Venom, Episode 6

Story by Von Krieger on SoFurry

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#6 of Venom

The theater is replaced by a jungle, warm, humid, and misty. I find myself chained on a large stone circle set into the ground. My arms are free, but a metal collar around my neck, chaining my to a post rather hinders my movement. My legs are similarly chained, the shackles connect by a bar, spreading my legs wide. The chains are loose enough to let me sit up and move around some, but not long enough so I can get to my feet or reach outside the stone circle.

I'm dressed in a typical jungle babe outfit, leopard fur bikini top and a matching loincloth. A loincloth that I might add is a bit distorted by the recent addition to my body. Well, no time like the present to get acquainted with the recently erected wing of the genital department.

As I reach down to pull the loincloth aside, I find that my skin has an inherent sheen to it. Running my hand over my arm, I find that my skin is incredibly smooth, like rubber. Or latex. I chuckle at that, then go back to the matter at hand. Literally at hand now, as I begin to stroke myself through the loincloth for a few moments before pulling it aside.

Well, it's most definitely NOT a human cock, I have a sheath for one, for two it has a medial ring, and for three, a spade shaped tip like that is most certainly not anything I've seen or heard of in my career in veterinary medicine. Or my recreational porno watching for that matters.

A rustling in the bushes draws my attention, and a few moments later, out slithers Hiss, smaller then life, but still a very large, very blue snake. And in the case very pregnant. I know a pregnant snake when I see one. I open my mouth, but find it suddenly filled with a gag. "No snide remarks!" comes Hiss' voice in my head, "It ruins the whole roleplaying environment!"

The huge serpent slithers up to me, large tongue flicking out, tickling my feet. I can' help but giggle. Hiss slithers closer, between my spread legs, the tip of her tongue flicking over my sex, making me writhe trying to get away from the erotic tickling. There is a different sort of wiggling as a pleasured shiver runs through my body as she slowly runs her tongue over my cock. Her scaly head lowers, nuzzling my netherlips. Oh God, she's not going to do what I think she's going to do is she?

She does, beginning to slide her wide scaly body into me. There is no pain, I stretch quite easily to accommodate her. I fall back, bucking my hips wildly. It feels so good, the texture of her scales stimulating me to great heights. She quickly finds resistance in my cervix, but her powerful, muscular body easily pushes past it, giving her entrance to my womb.

I moan loudly through my gag, her cool body slithering into me feels incredible. My enhanced Gorgon senses serving me well, enhancing my pleasure beyond anything I ever felt before my change. I watch, fascinated, as my belly begins to swell with the mass of the serpent inside me. I caress my growing belly, the movements of my hands feeling strangely erotic and pleasurable.

I look several months pregnant, and Hiss barely has a quarter of her body inside me. Good Lord, I'm going to be huge. The prospect excites me, having my belly filled with a live, wriggling snake. My maleness erupts in climax, my lilac colored seed standing out on my darkening purple skin, making my belly slick as I rub it in.

Venom, I'm producing Venom. At this stage it's still weak, not the radiant purple color I know it ought to be, but as soon as my transformation is complete I know it will be of the strength that overwhelmed me during my coupling with Skye, beautiful Skye, my love, my mate, my Sister-Mother.

I can feel Hiss moving inside of my, turning around and around, pulling more and more of her long body into me, my belly growing rapidly. So big, so round, so beautiful. I can barely hug my middle now, it sticks out so far from my body. Strange thoughts fill me mind, of how wonderful this feels, of how beautiful I look like this. Desire flowing through me, a desire to alter and change. Change others, bind them to my will, make them my pets, make them beautiful, like me. Gorgon thoughts.

One or two wouldn't hurt. Defeated villainess vanishing from the public spotlight, living out their lives as my pets, giving pleasure where they once caused only pain. It's not like anybody would miss Miss Mayhem, or the Scarlet Destroyer.

I cum again, hard, a dual climax from both my male and female aspects, puddling on the ground as my femcum gushes from around Hiss' body, my seed dripping down my belly to join it. I'm so big... so wonderfully big. As Hiss' tailtip disappears into me, my belly is massive, as big as I would be curled up into the fetal position.

Hiss shifts and churns inside of me, finally position herself to her liking, and then begins the process of slithering out. Or so I think. She stops with only her head and several feet of body poking out of my sex. She slips out a bit further, bending upward, taking my cock into her mouth, curling her tongue around my cum covered length.

I thrust as best I can into her mouth, it's almost impossible with my huge, round, heavy middle. Her body undulates inside my womanhood, driving me to howl with pleasure. My body tingles, something happening. The changes in the real world carrying over into my mental projection. My breasts swell, growing larger, filling with Venom-laced milk, the nipples growing, becoming partially teat-like, like the long nipples of baby bottles.

My hands go to my breasts, caressing the growing orbs, stroking my nipples, drawing out the first streams of milk that run down my smooth, round belly. My hands are changing too, in a few moments my smallest fingers are gone, the others thickening to replace them, each one tipped with a bright pink claw.

I feel the urge to lick and suckle at my own breasts, my tongue slips out, now long and forked, curling around a fat nipple as I bring my breast to my mouth, the sweet Venom-milk flowing into my mouth. Mmm... it tastes so good.

A virtual explosion of climax rockets through my body as the changes move downward. In a few moments the shackles no longer bind my legs, as I no longer have legs, rather a long, majestic, serpentine tail that rapidly grows out to twenty feet in length. So wonderful, so beautiful, so sensual.

Sadly the tingly feelings of charge are gone in a few moments, leaving me as a beautiful, busty, pregnant looking Lamia-like creature. Hiss releases my shaft, licking her lips for any stray droplets of seed, and begins the process of slithering out of me, faster then she went in, as she's aiding by the lubrication of my cum.

I feel sad as she departs from my body, her weight and presence inside me feeling so comforting. But as she's halfway out, I notice that my belly isn't shrinking as far as it ought. A look at her confirms my suspicions, she no longer appears pregnant, she's laid her eggs inside of me.

As I begin to think of the reasons why she would do such a thing, I feel the jungle heat fading around me, being replaced with a dryer, but hotter environment. I grin and wonder what the next little scene she has in store for me will be.