Leo's Life - Chapter 9

Story by Leo Husky on SoFurry

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Leo is off on his new adventure but, quickly finds himself in a sticky situation.

The blue sky was covered with the gray coating of the cloud cover. The maple trees had begun to turn orange and brown as they shed their leaves onto the concrete and limestone sidewalks. The brisk October air was sharp as the wind tore through the tiny fibers of Leo's sweatshirt.

Leo ran through a grassy stretch near a large marble building, frantically. This run was one that was much different than before; it wasn't a run for exercise but, more as a run for his life. The husky sprinted as fast as he could past other furs that were running in all different directions, frantically. The air was filled with a combination of screams mixed with the sounds of a military helicopter that soared just above them.

It was a chaotic scene. Furs tripped and rolled down the large limestone steps, families scattered through the crowds, gunfire was heard in the distance. As a squad of five furs ran after Leo; all of them in combat gear and firing at him.

He ran as fast as his legs could take him. He knew he could outrun them but, not the bullets. He was approaching a ledge in the landscape, lined with the same stone as the pathways and building. He heard another helicopter making its pass overhead and knew it was trouble. He didn't slow down as he approached the drop off; he ran full speed for the ledge and jumped off. A loud whooshing sound was heard as the helicopter fired a rocket at him.

Leo flew through the air as explosions hit the grass where he once was. Dirt and limestone chunks shot through the air as he landed over twelve feet below. As he made contact with the soil he rolled to diffuse some of the energy he sustained. Before he got back up from his crouched position he looked back for a quick second as the dirt and stone particles flew through the air along with the smoke. Leo then rose back up and started running again.

"Cut!" The director shouted from behind his monitor. He stood up off his stool and walked over towards Leo who was bent over and panting with his hands on his waist. "That was fantastic!" He threw his arms up into the air and gave Leo a huge hug. "It was absolutely beautiful. You wanna see? Come on." The director patted Leo on the back for him to watch his scene back in the monitor.

The crew was on location in Washington D.C at the Lincoln Memorial shooting for the movie, 'Treason'. The movie was about an IT Consultant who stumbled upon illegal black operations done by the US government. He downloaded what he knew to take it to the right people but, the covert group tried to take him out and cover it up.

The director's name was Ian Solberg. He was a middle aged Otter who had been doing movies for his whole life. He had two Oscars for best picture under his belt for some earlier productions. He loved what he did and it was apparent through his movies and on his sets.

Leo was excited to be working with him. He loved his movies as a teenager and he felt inspired when he came to work. He watched the monitor of the last take as he ran and jumped off the ledge and onto a crash mat below. There were three camera's covering the explosion sequence since it was an expensive shot. One was from the side, another was from below and the third was the most complicated. The third camera followed him through the entire run and was on a dolly on a track.

"Alright Leo, we're going to set up the next shot so go and take five." Ian told Leo.

The husky walked over to a row of chairs that were out of the way and sat down in one that had his name on the back of it. It made Leo feel like a big movie star and every time he sat down he couldn't help but smile and get a flutter in his heart.

During the downtime Leo took it as an opportunity to read the script for the next shot. It was a continuation after the explosion. He would land on the ground, look back and run again. It was an easy straight forward shot but, Leo wanted to make sure he did his best. He thought to himself about how to land, the facial expressions he may have, how the character was feeling, how long to look back for. There was a lot for him to consider. He wanted to get everything right the first time.

As he sat there getting into the mindset of the character one of the production assistants walked over to him. His name was Quincy but, everyone called him Q. He was a 21 year old husky who reminded Leo a lot of himself. He was young, fit, and trying to make it in the movie industry. He had a lot of spunk and did everything as fast as he could.

PA's did a lot of 'bitch work', running and grabbing coffee, running errands, just about anything that the rest of the crew told them to do. Q did a lot of work for the sets but, was also tied to Leo as an assistant; which was nice at times. He had been with the crew since day one in LA so Leo had gotten to know him fairly well.

"Here's your coffee Mr. Sparks." Q said as he walked over with a hot cup of coffee. "Just how you like it, four sugars and cream." He wore a long sleeved shirt with a vest overtop of it, jeans, sneakers, and he had a headset around his neck.

"Thank you, Q." Leo responded as he grabbed the hot disposable cup and took a sip. It wasn't steaming hot but, it was hot enough to drink without burning his tongue. "Hey, Quincy." Leo called to him as he started to walk away. "You're doing a great job." Leo smiled at him.

Q turned back around and said, "Thank you!" PA's don't get a lot of love and attention and are usually underappreciated so Leo wanted to make sure he didn't make Quincy feel like that. It was also, Q's first big budget movie so he was super nervous all the time. Today was the first day he seemed more comfortable.

"Also, you don't need to call me Mr. Sparks. Leo is just fine." Leo added.

"Sure thing Mr. Spar- I mean Leo." He smiled and turned around to get back to work.

This was the third week of production and Leo had been in DC for four days now. The days were starting to blend together and a lot of the days were long shoots. There were some days he worked from 6am until 10pm. Movie schedules were rough at times but, it was a lot of fun as well, plus he was making some new friends like, Q.

Back in LA Leo's boyfriend was hard at work on his new album. Just before Leo got the part to the movie, Nathan learned that a record company wanted to sign him and get him his own album. It was hard for the two to try and stay in touch with both their schedules and the time difference from LA to DC.

Tonight Leo was going to FaceTime Nate when he got back to the hotel room. They tried to talk as much as possible and video chat to make the distance seem like less. The past two days Nate couldn't chat at all. Either he was busy in the studio or didn't answer. But, tonight it was a date, Nathan planned on taking time off to take his call.

"Alright, Leo. We're ready for you!" Ian called out to him after almost fifteen minutes.

The gray sky had faded into a solid back as the sun set a few hours ago. It was almost ten o'clock when Leo walked into his hotel room from a full day of shooting. His legs, feet, and back ached but, it wasn't anything unmanageable. They had shot a good portion of their DC location scenes and were nearing the end of their time there. It was only another day or two before they had to back up and head out again.

The hotel room was a king suite. It had a main living room with a TV and a pull out couch along with a large bathroom with a tub shower and a bedroom with a king sized bed. It was a much larger bed than he had ever slept in, most of his life was twin sized beds and having a ton of space to move was weird to him.

Leo walked into the bedroom and fell down onto the bed, face first and laid there for a moment. His eyes were closed and he felt like he could fall asleep. Without getting up he kicked off his shoes and they fell down to the gray carpeted floor below. He let out a sigh of relief; Leo was exhausted but, happy. At the end of the day he may have been tired but, if he had to he could have kept going through the night. He loved being there and shooting a movie, it was everything he ever dreamed of.

He laid there for a moment, without moving or taking off anymore clothing. He didn't want to move but, he had to at some point. Finally, after about ten minutes he slid himself backwards off the edge of the bed and sat on the floor with his back against the wall. The husky looked around at the room and just smiled to himself again. It was hard for him to believe that all of that was for him.

Finally, after a few moments Leo forced himself up off the floor. He let out a loud groan as his muscles flexed and his knees cracked. He grabbed his cell phone out of his pocket and started to take off his sweatshirt.

With is right hand Leo loaded up FaceTime and called Nathan. Leo's face appeared on the screen as the front facing camera activated. The phone rang and rang but, Nathan didn't answer. Leo sat down on the bed for a second.

"He's probably driving. He'll answer in a few minutes." Leo spoke to himself aloud.

After another five minutes Leo called again but, the phone just rang again until it hit Nathan's voicemail. He ended the call and dropped the phone down to his side. A small wave of sadness came over him; he felt abandoned and ignored. He knew Nathan was busy but, he hadn't spoken to him in a few days. He just wanted to hear his voice again and not read a text on the screen.

In that moment his phone started to vibrate. Leo knew Nathan wouldn't ditch him but, when he pulled up his phone the call wasn't Nathan. It was Quincy. Leo was so disappointed that he didn't even want to answer the phone.

Just as the phone was about to go to voicemail he accepted the call and said, "This is Leo."

"Hey, Leo!" Q said on the other side. "Listen, a bunch of us are going out to grab a few drinks if you wanted to come."

"Yeah, I don't know. I'm kinda tired." He responded. "Maybe next time."

"Oh, okay. No problem, I'm sure you're exhausted. But, if you change your mind we'll be at the 'Watering Hole' over on I street."

"Thanks, Q." Leo said and then hung up the phone. He looked around the large and empty room and then back down at his blank phone screen. He rubbed his finger over the back of the phone's case pondering. He kept clicking the button on his phone, lighting up the screen, hoping there was something from Nathan but, there was nothing.

Finally, after Leo sat there for ten minutes he rose up and headed into the bathroom, disrobing along the way. He jumped into the shower and quickly cleaned himself up from the long day he had. He dried off, got dressed in a pair of jeans, t-shirt, and a hoodie for the night. He grabbed his phone and wallet and headed out of the hotel room.

He walked down the quiet hallway of the hotel. The faint murmurs of a TV could be heard in a few rooms but, most of the residents had gone to bed by then. He headed down the elevator to the lobby and walked outside to his awaiting Uber.

While he sat in the car being driven to the bar he wondered what Nathan was up to. He was sure that he was working on the album and was in the studio all day but, he was looking forward to seeing him, to even just talk to him. He kept glancing down at his phone, hoping that a text would come through at least but, sadly, nothing did.

Normally Leo wouldn't go out after a late shoot but, the next day was a late start. The crew had a call time at noon and Leo had to be in makeup at two. He also didn't plan on drinking much if anything at all, it was mostly to help build a relationship with some of the crew members and to hopefully make some friends. Connections were everything in the movie business.

When the car pulled up to the bar Leo stepped out and headed up to the door. He stepped inside the dimly lit bar that was filled with furs, drinks, and loud music. He stood by the doorway for a second until he spotted Quincy sitting at a table with some of the other crew members, most of them were PA's like Q.

As Leo had approached them Q noticed and waved him over shouting, "Leo! You came!" It was very clear that he had already had a few drinks in him. He reached for an empty chair and pulled it next to him for Leo to sit down.

The closer and closer Leo got to the table the more he started to feel that it was a bad idea to come. He sat down and looked at all the crew members. They all looked familiar from the set but, he didn't know any of their names.

"Let me get you a beer." Quincy said to him.

"No, it's okay." Leo replied.

"I insist." Q said as he waved down a server and then pointed at his beer. The young pup then turned back to everyone and introduced Leo to them.

After a few minutes Leo started to enjoy hanging out with everyone. He liked getting to know some of the crew members and the lesser known behind the scenes guys and gals. They all were joking and laughing and having a great time.

After an hour Leo had had two beers and knew he should be getting back to the hotel soon. He checked his phone a few times and still never got a message from Nathan which was a little upsetting but, he was making the best of the situation.

"So... Leo." Q slurred his words as he spoke. It was obvious he was drunk at this point, which wasn't surprising. "Why do you keep checking your phone?"

"I was hoping to FaceTime with Nathan tonight but, he never got on or called me." The sound of disappointment in Leo's voice was apparent.

"Well..." Q placed his paw on Leo's thigh. "He doesn't know what he's missing." Q moved in a little bit almost as if he was going to kiss Leo but, instead fell out of his chair and onto the floor.

"Okay!" Leo said as he half caught Q on his way to the floor. "I think it's time to get you back." Everyone at the table was either missing or in the middle of talking. He looked over at one of them and made direct eye contact and said, "I'll take him back."

"You don't have to Leo, we can get him. We'll be leaving in an hour anyway." One female PA responded, she was also clearly drunk.

"It's fine. I'm leaving anyway." Leo picked up Q and they walked over to the bar to close out his tab. He was shocked to find that it was $200 for just a few hours but, Quincy paid it.

The two of them walked out of the bar and waited for their Uber to arrive. After a few minutes it showed up. The two of them climbed inside and headed back to the hotel.

Luckily the entire crew were staying at the same hotel, for whoever came in from LA. So all Leo had to do was get him back into his hotel room and drop him off.

This wasn't the first time he played mom to a bunch of drunks. More often than not he was the DD with his friends. It wasn't glamorous but, he was by far the most responsible.

Q's face was pressed up against the cool window of the car door. The look on his face was evident that he was trying not to barf but, was having a hard time doing so. Leo could also tell that in his mind, the entire world was spinning rapidly.

After a few minutes the car pulled up to the hotel and Leo climbed out the car, thanked the driver, and grabbed Q. The two of them walked into the building, Q's arm was behind Leo's neck as he helped him walk. Quincy stumbled with each step on the tiled floor of the lobby, the receptionist watched his drunken display. The two walked to the elevators which felt like an eternity but, what was even harder to accomplish was trying to get Q to say which room number was his.

After five minutes of Q's rambling and Leo getting frustrated he was finally able to get his room number, 314. Leo hit the button and the elevator started to go up to the third floor. The sudden jostle of the tiny box made Q gag.

"Don't you dare throw up on me." Leo told him.

"Don't... Don't worry... I won't." He slurred back at him.

After a few second the doors parted and they stepped out onto the third floor. They walked halfway towards the end of the hallway to Q's room.

"Where's your key?" Leo asked.

"it's in my back... pocket." Q replied.

Leo reached in to Q's back pocket and pulled out his wallet where his room key was located. As he pulled out the key he noticed that Quincy had a hard-on and it was poking out of the top of his jeans. He quickly looked away and unlocked the door.

The second the door cracked open Q darted into the room and into the bathroom and shut the door. Seconds later, before Leo could even step into the room, he heard the most violent vomit he had heard in a long time.

"Well, shit." Leo said to himself. He knew he had to make sure he didn't pass out in his own puke now. He just had to try and get him to lay down or something before he could go.

Leo had a bit of a guilty conscious at times and he didn't want something bad to happen to the kid when he could have helped prevent it.

Leo walked over and grabbed the ice bucket from the counter and headed back out of the room to go fill it up. The ice room was just a short walk down to the end of the hall. The walk to the ice room was quiet. All the guests had gone to bed and Leo wanted to be one of them.

As Leo approached the Ice room he could hear as tiny room hummed with the loud ice machine and vending machines. The sound bounced off all the hard surfaces and was even louder once the door was opened. There was a single ceiling light that bounced the light off the beige walls and tiled floors.

Leo stuck the bucket under the ice slot and let it fill up with ice. The loud clanking sounds as the ice cubes based into the plastic bucket only added to the already loud room.

On his way back to Q's room he checked his phone once more and there still wasn't anything from Nathan. It was already 1am which was 10pm back in LA but, Nathan still should had been done with his recording session. Leo decided that he was going to give him a quick call again, once he got back to his room.

When Leo opened the door back into Q's room he heard him moaning in the bathroom and calling out Leo's name. He started to think that maybe Q had hurt himself in the time that he was gone, or maybe he needed some water.

Leo opened up the door to see what he wanted and was immediately shot in the face with a large rope of milky white cum. It smacked him in his muzzle, nearly hitting him in the eye. The strand laid down the side of his muzzle and dangled off of it.

Quincy had laid himself on the cold tiled floor completely naked and had jerked himself off between vomiting sessions. Apparently he was thinking about Leo as he jerked off, which explained the moaning and him saying Leo's name. Leo was just unfortunate enough to get his by a rocket strand as he climaxed.

Q laid there on his back for a moment, covered in his own seed and was out of breath. He didn't even realize that he hit Leo in the face when he looked up and made direct eye contact.

"Hey!" Q dragged out the 'Y' when he said it and then sat up and started to get sick once again.

Leo stood there for a moment dumbfounded. He didn't know what to do. Cum dripped off his face and onto the tile floor, as he stood there stunned. Quincy was able to shoot his load from a laid position from the floor, and hit him almost six feet up in the air and six feet backwards. He was almost impressed but, at the same time uncomfortable and disgusted.

Finally, Leo set the bucket of ice down on the counter next to the sink and wiped the milky cum off his face with a towel. He dropped the towel on the floor next to Quincy and without even saying a word he walked out of Q's room and back towards his.