Second Honeymoon (Part 1)

Story by C-PRIME on SoFurry

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This is the first of three parts of a series of stories that features the second honeymoon between Sapphire and I, as first mentioned in the story "Date Night".

Second Honeymoon (Part 1 of 3)

NOTE: This is the second tribute series featuring Sapphire and I that I'm making to celebrate our 10 years of knowing each other. This series will focus on our 10th wedding anniversary. NOTE 2: This story may contain spoilers for future episodes of the "Life With Charlene" series, so proceed with caution.

After spending two years planning this out and working out the details with my sisters and Melissa, it was finally time for Sapphire and I to go on our second honeymoon. I made arrangements for us to spend the entire week at the Honeymoon Hotel in Vixen Hill. I had several surprises planned for Sapphire while we were in Vixen Hill, there were several places that I wanted to take hir last time, but didn't since we were only spending one night in town. This time though, I wanted to do as much with hir as possible. I wanted to make sure Sapphire knew just how much I appreciated hir and how much I've enjoyed being hir mate for the last 10 years. Of course, there would also be lots of sex for the two of us while we were away from Familia. Sapphire made sure that shi had a flat belly before we left for Vixen Hill, that way any kids shi might have while we're on our week-long trip would be ours.

Like last year, I drove the two of us to Vixen Hill, going to the hotel and parking in the hotel's parking lot. However, unlike last time, when we got to the hotel, I told Sapphire I had a surprise for hir and put a blindfold over hir eyes. I asked hir not to take it off until we got to our room. Shi was a bit curious, but shi agreed, and I helped hir out of the car, holding hir hand as we walked into the lobby. The rabbit clerk quickly noticed us and asked if we could be helped. I told him that we had a reservation, but made sure not to give out too much information that would spoil Sapphire's first surprise. Luckily, the male rabbit seemed to get the message and didn't say anything about our suite. Instead, he simply handed me the key cards and I walked with Sapphire down towards the theme suites area.

We passed several other suites that were already occupied, many with "Do Not Disturb" signs hanging on the doors. The "Do Not Disturb" sign would go on the handle of our suite door just as soon as we got settled in. Along the way, we passed such suites as the "Under The Sea" suite, the "Royal Suite", the "Sky Suite", and the "Jungle Suite". All of them looked nice in the brochure I got when I was making my plans, but there was one suite in particular I wanted to book just for hir. With Sapphire's eyes still covered by the blindfold and my hand still holding hirs, we soon arrived at the door that led into the "Desert Night" suite and stopped as I grabbed one of our key cards and prepared to put it in the lock. "Honey fox, can I take this blindfold off yet?", Sapphire asked curiously, wanting to remove it from hir eyes.

"Just a few more moments, honey. I just have to get the door open", I told hir calmly as I put the key card in, unlocking the door and reaching for the master light switch near the doorway, turning the main lights on. "Alright, sweetheart...go ahead and step inside", I mentioned, helping Sapphire into our suite before I locked the door behind us after putting up the "Do Not Disturb" sign. Once we were inside, I walked with Sapphire from the entry way to the main room of the suite and gave hir a kiss on the cheek. "You can take the blindfold off now, sweetie", I told hir softly as shi slowly removed the blindfold from hir eyes and saw the room I booked for us. "Welcome Home, Sapphire!", I playfully told hir as shi looked at the room and was surprised by what shi saw.

The "Desert Night" suite had been decorated to resemble the scenery you would find in New Mexico (the owner of the Honeymoon Hotel visited New Mexico on a trip with his own wife and decided to let their experience guide him into making this suite). The walls had been painted with pictures of mesas in the main room, and mountains in the "communal room". The sky had reddish purple lighting backlit against it, giving it the appearance as if it were at sunset in the New Mexican desert. It also had a switch where I could adjust the lighting to go from "sunset" to "moonlight" if I chose to. The king-sized bed had artificial cacti bedposts, with foam rubber "needles" to make sure that no one accidently ended up getting pricked. The suite consisted of two rooms plus a bathroom with a shower and turbo dryer inside of it, while the "communal" room contained two more added features.

The communal room had a hot tub in it, shaped in a way that it resembled a lake amongst "mountains" that were made from real stone against the back wall of the hot tub. Then, in another corner, there was an area that was roughly 8 feet square all around, full of sand with another fake cactus in the corner up against the wall. This was what was known as "the Sandbox", or in other words, the designated area of the room that was set aside for couples like us to "tie the knot". In other suites, the spot was designed differently, but every room had a spot like this in it to cater to the needs of canid males like me who wanted to turn the tie with our mates during sex.

After Sapphire got a chance to look around the room for a bit, shi turned towards me and held me tight, touching hir nose to mine. "Thank you, honey fox!", Sapphire commented happily as I placed my hands on hir cheeks and then kissed hir on the lips.

"I figured that I should do something special for our 10th wedding anniversary, so I picked out a place that would remind you of home...and of when we met for the first time*", I told hir softly after the kiss. Shi smiled and then kissed me, this time putting hir tongue into my mouth while doing so, purring happily from what I had done for hir thus far. I quickly returned the favor, feeling hir tongue swishing around in my mouth while mine did the same for Sapphire as I quickly felt a bulge forming inside my pants from my foxhood coming out of the sheath. I wasn't the only one though, as I soon noticed a bulge of hir own touch against the bulge I had, having formed from underneath hir purple dress.

Both of us felt happy and horny together, growing even more excited as we exchanged saliva and let our tongues swish around in each other's mouths, with Sapphire purring during this entire time. There was going to be a lot of mating for the two of us while we were here, and from the way that our bulges touched up against each other, it was certain that we would be starting very soon. However, we had a whole week to ourselves, there would be plenty of time for sex. I wanted to make sure that I gave Sapphire a romantic experience as well, one that let hir know that I appreciated hir as my mate, and I knew that there were several places in and around Vixen Hill that we haven't been to yet that I intended to bring Sapphire on our vacation. That being said, I also knew that Sapphire didn't like having a flat belly for long. Shi enjoyed being pregnant and it was obvious that shi wanted me to put some more kids inside hir from the way I felt hir bulge touching mine, noticing the precum on the dress from where hir tip touched it.

When we finally stopped kissing after a minute or so, Sapphire looked at me with those blue eyes of hirs and a smile on hir face. "Honey fox...I'm horny...I really need to feel you inside me again!", shi called to me as I saw a twinkle in hir eyes, letting me know that hir body was ready to produce another litter with me.

I wanted to mate with hir, and it was obvious that shi wanted to mate with me. However, we had just arrived at the hotel and we had plans for dinner in a little bit. "Sweetheart, I'd love to help fill you up again now, but we've got a dinner date in a little while, remember", I commented as Sapphire wrapped hir tail around me from behind and brought me in closer.

"C'mon, honey fox! I don't think I can wait much longer. I feel so hot and wet inside, I need you to mate with me and give me more babies!", she commented with a long and playful purr, going as far as to lick the side of my neck with hir tongue, which felt both hot and ticklish against my flesh. My foxhood pulsed strongly inside my pants, with precum soaking through them as my bulge continued to touch against hirs. It was then I realized that there was no escaping this. Sapphire wanted me to breed with hir, and shi wouldn't stop until I had filled hir again. "Please, honey fox! Do it for me...and I promise I'll do something special for you later!", shi mentioned after a few moments of licking as I decided that there was no way around it. If Sapphire wanted to have sex now, I figured I should just give hir what shi wanted.

" win! Go ahead and get down on all fours for me while I take off my clothes", I answered in a soft tone as shi giggled and kissed my lips before I watched hir remove the dress, revealing that shi wore nothing underneath it. After that, Sapphire got into the "sandbox" and got on hir hands and knees, keeping hir rear facing me as shi raised it and her tail high. Hir vaginal lips were bright pink and puffy, with hir nectar dribbling from hir opening. I murred happily when I saw this and took off my clothes, letting my foxhood free from my pants as it stood fully erect and dripping with precum. "Are you ready for me, sweetheart?", I called to Sapphire as shi purred and dropped hir tail off to the side.

"Mmm...yes, honey fox...come over here and mate with me!", shi called in a playful manner as I got into the "sandbox" with Sapphire, climbed on top of hir from behind and started to mate with hir foxy-style. I didn't plan on doing it this way right off the bat. I figured we'd take things a little slower before I went all out and gave hir the full experience. However, since Sapphire was needy and I knew that a full insemination would likely calm hir sex drive down enough for us to have a peaceful dinner, I decided I'd mate with hir in our usual position. That way, shi could get as much of my sperm as possible right away and I could relax for a bit after I pulled out of hir.

We mated for about an hour, with me turning the tie with Sapphire after I began to flood hir with my semen, both of us joined together by our genitals as I felt hir body clamp down and tug on my swollen bulb while we were locked together. Then, after I was able to pull out, I helped Sapphire back to hir feet, bringing hir into the shower so we could get cleaned up some before dinner. At that moment, hir belly was still flat, but she had a large pool of my sperm in hir uteri, so it was only a matter of time before my tadpoles met with hir eggs and shi started to get a swollen belly once again.

After the shower, the two of us dried off and got dressed again, with Sapphire changing into female form for a little while so that she could put on a pair of panties underneath her purple dress. Normally, she wouldn't wear anything under her dress, but since we were going to be out in public and in a restaurant, it was in everyone's best interest that she least until we got back to our room. With my seed in her uteri, Sapphire had calmed down a bit and gave me a kiss on the side of my cheek once we were both ready to leave our room and go have dinner.

This time around, we stayed at the Honeymoon Hotel for dinner, heading on over to the on-site restaurant. When I made the reservations, I made sure to choose a package that also gave us 200 UIC Dollars worth of dining credit at the hotel. I figured that the credit would be enough for us to have two dinners on-site, with us going out to eat for the rest of the time we were in Vixen Hill. Fortunately, breakfast was complimentary with all suite bookings of more than two nights, so we'd be able to eat breakfast for free down in the restaurant as well.

We had a candlelit dinner together, with the two of us having the orange-glazed rotisserie chicken, along with fresh baked potatoes with our choice of toppings, a side of salad for Sapphire and a side of baby carrots and celery for me, and a large order of banya bread to share between the two of us. The atmosphere inside the restaurant was pleasant, with soft lights shining down from above, giving the room a gentle bluish glow. For dessert, Sapphire and I ordered a full-sized chocolate creme pie, with each of us having a piece now, with the rest of it going into our fridge in our suite when we got back. At that time, Sapphire was not yet pregnant, so her appetite seemed to be fairly normal. Although, once she did have kids growing in her uteri, she would need to eat a lot more and in a hurry. Fortunately, I had prepared for this and brought a refrigerated capsule filled with some of the things Sapphire normally ate when she was pregnant with us. The capsule operated in the same way that a pokeball would, allowing for a refrigerator's worth of food and drink to be stored inside a capsule that was the size of a lemon. Of course, special sensors had to be placed on any items that went into the capsule so that it could be shrunk to fit inside of it, and whoever opened it would have to say what they wanted from the capsule in order to prevent opening the whole thing unintentionally. I also had two spare empty capsules ready to be filled when I needed to, I planned on making a run to the Martinelli's over on Yiffberry Street in the morning to stock those capsules up.

For now though, I wasn't concerned. The food I put inside the capsule before we left for Vixen Hill would be enough to tide Sapphire over for the night and into the morning. There would be plenty of time for me to re-stock later on. After dinner, the two of us left the restaurant and headed back to our room, with me holding what was left of our pie. Upon returning, we put out the "Do Not Disturb" sign again, this time it would stay there until morning, and Sapphire locked the door before she took off her panties and changed back into hir normal form. Not long after that, Sapphire also removed hir dress again, placing it in a nearby closet since shi figured that we'd be staying in our suite for the rest of the night. When shi did, I noticed that Sapphire was starting to develop a fresh erection as I noticed precum already appearing from the tip of hir length and the warm and intoxicating aroma of hir scent filling the room. It was obvious that shi was still in need of my sperm and while my first batch temporarily calmed hir sex drive, shi still wanted more.

Knowing this, and feeling my foxhood starting to come out of its sheath once again, I got out of my clothes once again and went over to Sapphire, wrapping my arms around hir before the two of us kissed. My tongue went into hir mouth and hirs went into mine as we kissed deeply as our bodies continued to become aroused, with my length soon becoming fully erect. As hirs came out, I felt it start to touch up against mine and eventually use its prehensile nature to wrap around it a bit, giving it a hug as we both pulsed with arousal and precum came out of both of our tips. I didn't really mind when shi did this to me, because it actually felt good to have my stiff foxhood hugged like this, especially when we were getting ready for sex.

While we kissed, I noticed that Sapphire's aroma was getting stronger, causing my testicles to churn on the inside and my length to throb more strongly. My precum started to spurt upward from the tip, hitting Sapphire's still flat belly as I felt hit shaft continue to squeeze mine gently. Not to be outdone, hirs also produced precum, spurting onto my lower belly as shi was becoming excited. It seemed as if the two of us were ready to mate once again.

When we stopped kissing, I looked into Sapphire's eyes and placed one of my hands on hir cheek as shi uncoiled hir shaft from mine, but kept it touching against my foxhood. "So...are you ready to go another round?", I asked Sapphire in a soft and sweet manner, still feeling my maleness twitch strongly for hir warm and inviting vagina.

Sapphire giggled to my question and quickly had an answer for me. "Of course I am, honey fox! However, there's something else I'd like to do first. I made a promise to you before dinner and I'd like to keep it", shi answered in a sweet manner, touching one of my cheeks with hir fingertip, tracing a heart on it. "Why don't you go have a seat over on the edge of the bed and I'll show you what I mean", shi suggested.

I wasn't sure what Sapphire had planned for me, but I decided to go along with it and did as shi asked, having a seat on the edge of our bed. Once I was there, I watched as shi came over to me and got down on hir knees. Shi smiled and gave the tip of my foxhood a gentle kiss, getting precum on hir mouth, making hir giggle before shi licked it off. ", you just sit there and relax, honey fox. Let me thank you for what you did to me earlier", Sapphire told me in a sweet and playful manner, right before I felt hir tongue touch up against the tip of my maleness and lick around it slowly.

Sapphire's tongue had both fox-like and cat-like properties. It felt both warm and wet like my own, yet at the same time it also felt very ticklish to the touch. The sensation of hir tongue circling my sensitive tip made me murr quite loudly as I closed my eyes and let hir do whatever shi liked to it. More of my precum spurted from the tip, getting onto Sapphire's face and mouth as shi purred happily and kept licking me, soon moving hir tongue further down my length, licking at the underside of it between the tip and the knot. During this time, Sapphire used hir telepathic abilities to communicate with me through thought. " honey fox likes it when I give him kisses down there, doesn't he?", shi told me playfully in thought as I couldn't help blushing a bit before I gave hir an answer.

"'re tongue feels so good when it touches me!", I commented happily as shi worked hir tongue even further down the underside of my length, now reaching the bulb and the area where my penis connected to the sheath. When shi did this, I felt my length immediately spasm upward and a strong spurt of precum came out of the tip, getting onto Sapphire's nose.

Shi giggled when this happened and moved hir tongue back up my length, licking it very slowly to make sure it made the most contact with my flesh, until it was back at my tip. "I'll bet that you'll like this even more!", Sapphire told me through thought in a playful manner, right before shi took the tip of my maleness into hir mouth. Shi kept moving downward until all but the knot was in hir mouth before shi grabbed onto the bulb with one of hir hands and held it tightly. Then, Sapphire began to suck on my throbbing foxhood, moving slowly up and down it as I murred with delight and felt my tails coil around each other.

"Oooh...yes...that feels good too!", I commented happily, enjoying the gentle sucking that Sapphire was giving my shaft, all while the tip of my foxhood kept producing fresh precum and my testicles churned from the sexual arousal. I opened my eyes to watch hir play with my maleness, gently touching my hand to hir soft cheek, listening to hir purr happily as the vibrations from hir purring helped add to the experience.

While shi sucked on my maleness, I felt hir tongue cradle me from underneath, letting its warmth caress the underside of my length as I watched Sapphire play with my cock. Soon, I felt one of hir hands reach out to my balls as shi started to massage and fondle them a bit, purring a little bit louder while doing so. This helped make the churning within them grow more intense while my shaft became thicker and more sensitive to touch.

More of my precum launched into hir mouth while shi kept sucking on my maleness, hir blue eyes looking up at me with a smile on hir face as shi enjoyed what I was giving hir. "Mmm...I'll bet that you want to give me a warm and creamy treat, don't you?", Sapphire playfully asked in thought as I continued to caress hir cheek while feeling hir move up and down along my length.

My foxhood was quickly becoming sensitive to touch and I felt a climax building deep within my nuts, preparing a fresh batch of seed for release. It wouldn't be too much longer before shi made me go off. "Ahh...yes...I do!", I commented happily, feeling my length twitch in hir mouth as shi started to move a little faster on it.

Sapphire then let out a growling purr and placed hir free hand around my bulb, giving it a squeeze. My knot was pulsing as shi sucked on the rest of my length, but it didn't really grow any larger at that time, it was used to being buried inside a warm vaginal canal, rather than being held by hand. Shi continued to speed up, moving faster along my maleness as I felt hir tongue begin to move along the underside of it as well. "Well then...give it to me, honey fox! I want to taste your cream in my mouth again!", Sapphire playfully exclaimed through thought, seeming eager to accept my seed. "Just make sure that you don't spend too much of it now...I still want you to put more in my womb when we're done with this", shi added in a sweet and playful manner, continuing to suck on my foxhood at a rapid and eager pace.

By now, the inside of Sapphire's mouth had become very warm around my length, and I felt the underside of it getting constantly rubbed by the bumpy nature of hir hybrid tongue. My two tails coiled very tightly around each other and I panted excitedly, feeling the churning within my testicles grow very intense. I knew that I wasn't going to be able to hold back. The sucking and rubbing of my shaft felt far too good for me to resist.

With a loud and satisfied moan, I let my feelings be known to Sapphire, as I came for hir, sending gobs of my warm and creamy seed splashing against the inside of hir mouth. The instant shi felt it hit, hir hand tightened around my knot some more and shi purred rather loudly, still sucking on my maleness, but moving at a much slower pace. Shi savored my cream as it coated the inside of hir mouth, not yet swallowing what I had given hir as shi seemed to want to save it for when I was finished. Shi continued to massage my testicles with hir other hand, rubbing them softly to both coax out the load that was ready for hir, as well as to convince my balls to keep making fresh sperm. There would be a lot more mating for us over the course of the next several days and it was obvious that shi wanted my body to make as much sperm for hir as possible.

The churning within my balls never stopped, it continued even after I shot several bursts of my load into hir mouth, giving it a nice coating. Although, it did die down somewhat after about a minute of me firing my load. Slowly, I relaxed some, feeling my shaft become de-sensitized to an extent, but still remaining hard in Sapphire's mouth. Soon afterwards, I stopped producing fresh cream (for now) and shi released hir grip on my maleness.

After shi finished sucking on my cock, Sapphire smiled and swallowed the load I produced for hir, letting its warmth and creaminess coat the inside of hir throat. Then, shi kissed the tip of my shaft gently. "Mmm...did you like that, honey fox?", Sapphire asked in a sweet and playful manner, hir tail moving from side-to-side while doing so.

I smiled and kept touching hir cheek lightly, looking down towards hir as shi was still on hir knees. "Yes sweetheart, I did", I mentioned softly while my two tails were stil coiled around each other. "However, I think it's ready for something a little better again", I added, hoping Sapphire would get the hint pretty quickly.

Sapphire stood up after I mentioned that and smiled, stretching briefly as I noticed that hir belly was still flat. " don't have to tell me twice", Sapphire commented cheerfully as shi sat down in my lap and I felt my shaft brush up against hir outer vaginal lips, all while hirs was fully erect and dripping with precum, getting it onto my belly fur. " should we do it this time?", shi asked a few moments later, caressing my cheek with one of hir hands as I felt the warmth and wetness of hir horny pussy pressed up against my maleness, making it twitch in excitement.

I thought about mounting hir in our usual mating style again, but I got a better idea. Since Sapphire wasn't pregnant yet, It would be a lot easier for me to have sex with hir from on top. However, if I were to do this, I would've preferred to do so when shi was in female form. Although I had gotten used to Sapphire having both male and female parts a long time ago, and didn't mind when shi would occasionally touch me with hir penis, it still felt awkward to have hir cum on my fur. If I mated with hir from on top now, it was likely that I would get messy as a result of it. However, if shi would change into female form, I wouldn't have to worry about that.

I knew that hir kangaroo form was female and that shi had a fondness for kangaroos, so I decided to change for Sapphire, transforming into my kangafox form. In my kangafox form, several things changed on my body. My ears became longer and more narrow, my two tails merged into one kangaroo-like tail, and the way my body and facial fur looked also changed some. However, there was one other noticeable change. The transformation caused my penis to change from it's traditional vulpine shape to a hybrid of fox and kangaroo. The tip of my shaft became narrow and pointed with it becoming thicker as it approached my knot, which was unchanged from the transformation. My length also became longer as a result of the transformation, allowing me to penetrate even deeper into Sapphire. "How would you like me to fill that pouch of yours with some joeys?", I playfully asked, suggesting that I could fill hir with kangafox seed and produce some kids from that as well.

Sapphire seemed to like the idea and soon changed shape so that she looked like a female kangaroo...only keeping her usual body markings and colorization. Now, all I could feel on my body is the warmth of her vaginal folds pressing against my hybrid shaft, rubbing against it gently as she smiled and touched her nose to mine. "Let's do it!", Sapphire eagerly exclaimed as I murred with excitement and wrapped my arms around her body before I leaned backward so that I was laying on the bed. Then, once I was in position, I rolled over so that I was on top of Sapphire and she was beneath me, all while the tip of my maleness was aimed directly at her vaginal opening. " want to be on top of me this time?", she commented in a playful manner as I felt her hands move towards my rump and pull me in closer to her. "That's a good I can watch you mate with me and feel it at the same time!", she added a few moments later while I positioned my shaft so that the tip would be able to just poke inside of Sapphire's vaginal passage while my hands moved down to her hips.

Once I was where I wanted to be, I pushed my shaft inward, feeling the tightness of her vagina around it as she squeezed it firmly. Sapphire was hot and juicy inside, making it easy for me to push deep within her folds until I had all but my knot within her passage. She kept pushing me towards her, keeping her hands on my butt as I felt them squeeze a little while I held still for several moments, allowing Sapphire to savor the feeling of my warm and eager hybrid shaft within her folds. My foot-long penis was able to touch up against Sapphire's cervixes, touching against one briefly and then the other after that. I couldn't split my tip into multiple tips in kangafox form, so I would have to do my best to get my seed into each womb when it came time for me to inseminate her.

After a few moments of getting comfortable, I started to move, humping Sapphire at a modest pace to begin with as I heard the soft, squishing sound of sex begin to fill the room. As I moved, my length rubbed against her insides and my knot touched against her clitoris, giving Sapphire a nice massage and causing her vagina to tighten a bit more around me. She spread her legs wide open, making it easier for me to access her pussy while I kept my hands around her hips. The sensitivity was already starting to return to my length, with the rubbing of it along Sapphire's insides making me feel good. The churning within my testicles also started to grow once again, eagerly preparing more sperm that I intended to give to Sapphire over the course of our second honeymoon.

While I humped Sapphire, I watched as her large, milk-filled breasts bounced up and down with each of my movements, each nipple leaking with her sweet milk. She moaned happily from the pleasure I was giving her and grabbed onto my butt cheeks a bit harder, bringing me in closer. "Ahh...yes! Give it to me!", she called out eagerly, growing more aroused as I felt the inside of her passage becoming hotter and wetter with time, as her reproductive hormones were once again kicking in. I felt this numerous times before when I've mated with Sapphire and I knew it was a signal that she would be ovulating again soon. This caused me to begin moving a bit faster as the thickest portion of my length started to fill out more and my knot started to push against her outer lips each time I moved inward.

I enjoyed creating life with Sapphire, almost as much as she did. In the 10 years we had been together, I vividly remembered what it was like to feel our sons and daughters growing within Sapphire's womb. I remembered touching my hands to Sapphire's pregnant belly and feeling our kids press their hands up against their mother from the inside, trying to get at their daddy from within. The best part came when it was time for them to see me for the first time. Whenever I held the newborns in my arms for the first time, I would often feel them reach out to me, and even nuzzle up against me whenever I held them close to my face.

This helped to inspire me to create more life with Sapphire whenever she was needy, and it also helped to intensify the churning within my balls as I kept moving through her tight folds at an increasing pace. By now, my knot was pushing against her opening constantly, causing it to open up little by little as it was getting closer to going inside. Sapphire was well aware of this and brought me as close to her body as she possibly could. " it! Push it inside me!", she exclaimed, eager to receive my bulb and my seed.

With Sapphire feeling close to having her climax and ovulating, I worked very hard to bring about my climax. She may have already had my normal sperm inside her from our earlier mating, but I wanted to make sure that my kangafox seed also had a chance to create life. The tip of my maleness kept touching against Sapphire's cervixes with each inward thrust, with it alternating between the two every so often. If I wanted to, my tip was long and narrow enough that I could fit it into one of Sapphire's cervixes, flooding that uterus with my kangafox seed while leaving just my regular sperm in the other one. However, I wanted my kangafox sperm to get into both uteri, so I kept it just outside.

Gradually, I felt my bulb pushing through Sapphire's outer lips until it got completely inside her, beginning to grow against the warm and tight folds that surrounded it. She clamped down on the bulb and let out a passionate moan as her folds exploded with hot vaginal juices all along my maleness and I felt the familiar temperature spikes that came whenever Sapphire started releasing ripe eggs to be fertilized. With that in mind, I held onto her tightly while feeling her hands grabbing at my butt, pushing me in as closely as she could and then let out a loud and satisfied moan as my sperm started to leave my testicles, flooding into Sapphire once again.

The instant I started to climax for Sapphire was when her vaginal walls started to tug on my bulb while the rest of her passage clamped down hard along my length. My seed got into both of Sapphire's cervixes, adding to what I had given her from our earlier mating as my knot reached its full size, with us becoming stuck together until I was finished inseminating her. That was when I got an idea. Since I wanted to make sure that my sex drive would be fully satisfied after I pulled out of Sapphire, I felt as if I had to turn the tie with her. I could turn the tie while I was on top of her like this, though it had been a while since the last time I attempted a tie like this.

I let go of Sapphire's hips and felt her hands release their grip on my tush, allowing me to turn around while still being stuck to her, turning towards the foot-end of the bed, grabbing onto it while Sapphire was laying with her head on the pillows near the backboard of the bed. Once I was in position, I raised my kangafox tail upward as high as it could go and let Sapphire get a good look at how we were attached to each other, all while my seed slowly pumped into her. She could actually watch as my testicles twitched slightly with each fresh spurt and saw how my bulb and her pussy were connected together, keeping everything I was putting in her folds inside.

She soon reached down to my balls and massaged them a bit, helping to intensify my orgasm a bit as I did my best to hold onto the front end of the bed. "Mmm...thank you sweetheart! You're making me feel so much better on the inside...making me feel all warm and sticky from your cream!", Sapphire mentioned in a happy tone, all while more of my seed made it into her uteri, being helped along by gravity as we remained stuck together. I honestly didn't know how much longer it would be before Sapphire would be pregnant again. Several hours had passed since our first mating and I figured that the first batch of sperm had probably reached her first batch of eggs by now. In fact, it was entirely possible that they may have already been fertilized and were on their way to her uteri to implant in them. Of course, once they did implant inside Sapphire, I'd know pretty quickly since her kids grew very rapidly to full-term, which would mean that she would need to eat very soon...and eat a lot in a big hurry to nourish herself and our kids. For now though, Sapphire's belly remained flat, at least for a little longer.

I came inside Sapphire for a little over a half-hour, spending a healthy amount of kangafox seed from within my balls. After I drained them enough, the churning within them died down and I felt my knot shrink as she loosened up around me. It took about another minute before my knot popped out of Sapphire's outer lips, followed quickly by the rest of my glazed hybrid shaft. I felt satisfied and drained after mating with Sapphire. laying on my belly for a few minutes after I pulled out, feeling as if I wouldn't be ready to mate with her again until the next day.

While I was laying on the bed, Sapphire took a moment to crawl onto my back, still as a female kangaroo and hugged me tight. She then kissed the back of my neck and nuzzled me for a moment before she suddenly felt hungry and got up from the bed, changing back to normal as shi went over to the mini-fridge to grab the capsule of food I brought with us. Inside the capsule, I placed several different kinds of meat (pork ribs, chicken, fish), a number of various fruits and vegetables, some grains, and two full gallons of milk. Providing Sapphire with ample nourishment to keep hirself fueled and provide for our rapidly developing kids. Shi started to eat everything at once, eating voraciously as I lay on my belly and watched. While shi was doing this, I started to see hir belly bulge outward, growing quickly as shi devoured the content of the capsule within a matter of minutes. By the time shi was done, Sapphire's belly looked a lot closer to how it normally looked, being round and full of at least one litter we created together.

Shi soon put hir hand down on hir belly, sensing the kids moving around in there as shi walked back over to the bed and faced me. "Come and say 'hello' to your sons and daughters, honey fox!", Sapphire called out in a sweet manner as I changed back to normal and sat up, reaching out to hir belly and placing my hand on it. I gave it several rubs, soon feeling lots of little hands poking against Sapphire from the inside, trying to reach out and touch me. "Do you feel that, sweetheart. They're all saying that they love their daddy!", Sapphire playfully exclaimed as I blushed a bit and moved in closer to give hir belly licks with my tongue.

"Daddy loves you too", I told them softly while I gave Sapphire's belly some attention. "Now, you kids be good inside your mother and wait to come out until after we get back to Familia, OK? If you do, Mommy and I will give you some more brothers and sisters to play with", I added in a sweet and playful manner, making Sapphire giggle as shi stood over by the bed. I knew that Sapphire wouldn't be satisfied with just two litters from me. Shi loved being pregnant and shi almost certainly wanted me to keep adding more litters to hir womb. Hir uteri had seemingly unlimited capacity, no matter how many times shi got pregnant, shi would be able to keep all of the kids in hir uteri until they were ready to come out.

After mating, the two of us took a shower and then got into bed together, with me spooning up against Sapphire from behind. I placed my hand down around hir pregnant belly, rubbing it gently as I heard hir purr happily to my touch. Hir tail wrapped around me from behind and brought me in closer as I snuggled against hir and fell asleep by hir side. Although we've already had some fun in Vixen Hill, our honeymoon was just beginning, there was a lot more for us to do, but it would have to wait until morning.

End of Part 1...

*: For those of you who have read "The Lone Fox", you should know that I'm going to be changing the story of how Sapphire and I met so it could be part of the "Life With Charlene" series. I won't go into details of what those changes are as of yet, but the story will be somewhat different from how it was told in "The Lone Fox".