Cut down to size Part 2

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#9 of Commissions

This is the second part of my eighth commission which I did for KillerCam. Now Lucas finally is coming to terms with his own feelings and the reality of the tables being turned on him.

Cut down to size Part 2 By: Pent Ghelsburg

Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. They are original and used only within the context of this story. I use them with permission. This work contains underaged content as well as minor microphilia. You have been warned.

Elliot and Lucas had begun their relationship anew. It seemed the fox was ready to forgive and forget. Sitting together at the table in front of Taco Bell with his former sins absolved, the wolf couldn't help but smile. Being this close to Elliot only made his day infinitely better, no longer having to hide how he felt about the boy behind the guise of a vindictive bully.

"So is this why you've been treating me the way you have?" Elliot finally began piecing the puzzle together.

"Yeah, I guess I wasn't sure how to deal with it." The wolf wrapped his paw behind his head, still quite ashamed of himself.

"You could have just told me you know that." The fox didn't much appreciate their tattered past.

" there any way I can make it up to you?" Lucas wanted nothing more than to amend for his past.

"I dunno maybe in time, for now let's just move on." The kit didn't care to recall those hurtful moments shared between them.

"Alright...thanks. Just let me know, I'll try my best to make it better." The cub leaned in to kiss the other boy on the cheek softly.

Elliot couldn't help but blush as the sickly sweet moment was shared. Forgetting all about the moist spot that had spread in his pants. The two ordered food, after all that was part of why they came out in the first place. Sharing a meal between the two of them, Lucas not finding his appetite to be quite as large as it had been. Splitting a deluxe fajita down the middle sufficed to sate their hunger.

Once the foodstuff had been devoured between the two of them it seemed about time for the two of them to make for home. Elliot had been dropped off by his brother and failed to schedule a time for pickup. The wolf had noticed the older foxes absence and gathered that much.

"You want to hitch a ride home with me?" Lucas offered the other boy a spot on his bike pegs.

"Sure, my brother is probably gone to work by now anyways." The fox didn't mind otherwise he'd half to walk.

The two were ready to leave. Picking themselves up from the table, the wolf looked over at the fox. Swearing that the boy seemed taller now...he checked a second time to be sure. It wasn't much but the lupine definitely had to angle his head seemed he was still getting smaller.

The issue would have to wait, he told himself. Right now the cub was much more interested in pleasing the other boy. Leading the way to the bike rack where he'd stored his transport away with a lock and key. Bending over the wolf made quick work of the security device fishing the cycle out from the bars that kept it safe. Elliot meanwhile waited patiently on standby covering himself as if had wet himself, which technically....he had.

Once it was out he allowed himself to straddle over the seat waiting for the fox to grab a hold of his shoulders. Truthfully Lucas had never attempted ride sharing before and he was a bit nervous that they would wreck. He wanted to remain confident in front of the other boy though, he couldn't afford to show any weakness.

"Ready?" Lucas asked his friend who latched onto his shoulders from behind.

"Uh-huh!" Elliot had done this a few times before and it was no big deal for him.

Lucas used all his strength, struggling at first to gain momentum. Slowly but surely he was able to gather enough inertia to move forward. Elliot acted as a conductor giving the boy underneath him directions. After all they the wolf had never actually been to the foxes home. The lupine's tail swishing back and forth gently brushing against the boy as he pedaled forward.

The wolf continued with all his effort, very little other than sheer willpower carrying him through the trauma of both a balancing act along with the endurance with both of their weight. Four blocks down the wolf began to feel the strain of his actions. His muscles were beginning to ache and his panting was becoming much more apparent. His body seemed to been much weaker than he remembered.

Towards the beginning of the fourth block his body finally wavered. Giving way the bicycle toppled over to the right, sending the two tumbling onto the floor. It seemed that the wolfs arrogance did not pay off quite as he had planned. The pair joining in the shock of the moment grunting in pain once their bodies scraped against the pavement. The side of Lucas' pants tore and his shirt was only slightly stretched. Making the wardrobe look even larger on him than it actually was.

"You alright?" Elliot was the first to make a movement more in spite of his own trauma.

"Mmm...yeah" Lucas was able to move the bike off him once the other boy hopped off him.

"Here...let me help you." The fox leaned his right paw in a gesture to assist in lifting the other boy.

"Thanks..." The wolf couldn't help but feel weak, as if he had failed in his duty.

Once up, Lucas was reminded by the slim difference between the two. "Smaller..." thinking to himself trying to size up next to the boy, even trying to tippy-toe to make up the difference.

"What're you doing?" Elliot couldn't help but notice the lupine's strange action.

"Erm...nothing." Lucas retracted his stance peering his glance at a slight angle.

"Looks like your hurt, let me take over." The fox couldn't help but notice the scrapping on the wolfs knee.

"Uh...alright." The now smaller cub wasn't badly hurt though his body was sore from overexertion.

The lupine moved out of the way as the fox began to take over. Truthfully he felt a bit embarrassed about the situation, but there wasn't much he could do about it. He swallowed his pride simply watching as Elliot picked up the cycle and waited for Lucas to straddle over the back tire. The fox wasn't nearly as tired, after all he had been dropped off whereas the wolf had traveled by bike both ways. Beginning to pedal, the smaller boy hoisted himself from behind and stood firmly behind in tow.

To Lucas it felt like the trip was going much more smoothly. There didn't seem to be anywhere near as much wobbling, making him feel even weaker than he actually was. The wolf tried to keep the thought out of his mind, focusing on the breeze as they traveled to the foxes home. Elliot's home was a few more avenues down. Elliot's house was just as modest as the wolfs but he had been treated to many more luxuries than Lucas.

Elliot was no star student, but he had never gotten in trouble. His parents often ended up rewarding him with various games since his main hobby was busying himself on his beloved Playstation 4. Once they had arrived Elliot made sure to stall the bike off the grid of where his parents and brother often parked. Despite the fox making a stop, he allowed his body to continue to support the transport giving Lucas a chance to disembark.

Joining him once the wolf had moved off, Elliot led the other boy to the front door. It was still early in the day and from the absence of cars Lucas could gather no one else would home. Truthfully he was nervous about the situation, and about his own little problem. The fox didn't seem to notice, instead allowing the two inside the home. It was the first time the wolf had visited and he looked around to take in the sights.

Closing the door behind them, Lucas took a deep gulp. They were finally alone and his anxiety was getting to him. The wolfs paws were gritted together, almost as if tied grinding the fingers against his own fur and pawpads. After Elliot turned around he could clearly notice the apprehension in the other pup.

"What's wrong?" Elliot didn't want his new friend to feel uncomfortable.

"Just nervous...I guess." Lucas didn't see it fit to fib about his condition.

"Oh just relax...Just make yourself at home. Do you want something to drink?"

"I guess I am kinda thirsty from pedaling most of the way." The wolf was still hot and sweaty from all the physical activity.

"Alright." The fox kit left the room leaving the other alone for the moment.

Continuing to look around, the wolf decided to take his friends advice and take a load off. The couch looked quite comfortable and inviting.

Hurdling over the couch and plopping down on the leather sofa. The material seemed to be quite soft. Lucas couldn't help but relax back into it, his worries almost melting away into the silken fabric. Before long Elliot returned with two glasses of cold water, one for each of them.

"Making yourself comfortable I see? Well that's good buddy." The fox handed the relaxed cub one of the cups.

"Thanks." Lucas was finally becoming more relaxed in the chair, taking hold of the cup.

The fox joined next to the wolf, the two of them sitting quite close in proximity again.

"So what do you want to do?" The fox asked trying to be a good host.

"Well I was thinking maybe we could try to figure out my problem?" The wolf was concerned about his size issue which hadn't seemed to had gotten any better.

"What, that your smaller? So what? I like it better this way." Elliot couldn't help but smirk.

"You do? But what if I keep getting smaller?" Lucas looked down a little worried about the notion.

"Well even if you do, I'll be here for you." Elliot tried to reassure the wolf, coaxing his left arm over the back of the cub.

"Shouldn't we try to fix it, though?" The lupine tried to reason with the fox.

"What makes you think we can?" The vulpine's tail flitted behind him, whacking the other cub from the side.

"I guess your does seem rather unlikely. Who knows maybe it will be fun?" The was partially confused half wanting to please his friend - half wanting to solve his problem.

"That a boy. That's a better attitude to stop worrying about so much alright?" The fox continued his good attitude about the situation.

"So what do you wanna do then?" The wolf asked not really knowing what the other boy was into.

"We could play some games, but let's clean up your knee first. Come on with me."

Elliot was the first to get off the couch, heading towards the back of the home. His plan was to imitate his mothers own action when he himself was injured. It was no big ordeal, he scraped himself quite often especially since he rather enjoyed climbing trees. Lucas followed soon after. His shoes now seeming roomy on him. Not quite slipping but he had more room than he remembered.

"Perhaps my mind is playing tricks on me again..." Lucas hoped to himself.

However once they entered into the small space of the bathroom it became ever more apparent that this was not the case. Lucas definitely had to look up now...Elliot was no doubt taller than he was now. The wolf rushed to the toilet, closing the lid before sitting down. Lucas didn't want Elliot to realize it yet. The fox began to fiddle around in some of the cabinets pulling out some peroxide along with a stash of bandages.

Elliot had had never done this before but figured it couldn't have been that difficult. Holding the items in his right paw he bent over, holding up the pant leg slightly of his friends shorts. Lucas couldn't help but blush from the attention but Elliot didn't seem to realize it. Instead he was overly focused on pouring some of the liquid onto the injury. Some fizzing occurred once it touched to open flesh.

"Ow!" Lucas tried to grin and bear it as the wound was washed to prevent infection.

"Almost done...hang in there." Elliot placed some ointment on the cut before covering it with a bandage.

"Thanks..." Lucas ears were flicked back still in a bit discomfort.

"Maybe we should get you some temporary clothes for now?" The fox suggested since Lucas' own was rather tattered and torn.

"I guess I would fit now, huh?" The wolf foolishly hoped this might be the case.

"Yeah, probably. Let's go to my room." The vulpine boy picked himself up swatting the wolf with his tail as he exited.

Lucas waited for Elliot to give him some room to move. The wolf gathered himself before taking a deep breath. Shuffling his paws forward, traveling through the hallway. Once he was inside Elliot's room, he took a look around. The environment was much different than his own room. It was quite well decorated for a boy of 11. Many posters were pinned against the walls, most of them video game themed.

Atop the wardrobe on the sides of the wall were even some various figures of the same context. The wolf was secretly a bit envious of the other boys collection, since he wasn't afforded such luxuries at home. Near one of the walls in the back, Lucas could make out some light markings on the far end of the room, not quite sure what they were.

"Coming?" The fox noticed the wolf had stopped to check out the den.

Lucas snapped out of it, seeming left in a sense of awe since he wasn't quite used to such niceties.

"Let's get a look at you and see what I have that fits you. Besides I need to get changed too." The fox coaxed Lucas to come closer to him.

The wolf was overly nervous, he didn't know how the fox would react to his now smaller form. Now standing next to each other. Lucas couldn't help himself, still trying to force a tippy-toe again. But it wasn't enough, he was still shorter.

"Hey, don't cheat!" Elliot grinned widely looking down watching the boy attempt to make up the gap.

A bright red fuse overtook his cheeks, even if it was covered by his gray fur. Relaxing his toes and flattening out his foot-paws.

"Hey look, I'm taller than you are now!" Elliot seemed rather happy about this change.

"Yeah, I guess you are..." Lucas stuttered a bit, even if he knew that fact already.

"Don't be upset...I'll take care of you, I promise, little guy!" Elliot reassured the smaller cub.

"Thanks..." Lucas tried to force a smile, though averted meeting gaze with the taller boy.

The vulpine boy extended his paw out in a quick pat, ruffling the smaller wolfs headfur. Feeling more abased then he perhaps should have otherwise.

"Oh come on, don't be such a sour sport. You'll grow back to normal again, eventually." The fox tried to persuade Lucas.

"Eventually...?I hope your right." The wolf's diminished frame didn't seem to be recovering at all.

"Let's get you situated in some better fitting clothes. Go ahead and strip." Elliot didn't seem to think it an unusual request considering what happened earlier.

Still Lucas couldn't help but feel unsure of himself. Retiring to the bed, Lucas slipped off his shoes. Even tied they slipped off much easier than he had thought they would. Even his socks hung loosely against his paws, but he didn't bother removing them. Removing his shirt, all that was remaining was the tattered shirt which had been further stretched during the crash. The only thing fitting him even semi-well as this point was his undies.

The wolf had chosen some briefs since the dedicates were more form fitting than boxers. Lucas made a feeble attempt at modesty, covering his light with his both of his paws. Dangling his footpaws off the side of the bed, finally relaxed his socks sliding gently off his feet leaving him all but naked.

"Why are you covering yourself? Stop being so silly." Elliot made his way to the bedside.

Elliot leaned over to coax the boy into a more calm state, eventually the attempted covering was broken away.

"See...that's not so bad. Now is it?" The fox joined him sitting, facing towards the wolf.

"I guess not..." Lucas couldn't help notice his paws rose against the bedside slightly higher than Elliot's did.

Elliot decided to take it a step further, though. Moving his left hand gradually against the other boys thigh. Lucas simply stared in watch, curious where he might end up.

Lucas didn't hide his intent for long. The looser nature of the bottom right hem of the leg allowing the fox easy access to the inside. Lucas gasping a bit, he'd never been touched down their by anyone else let alone the boy he'd long been crushing over. Eventually Elliot's paw found it's way against the bottom of the wolf's warm and pulsating sheath. Hesitating for a moment, the fox could feel the calm heartbeat of the other cub.

The larger boy gripped firmly, Lucas squirming against his own wildest fantasies coming to fruition. Elliot's palm reaching around the full sack of his friend, rubbing it ever so slightly causing a soft moan to elicit from the lupines mouth. Allowing himself to reach even further up snaking at an angle caused him to retract a bit before completely removing his attention.

Lucas was left wanting, eager for more almost whining from the tease. Elliot didn't leave him hanging long either. Fighting for better access by stripping the briefs down, enough to be nestled between his thighs and knees. The fox soon returned his affection, paw re-fixated over his friends flesh. Elliot almost jumping out of his fur from the now unrestricted feeling he was experiencing.

Lucas' lupine member slipped out quite readily, moist from the bodily fluids that otherwise were kept inside of him. The wolf watching with keen interest as his new friend began to milk his prostate. Slowly the smaller boy began to spread his legs, a slight tingling feeling beginning to overtake his young body. The fox continued to grind his pawpads into the shaft of the wolf's cock, shifting from the tip to the base in rapid methodical motions.

Lucas rolled his eyes back in his head, in a moment of sheer bliss. His youthful inexperience was getting to him, his tip already leaking with pre-cum through the opening. The fox had never done this before, trying to remember as best he could to reciprocate the actions of his friend from earlier. Stroking his thumb from base to end, finally allowing himself to pump in a more rigid manner.

Before long the youthful and inexperienced nature of his body gave way. Waves of euphoria flowed through him as Lucas erupted warm seed over his friends paw making quite the sticky mess soaking into the white and black fur. After his spasm was over, Elliot leaned over to give the other boy a quick kiss on the cheek. The wolf tried to recover his breath, still a bit exasperated from the exhilaration of youthful bliss.

"Mmm...thanks that was great." Lucas still stammered slightly between whispered breaths.

" problem I owed you from before." Elliot smirked again as the two laid back down flat.

The two sat still for a moment together on the bed, relaxing from their day. It wasn't quite late yet but it was mid afternoon and the two had managed to keep busy. Neither complained about the situation, the two seemed to have hit it off quite well once Lucas had made amends. Elliot was the first to rouse himself from the bed, remembering the true purpose of their journey to the room.

"Let's find you something to wear." Elliot made his way back to the wardrobe looking through it for something suitable.

The wolf sat patiently knowing full well he needed better fitting clothing. Removing the underwear that still clung to the mid section of his legs above his knees. Naked as the day he was born, the cub had no more reason to be modest in front of his newly minted mate.

"I guess this makes up boyfriends now, huh? Elliot said half in jest.

"Yeah! I would like that." The wolfs tail wagged gently behind him.

The fox was a little surprised by this but didn't seem bothered by the other cubs piqued excitement. Finding what he could, Elliot chucked when he considered when he last wore the clothing. Perhaps a year or even two ago, but he couldn't be quite sure.

It was a pair of footie pajamas and it used to be one of Elliot's favorites before he'd outgrown it. Though he couldn't quite bring himself to dispose of it. Followed by a rather ridiculous pair of briefs, adorn with a graphic on the front. Together the items looked rather kiddish since they were often marketed towards 9 year olds. Elliot showed it to the wolf, a little nervous what he might think.

"You want me to wear that?" Lucas couldn't believe what the Fox had in his paw.

"Well yeah...think of how small you are now." Elliot wasn't trying to be mean about it.

"I suppose your right." The wolf confided in the obvious fact that he was definitely smaller.

"Good try it on." The fox teased the smaller boy some before tossing him the pajamas.

Lucas felt a bit silly looking at the night wear a second time. Finally trying to adjust himself into it, forgetting all about the now dried mess over his groin. The wolf fought with the clothing, it seemed quite snug on his form as he tried to fasten it against his body. With some effort he was able to manage to secure the bottom portion.

Reaching his arms behind him, he began to do the same with the top portion. After a small struggle he was able to fasten it against his body. Once he managed it, he felt even more silly than he did before. It was like experiencing a mother having shrunk his clothing and forcing him to wear it anyways.

" look so cute in my footies." Elliot continued to pander his friend.

"You really think so?" Lucas continued to fidget in the quite snug clothing.

"Yeah does it fit alright?" The fox could tell from the wolfs body language that it most likely didn't.

"It's alright...just a little snug." The wolf stopped moving in an effort to ease the discomfort.

"You'll grow into it..." The vulpine boy said almost mocking his smaller friend.

"Haha...very funny." The wolf couldn't help but roll his eyes, a little annoyed.

"Don't be such a sour sport, it's not that bad." The fox was rather enjoying being in control for once.

"I guess your right." The wolf wasn't so sure about that but he was worried about keeping his friend happy.

"I guess its my turn to change huh?" The fox hadn't forgotten about his own tarnished clothing.

"Yeah..." The wolf gulped having never actually seen the boy fully naked before.

"Heheh...I got an idea maybe you'll like." The vulpine's grin covered his whole face.

The wolf wasn't entirely sure what the other boy meant, watching and waiting. The fox taking it upon himself to begin dancing in front of the other boy. A slight twirl as the youngsters tail coiled around him. Using his right paw he began teasing and tugging up away slowly at his shirt. Bit by bit the foxes red furry stomach could be seen.

The taller cub continued his ministrations spinning around the shirt above him, strapping it between his paws before wrapping it around the other boy pulling him up from his seat. Both of them now standing together, Lucas found his own paws perched on top of the other boys. Giving him a clear glimpse into his friends pale blue eyes. Elliot reaching in for a deep kiss, once their snouts met they did not break for almost a minute.

The kiss was rather passionate especially for 11 year olds. Elliot forcing his tongue in being rather brave exploring the other boys maw. Rotating in a rather round fashion, their tongues joining in salivation. Elliot nudged away breaking the sickly sweet moment, allowing the smaller cub to gently drift back onto the bed with a soft thud. Lifting his right foot up the fox began to remove his shoe. It too fell against the floor once loosened.

Keeping with the mood, the kit followed with his other shoe. Unzipping the front of his fly before flashing the wolf with a just but a glance of the front of his undies. Moving closer to the wolf budging his waist forward so that it just barely touched against the head of the relaxed wolf. Elliot bent over to grab the right paw of his friend, guiding it to the front of his pants where his button was fastened. Lucas knew full well what was expected of him. Slowly loosening the stud before it popped off.

The vulpine began patting at the head fur of the smaller boy who began fiddling with his zipper. Fighting with it for a moment before freeing it from it's snag. Now able to clearly inside Lucas could glance unhindered upon his prize. Delicately he lifted his own paw gesturing to touch the mound of flesh and fabric in front of him. But the fox broke away, remaining but a tease to his now deficient friend.

The wolf lurched forward but remained seated, almost as if he were begging. Elliot was not one to keep him waiting long. The dry remains of cum around the cusp of his undies made it all too clear, he definitely needed a change of clothes. Finally breaking them down his legs, the fox was now completely naked in front of the brazen stare of Lucas.

Kicking off his undies, Elliot made his way closer to Lucas once more. The sheath of the boy becoming even more defined with each step closer. The boys musk carrying about him especially once the fox entered into the wolf's personal space. Lucas couldn't help himself, leaning in to get a sniff but it seemed the fox had other ideas. Breaking away a final time towards his wardrobe.

"You tease..." The wolf whined a little, finally standing up from the bed.

Lucas was only half aroused from the activity but finally coming into his own sense of reason the boy looked down. The footy pajamas didn't seem to bother him as much. In fact he found the warmth of the fabric rather comfortable on his body. Even with it grinding into his boyhood, the wolf found himself easier to move around inside of it. He stretched, a little spent from all the days activity even know it wasn't quite bedtime yet, the two had done a lot.

"Comfortable now?" The wolf asked as he looked over to see the vulpine beginning to dress himself.

"Yeah, now we can be twins...Well almost." The fox had picked a more recent pair of pajamas for himself.

"That would be cool." Lucas didn't mind the notion even it considered rather fantastical.

"Looks like yours fits better now too huh, bud?" Elliot glanced over to his friend examining him for a moment.

"Yeah, it's rather comfortable now." Lucas modeled himself for his friend.

"I guess your still getting smaller?" The fox confronted the elephant in the room.

"Seems like it..." The wolf examined himself but knew it was obvious enough.

"I wonder how small you'll get? Elliot looked over the boy himself.

Lucas shrugged as this wasn't something he knew the answer to. The wolf was still unsure of himself and felt like all his strength had been sapped out of him. In reality he was much more similar to Elliot now an undersized boy with no muscle to speak of.

"Don't worry I'll protect you no matter what." Elliot reached over to hug the wolf.

No longer piggy backing off the foxes paws, Elliot easily had a full head over the other boy. There was absolutely no question now that Lucas was the smaller one. Not wanting to ruin the moment he didn't make his gripe over the issue known.

"So what do you want to do now?" Lucas inquired curiously.

"Well we should probably have dinner soon. The rest of my family won't be back until Monday. So if you want you can stay a while and we can hang out." Elliot tried his best to be a good host.

Lucas considered his options for a moment. He certainly needed a place to stay, at least until they solved his problem. But they hadn't even tried to troubleshoot it yet. The wolf was much too keen on pleasing the other boy to worry about his own issue. He hoped it would simply just go away..that didn't seem to be the case though. He just seemed to be getting smaller and smaller.

"I guess dinner sounds good. We've been chilling out for a while and I am a bit hungry." Lucas mentioned though he wasn't overly famished.

"Alright well what do you want to eat then?" Elliot wasn't actually aware of what his family had stored in the fridge for him.

"Whatever sounds fine to me. I'll eat anything." The wolf was far from a picky eater as long as some red meat was involved.

"Easy enough, I suppose. Let me go see what I can find." The fox left the room leaving the wolf to his own devices.

The wolf was the last one to think that events would turn out this way. Truthfully he was in a world of happiness and bliss, not wanting it to change for anything. Considering that his minor size problem. Lucas got an idea though, glancing over in the corner to where he thought the other boy had disposed of his laundry. Sure enough it was there...

The lupine looked around just to make sure that he wasn't being watched. Leaning down he took the boys undies. Knowing full well they hadn't been washed he picked them up, bringing the pair to his snout. A quick sniff inhaled the aroma into his nostrils. The scent was tantalizing, the keen sense of the wolf picking up the faint smell of pheromones. Especially strong around the crotch where Lucas couldn't help but lick a single time.

The taste was alien to him. Almost a combination of bitterness and saltiness. The cub seeming quite eager to lap up every bit of it. But before he could he was interrupted by his friends shout.

"Foods ready!" Elliot's voice could be heard trailing off in the distance.

The beckoning brought him back to reality. Forcing him to forget his effort in cleaning, instead dropping the underwear back onto the floor. Making sure his chubbing erection was well hidden to disguise his own perversion.

Once he arrived the wolf made his way to the table. The pajamas rubbing against him as he made movement, generating some static. It seemed looser than before though wasn't quite roomy on his body. Already there was some meals served up on the table, Lucas made his way to the wooden chair hopping up on the seat. His feet dangled rather freely as he kicked his paws back and forth. It seemed his paws no longer were as close to the floor as they had once been.

It was a rather liberating freedom, similar to the one he could recall from when he was earlier. It allowed him to punt his paws forwards and backwards in a playful manner. The fox meanwhile busied himself dishing out the meals for the two. The selected food items were pork chops for the both of them. A slightly smaller piece for the wolf, who decided to not make a comment about it. Thinking that the fox had his best interest in mind.

The beverage of choice for the two seemed to be milk. Another subtle but innocent joke on Elliot's part.

"Hope you enjoy it, it was just leftovers but it's better than nothing." The fox soon joined his friend at the table.

The keen scent of the wolf was easily able to pick up the smell of the slab of meat. Though it wasn't freshly cooked, it was decorated with herbs. The wolf wasn't one for using utensils, instead picking up the meat and tearing away at it with his sharp teeth. The fox didn't seem to mind much but maintained his manners even despite the show of Lucas' more primal nature.

The two shared in their meal together. Not many words were shared between the two of them as their hunger got the better of them. Once they finished, Lucas made sure to make himself feel useful. Not waiting to be asked to help clean up, taking it upon himself to do the chore anyways. After all the fox had gone through the effort of making the meal.

"Thanks," Elliot sat idly relaxing a bit from his small chore.

"No...thank you for the wonderful meal." Lucas returned back to the foxes side and kissed him on the head.

"Glad you liked it, should we do desert now?" The fox was much more keen on sweets than the wolf was.

"It isn't a bad idea since it's a holiday anyways and we don't have school." The wolf was still keen on pleasing his friend.

"We have some cherry pie. My mother baked it, it should be in the fridge." Elliot gave the smaller cub passive directions.

Lucas rifled through the fridge. A small container was found near the top shelf of it. The wolf couldn't quite reach it, having to climb up a little to reach the shelf.

" can't reach it anymore? Don't go and hurt yourself." The fox got himself up just in case the other boy fell.

The wolf took it as a challenge, as if he were surmounting a mountain. It was certainly cold enough to pass off as one. The cub managed to grab a hold of the outer plastic casing of the confection. Losing his grip he began to tumble backwards.

Luckily for him the fox was near enough to ease his fall. The fox struggling a bit with the weight but was able to manage nonetheless. The pie only being shifted but remaining on the edge of the highest shelf.

" didn't need to go and hurt yourself. Just let me do it alright?" The vulpine guided the wolf against his body gradually against the floor.

Now while the fox wasn't tall himself, he was more easily able to access the top shelf. Especially since his parents often left a stepping stool for him to use in an alcove nearby. But with the pie so close to the edge it really wasn't necessary.

Once he pulled it down, all that was left was serving it up. Some paper plates would be all were needed since Elliot didn't want anymore dirty dishes to clean. The wolf had eased himself back up, he wasn't badly hurt rather just suffering from the shock of the blow. Once he had regathered himself the cub made his way back to the table.

The fox made diligent work of serving up the chilled treats. Each boy getting the same sized slice, then going the extra step by adding some whipped cream. Deciding that it was easy enough to eat as finger food since the crust was likely crisp from being in refrigeration so long. Rejoining Lucas at the table, Elliot kicked his paws in front of him.

The fox was much more feverish in devouring the pie. He was much more akin to sweets than the wolf was. His slice didn't last but a single minute.

"Going to eat yours?" The vulpine eyed his friends treat quite intently.

"Um...maybe? I'm not really hungry so you can have it if you want." The wolf seemed to had lost some appetite along with his reduced size.

"Suit yourself." The fox decided to be polite and wait for his friend to finish.

No motion was made between the two of them. Only an awkward sense of silence was shared as they sit there. Eventually the wolf began to gingerly shove the pointed end of the slice into his maw. Lucas managed to finish around half before he felt he couldn't eat anymore.

"You can have the rest if you want." The lupine knew his friend wanted it more than he did.

"Yay, thanks!" The fox perched himself over the table, almost as if leaping up from his seat.

Lucas watched a little stunned by the sudden yet overly eccentric leap over the table. The table jostled but did not lose it's balance as they fox chowed down the half-eaten slice without any sense of modesty. Once finished the kit picked up his snout, licking his lips in a show of content.

"Wow...I didn't know you had such a sweet tooth." Lucas looked up at the fox who still perched himself flat on top of the table.

"Yup, it's my favorite meal of the day." Elliot smiled wide unaware that the cherry had made quite the mess over his face.

The wolf reached in an effort to clean his friends face. Using his own fur to wipe up the mess that stained his friends otherwise clean fur.

"Thanks!" The vulpine gradually removed himself from the tabletop returning to the side of his chair as it scraped against the tile.

"No problem, don't want your fur to get stained." The wolf licked his fingers to cleanse the remains of the cherry filling.

The fox rotated himself around the table coming alongside the other boy.

"Don't worry your much more delicious to me than some silly pie." The fox elicited a play on words, bending over to kiss the wolf on the head.

Lucas couldn't help but blush, it was all working out much better than he had ever planned. Letting out a yawn, the boy was becoming fatigued. It had been a long day and Lucas had overexerted himself in the effort to travel from his own home as well as to Elliot's home after.

"Getting tired?" Elliot noticed the yawn, seeing at it was the second time in the same night.

"Yeah, I guess I should head to bed. Where should I sleep?" Lucas stood up from the chair waiting for further instruction.

"We could sleep together in my bed if you want." The fox said with a playful smirk.

"Really? You wouldn't mind sharing?" The lupine blushed profusely at the idea.

"Sure, why not? We're essentially boy friends now aren't we?" Elliot brushed it off as it were no big ordeal

"Alright...I'd like that." The wolf could feel his loins tingle just considering the idea.

"Well if your tired your welcome to head to bed if you want." The kit suggested in friendly demeanor.

"Okay...don't leave me hanging long." Lucas stretched once before making his exit.

Lucas was ready to retire for the night. He was quite spent from the long day despite it not being that late. Finding that as he moved the footie pajamas gave much more freedom in movement than it had earlier. Even barely shuffling his feet, the covering ruffled around his smaller paws. It made him stop to think for a moment.

" small will I get?" The wolf couldn't help but examine himself in front of a mirror placed behind Elliot's bedroom door.

The cub stood and stared for a moment, allowing his hands to rest near is side. The fabric hanging loosely against his body, he could even make out the now baggy nature of his nightwear. Holding up his right paw to his gaze he examined the somewhat length sleeve sag on his paw. Sighing a bit in defeat, the wolf confided that nothing could be done about it and to let it run it's course.

Elliot soon appeared in the hallway, watching from afar as the wolf examined himself. No longer idle the fox decided to console his worried friend.

"It'll be alright...maybe it will stop soon?" The fox positioned himself the wolf, both could be clearly seen in the mirror.

Lucas barely came up to the other boys shoulders not.

"I hope so...but what if it doesn't?" The wolf maintained his concerned manner.

"I'll be here for you...maybe we can try to make it better?" The fox said placing his paws on the shorter cubs shoulders.

"How though?" The wolf had long ago given up all sense of hope of returning to normal.

"I'm not sure but we'll get through this together, alright?" Elliot held the smaller cub closely against him.

"Thanks...let's head to bed." Lucas broke off still bothered by his ever smaller form.

The wolf made his way into the bed with the fox following shortly in tow. The two joined together in a soft cuddle. The larger boy behind the smaller one. Elliot tried to relieve the smaller boys tension, easing his body into his own. Coaxing the firm bottom of his friend against his own lap. The closeness was rather warm and inviting. Eventually the two fell asleep. It seemed the wolfs problem would have to wait til another day.