Feather and String Chapter 3

Story by Karasaz on SoFurry

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Alright, here is chapter three! Hope everyone enjoys. I may take a bit to post chapter four, not sure yet.

Thanks for reading!

Chapter 3

David was shocked to see the familiar blue feathers from hours before on the ground with two wolves holding him down and the other unbuckling his belt. In an instant he sprinted into action. The wolf on top was first, easily dissuaded after a right hook to the temple. He stumbled off, obviously disoriented by the alcohol and the impact to his skull. The second wolf was attempting to scamper away, but the much larger lion was standing on his tail. The third sprinted into the darkness. Putting a knee into the second wolf's back, David pulled out his phone and called the police.

"911, what is the nature of your emergency?" A calm voice asked.

"I found three wolves trying to rape someone behind Alexander's." David panted "two may get away but I have their buddy here on the ground. The blue jay they were trying to assault seems to be unconscious. Please send police and medics as soon as possible."

"Okay sir," the voice replied "but I need your name and a description of the assailants. Sir? Sir?" David refocused on the conversation, his eyes still on Jay. "Yes ma'am, my name is David Frey. There were three wolves, two with southern accents. One was grey, about five foot eight. I'm not sure about the other, he escaped before I could get many details." David paused briefly to look at the wolf he had pinned down and began describing him. "The one here is brown, about the same height. I still have him pinned here, but the blue jay they attacked is looking to be in bad shape. What do I do?"

The voice on the other end, almost emotionless replied "You can try to hold him until the police arrive, but I'd focus on tending to the victim. Can you see any blood or damage?" David's eyes went back to Jay, and it caused him to cringe a little, as dark memories of his own toyed with the idea of coming up themselves as he assessed the physical damage. "Yes, he's bleeding from the mouth."

"Is the victim breathing?"

" Yes, ma'am, he looks to be breathing."

"Is there any major visible damage? Like broken appendages or deep lacerations?"

"His left eye is very swollen." David answered. He briefly wondered how someone could discuss such things as this and not let emotion get in the way. His ears perked as he picked up a sound in the distance. "I hear the police cars coming up the alley now. Tell them I'm letting him up to tend to check on the blue jay but I expect he will run. Yes, ma'am, thank you very much." David hung up the phone and to his surprise, the wolf stayed put.

Putting the phone away he knelt next to the avian who had begun to rouse from blackness while David had been on the phone. Trying to get to his hands and knees, Jay realized someone was still there, panicked, and turned to swing at the lion, who caught the brunt with his hand. "Easy there, I'm trying to help. The police are here now and an ambulance is on its way." David lifted Jay to his feet, helped him pull up his disheveled waistband and walked him to the car to sit and re-level himself. David grabbed a tee shirt out of the trunk and offered it to Jay as a rag.

"Fucking assholes!" Jay screamed "why the fuck in this day in age are there still so many people with fucking archaic thought?"

"Try and calm down a bit, it's over now" David started "I know it's shitty. I've run into a few occasions of hatred myself." David paused, as if getting ready to speak again, but one of the officers approached before he could continue.

"Sir, I'm officer Bradley with HPD." The uniformed lynx said. His gaze landed on Jay. "I'm guessing you were the one assaulted?" Jay nodded "yes sir. There should be surveillance footage if you ask the bar."

Officer Whitley had already cuffed the brown wolf and was questioning him. From his seat in the lion's car with the door open, he could hear the wolf drunkenly rambling to the fox about his friend who thought gays were taking over everything and everyone would be punished.

"Sir, what is your full legal name?" Jay heard the officer speak, but it felt like he was a million miles away. He answered, "Jayden Maurice Campbell."

"Do you have some ID on you?" Jay didn't answer but instead pulled his wallet from his back pocket and handed officer Bradley his driver license. Writing the info down he handed it back. Officer Bradley thanked him, then continued his questioning.

"Have you seen this wolf before?"

"Yes, but there were actually three of them." Jay replied. "They were at table forty-one for several hours, causing a ruckus, and their complaints caused me to get fired. They were asked to leave by our manager and our bouncers shortly before." Jay felt like he was on autopilot as he spoke.

"So, you work here?" Officer Bradley asked.

"Yes. Well, I did until a few minutes ago."

The officer questioned Jay for several more minutes, keeping a log of everything. Jay couldn't really focus on one thing, but he he was acutely aware of three things. First, were the flashing lights that seemed to cast a bizarre glow on everything, making it feel more surreal than it already did. Second was the pounding in his head that was slowly taking over his attention as his adrenaline faded. Third was the body heat from David, the lion from the bar who had not left his side since he regained consciousness.

The blare of the ambulance siren could be heard coming up the alleyway. "Mr. Campbell, the paramedics are here. Let's get you checked out and make sure you don't need to go to the hospital." Jay nodded quietly, still trying to process the whole experience. The moonlight had peeked out over the buildings now and was affecting the lighting in the alley, putting it in a new, strange light. The paramedic walked over to the car where Jay sat. The heat from David was still close by.

"Mr. Campbell, can you follow this pen for me with your eyes?" The otter asked as he moved a penlight slowly from one side to the other. Jay's eyes followed.

"Ok good, now look straight at me" the otter said shining a light into the jay's eyes, looking for even dilation. Jay blinked a moment from temporary blindness and the otter let out a little grunt.

"Doesn't seem too bad there. Are you feeling woozy at all or lightheaded?"

"No," the jay shook his head. "Just some aches and pains. I think I'll be okay."

The paramedic checked for blood pressure and normal pulse and spoke with his co-worker for a few moments. He then returned and asked "Mr. Campbell, do you have someone who can stay with you through the night?"

The jay let out a heavy sigh. "I can call my landlord and see if he can give me a ride. I'll probably have to take the bus if he doesn't answer though."

"Unfortunately," the otter started "if you don't have someone who can care for you before we leave, we'll have to take you to the hospital overnight for monitoring. Company policy."

"I can take care of him tonight," a baritone voice came from outside the car that Jay was sitting in. "What do I need to do?"

The otter turned to the lion, his neck craning, and spoke "he should be fine. He doesn't appear to have a concussion and his vitals are strong. He might have a crack in his orbital but it should heal, as best I can tell it's not broken. However, in situations like this we need to know that someone can call 911 in case he goes south."

David nodded in agreement. "Okay, I can keep him for the night. Not a problem." The otter turned back to the avian, "Is that okay with you Mr. Campbell?" The jay nodded in approval. "Then I'll need you to fill out this release form." The otter said, handing the bird a clipboard and pen. Turning back to the lion he said "I'd suggest he gets some ice onto his eye and beak. The bleeding seems to have stopped and appeared to just be minor abrasions from the impact."

After overhearing the medic and David talking, the lynx spoke again "Mr. Campbell, I know you've had a long night but I have a few more questions for my statement from you both. I can stop here if you two wouldn't mind coming to the station tomorrow. We will collect the video from the bar and see what we can do about finding the other two suspects."

"That's fine, how's tomorrow afternoon sound?" David asked.

"That should be fine. I hope you both have a good night." The lynx said.

"Thank you both officers," David said. He would have thanked the medics as well but they were already back in the ambulance.

Jay sighed heavily, before tearing up, it felt like the numbness was finally wearing off as well. After a few minutes, he regained his composure. By this point, David had gotten into the driver's seat of the blue sedan.

"It's okay," Jay spoke with a weary voice. "I can take care of myself tonight David. I appreciate your concern and lack of hesitation with the paramedics, but I don't like putting people out. I'll catch a bus if Brandon doesn't answer."

"One problem," David countered. "I made a promise to the EMTs that I would take care of you for the night."

"I can't thank you enough for saving me from those motherfuckers but I think I'll be okay." Jay was quiet and his eyes filled with tears once again.

David squeezed Jay's shoulder softly to get his attention.

"I have plenty of space, and I think it would be best that you weren't alone tonight." David said. "It's really not a bother. I'm free until Tuesday afternoon. Why don't you ride home with me and I can take you back to your place tomorrow?"

Jay thought it over for a moment, then nodded. "You know, I wouldn't mind not telling Brandon until tomorrow that I'm unemployed. If it's not a bother for me to stay the night, I can cover your gas to take me home tomorrow."

The rich voice of the lion replied "It's not a bother at all."

Jay began to lose his cool, tears flooding from his eyes after the experience of the night. "I cannot thank you enough." He sniffled "I don't want to know what would have happened had you not been there. They may have..." Jay trailed off in tears.

"Close the door and buckle up. Let's get home and have a few beers. I still don't feel comfortable in this alleyway." David said, taking control of the situation.

"Yeah," Jay agreed, buckling up "I don't either." David locked the doors and the car started with a low rumble. He put the transmission into reverse and they pulled out of the alley and onto the street.

"Please," Jay asked in a small voice "keep it reasonable. I know you have a nice car but I'm still having anxiety issues from the wreck a few months back."

David nodded, his eyes never leaving the road. "Certainly. I try to get my lead foot out on closed courses. It's not safe on the road. I'll keep it under the limit." They drove for several minutes before David's phone rang.

David looked at his phone, seeing that John was calling. "That's weird. Hold on a second Jay." He answered the phone via the car's stereo.

"Hey John, what's up?"

"Well, I'm having a rough night. My PTSD seems to be firing on all cylinders lately. I hear a car. Are you at driving?" John asked. "Yeah, but we should be home in about ten minutes. Why what's up?"

"It's been a really hard few days. I'm struggling with the same things I did when I first got back, not feeling like I have a purpose or belong anywhere." Jon said. "Wait, did you say we?"

"Yes, I said we." David said, getting slightly aggressive "but not that kind of 'we'. I have a friend with me who's had a very traumatic night."

"Whoa" John responded, "I was just asking. I know it's been a few years for you."

"John, I mean it, I'm single for a reason. Plus, he can hear you right now and it's rather uncomfortable." David said, slightly more aggressive than he meant to. "I tell you what, why don't you pack a couple sets of clothes and head to the house. We'll be there shortly. You haven't been drinking, have you?"

"I've had one and a half. But it's five minutes away. I should be okay. Thanks, David, I'll be over there in half an hour or so."

David was much calmer now, "Ok brother, sounds good. Don't forget your fiddle. I think the group wants to have folk night tomorrow. Be safe, and I'll see you shortly."

David returned to the conversation with his new acquaintance. "So looks like everyone needs help tonight." David chuckled. "How are you holding up?"

Jay sighed "I've been better."

Seeing that his passenger was breaking down into tears again, David momentarily squeezed the feathered shoulder. Having to shift, he couldn't leave his hand there.

"I know it's been a really rough night, but you're not alone and you are safe now." David continued, "safe in general and safe to let it go." With that he glanced over trying to make eye contact with Jay.

Jay bleakly looked back and his eyes filled with tears again so he focused back on the floorboard. "Fucking assholes. Why can't they just leave well enough alone?" David sighed heavily "you know, I wish I knew the answer to that question."

Jay stared blankly out of the window before pulling his phone from his pocket and, seeing the cracks, he sighed. "Looks like they got my phone too. When we get there, can I use your phone to call Brandon and let him know that I'm not going to be home tonight?"

"I can call him now if you would like. What's the number?" Jay recited the number and David used voice commands to call from the car again. The number went to voicemail so Jay began talking.

"Hey Brandon, I'm not going to be home tonight. I've had a tremendously fucked night. I can tell you about it tomorrow but my phone is busted so if it's an emergency you can reach me here. Otherwise, I'll get a ride home tomorrow. See you then." David pressed a button on the wheel ending the call.

Jay spent the remainder of the drive home staring out at the countryside, illuminated eerily by the full moon. He snapped out of it at the sound of a blinker and the voice of a lion saying "we're here."

Still going through the events of the night, Jay stared out for a few moments before unbuckling his harness and stepping out of the car. His swollen eye was beginning to hurt, badly. He couldn't remember the last time he needed the comfort of a hug so desperately.

David saw the slow movements of his new acquaintance and moved over to him quickly, pulling him into a hug. They stood there for what seemed like ages, Jay sobbing into David's chest. David looked up into the beautiful night sky, hoping for an answer from God, the moon or the universe before resting his chin on the blue plumage of the bird's head. Patiently, he waited, holding the feathered crying being until, at last, the tears subsided momentarily.

Pulling away just slightly, David's deep voice rumbled into Jay's ear "you are safe here and you are not alone." Hugging the smaller frame against his again, David began to tear up as well, knowing how things could have been much worse.

David pulled his guitars out of the car and as they made their way inside, a pickup pulled into the drive beside David's car. "Oh good" David said "he made it here in one piece." The lion and the jay continued, David unlocking the door and letting Jay into a piece of his life, his home.

"Alright, let's get everything set down and get you cleaned up," David started. "I have a robe you can wear or I can find some shorts and a shirt. I can wash your clothes tonight so it's one less thing to worry about. First though, let me get you a drink. What do you prefer?"

"You know, a drink sounds nice" Jay stated. "You don't have vodka and vermouth, do you?"

"I actually do, plus olives and a shaker. Do you prefer sweet or extra dry?" David asked.

"Sweet and dirty, but at this point I don't really give even half a fuck." Jay said. The poor bird had experienced a terrible night and wanted some brain bleach. David obliged, getting a beer for himself and John after mixing a martini and pouring it into a crystal glass pulled from the glass rack. He also made an ice pack and handed it to the bird with the drink.

"So, for formalities, John, this is Jayden. Jayden, John. Let's have a toast to a better future than the last few fucked-up hours. Cheers!" David said. They all clinked their drinks together. "We should shoot for a better night than we have had so far, yes?" David asked.

Jay, in his raspy corvid voice spoke a nod of agreement, "Yeah, a much better night!" He downed his first martini and asked David if he could make another. "Have as many as you need hon!" David replied.

John asked Jay if he could bring another beer to the lovely parade of sadness. Jay grabbed another out of the fridge for him and arriving to the table where the other two men had congregated, sat down.

"So," David asked, "who would like to go first?" He had no takers. He decided to try again, "John, what's going on?"

The conversation crept by slowly as David rose to get dinner started. Feeling awkward about chicken, he decided to offer sausage and sauerkraut. Both agreed it sounded good but it made for several puns and chuckles. From the kitchen, he could still hear and maintain his status in the discussion.


They were in David's car on their way to the lion's house as the severity of the eventful night began to sink in. Jay was feeling very small in a big dangerous world. He found that low rumble of the car was comforting after the phone call was over. "Fuck, where would I be if it wasn't for him?" Jay thought, turning his ever-swelling eye to glance at the handsome lion, busy driving this very loud contraption. "Hitting on him at the bar was fun but what do I do now? This is far from how I anticipated this night to go. What if he has expectations?" Jay's eyes began to tear up yet again and he was still finding it hard to speak or look from the floorboard.

Freedom that he wasn't sure he desired lingered on the outside of the door as they pulled into David's driveway. The house was not giant but well maintained and very elegant. There appeared to be a decent amount of property attached but it was hard to tell in the moonlight.

He struggled together the courage to get out of the car and was reminded again that he was safe. The burly lion was very gentle with his warm, radiant hugs. As unsure as he was, Jay felt a strange safety nestled in the chest of the lion. He lost all composure and began wailing into the security that was his night's hero. Hearing the deep rumble of David's voice telling him that it was over now was almost as comforting as the voice of his mother.

As the overwhelming emotions began to subside, headlights from a pickup pulled into the drive. As they made their way inside, the jay was happy to find the home welcoming. A few things here and there but overall, tidy. He wished desperately to have a kitchen that clean.

Jay was introduced to John, an arctic wolf who had his light grey dyed light blue, leaving the white underside. John, like many soldiers returning from overseas, was struggling with identity and purpose this evening. Good thing for Jay, bartending meant about half mixing drinks and half listening to patrons. Most nights, he found himself enjoying the talkers more than the job.

Jay downed the first drink he was offered a bit faster than intended but was reassured there was plenty more. The lion knew a thing or two about a decent martini. He stored that fact away as a point of conversation he could bring up later. For now, the promise of food was sounding better and better. He couldn't help mentioning he would love to eat the lion's sausage, bringing laughter into a night that was slowly cheering up.

After dinner, Jay tried to help David with the dishes and the stubborn lion refused politely. A little later, David escorted him to the shower. He showed him where shampoo and towels were, but before leaving him to his privacy, he brought Jay an oversized, very plush robe. He promised that he washed it since its last use. From the sweet smell, he wasn't lying.

Jay loved showers. Something about washing the dirt and grime of the day away always felt invigorating. He set the warm water, stepped out of his tender's uniform and stepped in, closing the glass door behind him. After a few moments, he heard muffled raised voices but decided the two could handle themselves.

For several minutes, he let the water wash over him, shutting out the world and washing the smell of the wolves off him. He lathered his feathers with shampoo, being very cautious around his bruises and swollen eye. He probably spent more time rinsing that was truly necessary, making sure to get all the shampoo out. He exited the shower into the warm air, happy the lion had turned on the bathroom's heater. He toweled dry as much as he was able, gathered his things, shouldered the exquisite robe and fastened it at the waist. He stepped back out into the coolness of David's room and returned to the den.

He wandered in to find David and John talking. John had recently shed tears based on the dampness under his eyes. The odd thing is that David seemed to have done the same. Jay paid no mind as he had seen the like often in his time as a tender. He decided to join the now lighter conversation about the upcoming folk night.

"Hey, do you have a banjo player? This sounds like something my dad would enjoy." Jay said.

"We don't" John said.

"We would love him to join us even if we did though" David noted. "We enjoy the ambiance and the gathering more than what instruments are involved. We usually have two or three guitars."

Jay thought for a few moments and said "well, I'll ask him if he wants to join sometime. I'm not sure when the last time he picked it up was but he was dedicated when I was a kid."

"Hey," John said, "I'm a little behind on the fiddle too but it's still a fun time."

"Yeah, ask him" David said.

"I'm think I'm beginning to like these two" Jay thought to himself as he found a seat with them.


John and David had sat down on the couch after David showed Jay to the shower. John had almost teared to dehydration at the table. He was feeling much better now, so he decided to carry on conversation.

"So, how are you doing?" John asked.

"I'm doing really good. It was a weird night but outside of that, I've had to turn a couple gigs down. Lessons are on the rise and honestly, I only picked up tonight because I figured it'd be good to get out" David said.

"David," John started, "I didn't ask how business was. I asked how you were doing. Your music is nothing if not more popular every day. How are you doing?" John put the emphasis on you. "It's really time you started looking at the things that pass by you every day."

"What do you mean John?" David asked.

"You know what I mean," John started "I may not be there to see the longing in your eyes every night but I do tonight and I know it gets to you."

"Damn it John! I'm single for a reason" David exclaimed.

"You mean you're too weak to handle another heartbreak" John retorted.

"Fuck you, John!" David's volume was increasing. "I'd expect you of all people to understand. You were there with me for the hardest one!"

"Yeah, I was. I'll be there for the next one too if you'll quit flaking out. It's about damn time you tried again Dave. You can yell at me all you want but you know I'm not moving on this. We've had this same discussion time and time again! I'm tired of seeing you alone and mopey! I'm not saying this one, or tonight, but you've got to let the past be passed." John took a breath before continuing "I'm getting tired of bitching at you about the same issue! You're not ever going to find a guy if you're not willing actually try when you see someone you might like."

The lion sighed heavily, tears welling in his eyes. "You're right, but it's still very hard." He looked downtrodden as he continued. "I really have been trying. I tell you what, I'll see where he stands on the idea. Is that okay?"

"Yeah, it's fine if you'll actually do it this time. I'm not letting it go until I see progress." John was steadfast, always the vigilant one.

"Okay" the now insecure feline said.

John pushed "you like him, don't you?"

David glared back and said "I'm not touching Jay after the night he's had. Plus, I offered an attempt, not a potential future." He hesitated before continuing quietly "I find his figure very attractive. I know very little of his character, only that he is very charismatic behind a bar."

"So, folk night tomorrow?" John asked. Seeing a robed blue jay walk in, John was smooth with a covert conversation change.

"Do you still play?" David asked, taking John's lead.

"Yeah, It's been a few months since I picked it up but I bet it'll come back soon enough."

"Sounds like a yes to me." David said. "It's been too long since we all got together."