Diamond in the rough part 6

Story by writer007 on SoFurry

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that it for now, I was trying to bring the full thing, but this limit thing on the writing is silly, so it going to be hard to post most of my work

Tira wasn't sure what the Professor meant by that, until she remember of kissing him by the lips, when they were inside the secret cavern. Tira and the Professor both blush each other, but Tira face was a lot brighter red than ever before, the Professor was laughing a little to himself and did his best to hold it in. Tira notice that he was laughing and kick him by the side, the Professor finally stop laughing and look at Tira once more.

The Professor: sorry Tira, didn't mean to laugh like that

Tira Shark: humph you better be Fester, try to laugh at me again or I will end the job, where my brother left

The Professor: I got the picture Tira, no more laughing

Tira Shark: that more like it, but any case I better get going now, if I don't get back to my brother, he be start searching for me again

The Professor: alright Tira, I guess I see you at school then

Tira Shark: sure, knowing our teacher, he going to give us extra homework for ditching class. But after today, I wouldn't care less about the extra homework

The Professor: which of course you have a good friend that can help you with your homework

Tira Shark: and that why we are a great team Fester

The Professor: a great team till the end.

The end

Diamond in the rough part 5

Iron Heart gave his little sister a hug, when he walk away from her, he kept an extra eye on The Professor, letting him know that he watching him at all time. When Iron Heart was finally gone, Tira sigh to herself and face plate by the Professor wings....


Diamond in the rough part 4

Tira Shark thanks Dr. Djose for everything and rant out from his medical room quick. When she reach the main entrance area of the clinic, Tira was looking to find the professor or the other earth pony she know about, after looking for a little while,...


Diamond in the rough part 3

Tira was going to say one thing to him, but instead in words, she walk by his side and landed on his back. The Professor wasn't surprised that she was going to do something like that, but after everything she went through, at least he let her sleep for...
