aiden," he said, slipping an arm under his pillow and settling in against the chubby kitten.

The two cubs were soon asleep, snuggled up close, blissfully unaware that at least some of their play had been observed from just outside the door. Once he was certain that the two were asleep, Keith tip-toed down the hall back to his bedroom, and slipped into his large, empty king-size bed. "Oh, to be young again," he muttered.