Passing Along the Gift III

Story by mlgbonghits on SoFurry

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Just for anyone new, all of my series are stories, but they all have very short buildup so you won't really have to skip anything to get to the sexy parts XD. Anyway I hope you enjoy this story and if you do, please just leave a fav or anything you can to show some appreciation. Also if you have ides for another part of this series or some other one, just comment it and i'll be sure to do it as well as give you fully credit in the description of it. Anyway enough self promotion. ENJOY!!!

Lucas rubbed the towel deeper into his fur, soaking up all the water trapped inside. In the other room the showers were still going on as more guys showered themselves to purge the stink of a hard day at the gym. Sighing, Lucas looked into the mirror placed carefully inside his locker, looking at his body for any places that he had missed. His eyes passed over his snout and short, but thick fur. The Labrador, satisfied with his cleaning, removed some clothes from his locker, replacing them with his towel as he prepared to get dressed. The Labrador began pulling on his underwear as he heard the showers turn off in the other room, "Great, here comes some more guys. Can't I just get one minute of peace and quiet, or is that too much to ask?" Lucas pulled on his underwear and turned his head to see who was coming in.

As one group, three, buff-looking Horses walked into the locker room. They were obviously very confident in themselves as they walked in completely uncovered, their big cocks bouncing with each step. Annoyed, Lucas turned back to his locker wanting to get dressed as fast as possible so that way he didn't have to deal with whatever bullshit numbers the horses came up with for the workouts they did. Lucas was so wrapped up in the bad thoughts he was having about the horses, that he hadn't realized that they had actually walked up behind him. Feeling their presence behind him, Lucas turned his head around, raising his eyebrows at the three of them. Each horse had a grin on his face, the middle one and the right one looking Lucas in the eyes while the other's eyes were on a point much lower. Suddenly very self-conscious, the Labrador turned himself around to face the horses, covering his half naked body with the pants in his paws.

"Um, can I help you?" Lucas asked, creeped out.

"I don't know, maybe you can?" The one on the right said, looking from Lucas to his two partners giving them a grin and receiving one in return.

"Yea, I really think he could." The one on the left said, casually beckoning his hoof in the direction of Lucas's bottom.

"Alright, I'm not very well, um." The horses continued grinning at Lucas as he stammered along, "I, it's-it's just not very..."

Lucas's eyes drifted down and he was dumbfounded. All three of the horse's cocks, which were soft before, were beginning to rise up, twitching and dripping precum. This put Lucas's mind into high alert, things were getting out of control and he needed to get out of there. With a high pitched tone Lucas continued, "Well, i'm just not very comfortable with how this is going. Could you just, um, give me some space."

The middle horse nickered and just reached out towards Lucas. Panicking, the Labrador backed up, banging his head on his open locker door, giving him a splitting headache. Just as he straightened up, the horse's pinned his arms against the locker. Lucas tried to kick at them, but it didn't do much as they reached down, tearing his underwear apart and scattering the pieces on the ground. Immediately the three horses started feeling up Lucas's body, gliding their hooves over his toned chest, muscular arms, and of course, his big cock, which, to his chagrin, was beginning to harden though the rest of his body was against this in every possible way.

"Get him on the floor," The horse in front of him said, "it's time to give it to him!"

Lucas struggled desperately against the horses holding him, but he couldn't get away, if there was only one he probably could have gotten away, but there were three. He had no chance. The horses forced him to his hands and knees on the ground, pinning his hands down in front of him. The horse who had ordered him to be placed down knelt behind him while the other two knelt in front of Lucas, holding his hands down with their large hooves. Lucas had only a few moments before he felt something, wet and large prodding against his tail hole. His eyes bulged as, ever so slowly, the horse cock was forced into his tight ass, spreading apart his insides. A soundless scream escaped his mouth as he felt the GIGANTIC piece of meat being forced into him. It felt like the entire world was being pushed into him, causing tears to slide down his cheeks. One of the horses in front of him smiled, "You might be going a little to hard on the poor guy Tony, I don't think he can take it."

The horse behind Lucas spoke, "Well maybe distract him with something Marv, it's not my fault that he's so tight." Tony let out a loud gasp as he finished his sentence as Lucas's ass squeezed around his dick.

Without hesitation, Marv pointed his cock at the poor Labradors face, pushing it towards him until Lucas took it in his mouth. As Lucas watched the shaft push into his mouth, all he could think was, "No wonder it hurts so much, this thing is huge!"

As inch after inch of horse cock was forced into Lucas on both sides, he felt filled. But something odd was happening to him, what had moments before been a Labrador fighting off some Horses from raping him, had now turned into a submissive Labrador imagining what the third horse's cock tasted like... What? Why was he thinking this?

As Lucas sat kneeling, having his body pushed to it's limits by two massive cocks, his mind was being warped by the parasites living in the Horses' tasty cum. As more and more pre cum was being dumped into Lucas, the parasites began to take hold on him, changing his thoughts to be of nothing but fucking, and being fucked by dudes. Lucas's eyes rose up and looked at the third horse kneeling next to him, giving him a stare of pure lust, eliciting a smirk from the horse.

"He's infected, we're good."

At that Lucas felt the hooves remove themselves from holding him down. His paws shot up to Marv's sides, grabbing his hips and pulling him in to force as much of the horses cock into his mouth as possible. Even though Lucas was beginning to choke for air he didn't let up, and almost passed out before the horse, noticing the predicament, removed Lucas from his cock. Taking deep, rattling breathes, Lucas maintained eye contact with Marv, panting as saliva spilled from his mouth onto the floor.

"This one's tight Ben and i'm getting close," Tony said behind Lucas, "You should go help Marv prepare to take the reins." Both horses nodded at this.

Lucas gasped as Tony sped up dramatically, pushing into his ass with powerful thrusts that pushed as deep as twelve or thirteen inches. Still though, Lucas stayed up watching Marv and Ben get into a corner of the room. Marv sat down on a bench next to a few lockers, his full fifteen inches standing proud and glistening from Lucas's saliva. Ben stood over him, facing away, then began to sat down. As Lucas watched, inch after inch disappeared into Ben's own tail hole making him grimace but moan in pleasure. The Labrador smiled as he watched Marv begin humping his buddy in the corner of the room, their sex making loud, wet, slapping noises as the two prepared for what was sure to be an enjoyable fucking of Lucas.

A powerful thrust by Tony knocked Lucas over, his ass now pointing straight up in the air as his cheek was squished against the floor. The horse let out a loud moan as he made tiny quick humps into Lucas, pulling out and pushing back in no more than an inch or two. Lucas felt a warm sensation spread through his stomach and ass, making him hum pleasurably. Finally with a satisfying pop, Tony pulled his deflating cock out of Lucas's ass. Tony called over Marv and Ben. As the two horses separated from each other Lucas felt a little disappointed. He would have loved to watch Ben get filled up with his friends thick, creamy seed. "Oh well, more for me then." He thought.

"Tony, we only got ten minutes," Ben said, "Marv and I can't both go."

"Of course you can," Tony said, "at the same time." He said with a grin.

Marv and Ben smiled. Marv laid down on his back and patted his lap, "Get up here bitch." Lucas complied, straddling the horse's hips.

Instantly Marv pushed his own cock into Lucas, very easily in fact since the cum of his friend before made it pretty slippery down there. Still, Lucas felt that it was a little tight, and was trying to readjust when his ass was set on fire as Ben began to push his cock in to join Marv's. All Lucas felt was pain and he kind of blacked out. He didn't know how long later he woke up, but it must have been almost half a minute at least because now both horses were practically hilted in him. With a start Lucas noticed that his mouth was foaming and saliva was dripping from his mouth like a water fountain. He was caked in sweat, even more sweat than after he had worked out not forty minutes ago.

Lucas struggled to find his voice, "S... Soooo gooooood... f-fuck me right now." The two horses needed no other encouragement. They began forcing themselves in and out of Lucas's ass as fast as they could. Tony walked in front of Lucas, shoving his soft cock into Lucas's mouth, making him taste his own ass and what was left of Tony's sweet cum. This sent him over the edge. Lucas blew his load across Marv's chest underneath him, caking the horse's fur in cum. Seconds later Marv and Ben came as well, filling up Lucas's ass and spilling out of his brutalized hole.

Once they had all separated from each other, the scene might've looked almost ridiculous. Three horses, all with drained cocks, sitting around the locker room floor with a limp Labrador, with cum pooling out of his tight tail hole, with a small bit of his own cum on his chest from Marv's body and his own touching. The dog's mouth foaming as he laid back, just enjoying the beautiful feeling of cum in his ass.

"Hey boys, that looked fun and all, but I want to get home in an hour and now you've made an even bigger mess for me to clean up." Shocked, all the men looked over at the door to see a curvy female fox in a janitors uniform smiling warmly. As she said this she removed her hand from her pants, examining the sticky mess she had on her fingers. "I guess I gotta clean this up too." With a laugh she wheeled her mop over and began to mop up the cum on the floor.