Blood Tapes 2

Story by Dark Sage on SoFurry

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You can't really get to this story without knowing what is in it but I should warn people anyway. This story contains hard vore (ripping and chewing). You are free to distribute this story as long as you credit me, do not alter it.

Blood Tapes 2

Down a road without a street sign, in an unmarked warehouse with brown metal siding, there is a studio that does not exist. One that certainly doesn't produce videos of extremely violent killings, or sell those videos online to a small portion of the morphic community that, while civilized, still finds the image of a goat running across a field only to be taken down by a fox and devoured exciting and reminiscent of more primal days. And the name of that studio that doesn't exist is certainly not Blood Tapes.

Shara grunted a bit shifting about in her seat. Staring out the windows as they passed house after house on the quiet suburban street. Next to her a small grey mouse fidgeted nervously, her big ears flicking a bit as she looked from the cheetah to the window and then back and forth. They had just met and Shara wasn't too sure on the girls name, she though it was Mary or something like that, she honestly want paying attention. She guessed her to be about twenty-one, maybe twenty-two, not to far from Shara's own age of twenty-six.

Again she shifted about invoking a frightened squeak from the field mouse next to her, it annoyed Shara to no end, both having to sit still for so long as they drove as well as the mouses trembling and nervousness. Still she didn't really blame the mouse, after all they were driving to what would be her death. The van that they normally transported the prey in was still broken down but shooting was still the priority and so even though it was uncomfortable for both the prey, Mary, and the hunter, Shara, they traveled to the field just outside of the city Blood Tapes owned and used for the films in the same car as the video equipment.

Shara was dressed in her street cloths, short cutoff jeans that showed off her sleek and muscled spotted legs yet allowed her to move easily. She wore a tank top, a light brown one with the word in glitter meow written on it. She wasn't exactly as well rounded as some of her fellow actors, especially not the thick bodied liger Mara that drove them, barely breaking an A in the cup size, she rarely even bothered with a bra. The mouse next to her was another story entirely, dressed only in a cloth robe with the letters BT embroidered on one side, her clothing had been taken from her and burned a when she came in for her shoot sometime in the morning.

Shara didn't know the mouses story, honestly she tried not to think about it, there were hundreds of them a year and if she tried to learn about them, make them special to her it would consume her life, and give her nightmares later. Perhaps she came off the streets like a lot of other prey she had, had before, run away form home, given up on life, wanting to make amends with her estranged family though the money blood tapes would pay them. That's how it worked, prey never saw a dime for there final work, it always went to the family, or the children in the form of a generous check from a false charity blood tapes run. After all the sale, consumption, or production of sentient meats was illegal. They couldn't very well send a letter saying your child has been eaten, as per her final request we are giving you this sum of money to cover any final expenses as well as aid you in your life. So instead they sent a letter saying they are sorry to hear about the families loss and that a sum has been delivered to them to help them out in there time of trouble.

The cheetah blinked several times, the car had stopped and someone was calling her name. Looking around she smiled sheepishly realize she had been lost in her thoughts again. Unbuckling she stretches out her legs as she stepped out of the van. Looking around she sighed almost longingly. The field was huge, she could run top speed for a good minuet and a half before she reached the far side. The thin stalks of grass waving a bit in the breeze as a warm summer wind caresses her.

Purring and siting down in the grass she watched the crew set up the cameras. A soft sobbing sound floating over her ears. She knew what it was before she had even looked, the mouse had been attached to the van via a chain, it wasn't to hurt her or even really restrain her, its just that many times prey panicked and one had even managed to injure someone a few years ago so now no chances were taken.

She wasn't taking it well, she was curled up against the tire of the van, the robe had been taken from her so she sat naked in the grass. Shara actually felt a pang of sadness for her but quickly shook it off and started her own preparation for the shoot. Stretching out one leg then the other, her bare toes wriggling in the grass as she smiled happily. The first thing off was her tank top, swiftly followed by her cutoff jeans and panties. The expected playful whistle coming from the crew as they worked on the high speed camera.

The naked cheetah stood and looked back behind her, she could feel the mouse watching her, some part of her told her she should go talk to the girl. It was a part of her that she had worked a long time to learn to ignore. Instead she went to talk to the production crew. The head for this shoot was a younger wolf, barely 23, named Guld. It was his first shoot and he was obviously enjoying the sight of the lithe cheetah sauntering towards him.

Shara was proud of her figure and she was happy to show it off, but even more proud of her voice a rich gentle purr in the back of her throat as she speaks, " much longer is it going to take? We don't want to be filming into a setting sun." Guld chuckled and nods slightly. "Well were just about ready but I wanted to speak to you about this shoot, we have some extra film and so were going to make this a longer one. I want you to let her run for a bit, then take her down, hamstring a leg, let her go and do it all over again with the other leg, try and drag it out a bit, okay?" He smiled and may of made it sound like a question but the wolf knew he was the one in charge and that it was no question.

She frowned a bit thinking. It would be fun for her, but hell for the mouse who had expected a quick and simple end. She bit her lip and looked back at the mouse, another pang of sympathy hitting her. And when she turned her eyes back to the wolf they were resolute and adamant, "Of corse I can." And then it was done, the camera was set up, the computer set up to record the entire thing digitally.

Shara stepped up in front of the camera, giving a quick rundown of her bio, and her stats, of corse she didn't use her real name. the camera turned to the mouse, and it was someone off the lense that read the mouses stats, her name was Marissa not Mary like she had though. The Guld, wearing a mask over his face went over to the mouse and released her. Marissa looked at him then at Shara, and then she was off across the field.

She watched from next to the camera her eyes tracking the rodent as she ran, her body tensing and then she was off. It was like she was flying, one foot after the other, her legs like springs, her toes digging in and shooting her forward, her feet not even in touch with the ground a quarter of a second. It took only a moment and the grey mouse rump that was once becoming a speck in the distance was right before her.

It was more instinct than thought now, the part of her that was Shara was shut off, sleeping some where, this was the huntress, and the mouse before her was no longer Marissa, it was prey. So there was no pang of guilt or sadness or remorse as she dived. Claws sinking into the girls rump she wrenched with all her momentum pulling the mouse down with her in a rolling tangle of limbs. It took her a moment to free herself but it took the mouse even longer, her jaws darted forward, and wicked ivories curved through soft flesh. There was a explosion of flavor in her mouth, rich flavorful meat, salted with blood and fear pumped into her mouth as she ripped out the girls hamstring.

Chewing and swallowing she watched as the mouse pulled herself back up to her feet, limping away from her assailant in another direction. It was already over, with one leg useless the mouse was simply limping she didn't even make it ten feet before Shara tackled her again. Griping her leg tightly and hauling her back towards the cameras. The mouse girls screams and pleads falling on deaf ears.

Back where they were clearer to the cameras she held the mouse up in what could almost be mistaken as a lovers embrace. Her hands stroking up and down her prey's back griping her rump one moment before her nails dug in both at her shoulder and her rump. Dragging them together and laying open the mouses back. The scream was intoxicating, loud enough for the cameras to pick it up, right in Shara's face, and it was just what she needed. Her muzzle opening wide it latched onto the mouses throat like they were made for each other. She could feel the pulsing of the mouses heart, the screaming dying down to a whisper then a gurgle as the cheetah crushed her wind pipe.

Her head jerked one way then the other, there was first one crack, then a second as the mouses neck bones were snapped. The girl slumping in Shara's grip and she simply let her drop. Her tongue licking her bloody chops seeing the mouses stomach exposed like a fresh fruit, ripe and full. Her head dived down, her teeth cutting away skin and muscles to allow fresh organs to boil out. Her snapping muzzle sniping at one piece then another as she gorged herself on the mouses innards. Her sharp teeth rending tender meat sweetened with salty blood. It took moments, her stomach bulging slightly from the shear volume of meat she managed to shovel into her gullet. Her tongue stroked along the opening in her meals stomach, lapping up blood and stray pieces of meat.

Off in the distance she could hear someone talking to her, the fog of blood and the happy purring of the huntress in the back of her head fighting to drown out what ever the words were. Her ears flicking back as she looks for a tree to hide her leftovers in, her feral mind locked in place. It took someone shaking her shoulder to bring her around. Hissing and lashing out with a clawed hand at Guld who wisely took a step back to avoid a sever scratching.

With a grumble the huntress loosed her hold on Shara's mind, fading back into the realm of dreams and instinct. Her eyes still slightly glazed, her once golden and black fur stained red. Someone was draping a robe over her back and helping her tie it shut in the front. It smelled familiar, of mice, the robe Marissa had worn when they traveled here. Still coming around, she cupped water from a bowl washing the blood from her face and lips.

Sighing softly Shara worked herself into the van, watching quietly out the window as the crew broke down and put away the equipment. For six years she had been doing this, her body had grown lean and fit, the sentient laws, brought with them synthmeat, fake stuff made in a lab, it couldn't equal true meat, her skin and pelt, silky and softer now than it had even been when she had lived like others had. In this modern world, there were few places for people like her, who feel the need to taste real bloody meet between her jaws, and one of those places was down a road without a street sign, in an unmarked warehouse with brown metal siding.


This is the second blood tapes story. I have another one planed, its going to be titled Blood Tapes 3: Wild Run and I would like to thank all those who sent me ideas and support. I know the spelling and grammar in this are far from perfect, for those of you who this upsets I'm sorry, I try my best but I struggle with dyslexia. As always please leave a comment if you liked this and feel free to redistribute as you see fit as long as you credit me.

Blood Tapes 1

I'm not sure what to say. First story on here, never really though I'd publish anything but I need the practice. You can't really get to this story without knowing what is in it but I should warn people anyway. This story contains non-consensual sex...

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