Feather and String Chapter 1

Story by Karasaz on SoFurry

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Chapter 1

A day ago

"You have reached David with Karnival Entertainment. I'm probably asleep or in a show right now, so please leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks!" The line beeped.

"David, it's Frank. Cynthia told me a bit about what's going on. Please call me back as soon as you get this. I'm getting worried about you. I don't care what happened, I just want to make sure you're okay. I'll be up so please, please... call me back."

He placed his cell phone on the table. His blue eyes were filled with worry as he looked distantly at a martini glass he had barely touched. Frank was visibly worried...if anyone were to pay attention.

"Shit, he's not answering." Frank muttered. "I can understand why, and it seems like it shouldn't bother me this much but..." Frank let out a sigh, grasping for the words. He took a sip of the martini and found them. "I actually kind of like the guy. I don't know; what should I do?"

The badger who sat next to the blue jay answered definitively. "You're too worried." He said, putting a paw on the blue jay. "He's not your boyfriend; he is your son's boyfriend. He cheated on him for fuck's sake! Shouldn't you be more concerned for him? Also, isn't this drama normal for gays anyway?" The last question hung in the air for a moment as it waited to become either a rhetorical question, or one that would be answered.

It would be answered.

"How the hell should I know? It's not like I go to the club with him!" The words came out with exasperation. "I'm not an expert on gay culture just because my son happens to be gay! You are right though; I'm probably getting too involved." Frank took another drink, struggling to get through the words in his turbulent mind.

Sam nodded and said "I didn't mean to upset ya."

Frank continued after a sigh.

"The thing is though, he made Jay smile, which is something he hadn't done for quite a few years before David came along. I know I sound like a PSA but I support my son, regardless of who he dates. Now I'm finding myself worried that the only person that has ever made him happy is going to disappear entirely, and while I'm not the one responsible I want to help if I can. I can't take seeing him go through therapy again, especially now when he should be getting settled, and I know David is a predator but he seems to be quite the soft one..."

The last part of his words were quieter than the rest, as though saying them brought back memories that confirmed it. He cringed, and downed the last of his drink as though trying to wash them away. Without words, another martini was brought to him.

The badger listened carefully. After a moment of thought and replenishment of his own drink, he spoke. "Ok, I think I'm starting to understand but I still can't get over the cheating. I mean how would you feel if Cynthia cheated on you? Do you see what I'm getting at?"

Frank nodded. "I do, believe me I do. But I just can't see him cheating on Jay and I can't see things ending on this note." His eyes began to grow distant again, memories returning. "After a year, I thought at least they'd remain friends..."

"Relationships aren't always all they're cracked up to be..." the badger's words went unheard.

"He even helped Jay get back into school." Frank said, lost in thought. even the sound of Frank's phone going off went unnoticed until Sam barked at him to get his attention. "Stop looking out into space. Your phone is ringing. Is it him or the missus?"

"I'll be back after this." Frank stood up and quickly exited the bar, answering the phone on the last ring "David? Thank God you called me back! Are you doing ok?" The words stumbled out of his mouth with little pause between them.

The voice on the other line let out a sigh, breathing deeply as though to keep his nerves calm.

"Hey, sorry I didn't call you back sooner. I just finished my show. I'm okay but I only have about twenty more minutes to pack up my equipment before the bar closes. Is it alright if I give you a call back tomorrow?" The words were noticeably strained, sentences short.

Frank pushed onward, not taking heed. "I'd really prefer to talk to you tonight. I know it's getting late and this is kind of awkward but..." he looked around a moment, trying to think of something to say. His eyes landed on the bright sign, 'Neon Moon'. "I'm at the bar with a friend right now, but I'm outside. I can talk without anyone overhearing me."

The other side was quiet barring background noises. For a moment Frank worried that David wasn't going to answer but heard David say distantly "I should be finished up here in about fifteen minutes." His voice finally came, not as strained. "Frank," he paused "I don't intend on doing anything stupid. I'll really be okay." David said reassuringly "I've been through breakups before. Can't it wait till tomorrow?"

Frank's voice saddened. "I was actually kind of getting used to you calling me dad. I know that's weird now but I... I just..." this time he looked at the sign, words escaping him as he realized he didn't know what to say.

The other side realized this. With a heavy sigh, David spoke "okay, I'll call you back in half an hour or so. I should be home by then okay?"

Frank was relieved. "Yeah, that sounds good." The phone call ended there, and Frank let his head rest against the old brick wall. He looked up into the sky. It was much like his mind. He knew that, like there were stars behind the clouds, there were words he wanted -needed to say- but they were lost in a haze. He just couldn't figure out how to find them. He looked at the sign once more, and then went back inside.

Inside sat Sam, waiting for him, just like he had every time that Frank needed him. That was the way their friendship had been for years. As far back as college the Neon Moon had been their private place to handle trials and tribulations. Frank for Sam and Sam for Frank.

Frank sat down next to his friend and let out a heavy sigh. "I probably better get heading home so I can talk to David when he calls back."

Sam gave him a side glance. "I know you want to make sure he is ok, but it might not be the best idea to talk to him at home in front of Jay and Cynthia. I'm sure they are struggling too. I can step away for a bit and not hear a thing. I should probably call the missus anyway and see if I need to pick anything up on the way home."

Frank smiled weakly. He was grateful. "Thanks. I'll wait for his call then. In the meantime, how are things at home? We haven't seen each other in three months."

Sam shrugged "We're good. Katie just graduated and is headed to school in the fall. She's thinking about getting into architecture. She said that she wants to give us a dream house or something. Carolyn and I are admittedly excited about having the house to ourselves."

He pulled out his phone and brought up photos of a car. "I've been working on the Malibu and I hope to have it running by this winter or spring. Maybe we can start hitting a few car shows in it, eh?" He beamed; obviously proud of the work he had done, on what Frank had thought, was a terrible investment at the time. However, seeing the progress Frank was happy to admit he was wrong.

"You know I want to have a car someday, but that comes with money, retirement, and all of those things we do when we get old..." Frank grinned as he teased the badger.

"Fuck you Frank! I'm not that old!" but Sam smiled. He was glad to see, even if briefly, the jovial blue jay that he had grown to see as a brother.

Frank chuckled. "You are older than me. It is a fact."

"Uh huh but at least I'm trying to have fun now days. How are thing with you and the missus?"

"We're doing well. We closed on a house in Arbor Creek last month. She has a job in the city now. We wanted to move closer to the city and we wanted a good neighborhood for Max to grow up in. He's had straight A's for the last three years now. I think he's going to be the smart one of the family." Frank's voice was warm when he spoke. It was easy to see he loved his family.

"A new house eh? Did you get a garage with this one?" Sam asked, his mind already conjuring potential ideas for what it could be used for.

"Yes it does indeed have a garage." Frank answered. "It'll definitely be an upgrade to where we were, and with Cynthia's new job we can afford it fairly easily."

For a while they continued like this, discussing work, family, and jumping from topic to topic as they caught up on things that had been going on. They finished their drinks, and as they waited for their next round, Sam finally asked what had been on his mind since he had first walked into the Neon Moon with his friend. "So, tell me if I'm being too pushy, but when did you and the kid start getting along so well? It didn't seem that long ago you were telling me about your struggles with his identity. When did he finally come out?"

Frank shrugged. "I guess after awhile you realize you only have one chance with your kids. They're going to be who they are regardless of your desires. We've known for a long while, but Cynthia finally got it out of him when he moved in with David. We weren't surprised, but it was still a struggle. I'm not sure it isn't now but what can be done?"

Sam, ready to respond, was interrupted with the buzzing of Frank's phone.

"Excuse me just a few minutes."

Sam nodded. "You got it!"

Frank answered as he walked back towards the entrance and outside. "Hey David, hold on just a moment." The bell tinkled as he walked out the door. "Ok. So how are you doing? Are you getting by alright?"

The voice that responded was not as strained or as aggressive as it had been in the previous call. In fact, it was quite full of emotion. Sadness dotted each sentence that flowed in his ear. "I mean, honestly? I've been better. It's been hard, probably the hardest breakup I've gone through. Why are you calling Frank? I'm sure you have other things or people to attend to." the sadness turned sour as anger began to slip into its place. "Don't you have better things to do than call your son's ex-boyfriend and bitch? Why do you care anyway? I know you and Cynthia don't agree with Jay dating a lion. And, I know you'd prefer he not date men." The anger was now fueling exasperation. "I'm sorry I couldn't be everything you hoped for your son! Is this really the reason you called me?"

Despite his attempts to hide it, Frank could hear David sobbing on the other side of the line. Frank was a little taken aback at the words, but he finally had found his own, and he wasn't going to let David's harshness stop him. "David, I'm not calling to interrogate you, judge you or gripe. Also, I'd prefer if you didn't bring Cynthia into this, she loves you to pieces." His voice was gentle, but assertive. "Have I at any time treated you as any less than my own child? I don't feel like I deserve your anger or your attitude. I'm trying to understand and you're not making a good case for yourself or the situation."

It was quiet for a bit, and right as Frank began to worry that he had been hung up on, David spoke. "I'm sorry Frank. I'm still just..." David exhaled heavily "...I'm still upset about this whole ordeal. I still don't know why the fuck he walked out. He gave me some line about cheating on him and took a swing at me. Before I could come home from a show to figure out what was going on or resolve anything, he was gone."

"I know it's been rough on you both. I thought I'd raised my son better than to walk out without explanation though." Frank said.

David's voice softened as the sadness returned. "I hope he is managing better than I am, I really do, but I'm at a loss for the whole situation. I don't even know why it all came up."

Frank tried the fatherly approach. "David, son, listen to me. You need to calm down and reevaluate things. The whole situation is out of control. Both of you are upset for different reasons and I understand that. But, you need to sit-"

David cut Frank off again, sidestepping the conversation of Jay. "Honestly, as much as I appreciate your concern, I'm very tired. I need to drink a few beers and try to get some sleep. I had another show tank on me tonight and if I can't keep my shit together, I'm going to start losing customers. I'll get through but... fuck..." the tables had turned, and now David seemed to be the one struggling for words.

"Are you free tomorrow morning?" Frank asked. "Maybe we should get coffee or something."

A gruff laugh and then, "Anyone that knows me knows I'm not a morning person... even with coffee. Most of my living is made at night so my schedule is not at all made to be diurnal. What the hell are you looking for anyway, a date?"

Frank laughed a bit, choosing not to let David's sarcasm get to him. Not right now, it was too important "No. I want to see you, and I want to talk to you face to face. Not over a phone. I know you find it strange, I do too. I just want to make sure I get both sides, even if Jay won't. I also want to see that you're okay." Frank's words were genuine and sincere. He wanted to figure this out, but he also wanted to make sure that David, a person who had become a staple of his son's life, was safe.

David began to lower his defenses, exhaling as though he was on the verge of tears. "He was at my show tonight. I looked him straight in the eye after forgetting I had put one of our songs into the set. He disappeared a few songs later in tears. I didn't lose my cool completely but the audience began to lose some interest." The conversation was quiet for a few moments.

Frank softly engaged the conversation again "I knew he went out with a friend. I hope it did him some good."

"Honestly Frank," David began again, softer "I won't do anything stupid. You don't need to mom me about it. It's not necessary. I'll make it. I even have a mom of my own." He had said these words again and again, but the tone of his voice made them hollow. "If you're just looking for answers, I simply don't have them. I love Jay with everything I have and I don't really know what the fuck I am going to do without him but I will make it one way or the other." There was a pause, as though the voice on the other line was beginning to struggle with keeping composure. "Why are you pushing so much? Is there something that I should know?"

"The story he gave me has a hole or two in it and it sounds like yours does too. I was hoping-" but he was cut off.

"For fuck's sake Frank, maybe you should stay out of it!" The lion's walls were right back up "this is awkward beyond means, and I really need to get the car unloaded. I know you love your son but I just... I don't have any words. Maybe we all need to let it be what it is and move on."

It was quiet on both ends for a long time.

"I'd prefer to have lunch or something with you first, before everyone gives up on everything. Regardless of my son's feelings, I still consider you a friend David" Frank finally said.

With a heavy sigh, the deep voice started "I'd be better with something later..." It seemed as if David was relenting.

"Okay, how about Juneau's at seven?" Frank suggested.

David agreed reluctantly. "I may take the bike. Weather is supposed to be nice tomorrow. My allergies have been relentless since moving here but I could really use the fresh air."

"It's a date then!" Frank said, pleased that he might finally get the clarity he desired.

"Wow, really Frank? Should I bring you flowers?" David said smugly.

"You know, I just love tulips! I am joking though, so drop the sarcasm."

And David did, his voice at this point was weary, even gentle. "...I'll see you tomorrow. I still need to unpack the car. Goodnight Frank. I honestly hope he is doing better than I am. I still love him if it's any consolation to you, or him."

"Not a doubt in my mind David. I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight. At least try to get some sleep." David sighed "I'll try."


"Yes Frank?" David sighed tiredly

"He still loves you too."

The call ended, but Frank stayed out there, the wind ruffled his feathers and he watched as the clouds rolled past. The stars began to peek out, and he closed his eyes as he fell into thought.

The bell tinkled as the door opened, and the badger wandered over. He stared at Frank for a good moment, and finally broke the silence.

"So, y'all have a date then?"

Frank let out an exaggerated sigh, and looked at Sam "Shut the fuck up, and take me home." He said. Sam smiled, knowing that things were, for the time being, okay. They walked down the sidewalk side by side as they moved through the city.

"Hey Sam,"


"Thanks for getting me out tonight."