His Words, My Actions

Story by MellowMink on SoFurry

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#2 of Felix - Erotica

Originally uploaded to Fur Affinity on April 15, 2017.

Although it can be read by itself, this short story is a sequel to Felix's first novelette in terms of character development and time; feel free to check it out sometime, and feedback is extremely appreciated! Note that both of these stories have very adult content.

My second erotica featuring Felix, my bisexual and extremely submissive After Dark ferret fursona, this three-part short story mainly focuses on an entire BDSM session between the pet-behaving Felix and his dominant wolf master; part one involves teasing and consent review, part two has most of the naughtiness and Master's lessons, and part three is an epilogue that happens at a bar. This story primarily has a M/M focus, with sexual themes including physical pet play and light bondage.

Both positive and constructively negative feedback is appreciated! I'm still new to writing, so I welcome chances for me to grow.

Lots of thanks to my great lizard friend The Stickman for general motivation and some editing help. He's an extremely awesome pal who I'm happy to be friends with, and I highly encourage you to check out his varied art projects on Fur Affinity sometime.

Some thanks also go to Vir-no-Vigoratus for part of the thumbnail, which I cropped from some related pet-play artwork that I commissioned from him of Felix and his master; be sure to let him know how awesome he is! He also takes commissions.

Except for a brief cameo of The Stickman's lizard character, all other characters in this story are my own and belong to me.

Part 1: Instructions

"Finish washing up, Felix," I hear deeply spoken to me, "I've got a fun night planned." The soothing words come from my canine trainer, and as I listen, relaxing and hot water smoothly brushes against my white front fur. I step forward to let more water pour on my darkly grayish hairstyle, feeling... at peace. My eyes closed, I feel lower parts of my now heavy hair softly push against my whitely furred mask, which contrasts the light gray fur around the rest of my face and most of my body. "Get all of it," I make out from Master, "If my toy really wants to be Master's naughty little bitch, then he better be presentable." Nodding my head, I spread the water further to my sides, remembering to scrub harder on the mid-points of my arms and legs where the gray turns darker, making sure to have a clean appearance and be ready. "Good," the wolf says, "very good..."

I say nothing and wash the rest of my fur, letting the showerhead spray my eight gray-furred, black-clawed fingers. My matching toes splash around in built-up water on the stone-like floor; the feeling is pleasant, relieving. As I raise my arms to let the showerhead clean my armpits, I hear Master speak with a firmer tone: "Leave the water on and face me." Immediately, I move my arms to my skinny sides, open my red-colored eyes, and nervously turn my ferret body around, slowly, to face Master's green ones. Focusing, I barely notice him smile; I can't make out much without my glasses, which should be right over my red shorts on a wooden bench. Master's brown and occasionally reddish-orange-furred figure is partially covered by a tight-fitting black T-shirt and gym shorts, but his strong hips appear between the two. "Take a look down, pet," Master instructs, and I instantly obey- H-heh... Still trying to get used to this... My partially erect and pinkish-purple member is clearly visible, right above my fur-covered crotch; I suddenly feel exposed, which I'm experienced with, but I always get embarrassed at the start. If I could just cover- I start to move my hands- "Ahem, I'm not done looking yet." My arms snap back; I need to remember obedience.

Looking around the locker room, I can sort of tell where some distant lockers are, and I see a red blob for my shorts, but everything's too blurry and I'm defenseless... I want to say something: "Master, I can barely see..." He laughs some before walking across what sounds like a clean floor; no one else is in here either, but I can faintly smell an all-too-familiar musk, maybe from a used towel on the floor? It's pretty recent. After being told to turn the water off, I do so and then reach behind me to feel around for a towel; I stumble slightly before giving up, returning to my trophy pose. Master starts walking toward me, holding something black that's also reflecting some light.

"You know, I actually prefer you with these on," Master says as he reveals my rectangular and black-framed glasses, "They remind me how dependent you are; how fitting for my new pet." Master directs me to some linen towels, an indication to clean up, which I quickly do as he stares at different angles of my naked and monochromatic form; remaining drips of water fall off as I feel my fur become less combed down, less... formal. Instinctively, I at least manage to push my dark gray hair downward; it just feels more comfortable that way. Everything's quiet except for some air conditioning, and I'm able to completely focus my attention on wrapping a towel around myself- "Let go." The towel drops. I stare forward with a neutral expression as Master pushes the glasses up my snout, and his face becomes clearer: Master's smiling, his brown nose is shining, and his circular ears are perked toward me. There's a pause... My heart beats, and Master walks closer as I think of things to do for him, how to praise his dark brown hair- Master pulls his shirt up and I instantly smell his arousing aroma, a slight amount of sweat overwhelming my pink nostrils, and he moves his mouth very closely to mine as I shiver in place. I freeze as his right hand firmly covers my mouth and I see his left hand rapidly move downward; my noises are muffled, and I smile as Master h-holds, mm, holds my dick... moves it... Mm... I shake- "Heh, you're gonna enjoy this." God, I'm his to do whatever with, yes; keep this going- Mm! I pathetically try to moan.

Continue, please continue... I wanna be your pet. Mm? Master lets go and walks away from me, laughing at how horny I am, saying how I'll make a good fit. "You're so easily set off, heh... My husky bitch may be out, but we'll see how you do in his place tonight." I... I'd love to audition for that role. I was wondering where Master's other pet was, but I guess he had other plans. Master goes silent and turns his brown snout toward my face, and he sternly voices to me: "You wanted to try being his role tonight, right? I'll give you that opportunity, but you better act his character and do anything I tell you." I nod, I nod! I was so excited last time! I'd love to be Master's slut, just for him, his obedient dog! My tongue sticks out... Hee hee. "Good boy... There's a lot to learn."

I excitedly run to the gym door, which lies adjacent to a now foggy mirror, but Master doesn't follow. Confused, I turn around to see him pointing to my shorts on the bench, with him now walking toward them. "Put them on, and don't take them off; I'll do that later. You don't say anything until I indicate otherwise, you don't move unless I instruct you, and you act to please me." I... Yes, I was greedy, and I feel a warmth on my grayish cheeks as I blush in embarrassment. "Frisky husky had too much fun, so he's home for now. But part of his fun comes from fully letting me be in control, and if you ever hope to join him, you're gonna need to take this seriously, understand?" I can only imagine... "Anyway," Master continues, "remember what we reviewed?"

I pause but then open my mouth to softly respond: "Yes, I remember." Following orders, I walk over to my shorts and shove my long legs through the bottom holes, then aim my thin but fluffy tail through the rear. "Say the safe word if I'm too uncomfortable, bang my tail against the ground if I wanna speak but can't, and my medical records are up-to-date; I'm still clean, the doctor said."

Master seriously replies: "Good, I believe you. And like before, you have nothing to worry about with me or anyone else in here either." Master gets up. "Oh, and Felix... If the toy wants to stop?"

To show my understanding, I softly expel today's safe word, "release", from my fanged mouth.

"Very good..." Master nods his head as I smoothly align my clothes and clean my glasses with a microfiber cloth from my pockets; right after, I hear the relatively strong wolf walk behind my shoulders. Stretching my arms, I take deep breaths as Master starts- Th-that's nice... Master's so generous... My shoulders feel warmth as claws relaxingly drive up and down through my fur- I remember him restricting my speech, making me defenseless, showing me how much of a toy I really am... Mm, I feel it rising again... It's shaking... I need to please him... His arms wrap around.

Master faces me toward the door: "Get in there and be ready for me. There's a dish by the wall."

Part 2: Commands

The water's so tasty, so fresh... My tongue keeps sipping it up from the red bowl, it being over half empty, but I need to impress Master when he enters. Leaning down on all fours, my hard knees being against a smooth and comfortable forest-green gym mat, I can feel my loose red shorts sitting around my waist, although they're not large enough to hide... H-heh. Drinking more, like a good dog; have to be hydrated and ready for anything that Master has for me. It's the mindset he wants from me, and I want it too. I start making loud slurping sounds as my tail rises and wildly shakes around, later rubbing against the smooth mat. "...Ruff!" I loudly exhale. "Bark!" I'm really happy!

My cleaned glasses and their thick frames still unmoved, I rest for a minute to get a better view of my surroundings; there's a few differences from last week, mainly that the cage is missing, but the room's mostly the same. Right above me are walled shackles where I, uh, put on a display earlier... That was fun. Ceiling lights are dimly set just enough to allow me to see all the walls, although it's certainly not bright. I can make out a metallic sink and some pipes at a corner to my right, while the rest of that wall is just made of stone. Behind me, across the room is a rich, mahogany-like table with lots of fun devices on it, although most are covered up by brightly colored towels; is Master planning some surprises for me? If I focus hard enough, I can see- Hmm, a skinny and red- It's a leash! And a red collar is connected to it! Master's really kind! Can't make out anything else though. I look back, now left from my bowl, and I see the wall with the tall, lightly wooden door; Master's been away for at least five or so minutes, and I'm ready for him to enter. "Ruff!" I intuitively yell. "Awoo!!" I turn my head sideways, wait for a knock... What's taking him so long? "Rrr..." I sigh, then return to my bowl, making sure to loudly slurp in hopes that Master's hearing.

Suddenly, I hear the door handle shake, but I continue drinking as I hear a creak and some light footsteps. "Pet's pretty thirsty, ain't he?" Master says! Master's here! "Drink up, boy. You're gonna need lots of energy for tonight's lessons." I start wagging my tail and form a smile, before my tongue almost immediately rolls out and I start panting. Master stays still, and I don't hear his canine feet moving anywhere. "Hey, that's enough." I stop and innocently look in confusion, my mouth closed as only white fangs show. With his left index claw, Master points to his groin. "I don't recall you being a fixed mutt, right?" I form a smile, start panting, and then hurriedly take off on all fours toward Master, stumbling partway from my arms- I mean, my front legs not being used enough to this. Eyes closed and smile formed, I rub the right of my head up and down his clothes-covered crotch, making simple yelps of enjoyment as Master laughs and starts petting- y-yay... my head. Now facing his privates, I rub my face against his smooth shorts. "Horny fuckin' dog, ain't ya?" I bark! "Keep..." Master slowly says as I start to feel a different texture, but I don't ask. "Keep doing that," I hear my well-formed leader continue, "Master likes this." I nuzzle more.

This continues for a few minutes until Master alternates his physical instructions for me. I spin around in circles while trying not to fall over, emitting fake whimpers when I accidentally do once, but I manage to spring back up. "Bark for me, pet." Ruff! "Again." Ruff! "Who's a good dog?" Aroo!! "Walk around the room," Master says with a really entertained look on his snout, "and don't say anything. Humiliate yourself, and enjoy it." Bark! I start walking to different areas of the room, first to my bowl to sip some more water, then under the table where I pretend to hide, and then I run across the room. One time while Master watches, I... want to show him how naughty I can be, so I run up to his leg and start humping. "Heh, such a carnal beast," I keep doing it- My mind overflows with a euphoric warmness, legs tingling around- This feels good, I have to keep- Fuck, shaking... "Why would you wanna stop?" Yes, Master's right? Why would I stop? This dog isn't worried about modesty, so I keep rubbing- Mm... It's so wrong but I love the feeling- Master's strong, hard leg caresses around my flaccid but covered penis; I could just, just go here- "Good..."

Master softly pushes me away and orders me to stop, and I dip my head down. "Not yet," Master sternly speaks to me while delicately holding my face right next to his, "pet's too eager." I... Yeah, I'm a horny mutt and wanna just- "Bet you'd love it though, just making a mess over the ground without a damn care in the world." Heh... I repeatedly nod my head while gradually staring up at Master's amused face. I freeze, Master kneels, and he firmly holds my gaze with his hands on my face. "Don't forget that you're Master's toy, you got that?" I... "My rules, your actions." Y-yeah...

As a sign of understanding and compliance, I nod my head, looking down at my throbbing... I'm liking this too much... Master chuckles, leans forward, and then softly kisses my forehead- Yay, I'm being loved- My forehead feels a wet warmth and I shiver, waiting for further instructions. I close my eyes, feel my hair get pushed around, and hold my tongue out. As I sit in an entranced-like state, gazing around the stone dungeon through my lens, Master suddenly, and firmly, grabs my shorts, laughing as he then, mm, fondles my member's shape... Mm... "Hey," Master says while continuously rubbing my dick, over... and ove- "why do you still have these on?" That's a good- A-ah! Increasing the speed, increasing, ruff... "Lemme just get these off for you." I start breathing, heavily, as my crotch is let go of, and- Ruff! I emit barks, and feel my shorts slowly, very seductively, move down my back legs as a tingling sensation spreads through my fur; I'm a wild creature, no need for- "There we go; look at that beautiful form." I-I feel... I shake my hips back-and-forth as I feel a sudden exposure, nothing to hide from Master. "We don't need these anymore, not that you'd even want them on at all." Y-yeah... I fall to the ground as my cock lines against the soft matting- "Don't move," Master says as he drops the shorts down. "Think about what I'm gonna do with you, but no more rubbing 'til I say so." But- "I'll get us something." Ruff!

Hee hee, I'm a mutt, a naughty mutt, and Master's gonna be so proud of me. I move up, quickly glance around the room, emit panting noises, and- "Ruff!"- wonder if I can be put on display for others. My wet tongue swishes left and right as I rapidly breathe, and- "Rrr..."- I remember I'm naked, and my shaft feels harder, but I don't make contact with the ground; need to please my canine leader, who'll show me my place. I dash over to the dog bowl to drink more water; it's so fresh, and I slurp up the rest as Master laughs. When I'm done, I see Master standing at the opposite corner of a room, facing the corner, laughing some and pulling his shorts up more; I also see- Leash!- I see the red leash and beautifully round and bright collar ready for me falling from the left of his grip. My triangular and fluffy ears perk up, and my head tilts sideways as I'm able to focus my hearing; Master's moaning a little bit, and I can hear... fabric-scratching? Heh, Master...

After taking some deep breaths and trying to compose himself, Master runs back over to me and holds- a-aah, yes, I'm a bad dog- firmly holds my hair as I feel smooth- maybe sanded, it's c-comfortable... Master fastens the red collar around me, a long and slender leash already atta- Mm! Master gives it a tug, and I feel myself drawn closer to his- "Alright, listen pet," a stern and demanding voice vibrates in my ears, "do I need to remind you who's in control here?" Y-you... M-Master, you're my leader, punisher- I rapidly shake my head without saying anything. "You're my pet, and I'm deciding what I'll do with him, that slutty creature-" My yanked gaze is drawn to a growing bulge in Master's black shorts, and Master's shaking some, clearly trying to hide how- "H-heh... Alright, alright. Give me- hah- just a minute." Master lets go- Rrr... Master starts walking to the sink, presumably needing to pause some. "Just... just roll around or something, get ready for me. Master's a little too excited with his new toy..." Fast breathing. "The things I'll do to him..."

Mm, I'm excited, I'm really... "Ruff! Ruff!" I can hear Master laughing some, mm... "Bark!" This is my language now, I say as I shake my tail rapidly, again, and as I hear splashes of water in the distance, I fall to the ground and roll around, the front of my long and slender body freely being shown with my arms and legs stretched out, my shorts across the room, my vision clearly seeing, my pulsating and smoothly shaped cock clearly exposed, and I just lose, I lose myself... The lights are pleasant on my eyes, with slight rays on the sides of my glasses creating a small rainbow-like effect, and I feel the collar smoothly touching my delicate skin... I try to stand, but I'm too excited...

Before I know it, I feel a grip on my neck, the leash pulled, as my now composed Master speaks again: "Now pet, imagine we're at the park, and I'm just showing you off to everyone else, my groomed and obedient dog that everyone else is gonna see." Urgh... M-Master... I whine some. "No, no, you'll like it, and nobody's gonna judge you either; you'll proudly walk around, on all fours, and lead the way while your dominant, caring Master takes good care of you." I imagine the situation under broad sunlight, in the middle of a warm spring at a nature-filled area, on public display for everyone to- I-I feel another rise below, not being able to hide it... "And then when we're done, you'll be given treats, and I'll caress your fur, gently, as you-" Mm- Fast breathing with my mouth closed. H-heh... My eyes close. "-Master's smooth and delicate touch, all over your exposed body, and you're happy with the situation that you're in, and I'll treat you back at home..." Seductively and slowly, he says this to me, and h-he starts scratching my s-s-scalp... "And I'll take my sharp claws and ruffle them through your..." I-I'm sh-shaking. Master walks in front of me, kneels on his two legs, and holds my face still, my lens being lined up with his green-colored, staring eyes... I can't help as a pillar forms. Master looks down and smiles. "Bark for me, pet." I yell! "Again!" Ruff! "I can't hear you!" Awoo!! I'm Master's good boy! Ruff! I bark again!

Needing to breathe, I start panting some- Damn... I need to- I just want to- I'm a horny dog, I need to just... Master jerks on the leash, and I'm ordered to start walking as he leads, so I do, but f-f-fuck, pant, I'm shaking and need to follow instincts... Let me just erupt all over the place, please... "Don't stop, boy," Master orders me without hesitation, "Master's toy needs to be exercised more." Individual paws tightly spread on the mats, I move around the dungeon, cushioned textures pleasantly touching my knees and ends- Master pulls me back up when I start to fall to the ground out of my desire to- my desire. My... At one point, Master rolls me onto my back and rubs my white belly, complimenting me while I interpret his praises as ecstatic truths of my happy status. I never break character, not once, but I just- Some bits of cum start to form, and Master orders me to look- "Someone's eager as hell..." I... "We're not finishing yet; let's make this last." Mm! Mm... Master holds me down, paws stretched out, his legs covering my exposed thighs, and he prevents me from finishing- This lasts, albeit somewhat awkwardly, for five minutes or so, until I'm relaxed again. Master thinks in place as my member's size falls back down, and almost silently mutters something to himself: "Gonna need to pace this better next time... Can't have him start so soon..."

I'm a little more controlled now, less- Okay, still horny, still shaking some, but I-I'll be fine... Master moves behind me, and he just- Yay... Master rubs my back, massages the tendons and tight spots across my gray and slightly sweating back fur... It feels so nice. "You know, pet..." Y-yeah? I sit still and wait for him to continue. "You could use some more exercise, a lot more strength, but you have a nice form." I feel a pointed object, Master's canine snout, rub up and down my back, small breezes of air touching the tips of my fur as Master then embraces me with his arms, holding me in place; I can't tell if he's trying to stop me from pleasuring myself, or if he's just- Suddenly, I feel wet kisses across random areas of my fur, and his hands push- Mm... Master's hands push through my front fur, and I feel them rub the cheeks of my face, once pushing back my rectangular glasses by the bridge, scratching my hair downward, and then I feel his coat of fur, sweaty and long, gradually make contact with the rest... Shirt's coming off, Master's shirt... "Let's just throw this to the side." And it's tossed away, on top of my own clothes. "Mm, Master's possession is so smooth, exactly how I want it..." Mm! Mm...! Fingers grip around my cock, my penis completely at someone else's control. "You like this, don't you?" Warm tingling sensations pass through my body as I physically express approval... Anything- Mm... Fuck... M-make it last.

I'm not sure how much time passes; eventually, Master seems bored and wants more humiliation, so he stands, walks to my front, and takes off the leash, leaving my smoothened collar. As Master walks back to the table, he speaks again: "Alright, pet, we've got you horny, certainly have my interest..." More commands? Please! I'll obey. "Why don't you show me how natural you really are?" Master points to the mats. "See if you can try to finish." I... "Put on a display for me, slut."

Master wants me... Natural... I bark in approval and try to get started. Arms- Front legs to the side, back legs fully extended behind me, tail shaking and straight up in the air, my still-collared body begins rubbing up and down, and up... and down... My needy, thick staff making contact with the extremely smooth and receiving mats. Mm... I feel it harden more and more, and- Natural, natural, and I make illegible moaning noises, no English to them whatsoever. "That's right," Master says as I continue pounding the floor, repeatedly, "you like it. Pet doesn't care about basic decency; he just wants to..." Can't make out some of the words, too excited... Up and down, forward, backward... "...needs. Fully exposed. All over the place for his Master to watch..." Thrusting against the mat, I feel- Mm, I'm so hard, I could just... Dick's throbbing, this mutt can't help but hump, hump per his natural instincts- I don't care... I hear a shaking motion coming from Master's direction, like he's... "Fuck... Don't you dare stop..." More, and more. Mm. Growl... Ruff... Rrr... Hump the floor, dick throbbing more and more, yes, I want, I want it, panting, fucking, lost in my own thoughts, fuck, fuck, fuck, throbbing, growl, ruff... Ruff! Mm! Mm! Awoo! I'm a good boy, I'm a good boy. Good! Warmth building up, can barely hold, I'm so nearing... Just another minute; I'm almost there. I'll be Master's bitch and- Mm... Mm! I'm shaking, I can't. Tail locks up. Try peeking down, member large, mats bright, ready for pet's accident, th-this feels- I'm imagining Master holding my collar as he inserts his staff into my chamber, being helpless as he commands me, makes me- Floor's warm, rubs against white fur, Master's stretching- I want him in me. Show-

Suddenly lose control of arms, held to sides- "Heh, not yet, not yet..." Rrr... Shaking rapidly as my body struggles to finish its assignment, stretched hands quickly roll me over as I pant, not even caring about pre coming out. "You're putting on a good scene," Master says as my four-fingered paws are held against the ground, his brown and spotted face closely staring through my glasses, "but let's stretch this out a little more, okay?" I moan, wanting to finish... "What's the pet think?" Still quivering, my limbs are stretched out as I feel my back lay against some collected sweat; it's a heavy smell, strong like Master's- No longer distracted, I nod, rapidly nod my head- Bark! I'm okay with this, I just- A-ah, my fluffy cheeks feel a caressing and I smile. My eyes roll. "Sit up, Felix, and not on your fours, alright?" I immediately obey, and shakenly manage to lean against the chain-covered wall as Master tries to enforce a break, his strong chest near my face. Watching Master as I'm left in a naked and two-legged state, I can't help but feel embarrassed, and I feel a warmth on my face as I blush. "If you need to stop, you can let me know, alright?" But I assure him that there's nothing wrong, and I sit there, enjoying the sight of Master's energetic physique.

I stay still for several minutes, watching Master put on a show for me as I adjust my frames and try to control my frisky addiction... I'm below chains, across the room are unused and displayed accessories like fresh lube, and the half-filled bowl is on my left; I take some sips, with two paws, and Master shows his... amazing form to me. Once I smile enough, I see Master smile back, and he starts to grab his tight gym shorts by the sides and slowly pull them down, the clothes-covered bulge quickly being visually replaced by his reddened... fiercely displayed knot. Master's black shorts fall to the ground; his cock- I love seeing it. "Like what you see?" Master says as he turns around and starts walking back to the blankets. His smooth ass appears, hole covered by his wide and bushy tail. I like it, yes... I think as I nod my head and silently moan to myself. "Don't get too excited," Master teasingly continues with, "I need to get a few things. Drink up; you'll need that."

After rehydrating again, my eyes close while I relax my grip, some of the bowl's last contents spilling between my legs; sink's not far away, and Master will refill it if I need more water, but I'm pretty satisfied for now. Some time passes, and I hear fast-paced snapping in front of my face as I open my eyes, seeing Master's gaze almost directly next to mine, my lips being close to his, but he helps me onto my knees as I then hear a seductive whispering: "Hey pet, Master's been getting pretty excited and could use some help." My ears perk up, and I'm really excited too! I look to Master's claws, and he moves back before sitting down, his throbbing... Master has a really amazing figure, and his strength shows; I'd like nothing more than to just passionately make out with him, to be honest, but I need to serve him. "Come on, slut, I know you want to," Master humorously says while pointing to his furred crotch, and- Yes, yes, I'd love to! "Over here, toy." Master's shorts sitting by him, pockets looking stuffed, I excitedly run to him and breathe heavily. I suddenly feel my head firmly held as my tongue sticks out and I see my job. "Take your time..."

Master's hardened rocket... I hold my head right over it and look down, seeing his furred crotch next to his partly erected member, Master's right hand nearby to help keep my head steady. My tongue sticks out, panting, and I look upward to see Master smiling, grinning his teeth as he waits for his obedient toy to finish him off. So... I stare at his cock, and I'm ready to start blowing the whole thing and have its entire load, but I stop and get a little nervous... Not that I haven't done this before, but it's always awkward for me to start; not sure why. It's kind of weird. Another ten seconds pass and Master gets serious as our eyes face each other's: "Everything okay, Felix? You can talk it through with me if you want." His green eyes are alluring, really comforting to look at.

As fun as it is to bark like a feral animal, I should say something: "Sorry, I'm fine. I just need a minute." I take some deep breaths and try to compose my speech better. "I'm not sure why I'm always like this at the start; I've done it before... and it tastes great too, and I-"

I feel a warm embrace atop my hair as Master's left palm softly lays on it, and I hear a calm response: "Hey, it's alright," Master says sincerely, "work at your own pace." I feel embarrassed, but then Master comforts me: "Just need a little more practice, but I especially don't want you to do something you don't want." My head is patted more... Hee hee, I'm a good dog...

"No no no, I'm fine," I casually reply with, "I'll let you know if I'm not. I'm really excited and would love nothing more than to help my wonderful Master out. He's so kind to his slut."

Master looks at me some more, but then forms a grin and tells me to take as long as I need. After I focus harder, I wait a bit... and then I suddenly open my mouth and force my tongue and cheeks around Master's well-formed shaft- Mm, so smooth. "Mm-phff..." I try to say, but only saliva falls out of my mouth as Master laughs. My head is patted repeatedly. "Wrrff-" I pathetically emit as I start working my inner cheeks and wrapping tongue around different curves of Master's- Mm... I keep sucking up and down, and my eyes- Eyes rolling back as I keep going at it, loving the sensation as I shake around in ecstasy. Master repeatedly moans as he struggles to hold onto my hair, but I'm not planning on letting go as I keep bobbing up and down, submitting, pleasing, losing control of my objectified self, and I love it. Parts of my long tongue taste Master's pre- I'm ready for more. Mm... I quickly breathe through my nostrils as I continue. Master's breaths increase, and speed up, and he struggles to tell me how much of a filthy slut I am, that I love being Master's toy to get him off with- "Mm... Pff-" One thing he says makes me laugh while my mouth is closed around, my jaw stretched to avoid any harm. Up and down, I feel it shaking, getting ready to erupt.

"H-hah... fucking slut, yes... You like it, don't you?" Mm! Sucking Master's cock more and more, increasing speed with all intents of receiving. "Keep going, almost- fuck, almost there..." Master starts holding his right hand against the back of my head, helping me navigate and keep myself still for when- A-ah, this is the best. I can't stop shaking and I'm so happy. His member shakes, mine as well, and I feel more pre form around my tip. "You're a good dog, and I'm a good Master." Heh, I wonder how much Master's trying to help himself too? "Keep-" Moaning, I'm so moaning.

I hear heavy breaths, and my mouth is overwhelmed with a creamy and warm substance. Head's still being held against Master, my glasses and white mask visible, finishing, and I can't help but moan myself as the salty and randomly fired semen lands on my tongue; God, there's so much of it, but I'm not done with the job yet. As Master continues moaning, I start swallowing his load, letting the warm fluids trickle down my wanting throat. The taste is rich, and- This is getting me off; I'm so tempted to reach down and finish the job but Master gave me orders... More moaning happens and I happily finish the rest of Master's delicious load while he struggles to hold me still.

Master breathes for a while, but eventually manages to form- A-ah, I'm low on breath too... "Good boy, that was really good... Did you like the taste?" I nod my head extremely quickly, finishing off the rest before Master pulls me off. Like the frisky mutt I am, I shake around a lot and pant in exhilaration, not even caring that I still feel a dash of cream below my lips. "Felt great... You're doing an excellent job." While being watched, I lick my face clean and pose in a dignified manner, although I'm still waiting to get off... I wonder how long it'll be before Master fills me someday...

I fall backward and sit in bliss, my legs spread widely apart as I stare through my clear lens toward the dim ceiling lights; I'm fully exposed for Master to examine, and we both break for a few minutes while Master gets his energy back. During this time, I think of... situations that I could still be in: Master holding me down against the floor as he inserts a lubricated vibrator, Master putting me back on the chains and inviting his other pet to watch, my old badger teacher making me a maid as I physically give her a show- Heh, that was fun. I shake but manage to stretch some.

Master stands up and puts his large paws through his shorts, a colored bottle of lube sticking out of one of the pockets. "You've been an obedient mutt, pet," Master says, "I appreciate that." I inch forward, legs out, waiting for further instructions. "A little nervous, but that's fine." Compliments are nice. I'm happy to go again! "I think it's only fair that I return the favor, don't you think?" My energetic leader quickly walks over to me and starts rapidly examining different sides of me; Master then sits right behind me, his sweaty shorts rubbing against my ass. My tail manages to perk almost straight upward. "Remember, you can stop whenever you'd like." Master? I open my-

"Mm!" Master firmly has a hand against my mouth, and I try to make barking sounds in response! "Rrff-" Mm, tight hold, and an embrace around my legs with Master's own, and mm- I look down and see Master holding the watery lube with his other hand, manages- manages to flick it open and pour the rest around- So cold, w-wet- Holy fuck... Dick's being rubbed, so fast, I'm already so hard, so throbbing, so full of thoughts of being used. "Mm!!" I can only moan, and Master laughs in amusement, and I try- Oh God, this feels so good. Smooth and extremely quick strokes up and down my cock, and I can barely hold- Warmness rushes through my penis as a firm grip keeps jacking, making me- Ruff! Ruff! Aroo! I want- "Rrph!"- Can't speak back. I'm gonna, I'm gonna...

Fuck, gonna... g-gonna explode. I-I can't- Arms held back. More strokes. I hear, I try, try to hold- "Who's a good boy?" Woof!! Jizz releases, lands several feet away, Master nudging head forward with snout so I- Mm!! Watch! Fuck! Pleasure everywhere, white sperm firing. Large amounts. Mm! So filled, so held back- More squirts out, gets far on the mats, spreads everywhere. Warmness rushes through my mind and I moan like the used toy I am- Mm... Master pushes my glasses back with his clean hand, makes me watch, watch the rest... Fully ejaculating for everyone to see. Pant...

Eventually, I'm let go of. I rapidly make happy yelps, but Master tells me to- Ruff!- relax and recover my strength. I breathe, and Master embraces... "That was an impressive first lesson, Felix."

Part 3: Experiences

"Third glass coming up," I hear Ash say in my general direction, although I'm a little distracted from my buzz. She leaves the alcohol to the front-right of me before continuing: "Wine's a bit stronger than you're used to, so pace yourself, alright?" Thanking the lizard, I take a strong shot of what tastes like an aged plum drink- Wow, that's hard to swallow. Ash looks disapprovingly but still laughs: "Whatever, just use common sense, alright?" I align my glasses again and take in the neon lighting that's throughout the dim bar, also pushing my cell phone further into my left shorts pocket as I make myself comfortable. Ash is wearing a maroon midriff top, has loose-fitting black shorts on, and her scales look polished, as if she's ready for a date with her otter boyfriend, or something more mischievous. I'm about to take another sip, hearing ice cubes rock around along with nearby billiards, when Ash leans forward and whispers: "So, any fun stories tonight, ferret?"

She's asking about... Uh... "Nothing too out of the ordinary," I shyly respond with, "just went to the local club again, same guy as before... Only over an hour ago too, heh." Taking another sip of wine, I awkwardly gaze around the bar; a familiar and blue hoodie-wearing lizard sits near the end of the counter, looking through his cell phone as he laughs at something; he's having a shot glass of clear vodka and just trying to relax. I can't tell if he's wearing pants, being behind another counter side, but the bar has a minimal dress code, so probably. There's also some ignored pool chalk near his drink, so I guess he was playing some too. One nearby table is surrounded by some college fraternity, lots of loudly drunk rodents having a chugging challenge, although two members, another ferret and his fox friend, are sharing academic concerns. One red marten's heading to the restroom by the entrance; she's probably had too much to drink, but there's outdoor staff who can call for help if needed. It's summer season; I wonder if a graduation happened lately?

Hearing firm taps from behind me, I turn my head back and listen: "Hey, no need to be nervous or anything, and lord knows I love talking about what I'm into." Yeah, I guess people are pretty open about that stuff here. "If you're up for it, tell me your story, and I'll share one of mine." Gazing at her crimson eyes, Ash looks really lovely tonight, also rocking a naturally reddened lipstick that complements her smile. My concentration doesn't last long though... May have had too much wine in a short while, but I'm composed, just having a fun time. Hmm, she said stories? Might be fun...

Looking around to see if anybody else is right next to me, I softly laugh and decide to just talk about myself: "Heh, alright..." Occasionally polishing some cups and organizing funds at a register, Ash grimaces and leans closer to listen. "Master likes to have pets for some of his activities, and, well, his husky one wasn't there, and I really wanted to give it a go, so..." With messy wording, I happily ramble about being Master's filthy dog, about cleaning him off and enjoying his release, expressing interest in being more and more exposed as my naked body becomes someone else's toy, their object to just use and have release on command; well, I don't talk about the last part much, and I'm honestly not sure why that's my thing specifically. "I'm kind of a really weird person... It's just nice after a long week...." Ash moves closer and I start to blush.

"Aw, Felix likes being a naughty boy," she casually teases, "doesn't he?" I nod my head and finish the rest of the plum wine. "Nothing's wrong with that though. Fun as hell to talk about too." I don't see an issue discussing this in the right setting, but doesn't stop me from feeling weird, heh...

After licking her lips, Ash talks about her latest roleplay with her boyfriend, first assuring me that he's fine with it being openly talked about in a closed setting: They did a sort of role reversal, from stereotypes anyway, and she dressed her submissive lover up as a maid, all while staying fully and provocatively clothed. He humiliatingly posed for her, made moaning sounds on command, and got to lick her regions as a reward. "We're into some pretty kinky shit, not gonna lie." Sounds... really awesome, honestly; my badger trainer had some classes for me, but we rarely got to that last step. "Why I like it, I don't fucking know; I'm not a psychologist, I just love the control. Guess he's the opposite," I watch her say, my vision shaking, "Lots of people fuck; might as well mix it up and add variety, right?" My face feels red. "Hey, lemme get you some water; I'll be right back."

Damn, wine's strong... Guess that tends to happen with the more expensive types, but who knows? Stretching my legs and pulling up my shorts, I laugh to myself some, thinking at one point to take out my phone and text some friends before realizing I probably shouldn't for now- Hee hee... Ash soon returns with a tall, ice-filled glass of water, telling me she's not letting me have another drink until I finish the whole thing, which is fair... fair enough, okay. Between gulps, I stare around the bar, being able to notice a slightly blurry clock whose hour hand falls somewhere after ten. Behind me, I see that the pool table's unoccupied and the fraternity's finally sat down; I wonder who won? In a far corner of the room, there's a male couple really passionately going at it, lips fully locked as the two romantic cats suggestively rub their claws around each other's backs. I hear a loud purr.

A darkly grayish wolverine with a lighter undercoat, only wearing long navy blue shorts and a cross necklace, comes up and sits next to me; he looks visibly stressed. There's also a strong amount of sweat coming from him, especially around his fluffy and drooping ears, so I guess he's been exercising a lot? While I finish my water, the lower-voiced canine asks for some garlic bread, being pretty social and having a very caring manner of speech to his request; he's certainly masking himself, that's for sure. "Oh, and beer, any kind," I hear as he pulls out cash, "Thanks, by the way."

A minute later, we look toward each other and strike up a casual conversation; I avoid my story and instead talk about the hot weather, plus some new games coming out. Introducing himself as Robin, he talks about how he badly needs a break from lots of full-time job-hunting, apparently not having any luck outside of really brief temp jobs. "I just really need to relax; games and other buddies help some, but it doesn't feel like that's enough. Last time I got to hang was with Karen, an awesome eagle friend of mine; she's great with advice, but she's usually busy with studying."

Feeling more stabilized now, and trying very hard not to think about my earlier fun with Master, I provide some advice of my own: "Try something new and fun, I suppose, but I wish you the best of luck." Can I be any more generic? "Make a calendar and keep your hobbies active. Have somewhere you can walk to too. I'm sure everything'll be fine." Robin sighs but thanks me anyway. Hobbies... hobbies... Yeah, I have those... I excitedly shake but manage to control myself.

"Everything in balance, right?" Robin says, right as Ash returns. Seeing his order and expressing thanks, Robin moves the plate of bread between us and faces me. "Looks fresh. You want some?"