Relief on the Highmountain

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#110 of Commissions

Commission for superduperdog

Another story starring his Worgen Priest Morrice as he lends some aid to the tauren of Highmountain, but his lustful nature kicks in as he starts suggesting ways of 'stress relief' to Lasan Skyhorn and several other bulls, turning it into a rather steamy trip for Morrice after all ;)

"Relief on the Highmountain"

Clouds were looming low over the Highmountain tribe on what started out as a sunny morning was slowly growing more storm-like as the day progressed. On top of the high numbers of casualties and deaths due to a nearby Legion incursion that was eventually beaten back, the tauren of the mountain were in serious need of aid. As Morrice Pewterlane was among the more powerful priests the Alliance could offer, he was summoned on the front lines and had been working over sweat and blood for most of the days. Healing the injured, curing the tauren who ailed from Fel poisons and having to bear the sound of the thunderous demons of the Legion as they tried to encroach on the soil near Thunder Totem. As things had begun to calm down, Morrice was finally able to slow down some and help when and where he was needed. He wasn't often without his mate Dexter, but could understand the rogue's need to be on a mission given to him just as much as he received his own mission to complete.

As the worgen stood up and flipped his fur back behind his head, he stretched his muscles and groaned, feeling a few pops along the spine as this was probably the first time in hours he'd been able to stand upright. All this duty had exhausted him to the point of dropping, but oddly enough it began to feed into a more insatiable appetite, and having these hulking bulls around didn't help matters much.

"Priest! Come over here!"

He heard a bellowing voice beckon from a few yards away; Lasan Skyhorn had waved toward the worgen and was gesturing him toward him. Quickly, Morrice moved toward the bull. "We have many injured, my friend. I would be grateful for your help as well." He said as he turned around and lifted his tunic up over his head. Morrice couldn't help but blush at the ocean of muscle lying under the bull's dark brown fur, but along with the muscle was a rather nasty looking gash that spread across his shoulders along with several other cuts that darkened his fur with the color of his blood. He grunted a bit as the priest touched the injuries. "I was ambushed by some of those damned hounds, their tendrils are rather potent as whips."

Morrice cringed. "Okay, hold still. It won't be a moment." He said as he placed his hands on the injuries and his hands began to glow. He felt Lasan shudder at the sensation as the light began to flicker and jump from cut to cut out of Morrice's hands. The cuts began to slowly seal themselves and even the massive gash at the shoulders appeared to be closing without visible scarring. Lasan's shudder turned into a sigh of relief as he took a deep breath; possibly the first one he'd taken in some time, and just like that, his wounds healed. "There we go, all better." The worgen said as he took a step back.

Lasan smiled and turned around to face the priest. "Thank you, priest." He said. "Your name it was... Morrice? Yes?"

"Still is, as far as I know." The worgen responded, playfully sticking his tongue out.

Lasan smiled. "I thank you for your help, if there is anything I could do to possibly repay you--" He looked around. "Huh... I've seen you here before, with another of your kind. Where is he?"

"Oh, that would be Dexter." Morrice answered. "He is off on another mission, in Stormheim I believe." He said. "Actually I am gathering a few of the injured in Thunder Totem, there is a cave just at the base of it, I'm sure you've heard of it."

Lasan nodded. "Yes, the heat from the lava floes run in the walls of the cave, creating a natural heat funnel."

"It also does wonders for muscle relaxation." He said. "I've been offering additional healing and massage therapy for any bull interested. I wonder if the leader of the Skyhorn could use a bit of--relief for himself?" The worgen's brash motion of simply brushing his hand past the tauren's cloaked bulge brought a smirk to his face.

"Perhaps I could go. I could use a bit of a sweat to help loosen up some."

"Great, I figured you'd be interested. I've reserved it to aid the injured, though any females I'd asked said they would not be interested."

"All the better." Lasan responded teasingly. "Thank you for your offer, perhaps I will see you there later." He bowed, and ruffled his massive hand on the worgen's head before turning and heading back toward Thunder Totem.

Morrice dragged his tongue along the outer line of his fangs as he watched the bull walk away. He would make a fine addition to the selection of bulls who had expressed interest in the priest's rather forward offer. As he turned he continued on the main road in search of more injured that needed his assistance. He did have a job to do, and the fun he had in store needed to wait until later.

He had asked a few females, just so his intentions didn't seem as biased as they were, but just as more males seemed interested, no females were interested in climbing into a cave to sweat or be massaged. It was a relief to the worgen, whose interests strictly fell toward men. He had a rather insatiable appetite; one that even Dexter couldn't fill one hundred percent of the time, as he had his own missions to attend to. They both had an agreement of a more 'open' relationship between them, so long as Dexter didn't have to witness his mate's activities he had no problem being skewered by a bunch of tauren. He grinned and brought his hand to his jaw, dragging his thumb across his chin, rumbling a bit at the thought.

Morrice's thoughts were suddenly yanked out of the gutter when another explosion shattered the ground not far behind him. Turning around he looked up to see a massive infernal rising out of the ground. The worgen took a step back and quickly swiped his hand, casting a bolt of light directly across its facial structure. Its fel flames erupted in anger as it turned toward him and easily backhanded the priest backwards. Hitting the ground hard, he rolled over several times before coming to an abrupt stop against a massive boulder.

"Everyone! Fire on that demon!" He heard someone shout. "Protect the priest!" And just like that, Morrice felt his consciousness slipping away.

"Are you alright?"

The voice sounded like a booming echo in Morrice's ears as his unconsciousness began to wane. He could feel the ground under him; it was warm, a relief to his back. The lighting didn't jerk him awake and he was able to slowly open his eyes to the surroundings of a cave. Slowly, his eyes opened and he was looking into Lasan's face, which breathed a sigh with a smile. "Thank An'she you live. We'd thought the worst for a while there."

"Lasan?" Morrice said after a moment, then he realized that they were in the steam caves under Thunder Totem. The warmth hit his face like a hammer and he inhaled sharply. "Wow... it's hot in here."

As he looked around, he could see four other tauren sitting around, watching him cautiously while a few more sat beyond their benches conversing among one another. Their attention all turned to the priest and Morrice smiled before looking back at Lasan. "I see, brought me here for those massages I promised, eh?"

"Actually--" Lasan said as he pressed back against Morrice who was sitting up, having him lay back down. "I thought we may return the favors you have granted us this day." He said as he put his large hands to the tunic the worgen was wearing.

There was a gentleness to the bull clad in nothing but a small strip of cloth laid over his cock. All of them were dressed similarly as Morrice took another look around. He could hardly contain his sudden erection, some of the bulls were interacting with massages to the neck or back, others speaking in their own tongues in faint whispers, passing glances at the worgen as Lasan stripped Morrice's shirt off, revealing a slender, yet somewhat muscular toned chest underneath it. Lasan grinned and sounded as though he were suppressing a purr. "Now that's a bit better. Please, turn over and we can help to heal your stiff muscles."

"That's not the side I need to worry about right now." Morrice muttered almost to himself, but complied to the bull's request as he turned and laid on his stomach.

He watched as another of the tauren strutted across the cavern, they had apparently found a rock closer to the lava flows than others. It was surrounded by totems that emitted cooling pulses that faced outward. Taking a ladle of water, he turned it over and let the liquid spill onto the rock. Immediately immersing the area in a warm steam that pulsed outward with the totems' magic. These tauren really had a way of utilizing their magic that he'd never even considered. He felt Lasan's hands grasp firmly at his shoulders, bearing down on his back muscles and causing the worgen to grunt in response. Lasan was seated so close to him now that Morrice could feel the flap of his loincloth subtly brush over his fingertips as he leaned forward and his rough furred hands rotated around the worgen's furry shoulders. Morrice moaned and laid his head against the stone under him as he felt Lasan work. He inhaled and exhaled slowly, except for the occasions that the bull's fingers started to travel south. They pushed into his sides, traveling across his spine and with a firm push, Morrice could feel his muscles pop, which caused his hips to sway somewhat automatically. Lasan chuckled and continued to explore.

It wasn't happening in the way he'd expected, but Morrice wasn't complaining, as the tauren shifted his weight again a bit more of his cloth brushed across the priest's fingers, he curled them up slightly and felt the slightest hint of the tauren's thick flesh barely contained in the modest cloth. He felt the flesh twitch a bit then expand a bit more before Lasan pulled away again some as his hands made their way to Morrice's pants. "It is rather risky to be in here with your clothing on." He teased. "You do not mind if I remove these do you? I could massage your legs much better without them."

"Not--not at all." The priest responded, trying to sound subtle as the tauren grasped his hips and then tugged at his pants. He winced as they were dragged back down along his cock, it flung wet and hard against the stone under him. He quickly tried to conceal his vivid arousal, but he knew he wasn't fooling anyone.

"Much better. Yes?"

Morrice grinned a bit and nodded. He felt Lasan's hands work their way down the worgen's firm, round cheeks. Morrice sighed heavily, trying not to moan as he loved it when his ass was played with. The bull's hands tightened at the fleshy muscle and traveled down hard, staying--perhaps a little longer than necessary there before moving past and caressing his thighs. Lasan's regular grip wrapped nearly all the way around Morrice's legs and with it was a rather non-subtle grazing of the worgen's taint and the back of his balls. He felt the bull's flesh move distinctly against his leg as he too was getting very into this a bead of warmth began to drizzle down his leg as the canine shifted his waist a little more into the massage. "I would not be so eager." Lasan teased, the flesh of his wakening shaft pressing into Morrice's backside. "I would not want to split you in two."

"Fu-uck...." The worgen moaned a bit. "I could probably take two of you." He said a bit louder than he intended and earned the eyes of half the cavern.

"Is that so?" He said, more intently rubbing himself against the worgen. It was at that point that Morrice realized what the bull meant. "Even among my kind I am a bit above average."

His cock felt as big as a bottle against Morrice's bare fur, precum was draining out of it now, probably soaking the back of the loincloth flap that slowly and stickily slipped to the side. Every muscle in Morrice's body stirred and he shuddered with anticipation now, his ass rising with each rub that the tauren gave his haunches. As he looked around, he could see the other bulls were getting into the spirit of things; a pair nearby, with ebon and clay red fur were embraced in each other's arms, their horns almost locked as they kissed. The ebon tauren's hands running down the other's chest and stomach to take his flesh into his own hands. This was a good idea and Morrice had begun to understand why the women did not care to visit these caves; it was nothing but an orgy pit for the males. As he turned over and sighed, he noticed another bull approaching; this one was a lighter brown fur than Lasan, he had green eyes and greying fur; his flesh was already thick and hard, beads of fresh precum dripped from it like a faucet and he was clearly an older male. As he approached, his intentions seemed clear enough and as the bull grazed his cock against the white worg's maw, he quickly engulfed it. The brown bull gave a growl of approval and placed his hand on Morrice's head, pressing it down as he began to slide his flesh slowly inward.

Morrice could hardly move at the moment, he definitely couldn't fight the pair off if he wanted to and he didn't care. His lips smacked around the flesh as he felt it flex and twitch in reaction to his almost-liquid tongue swirling around it. The musky, salty flavor entranced him and he barely felt Lasan pull back from his massage. Only when the bull spread the worgen's cheeks did he realize what was happening as the bull began to drag his tongue along Morrice's ass; sending a wet trail from the back of his balls all the way up to his fleshy ring. The priest couldn't say much, but his body felt like it was going to melt in this heat. His lips occasionally broke suction on the thick bull member in his mouth and the sound echoed through the cave as all the other participants had broken out into sexual acts amongst each other as they slowly began to move in together.

The scent of sweat was hanging in the air, but the smell of sex was overpowering the priest's senses he dragged his muzzle down to the end of the bull's cock and heard his moans of delight fill the cavern. Lasan's tongue could be felt pressing against his ass, flexing its way through the muscle of his hole. The tauren's saliva was wet and slippery and he made a strong effort to spread the ring out as his tongue began its invasion. The penetration sent shivers down Morrice's back; now he wanted the bull to mount him, he wanted as many of them to fuck him as hard as possible. There was no going back, his lust was beginning to overwhelm him. Aggressively almost, he reached up and grabbed the base of the sandy-brown tauren's shaft in front of him and engulfed the shaft again. He felt the bull needfully grabbing the back of his head, bucking himself in so hard that his thick, dangling balls struck Morrice's chin. Morrice twisted his head and tightened his lips around the flesh as he sucked, moaning and growling all at once. The more eager his mouth got though, the louder the air slipping began to get.

"Ahhh....hrnnn...." The nameless bull muttered as his thrusts began to speed up a bit, the elder's balls feeling like cannonballs now bouncing against his chin in his eagerness.

"Now you have gone and excited this bull." Lasan said, leaning up and wrapping his arm around the worgen's upper torso, his thick, muscular body pressing firmly against the smaller priest's back a throbbing, warm tip planted firmly against Morrice's pucker. "Let us see if you can ride it." He added teasingly as he pressed forward.

Morrice couldn't speak or cry out, the first penetration was always the most painful, but the most exciting part of a long, deep fuck. He wanted it badly, his jaw almost fell agape, but the other bull had moved his hands toward the worgen's jaw, preventing it from doing so as he fucked his muzzle like he were breeding a stallion. Morrice's legs spread some and Lasan pulled his backside up in order to press his flesh in deeper, leaving the worgen's cock bouncing up against his stomach and dripping all over the stone under them. The heat couldn't get much more intense if it tried now. Morrice's knees wobbled and slipped uncontrollably on the smooth stone. With a grunt, Lasan pushed in further, using his hands to steady Morrice's posture. He moaned and slipped out, pushing his way back in again in a repetitive motion. Out of his own control, Morrice's mouth continued to tighten and slurp loudly against the other bull's shaft as he thrust in and was pulled away by Lasan's motions. It was a tease, every push into the back of his throat was met with a wet slosh of semen from the older bull. A trail which traveled down Morrice's tongue every time he was pulled away, and then back again. It took a few moments for the worgen to accommodate to the lusting bull's thrusts in order to properly continue sucking on the flesh in his maw.

Finally, there was a shudder. The sandy older bull let out a beastial grunt as a thick mass load of cum shot into Morrice's mouth, straight down his gullet. Morrice swallowed and felt the flesh pulse uncontrollably. As Lasan's momentum dragged Morrice away, the flesh twitched and flicked its way out of his mouth, sending a spray of cum directly into the priest's face. He closed an eye on instinct and gripped the pulsing shaft for more seed, which it provided as Morrice was sent messily into it again, the wetness covered him and he blinked his other eye open, finding that the spray of cum somehow hadn't gotten in either of them. As he released the older tauren, two others rather eagerly took his place; it was the ebony and the clay-colored bulls from moments before. Morrice grinned and enjoyed their thick flesh by grabbing onto them like a pair of handlebars. Lasan moaned as he pushed every inch of flesh that he could into the priest and Morrice found that these two provided a good stable way to hold still. One at a time he would wrap his tongue and his lips around one cock while holding onto the other firmly. He switched back and forth; a combination of saliva and precum drained from his mouth on each transition and the cocks began to get a little more slippery to hold onto as he pulled them even closer.

There was a slapping noise, as loud as it could get between fur-on-fur as Lasan began to bury his cock deep and all the way into the worgen's ass. He had been right; Lasan was much bigger than any bull that Morrice had been with, he could feel the flesh tingling deep in his ass the sway of the bull's balls as they rested against his own, every muscle pressed against the worgen's body felt amazing as it flexed and relaxed with each long, deep thrust. The Skyhorn's deep, resonant voice provided timber to the cavern's noises and his hands were deeply rooted against the worgen's body as if he weren't going to let him go any time soon. Lasan had chuckled a bit, drawing the priest's attention.

"Wh-what now?" He asked at the bull's amusement.

"So, you think you can take two of us, do you?" Lasan recounted, speaking in between breaths.

Before Morrice could answer he felt Lasan's grasp tighten on his waist and in a surprising move, he found himself going airborne as Lasan rested his own body against the stone and pulled Morrice to lie face up, his back on the mountain of muscle now as his legs began to swim in the air. Quickly, the ebon bull's arms caught Morrice's legs as he moved in, the black shaft that had been deep in Morrice's mouth a moment ago was now dragging its way along his cock, the warmth of the flesh on flesh was driving him crazy but as it slowly made its way down past his balls, the priest realized what was going to happen. He didn't object, but he was definitely nervous to try this with two of the biggest bulls he'd seen. The third tauren with the clay fur had moved to the side and playfully batted the worgen's nose with it. With a lustful grin, Morrice grabbed the shaft and wrapped his lips around it, he inhaled as he felt his body shift again, Lasan helping to spread his legs out even further as he implanted himself deeper and further still into his gaping ass. As he pulled back, the other bull laid his cock atop Lasan's and both pushed forward and began to massage the ring together. Teasing the worgen by slipping two cocks just past the rim of his ass. Morrice's body shook he gasped at each teasing penetration. His cock bounced wildly, precum draining against his stomach, all on the anticipation of being fucked by the two bulls at once. Another cock made its way into Morrice's line of sight, he looked to see that it was a younger tauren than the other, more experienced bulls. His fur was a mesh of dark brown and stark white, but he still had a determination of control in his eyes and his cock only rivaled Lasan's in terms of size. With a grin, Morrice switched to the new length of flesh and watched as the bull's eyes shifted into a blush, this must be his first time to one of these, Morrice thought; perhaps we can give him a lesson in oral gratification.

As his mouth wound itself around the younger bull's flesh, he felt his entire body shudder. He was well muscled, but had not yet reached the potential Lasan was at. A generous pouring of precum met Morrice's tongue and he engulfed it. It was like a river had begun to flow through his mouth and he had a hard time switching between the two cocks without making an utter mess of himself. In the meantime, he felt the double penetration of bulls crawling into his ass and he couldn't help but moan and grunt at each deeper fucking. He threw his head back in pleasure every time the pair slipped further into his ass, tearing him apart from the inside. His body twitched his cock was spasming and he was enjoying every second of it. The ebon bull pressed his hand against Morrice's shoulder, leveraging himself deeper into him and he let off a soft growl and sigh as Lasan helped to edge him in even deeper. Back and forth, the pair pulled out nearly all the way each time before forcibly thrusting their combined thick cocks in again. It was slick and wet, and made the noises that echoed in the cave like all the other sounds. "Mmphhh... Mmmph!" Morrice couldn't cry out unless he was between switching from one cock to the other, otherwise his mouth was occupied to keep him from screaming too loud. His body flexed, he could feel the two penetrate him so deep that he was afraid to look down and see two bulges protruding from his stomach. Still, he glanced and nothing seemed out of the ordinary except that his pained cock was now almost deep red with the threat of a messy release.

"AHH!" The younger bull, more inexperienced in this was the first to release. It was a sudden bark of orgasm that filled the cave followed by a rather messy explosion that shot straight into Morrice's mouth. He didn't care about the mess, Morrice switched immediately to the other cock which was also getting ready to erupt. The younger tauren's cock was still spilling fresh cum all over Morrice's neck and shoulder, the worgen's body contorting under Lasan's guidance as he and the ebon colored bull had begun to fuck him relentlessly, their shafts twisting together deep inside the priest's ass. The second bull was already so close by the time Morrice turned to him that the slightest touch set him off, making him explode almost into the worgen's face for a second round. Instead, the priest let a rope or two coat his neck before pulling the cock into his mouth, finishing it off with a few deep swallows. Now it was harder to tell if it was sweat or cum that he felt drenching his every inch of fur.

Another tauren pair had settled nearby, one fucking the other deeply as the ivory colored one stroked himself near the worgen's body. Enjoying the matching fur, Morrice reached for it and began to stroke the white-colored bull's shaft, feeling his precum draining down over his hand as he did so. A third, gruff cry, Morrice watched as the bull fucking the ivory one bit into his neck, obviously orgasming hard into the white one's ass. The ivory bull in turn began to orgasm, his seed spewing thick strands of cum across Morrice, splashing onto Lasan and the ebony bull's bodies as well.

That was enough for Morrice as he began to cum hard. He let out a mighty howl as his own cum began to shoot all across his torso, making an incredible mess to add to what was already soaking into his fur. That was enough to make the ebon bull and Lasan give in, their bodies suddenly convulsing as cum began to flood the worgen's ass and spill out of his gaping hole, soaking Lasan's lower regions as well. Lasan's massive arms wrapped tight around Morrice's torso and flexed, squeezing the man tight against his body as he came, probably a second time deep in the worgen's ass.

All of the men were breathing heavily by the time it was finished; Morrice was somewhat light headed, probably from all the heat the filled the cave. Even with the power of the totems around them, it was almost not enough for him to catch his breath. Slowly, the flesh buried deep in his ass began to slip away and eventually fell from him, allowing the worgen to put his legs back down. He winced in pain after realizing just how much he'd been able to take, and then the thought of two massive bulls fucking him relentlessly like that gave him a semi-erection again. He panted a bit and nuzzled the two of them.

"That was intense..." He said, somewhat out of breath.

Lasan snickered. "And messy." His thumb found the worgen's semi-stiff shaft again and then glanced down at it. "And it would seem you are not through." He said.

"Such is the curse of the worgen." Morrice teased with a wink.

"Well, let us see what we can do about that." Lasan said as he adjusted himself and laid Morrice flat on the rock.

"Y-you don't have to--"

"Please. You are my patient, I have to be sure that your needs are met to their fullest." He leaned down and wrapped his mouth around the worgen's cock.

Immediately the flesh sprang to life as Morrice gasped at the sudden and wet warmth that wrapped around his cock. He leaned back and felt his flesh harden completely in the bull's mouth. Lasan brought his lips effortlessly down to the worgen's cock base and then back up once again with a bit of a twist to his head. His other hand was groping the worgen's furred balls, squeezing them on occasion as he attended to the flesh wanting another release.

"Ah--NNNHH!" Morrice was about to say something, anything to warn him, but Lasan bore the entire forceful shot into his throat. He jerked for a moment, then growled lustily as he swallowed everything the worgen had to offer until Morrice twitched and twisted, spending his entire allotment of seed in the bull's muzzle. Lasan leaned back and looked at the worgen with a grin, a small hint of cum dripping from his lip.

Morrice breathed a sigh of relief and leaned in, licking the strand off the bull's lip before kissing him. "Mmmhhh thanks for that." He said. "It would seem my ulterior motive worked the other way around too."

"Heh. You should come back during the spring. The gay bulls need *something* to get their breeding instincts out. And even those who can breed with males and females alike spend a lot of their time in here too." He smiled. "If you would be interested, anyway."

"Mmm perhaps so." Morrice considered for a moment. "Of course I will need a couple days to recover from this, something like that it might take a couple of weeks."

"And anytime you wish to visit Highmountain, I am sure you will be welcome down here any time you would like." He added with a wink.

"Now you're just teasing me."