Water Pill [Piss fic]

Story by JacquesRabbit on SoFurry

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#6 of Omorashi Shorts

dubious science! Animal testing ensues! (And we're all animals here.)

"A pill that makes you never thirsty again?"

"You bet!"

"That can't be healthy..."

"Well, it's still in the deeply-experimental stages..."

Perkos Labs is a place of constant advancement and forefront of scientific experiment. And it's impossible to think of Perkos Labs without thinking of Penny, a short, stocky-shaped little mouse of a woman that wore labcoats like second skins. Pear-shaped at the hips and dainty in her limbs, round glasses pinched her twitchy scientific nose. And today, that twitchy nose was especially twitchy with her bucktoothed grin, as she brandished a pill in front of a doubtful rat's face.

"I'm telling you!" She chirped, ever-excited, "We're so close to perfecting it! Just a few more tweaks and..."

"What's wrong with it?"

Penny froze, then; her grin a caricature of confidence. "Um."

"Is it ready for testing on beings or not?"

"S-sure it is, I mean... It does, produce enough water for any being to need."


"Not yet. There's still some balancing issues -- and at the moment, for testing purposes, it's only to last a few hours until the side effects can... can be remedied."

"Well, send us a report soon; we're expecting a breakthrough by next week."

"Y-yes sir."

And the rat of the lab took his leave, leaving Penny to anxiously fiddle with the miracle pill.

It had to work this time. Everything lined up, and sure, it was mad to test it on yourself... But desperate measures under desperate time-frames. The laboratory was dimly lit, and only she remained in the after-hours. A vial was held up to the light, pill dissolving in bubbling ribbons within the half-cup of water set inside.

She stared with intent. She had to understand the process, what went wrong, what went right. A pill that made a being not need to drink for days, weeks, maybe even months, and always remain at the proper level of hydration. This had to be it.

With a swig, she downs the contents whole.

With a sigh, she lowered the vial, and set it on the counter with a click of glass.

Now, to simply monitor herself for any oddities.

The first hour came uneventful. She cleaned the lab, organized beakers, sorted files, watered plants, and soon found herself idling in the company's library. Books had to be reorganized, others retrieved for further projects...

And that's when she started to notice it. A familiar, building pressure, and growing need. Early on, she brushed it off in favor of gathering up a few more books.

But the pressure was building at a gallop. Had she just ignored it for longer than she thought? Her knees pressed together, and an anxious hop set itself in her footing as she placed a book back up onto the upper shelf. Bouncing was a bad idea, she quickly found -- but standing in place was a rapid agony in itself. "Ahh..." Books dropped in leafy splatters in favor of her hands gripping at the front of her crotch, fingers digging into her labcoat and against her skirt to push against her slit.

Everything had to be abandoned -- and she had to sprint to the bathroom, Now.

Each bounding step was just a hammer down against her ballooning bladder, and each squeezed breath was just another squeak of stress on her part. At the rate she felt the need build, and push, and try to squeeze out of her like an overfilled sponge, she started to fear that she wasn't going to make it at all. The thought flashed her mind; her white labcoats stained with piss, mass puddles left in pristine halls, having to explain how and why an esteemed scientist left such a mess in public spaces...

The thought of relief alone brought squirts against her panties, soaking coin-sized spots against her fingers, "AH! No, no!" Her legs clamped together, body shivering with strain. She wasn't even halfway to the bathrooms yet, and she felt herself at the very edge of restraint, "Noooo...!"

But, there, a possible solution, however ... indecent. One of the decorative plants set out in the hall; large enough for her to wrap around, and...

"No time to think I've got to goooo...!" Soft voice squeaked with desperation as she hobble to the plant. The moment she pulled her fingers away from her crotch, she felt the floodgates burst open -- and she only had enough time to hitch her skirt up and away from her legs, and to press her still panty-clothed crotch against the base of the tall, leafy office plant. "Aaahhh...!" She couldn't help but moan, as the hiss of her piss struck in a rushing splatter against the base of the plant's trunk.

Relief, relief and bliss filled her whole. There was only surrendering now, as her body slowly sunk to sit against the plant's pot, her damp-crotch meeting the rapidly soaking dirt beneath her. Her thick legs straddled the plant itself, hugging it with near, misplaced, heroic affection as she felt her own release fill the moss and roots below her. The force of her release had her shivering, not in agony but in simple, warm bliss. The strain of her over-exerted bladder was allowed all of the pressure-release it wanted, bursting through her slit and soaking her panties to a yellowed hue. She could even smell her own release, distant worry about her 'mark' being later found. But that's for later.

Still, the hissing river left her, and she found herself rocking her hips back and forth, her gold spray coating the plant's base. She panted, fingers gripping tight against the edges of the clay pot. Was this from the pill? The single pill? The amount of urine felt endless, and she soon started to worry about overflowing the plant's pot itself...

But, it was getting more full. And alarm crossed her face. Oh no.

With all of the force in the world, she wills her stream to stop. She could feel the damp urine touching against her legs, but still -- she had to make it to the actual bathroom! But with having had such wonderful release, her strength to hold was nearly non-existent.

The most she could manage -- was a hurried, dripping sprint to latch onto the next plant down the row, gold stream leaping out of her before she could even crouch proper against the pot. "AHH! Ahhh noooo... Ahhhhgod, it feels so good, so good though, ahhh..." Her voice whined, head thrown sky-wise as she crouched helplessly against her second victim-foliage. Her body rocked, back and forth, hot piss seeping into the dirt.

And, miraculously, soon to slow entirely. She panted for breath, sweat-covered and shivering.

She had a few minutes of peace. She knew that. And still she felt herself already begin to refill.

Her sprint came more freely, if left with wet footprints all through-out her path. The bathrooms were found, and there, she found all the relief she needed for the rest of the pill to finally wear off.

"So, you say you've perfected it..."

"Oh, yes -- as it turns out, it simply needed a slower form of release, and a smaller dosage. The body needed enough time to--"

"Yes, yes, thank you Penny, we'll speak again on the next contract." The rat waved her off, and walked off with the new reports in hand.

Penny smiled to herself. For all his rudeness...

It was her turn to fix the coffee today, and she was glad to see him take a drink.

"Have a safe trip back home, sir." She smiled. "I'm glad we made it in time."