Caught in the Act - July Rule 34 Story #2

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#26 of Patreon

While enjoying his favorite porn of Starfox and Razor, Bebop is suddenly rudely interrupted by Rocksteady who has a horn to pick with him ;)

Thank you for your support guys! This was the result of the many perverts on me and Wolfgang's patreon page :) Enjoy!

"Caught in the Act"

"Holy shit, holy shit! Razor I don't know what you're doing but I like it!"

The jet shot across the atmosphere at top speed, spiraling as half of the SwatKats team; Razor dove in through a practical legion of small spacecraft flying directly toward them. The blasters off the front of their ships fired blue lasers that glowed off the Turbokat's hull, grazing its newly shielded alloy and not leaving a mark on it. In the back seat, Fox McCloud held onto the harness strapping him into the seat. He was unfamiliar with the design of the plane and opted instead to let the cat do all the flying. In this position though he felt like the harness was the only thing keeping him in place as gravity seemed to fling him to the left; to the right and hanging straight down with every pitch the ship went through. "Hang on!" Razor shouted through the roar of the plane's engine as they pulled straight up into the sky, making a lingering loop before diving back down toward the earth. Even Fox had to keep his insides from jettisoning all over the cockpit at that.

"WOOHOO!!" He cried exuberantly. "Razor, have you considered joining our armada? We could use a pilot with your skill!"

"Sorry Fox." Razor said with a wink. "I got plenty of stuff to worry about in Megakat City. But I appreciate the offer."

There was a hard turn to the right as the plane swivelled into a barrel roll and two of the ships chasing them slammed into one another, causing a massive explosion. After a quick dip, the plane entered a forced vertical climb that drew both of their cheeks back as the G-Force reached its maximum tolerance. "Ra-Razor I don't have a mask I'm going to--"

The next thing Fox realized he was lying alone in the dark. He gasped and bolted upright, realizing he was lying on a large soft bed and that aside from the blanket laying over him he was completely naked. He looked around. "Razor?" He asked, his voice carrying a short echo as he draped the sheets over his shoulders and climbed off the bed.

The room appeared to be some abandoned part of a hangar, but the only light he could detect was from a doorway just on the other side. He grunted as his foot kicked a rather heavy box near the door and nearly staggered out of his makeshift clothes. As his bare feet made their way across the cold floor he reached the door and pulled it open.

The second room was a lot warmer in color and a lot more open, obviously the more lived in of the hangar wings. He'd stepped into a small living area just inside the door, but the room opened out into another big hangar; the Turbokat sat idle on the other side of the room, the dull sound the television briefly distracting Fox as he walked past it to see Razor lying underneath the plane on a creeper working in the bowels of the hull. Only his feet and part of his legs could be seen as Fox approached. He could hear Razor grunting, and the sound of a ratchet grinding as he worked. Taking a step too far, Fox's foot knocked against the toolbox nearby, causing it to clatter.

"That you Chance? Could you hand me a five-eighths wrench?" Fox silently dipped his hand into the toolbox and produced the tool, slipping it into Razor's hand. "Thanks buddy."


Fox's voice alerted the cat enough to cause him to pull out from under the plane a bit and look at him. "Well, look at you. Mister Space Ace himself finally waking up from a little G-Force coma."

"Well I didn't have a mask on; I never said I was a planetary pilot anyway. My thing's with space. You know; no gravity except artificial." He smirked.

Razor rolled out from under the plane completely and with a dirty rag began to rub away at grease that stained his hands. "Well, I'm glad you're alright."

"Thanks to you." Fox smirked. "I mean, you saved my life. What can I do to repay you."

"It was nothing, really." Razor said as he stood up.

Fox got a good look at the cat; he was rather lanky in build but his muscles were in the right places, his bushy brown fur topped off with a pair of erect triangular ears that flicked curiously at him. Fox's tail swayed as he moved forward again, giving Razor no room to step back or move away as the fox put his palms squarely on both sides of the cat's head. "Oh, I don't think of it as nothing." He said, letting the sheet slide off his lean muscular body and onto the floor.

Razor stammered and looked at Fox from head to toe, the nervousness now peeking through his fur as he pressed himself against the cool metal of the Turbokat and stared into Fox's eyes. "Wh-what are you doing? I'm not--"

"Oh come on." Fox teased, his tongue sliding across his teeth. "It's not like you just tossed me onto the bed in there." His left hand shifted from its place by Razor's head to sliding along the central zipper line of the cat's coveralls. "You stripped me down to get a peek at me." His fingers found the zipper and coyly wrapped around them as he began to drag them down the front of the cat's outfit. "It's only fair I get a peek back. Right?" The zipper continued downward, allowing the cat's chest to slip out of it. As the tab reached the end, Fox slipped a finger in and grinned. "Oh, going commando I see. Is that the same under that spandex you wear?"

"Uhh..." Razor bit his lower lip, getting hard at Fox's touch. He nodded. "Ye-yes?"

"No need to be nervous." Fox leaned in, his hand slipping into the cat's clothes almost purring himself as Razor's slender figure slipped the fabric off his shoulders.

Fox growled in delight as Razor's outfit slipped down to his waist, he craned his neck in and began to lick and nibble gently on the cat's neck, making Razor gasp in delight as his cock sprang out of his coveralls, a firm tug pulling his clothes past the waist and he felt them fall softly to the floor. Fox's arm crept around Razor's waist, lewdly pushing their bodies together and the cat realized exactly how hard the fox's shaft was. His claws dragged along Fox's back, leaving trails in the fur that neither of them could see, his breathing was short and heated as he tried to speak. "Ch-Chance could be back anyti-time..." He whispered.

"Well then, we'll have to invite him in if he does." Fox purred teasingly. His other hand reaching down and grabbing the flesh between them, he squeezed their cocks together and stroked, feeling the blood pulsing within the muscles. "Trust me, I'm an ace pilot..."

Bebop moaned at the images on the screen as he sat on the couch in front of the television; Rocksteady had gone out to the store, so the warthog figured he had about an hour or so to kill in a little porn. His belt clicked a bit on the floor as he shifted in his seat, his massive flesh gripped firmly in his hand, so much precum dripping down his fingers that it was like a faucet leaking down. "Fuuuck." He snorted as he stroked his length, dragging his thumb over the tip of it occasionally, he licked the taste off it and leaned back. He was wearing nothing but a white tanktop shirt, his nipples half exposed under the fabric as he played with them on occasion. "The dialogue is crap but this is some quality material here." He said to himself as he watched the cat slowly slide down the fox's body and wrap his mouth around Fox's cock. Bebop snorted again. "Oh yeah, suck it cat..." He moaned a little louder sitting back deeper into the couch and grinding his ass into the cushions. His other hand moved from his left nipple to his balls as he gave them a squeeze, feeling the moisture underneath them as he teased the orbs, taunting them by bouncing his fingers from side to side and squeezing them tight at the base of his shaft.

Bebop kicked his shoes off under the coffee table, the small apartment that he and Rocksteady had rented was barely large enough for the two of them but somehow they managed. They'd gotten actual furniture and made enough for them to get by without having to go back to Shredder. His thoughts on the subject were shortened by the mutant's abrupt snort, his playing with himself for three days now was really getting him pent up and he was getting ready to explode all over the nice new couch they'd picked up off the curb only a few days ago. Despite his sensitive hearing though, he hadn't even noticed that the door to the apartment had opened and closed while he sat only a few feet from it, too lost in euphoria until suddenly a massive gray rough-hide muscular arm wrapped around his neck and hoisted him almost completely off the couch.

"You trying to make a mess out of our new couch here?" Rocksteady growled roughly in the warthog's ears, making them flick in response. "C'mon Bop, I thought you said the whole gay thing was a phase you was over!"

Bebop couldn't speak, he could hardly breathe as he grabbed at Rocksteady's thick arm and was dragged out of the couch by the beastly rhino. His legs kicking, futilely restrained by his pants being still at his ankles as he was slammed hard against the wall. The two shared a glance and Bebop grinned wickedly with a shrug. Putting his feet down he managed to grab Rocksteady by the arms and huck his large bodyweight into throwing the rhino against a nearby cabinet. The cabinet exploded from the impact of the rhino's weight and everything in the rack shattered to the floor followed by the debris of the shelf itself as Bebop pressed his body against the rhino's, his cock grinding hard against the man's camouflage-printed pants. "What can I say, I'm a dirty pig!" He let out a guffaw that echoed through the apartment.

"Yeah? Well you're gonna fuckin' love this!"

Rocksteady grabbed Bebop by the shirt with one hand, then by the shoulder with his other hand and effortlessly threw him across the apartment, causing the warthog to slam into the dining room table, causing the legs to give out and send the wooden round table crashing to the ground. "AHH!" Bebop exclaimed as Rocksteady grabbed him by the shirt again and pulled him back up. This time though, the shirt ripped off the pig's body and Bebop slipped around, grabbing Rocksteady by the waist and ramming him hard-horned into a wall on the other side of the room. As soon as he released the hog slipped on his own trousers and crashed into the floor belly laughing as hard as he could

Rocksteady twisted his head and pulled but couldn't pull away from the wall. He pushed back with both of his hands, trying to free himself to no avail. "Hey--hey Bebop! I'm stuck! I can't move!"

"Isat so?" Bebop said tauntingly as he got up off the floor, pulling his pants off.

As Bebop got up he grinned staring at the rhino's backside swinging from side to side as he tried to pull himself free. He grabbed each side of Rocksteady's butt and squeezed him from his cheeks to his hips. Rocksteady froze. "Hey wha-what're you doin Bop? Get me outta here!"

"What was that? About gettin' your pants all wet?" Bebop asked, his shaft having gotten hard again it was still dripping fresh precum that he began to rub against the rhino's backside through the pants. "Ooohh that's kinda hot, maybe you shouldn't squirm so much Rock. I might end up gettin' 'Rock-hard'." He snorted.

"You been watching those campy pornos too much Bebop. Your one-liners are terrible! Now get your cock off my pants!"

"Oh, sure." Bebop said as he leaned forward and unfastened Rocksteady's belt.

"Hey! I didn't mean that!"

Rocksteady was too late to object though, his belt was freed and his zipper about ripped open as his thick flesh was dragged out and his pants pulled down past his ass. "Ohhh looks like I'm not the only one." Bebop teased, his hands wrapping around the rhino's waist and finding that he was also quite hard. The rhino moaned a bit, then shifted his waist.

"Gaddamn it Bop, qui-quit that!"

"Why don'cha make me, Rock?" Bebop continued to tease, rubbing his cock between the rhino's cheeks and sliding his hands up under his shirt to grab his nipples.

"Y-you're stretchin' my shirt!" Rocksteady complained.

"Oh yeah?" Bebop obliged by suddenly yanking his arms outward, causing the rhino's shirt to rip directly down the middle. As it fell off the rhino's shoulders, leaving nothing but a sea of muscle under the warthog's flabby thick muscle gut he laughed. "That any better?" He asked.

"So-son of a...." Rocksteady panted and slammed his boots down, still trying to yank himself free from the wall. "Why can't I move?"

"Maybe cause you don' wanna?" Bebop teased, licking the rhino's ears as he grabbed and grinded his shaft again into the mutant's muscles.

Bebop slinked back some and sank down to his knees. He'd wanted to do this for years and never had the chance, he pressed his face against Rocksteady's ass, spreading the cheeks apart as his nose slipped in between, his tongue ravenously licking at Rocksteady's taint and his balls; greedily taking in the male's musk, which only made him harder. Rocksteady's protests had shifted gears too, as a low guttural moan emerged from his lips. His tail hiked a bit and swatted back and forth rapidly, nearly slapping Bebop in the face. In response the warthog simply slapped the large area of flesh over his face, making the sound echo as a hefty drool of precum began to drip down Rocksteady's shaft and onto Bebop's goatee and neck.

"If I didn't know any better I'd say you're wantin' this pretty bad, Rock." He teased before curling his lips between Rocksteady's legs and wrapping them around his hanging balls.

His amusement resounded in a snort and he continued to drag his tongue through the rhino's musky underside. His fingers pressing hard against Rocksteady's hips before standing up and dragging his slippery mouth up and across Rocksteady's hole. The taste, the smell of his musk only made Bebop want it more. He stood up and pressed his cock against the fleshy warmth under Rocksteady's tail. He gasped in response to the touch.

"W-wait---!" He tried to object but it was too late, Bebop pressed his wet head forward, cramming it past the walls of Rocksteady's muscled ass. "EEEEAAAAAHHHHH!" Rocksteady roared at the abrupt pain, finally yanking at his head hard enough to pull it free from the wall. Instead of clobbering Bebop though, his entire body slammed into the pig and he drove himself hard onto the flesh. "F-FUCK YEAH!" he cried as Bebop tried now to steady his own weight along with the massive rhino forcing his ass down his aching cock.

"AHH! Fuck Rock! You're gonna make me cum you keep doin' that!"

"What? You mean this?" He asked as he wrapped his arm back behind the mutant's back and thrust his hips downward, forcing more and more of it deep into his warmth.

Bebop had to stop it, he was so close already. He'd been edging for days and was in the middle of a porno when Rocksteady had interrupted him, he had to get off, but now he didn't want to do it just because the rhino demanded it. He growled and grabbed the rhino by both nipples, pulling him up some as he reacted toward the grab. He then wrapped his arm around Rocksteady's waist and threw him hard into the couch behind them. The couch didn't stand a chance and exploded in half, crashing onto the floor as they slammed down on top of it. Bebop slid his cock out and slammed it back in hard, fucking the rhino so hard that he began to cry out. Rocksteady grunted and threw his ass out, enjoying every inch as he backed into Bebop's crotch. This was turning into a bit of a competition between them; both trying to make the other one cum first and neither were backing down. Bebop slammed his weight down on Rocksteady, forcing the rhino's chest against the floor, raising his ass as he began to jackhammer into him. Rock could hardly move with the pig's weight on him, he didn't want to give Bebop the pleasure though, he wanted to make the mutant work for it.

Using his upper body strength, Rocksteady forced himself upright and grabbed Bebop. "Ahh! Ahh! Yeah! Fuck!" The porno was getting to its climax and Bebop was distracted long enough watching as Fox, lying underneath Razor was yanking him down and fucking him from below. He watched as the camera angle changed, showing that Fox was going in balls-deep grinding hard into the cat's ass. Razor's back arched forward and his cock dragged along Fox's chest, copious precum dripping out into the fox's ivory chest fur. Suddenly the weight of Rocksteady's grab returned Bebop to reality and he was literally thrown across the room, hitting the wall of the apartment so hard that the two windows above him shattered out.

Bebop gasped as Rocksteady charged over to him, his massive cock now at full alert as he dragged Bebop from the wall, laying him flat on the floor. "You think you're gonna outlast me? You got another thing comin' Bop!" He exclaimed as he straddled his huge legs over Bebop's abdomen and settled himself in, sliding the hog's shaft back into his ass. "AHH! Fuck!" He cried again as if he were being penetrated the first time. "That porno give you any ideas? Cause it sure got me goin'!" He shouted as he slammed his ass down hard.

Bebop was not to be deterred. He grabbed Rocksteady's waist and forced himself up into Rocksteady's ass, making him howl and throw his head back. Every muscle seemed to inflate with his breath as he tried to out-power the hog. The music of Bebop's porno made a fitting background noise to their hollars and rutting sounds as Rocksteady tried to squeeze the very life out of Bebop's shaft with his ass. His control, his muscular movements everything told Bebop that the rhino was very well experienced in fucking other guys as he stared at the rhino through his tilted shades. His hands went up Rocksteady's chest and back down, randomly grabbing Rocksteady's nipples like they were playthings. "Y-Y'know you should ge-get these things pierced..."

"Oh y-yeah?!" Rocksteady asked. "You mean like these?!" He grabbed Bebop's thick nipple rings and gave them a tug, making Bebop give a squeal that was almost too pig-like even for him. He slammed his ass upward, making Rocksteady rock back and forth against it, precum draining heavily into Bebop's pelt.

"G-gotta hand it to the realism of tha-that porn Rock. Cause you're about to pop like a fuckin' cork!" Bebop said crudely as he grabbed Rocksteady's thick member and began to squeeze and stroke it teasingly.

Out of the corner of Bebop's eye, the porno was still going on. Fox and Razor had swapped positions and going at it doggy-style. He watched as Fox's flesh slowly pulled back and thrust into Razor's ass again and again, their balls swaying and bumping together with each crucial moan. Razor was playing with himself, but Fox was completely dominating him, the vulpine pulling Razor onto his cock by grabbing him on the shoulders and thrusting in deep and hard. Each long, slow thrust causing them both to cry out.

"NNHH!" Fox grunted as he plunged in and the cat began to yowl under him, suddenly climaxing and cumming all over the floor underneath them. It was so hot, so intense that Bebop could hardly stand it himself.

"GRAHH! FUCK Rock! I'm gonna cum!"

Rocksteady was too lost to reply, his eyes were closed, his own shaft about to explode as well as it throbbed and slickened against Bebop's greedy fingers. He belted out a sudden ROOOOOOAR of climax as he finally let loose a firehose of cum. The spray hit Bebop first and foremost, making the hog shake and climax as well. Their roars exploded through the apartment, the shaking of their orgasm causing even the light above them to drop out of the ceiling and shatter on the floor under them with the volume of their pounding. The sound of a pipe breaking in the kitchen interrupted their bliss for a moment and Rocksteady finally collapsed on top of Bebop, both of them still draining their fluids into-and-on-top of each other.

After several minutes of shaking, Bebop turned to the screen to see that Fox and Razor were now lying together on the floor of the hangar, having a conversation that he couldn't hear over the moans of Rocksteady and the watery discharge from the kitchen. Panting, Bebop finally got up the nerve to speak again. "Rock, you weigh as much as a mountain, mind gettin' the hell off'a me?"

Rocksteady stared at Bebop and smirked. "Tell me I won." He said.

"No way!" Bebop exclaimed. "You blasted your load first, it was like a glazer at a donut factory, you coated me way before I fuckin' came in you."

Rocksteady grunted as he slowly dismounted, spilling Bebop's remaining cum all over the hog and the floor under them as he came to a rest beside him. The two laid still for a bit, staring at the ceiling which had webs of cracks all throughout the drywall. After a bit Rocksteady chuckled.

"What? What's so funny?" Bebop asked.

"So... you think when the owners get back, they're gonna be mad that their apartment's destroyed?"

Bebop pondered the question for a moment, then snorted out a laugh that eventually died down between the two of them. "Oh, probably. But now I'm gonna need to watch that porn again, you made me miss the best part!"