Heart to Heart in Moonlight

Story by HuskyWithCoffee on SoFurry

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#2 of Clicker Training

Twin wolves Lily and Rose find themselves having gotten much closer than any pair of sisters should be, and in desperate need of a heart to heart to sort out their tumult of emotions. Part Two of Clicker Training.

Rose rolled listlessly in her bed, sleep continuing to elude her. Her mind raced, unable to quit replaying the events of the day, or to stop considering their consequences. At the time, it had felt so right - being held in Lily's arms as the warm water of the shower ran down their body, shuddering as her twin sister's fingers caressed her most intimate places. Lily's chin resting on her shoulder, whispering in her ear, praising her, controlling her.

If anything, that was the part that confused Rose the most. She had known, at least in the back of her mind, that she found her twin attractive. While she had never been willing to admit it directly, it had nevertheless driven her actions, causing Rose to subtly drive herself away from her sister for fear that, should her desires become apparent, it would lead to a larger and more irreparable sundering of their relationship. It was now a source of considerable relief to find that not only was Lily not driven away, but that she was willing to return those feelings.

The aspect of control, on the other hand... Rose has always been the more driven of the sisters. She'd always studied harder for her classes, pushing to be top of her class; Lily wasn't a slacker by any means, but unlike Rose, she was quite accustomed to the phrase 'good enough'. It was always Rose's ambition that drove them to try some new sport, new game, new club - Lily always followed along, happily playing along with whatever Rose wanted to do, but was never the sister to seek out or initiate the activities.

Yet the day before, Lily had undeniably been in control... and Rose had not just been happy to give in to that control, it had actively excited her. It had just been a bit of preparation for cheer practice, and yet Rose had become more worked up than she could ever remember. She'd had to practically peel her underwear away from her drenched spade before stepping into the shower, the fur of her crotch already matted with sticky juices. Then once Lily joined her in the shower, she'd even gone so far as to call Rose her pet... and it had just made Rose that much more excited.

Turning to the side, Rose blinked wearily at her clock. Nearly two in the morning, and sleep seemed no closer now than when she had climbed in hours ago. With a sigh, the wolfess kicks the thin sheet off her body, exposing her bare fur to the still warm late summer night's air. There was no way she was going to resolve this struggle on her own, and there was really only one person she could talk to about it.

Shrugging into a long t-shirt, she pads across the carpeted floor and quietly cracks open the door to her room. Pausing for a moment, she hears nothing but Thor's rhythmic breathing in his crate downstairs; emboldened by the quiet, she stealthily slips down the hallway to Lily's door and slips inside.

Turning from sneakily shutting the door, Rose is surprised to find herself staring into a pair of glowing amber orbs, moonlight through the window showing that her twin was just as awake. "Wonderin' when you were gonna stop by, Rose," Lily whispers, before pulling her bed sheet aside and patting the bed with one hand.

Nodding, Rose moves toward the bed, hesitating for a moment before discarding her shirt on the floor - it was much too warm to cuddle and wear the shirt, and what little modesty it provided seemed of little use after what the two had been through earlier. She slides in with her back to Lily, who wraps one arm around her slightly older sister's waist and pulls her close, Rose grasping that paw with one of her own, the position nostalgic to how the two had often slept when they were younger.

The two embrace silently for several charged minutes. Resting her muzzle in the crook of Rose's neck, Lily is the first to break the tension. "So... yeah. Today really didn't go how I expected it to go."

Smiling a bit at the understatement, Rose shakes her head. "That would be putting it mildly. Can't sleep, my head just keeps buzzing thinking about what happened."

"Not... bad things, I hope? Last thing I'd want to do is hurt you, Rosie."

The older wolfess shakes her head quickly at the question. "Not bad! It was... well, kind of amazing. I didn't realize you... well, felt that way about me."

"I didn't realize it, either. At least, not until today. As much as we've been together, I think when we were practicing today, and I was helping you out with your form - it's like, we're together all the time, and I think I'd started taking it for granted. But then, I was just really, you know, *focused* on you. You were just working so hard, and I think... this is hard to put into words, but I started really seeing you for you, and not just as my sister? So I was thinking, then I went upstairs to grab the laundry while you were in the shower, and your scent hit me, and everything just connected. I was kind of scared when I stepped in, that I might be going too far, but it just felt right, you know?"

Rose nods. "To be honest, it's been longer than that for me. But I was too scared to do anything. Too scared that I'd hurt you if you found out."

"Is that why you've been trying to say since we moved?"

Another nod. Rose hesitates for a moment longer, then elaborates. "Yeah... I was scared. I didn't trust myself to keep my composure. I'm still kind of scared, though. I love you, Lily, but... well, this is incest, you know? If we don't stop, and if anyone finds out..."

"Screw 'em. We don't need them if we've got each other." Lily squeezes her sister tightly, offering reassurance. "Besides, that stuff's all to keep people from having messed up babies. Not like we need to worry about that." A wicked grin suddenly crossing her face, Lily slides her hand up, cupping Rose's breast and lightly brushing her thumb pad over the nipple. "We can have alllll the fun we want, my pet."

Pushing into Lily's grasp, Rose suddenly shudders at Lily's voice. There it was again - 'my pet'. The wolfess could feel herself starting to become worked up, from the words far more so than the feeling on her breast. "Lily, that's..."

"Shush, I already know what you're gonna ask, because I've been thinking about it too. You, my sister, are *entirely* too serious, like, all the time. You need a chance to take a break, to give up a bit of control, and I think your body is telling you that this is just the way to do it. If you ever want to stop, you just need to say the word, but until then... well, I think I've been a pretty good pet mistress so far, and I promise I'll take good care of you."

The sisters lay side by side for a few seconds, listening to each other breathe. In a breathy tone, Rose finally responds. "Yes... mistress."

Rose feels Lily shift, releasing her hug and sliding away, tossing the bed sheet aside onto the floor in the process. "Ok, Rose, roll over on your back." Rose obediently follows the instructions, feeling the bed shift as Lily gets on her knees; a moment later, Lily throws one leg over Rose's body and shifts so that she's straddling her twin's chest, swollen spade nearly touching Rose's nose. "Now earlier, you had quite a bit of fun, pet. You got to cum twice, if I'm not mistaken. I think it's time to return the favor." Lily then leans back, making sure that her moist hole is fully accessible.

Breathing deeply, Rose takes in Lily's scent straight from the source, the spicy musk proving more intoxicating than any drug. She leans forward and licks, gathering up her sister's sticky fluids from the fur of her crotch. The taste proves even more exciting, the flavor only describable as unmistakably *Lily*.

Hearing Lily gasp, the older wolfess knows she's working in the right direction; she spends nearly a minute desperately grooming the fur between her sister's legs, making sure to get every drop. This is soon not enough - Rose knows she needs more, and she needs it straight from the source. Her tongue finally probes at the center of Lily's swollen treasure, before she begins forcefully probing at her twin's tunnel with her tongue's tip.

"Goood... goooood girl..." Lily moans, pushing back into Rose's questing appendage. Rose, meanwhile, is single minded in pursuing every drop of Lily's distilled essence, her long canine tongue seeking every nook and crany of her sister's quivering tunnel.

Lily is only able to hold herself back briefly, being just as aroused as Rose and lacking her sister's earlier releases. Starting to hump back in to Rose's efforts, Lily's paw flies up to her mouth and holds her muzzle shut, stifling a howl of joy as a storm of sensations rock through her body, her muscles clamping down around her twin's tongue as she experiences her first incestuous orgasm. Rose refuses to back off; Lily's tight tunnel gives little room to work, but the older wolfess does what she can, tickling Lily's depths with the tip of her tongue as she tries to scoop up just a bit more of her sister's enchanting flavor.

Finally, it's too much; Lily collapses onto her back, Rose's tongue slipping from within. Laying across her twin, she gives a few more jerks as her chain of orgasms finally give out, before sprawling bonelessly across her sister's body and gasping for breath. "Good... girl... so good..."

It takes a couple of minutes for Lily to gather herself, but Rose waits patiently, reaching up to run her claws gently through the fur of her twin's sides. Finally, Lily lifts herself up and turns around, still on top of Rose but this time face to face. Both of them have broad grins as Lily leans in for a kiss, and Rose eagerly accepts the invitation, tongues clashing and allowing Lily to taste herself within Rose's mouth.

With a sigh, they pull away from the kiss, only for Lily to let out a massive yawn, causing Rose to respond in time. "I think, pet, that we need to get some sleep. Gonna be hard enough to stay awake tomorrow as it is."

Reaching up and wrapping her arms around her twin, Rose pulls Lily tight, as both start drifting off. "Good night, mistress."

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