
Story by GuyBroDudeKing on SoFurry

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#1 of Frustrations

Frustration, escape.

Life is ugly and hard for most people... you are never free and there is nothing you can do.

Either a boss or your government sets rules you have to follow and you will do as they say or else you are a criminal, a person shunned by society.

And we humans have many ways to distract us from what we either hate or love...may it be stories or video games, but they only help for a certain amount of time and the more we enjoy them, they harder it will be when they end.

It was the same with stories, but far heavier, because those brilliant minds that manage to make amazing stories also have something worse.

Their stories can drive people mad in a way.

Mad in a way that makes people hate their life, not because it isn't good, but because it's not what they want for a living, making them see the world inside written stories as superior.

Some people want to live in a fantasy world, or in the future, or at least live in a world where they can have some profession that gives their life's more value.

Nobody is ever free, that fact and a big amount of pressure were, what forced a certain someone to do something he always likes to do, go into the woods during the night.

Jessy can be considered your average Joe, living in the modern age of...maybe 2016 with many issues and a complex life.

He was working in a factory, as an apprentice...what he did, didn't matter much as he only did a small amount, not really the things he had learned in his "job-school" he mainly did shit he learned from his instructor, like smoothing metal plates or connecting wires in a 400 volt system and it was troubling him now, especially now that he yet again had to visit the school after a long break from it.

The problem was that he forgot everything he had learned from his first year in the school and that was eating him from inside, he didn't want to be forced to do things he...well he wasn't even so sure if this job was what he had expected...but he was happy that he had awesome colleagues and that he only had to do things that weren't difficult...

Still, he wasn't living the life that people wrote in their stories and that was a heavy weight on him, corrupting him.

It made him a darker person, that craves what isn't real.

An unreachable future that he wants to take part in.

Jessy put everything he needed into his backpack, a hatchet in case he felt like chopping up wood or a rapist was in the woods and an 11.3-volt torch that had the brightness to it that would make a car's headlight jealous.

Both had a purpose, the hatched just made him feel safer though.

He wore a thick jacket and some cargo pants combined with a pair of boots, looking in the mirror he looked like either a bodyguard or some cold blooded killer, that was his style, it also fit his hairstyle an undercut with a long hair top, which looked like a short undercut.

Overall he did have a style that fit his personality well, at least during the cold season.

If it was hot he couldn't wear these clothes, he also was a winter person.

Easy to explain why, if it's too cold, you put on an extra layer of cloth, but if it's too hot, you can't really do anything about it, besides going for a swim.

Well, he wanted to be a bad-ass so be evil and to be a psycho but he was raised by a wonderful and loving mother who gave him "freedom" or at least didn't dictate him.

The only reason he wasn't a criminal was that he didn't want to hurt his mother..or his family, he loved them but it wasn't worth it...

But he could it, go ahead and steal something valuable or become a contract killer, even if he lacked the connections.

That didn't stop him from occasionally having his moments of freedom.

Today was a bit chilly and it was around evening, but already dark and he had packed up everything he needed, he didn't know what he would do today, but had already an idea of what would happen, he probably would go into the forest and make a walk, then maybe chop some dead wood and then go home. But you can't be sure about what will happen exactly.

Still a bit of cold outside as the last days of winter pass.

Jessy opened the door and looked around a bit, locked the door before heading out.

The walk through the city, as always it was dark, only the light of the street lamps were making it a bit easier to see in the night.

An empty city.

Past many shops and the supermarket, he finally walked next to the river.

It would lead him to the forest that he loved so much, where a lot of green was.

The town he lived in had that, lots of green, even if it was very central it was greener than any other place he was.

He always was like that, wanting to explore the world, not caring for the destination, but for the thrill of just finding out new things and places to visit.

And just like his love for the night and animals, he would visit the forest to find certain animals such as squirrels and rabbit, but Jessy also hoped to find any wolves, as they were in the forest.

After a bit of walking, he reached the forest, full of strong and thick trees, completely dark in the depths, but he wasn't scared, he didn't fear what he couldn't see, but the thread of what would be behind him.

He had brought a bright torch with him anyway, but that made everything dark even darker.

One press of a button and it got turned on, illuminating 22 meters into the distance in a very sterile, blue color into the thick forest, that seemed to be having a bit of fog...or frozen water crystals in the air.

It looked like something out of a horror film, to be honest, so the young boy had taken out his fiberglass hatched for two reasons, it made him feel a bit safer and it looked cool.

Like a wall, encapsulating this part of the forest from the rest, he just walked in into the great and dark forest, on a small dirt path, as if it didn't fit into the rest of the forest.

The trees were, unlike the rest of the forest not in the same shade of green, it was darker.

There were only a few plants, on certain spots where the sun could shine on them, otherwise, there seemed to be only trees around.

"Damn...if I was a mass murder, I would definitely make my murder here..." Jessy said jokingly as he was already deep in the forest.

So deep in fact that he couldn't even see the outside of it, the only thing that gave away light was his torch and only into one direction.

That gave him the feeling of being watched, that something was behind him, striking a very strong feeling of unease into him, he wished he wouldn't be alone right now.

Now it was getting creepy, he had been walking for a while now and the forest didn't seem to end and slowly he was starting to hear rustling, not from the leaves, but certain...twigs breaking.

No matter in which direction he looked, he never saw anything besides trees and a bit of fog.

The heart inside him started to race a bit as he always had the feeling something was behind him.

Then he lost it...he could see the glow of eyes in the distance, staring at and really high up.

Fucking red eyes...he walked a step back, only to see another pack of eyes...yellow

His breath quickened and he began to run back, only to see another pair of eyes as he turned his back.

More and more eyes appeared in the forest.

The worst thing was that he had been surrounded by eyes that seemed too high up to be a normal animal.

It had to be the size of horses...but there were no horses in this forest...or anywhere near.

Tightly, he held onto his hatched as he dropped his torch and knelt down and started to listen to any sounds of movement.

They were coming closer, those eyes.

Coming for him, he began to sweat and could feel his muscles shiver.

Then...out of the shadow, a creature walked out...yellow eyes and black and gray fur.

It...was a gigantic wolf, as big as a horse and confusingly...its body language wasn't as threatening as the wolves on a documentary.

His knowledge of Canine body language might save him from any bad situations with it.

The rest of them were also Wolves, both similar to him, but some were brown, others dark white, all had yellow colored eyes, except for the red eyes that stayed in the distance, watching them.

And suddenly, his flashlight was thrown away by one of them, leaving them in the dark, only slightly seeing the eyes of the creature that walked towards him.

Those weren't normal wolves...

Slowly he laid down his hatched and tried to hear where and how close that wolf was, not knowing what the others did, besides a bit of rustling.

His hatched next to him, he waited and noticed that the wolf before him started to growl at him, but not in an aggressive way...more of a defensive way.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, it bit into his arm.

Jessy screamed in pain, quickly grabbed his hatched and hit the wolf with it, hard and multiple times, causing it to release his arm and jump backward, away from him.

With a big swing with his hatchet, not knowing where it was, he tried to hit it, but fail, it only swung around him.

Then he swung again, getting it stuck in a tree and then Jessy began to run towards the light.

He could feel they were running after him and quickly he jumped into the light, to see how much he was bleeding, but this jacket blocked the view.

As he ran, he ripped open the part of his jacket where it had been see that the wound he had was...infected or something, it had become black, maybe brown, but it burnt and he was running, so it was a minor concern at the moment.

Wait...was that hair? His hair had turned a lot darker and it was more than before, he saw it growing on his arms.

His head began to hurt and he tripped, his hands first into the muddy dirt, his clothes ruined now.

Just like the sharp pain in his head, his whole body was starting to hurt and he began to scream while wondering why the wolf hadn't already killed him.

All of his body hurt and his vision was blurry and slightly red already...he could start to see the trees that were hidden in shadows...he was gaining night vision.

A sharp sting began to distract him, in his stomach as he felt like he was getting bigger.

It hurt like hell, he looked at his arm wound, still bloody but he was sure it had grown fur.

Holy shit, those weren't wolves, they had to be werewolves and he was becoming one too!

"UGH! SHIT FUCK FUCK FUC-!" His mouth was pushing outwards and it felt like he was given a sledgehammer to the face, he only screamed in pain as he rolled in the mud, kicking with his feet and hitting the trees with his palms

Soon his whole boy was larger, he didn't notice it, but most of his body had already become more feral, his body was covered in fur and his face was that of a wolf.

The only thing left where his limbs, those hurt the most.

Jessy could feel how his legs grew, snapping bones at some points.

"OH MY GOD !" He cried and screamed when the pain hit him.

Then his arms, it hurt just like before, he wished he would pass out, but his body didn't let him.

Soon he could notice how much more space his body needed, just ripping open his only clothes, leaving him naked in the dirt.

His limbs had already grown to their ultimate size and...were connected again.

The pain was slowly decreasing, then it stopped.

He was breathing heavy...with the sound of a large beast and opened his eyes, the surroundings were visible to him...dimly but visible.

Jessy knew what had just happened, he read enough stories and...was lucky and happy that it was still him and not something else.

In a way, it was what he had wished for.

The next thing, besides the enhanced vision, were the smells he received.

Around 24 different...and one incredibly strong one.

Every one of those had a similar scent... simply that of a dog, just with more leather and musk, hard to describe to someone who doesn't experience.

He knew that it was over, his normal life, at least for now, Jessy didn't know if he could revert himself and stood up, wobbly on his legs and looked around.

A voice talked to him, low and raspy.

"Welcome to the pack...I transformed you, therefore you are ranked lower than me..."

Jessy knew who said that the wolf that had attacked him, even if the mouth wasn't really moving, so there wasn't anything in his mind that would tell him how to talk, he just tried to, like he would if he was human.

"You fucking bitch." It worked, the expression on the wolf in front of him changed when the boy said those words.

"You fucking piece of shit I will kill you !" The former human shouted as he charged towards the, what was obviously a male, but not knowing how to fight as a wolf, the size of a horse it was easy to tell where it would end, even if he was just slightly smaller

He ended up on his back, with a gigantic maw on his throat and the knowledge of canine language as well as newly required instinct made him do something that would save him, yelping in high pitched tones while exposing his belly and neck.

The raspy voice talked again.

"If you ever call me a bitch again...I will make you my bitch, but not in a good way, is that clear ?"

Jessy yelped yes and his throat was released from dangerous fangs that threatened his life just a moment ago, but the other...wolf didn't move away after that, his body stayed on top of Jessy's, obviously waiting for something, his muzzle was still in front of the other wolf's

"What are you waiting for Yavis ?" A voice in the distance said...hard, low raspy, strong and strangely loud.

"This bitch doesn't know how to behave...Lick my fucking muzzle, bitch! Show submission."

So the wolf that infected him was called Yavis...didn't make him a nicer wolf tho.

Jessy didn't have much of a choice so he moved his head forwards and gave the corners of Yavis' chops a big and long lick, clearly, the 'superior' wolf enjoyed it.

"Yes...that's a good bitch...maybe you'll learn to be a part of this pack."

Why was he saying bitch to him? Oh god, was he a female now !?

No, he wasn't, when Yavis moved away he stared down to his crotch, finding a...thick and large sheath and some serious balls.

He couldn't believe that he had feral genitals now...although it fits better than human junk on a wolf.

Besides that, he looked like a beast, seriously armed with muscles, hidden under fur.

Massive, every bulge of muscle can be seen under the fur, amazing.

So it was just simple name calling, like in school.

Normally he would say something back, but he didn't expect a wolf to take it easy.

"Come to me...Jessy..." How the fuck did that other wolf know his name?

And...there was a certain force pushing him, making him move his limbs.

"A-Alright," Jessy said, now a brown and black wolf, obedient.

The wolf spotted the source of the was an intimidating...and big, just the view of him was amazingly terrifying and yet calming.

It was a fully black coated wolf, with red eyes, red fucking eyes, what a cliché, something you would see in movies as the big bad wolf.

With those red eyes glaring at Jessy he could feel his own legs weaken, but not as in losing strength, but like...he couldn't describe it.

His own heavy and muscular structure was...rather weak compared to the wolf that called him. Someone might take a look at both of them and notice that Jessy seemed muscular too... although not as confident, which was expected from a human that had just turned into a wolf

The other wolf, that clearly looked like the alpha, however, was oozing stregth and confidence as well as just that...thing that all leaders and bosses had.

"...Hmm...i see and smell a lot of potential to you...and to answer your questions, no, you will be in this form forever and you have to be part of this pack. Besides, it will be a lot of fun." The alpha said, who's name was still unknown.

Jessy was a bit broken, the person which meant most to him would never be seen again, his dear mother, but another part also was very excited that something happened to him, which a lot of people could only dream of, or write about.

"...And if I disobey ?" This question wasn't really useful, but he wanted to know what would happen.

The alpha just stared down at him, Jessy's body was lowering, crouching and tail between legs.

"You wont...doing as I say and obeying me will be just too much pleasure for you...

His legs began to get wobbly and his heart was beating faster, clearly, the alpha had some effect on him.

It had to do something with, who infected who and is the alpha.

Jessy began to feel really weird as he looked to his alpha, his body wouldn't disobey the pure black wolf, not if it would mean to, miss out on said pleasure.

It sounded really sexual, maybe it was but...why should Jessy care, nobody who was civilized would know and...those beast probably were very...horny, considering that only a quarter of those around him smelled like they were females and..sharing females doesn't seem like something those creatures would do.

But not wanting to 'know' what he meant, the new wolf kept his mouth shut and would do what he was told, no need to make enemies Yavis, who already seems to hate him.

The first wolf to talk to him after everybody started to move away, into a certain direction, it would be upwards as he could see and it wouldn't have been so bad after all, his body seemed like it was used to the most intense kind of training. If Yavis wouldn't have walked next to him and already made him feel like he was being picked on, the way he was in school he might even feel more comfortable.

"You know you piece of shit, you're nothing...alright, I'm above you, I own you and if I don't like what you do, I'm going to let you know it, I'm the fucking beta of the pack, either show respect or I'll hurt you. And I'm not talking about the good kind of pain"

The hostility could easily be felt, not just in the tone, but also the way he was behaving, sometimes pushing Jessy.


The only reason the former human wasn't snapping back, was because he was inexperienced, but he would have been able to ignore it if he wasn't suddenly bitten in the neck by that piece of shit called Yavis.

"Yeah, that's right, I can do whatever I want to you, cause you're an omega in this pack, you're worthless !"

Both were standing still, the rest acted like it was common for him to behave like that.

Jessy could feel how the teeth were almost digging into his skin, it was a dominant grip, not meant to injure the younger wolf, but only to show that he was something better.

Being an omega sucked.

"Okay" the low-ranked wolf yelped, only to get a grunt from Yavis who returned it with an order.

"As soon as we go to sleep I request your presence in the den, my personal sleeping place of course, then you answer every question I ask you. Now start to walk..."

The last sentence was a bit quieter, not in an angry tone, however really dominant...

What was the reason for this...hatred for the new guy? Or is it because he was an omega?

It didn't really matter tho, nothing did at the moment as his life was a mess at this moment.

Infected just a few minutes ago and already expected to be a wolf how could anybody expect him to be that way...

He wished he could have had a bit time to make up his mind, but he got violently pulled upwards, before then being released and told how worthless he was, it was ridiculous, he didn't do anything yet.

After a while, they reached the end of the hill, a large area, free, and then there was a cave, either the whole area was their den and the cave was for the high ranked wolf or everybody slept in a cave.

When all the wolves, including him, walked past the cave and around half of them split up to patrol he noticed that the cave was not for sleeping, it was empty.

Now all of the split up and he was left standing there, Yavis staring at him.

"Why the fuck are you just standing there?"

Now he just had to use the right words, ones that wouldn't anger the other wolf and explain the situation perfectly.

"What's my purpose in this pack?"

It seemed to work, for once the black and brown wolf didn't attack him for saying something.

Also only now he noticed that the majority of the wolves had the same colors, mainly brown and black, so he had to use smell to identify them from now on.

"Hmm...You'll follow me on my patrol." He said and turned around, tail held high, showing off his junk, which was large in size, balls, and sheath.

Jessy quickly used his legs to walk next to the wolf, staying quiet because he was not in the mood to make him any angrier.

"What's your name?"


"Even your name is pathetic. Let's hope that patrolling is something you can handle."

And so both started to patrol the borders.

A whole forest was part of their territory, lucky for him they only had to mark trees and stones outside of the forest.

At first, Jessy didn't know what to do when Yavis pissed on a tree, but that annoyed the beta and so he told him exactly what he had to do.

It was weird to get watched when marking a spot, even more so when the side with the genitals is being watched by the beta.

There was a certain fun behind just peeing on objects in the open, not only did he feel free while doing it but also all of his body was covered in fur that simulated clothes almost in the same way, but better, giving him more freedom of movement.

For the practice of marking trees it wasn't important, but if he had to fight it surely was an advantage.

What would give him an advantage in what he did would be more liquid in his bladder, he was almost running dry now and tried to ration it, never thinking he had to save urin for later.

By the time they were finished he had managed to run dry, barely letting out his yellow liquid on a stone and with a sigh, he was about to walk back to the area around the cave.

Everywhere wolves were sleeping, in the open, most of them slept in small groups of up to four wolves, which didn't make him consider asking Yavis for some warmth as sleeping alone was better than sleeping next to an asshole.

At a tree that already had a depression next to it in the dirt, he curled up, only a little tired he managed to fall asleep, only to be pulled out by his favorite pack asshole, the beta.

"That is my spot!" He was shouted at, right after being pulled by his neck.

The other wolves looked at them, having been woken up by a shouting wolf.

Nothing else really happened, the beta just lied down on his spot, turning around to find the best spot to lie down and then to offer Jessy a spot next to him.

"As you wouldn't want to sleep alone, trust me on that, I offer you a place next to me."

It was clear that the beta didn't really like making this offer, he was looking away from Jessy.

"I refuse to sleep next to you and you know why." Then with pride, he walked away, he heard the beta snicker when he did as if knowing that he would come back.

For now the omega had his pride and searched for a good spot lay down, but except for open space there wasn't really anything welcoming, all of the good spots were taken and yet he was far too shy to ask random wolves if he could snuggle up to them, but why would he even need to share space with someone else ?

He had lots of fur and wouldn't feel cold.

Simply laying down for hopefully the last time, in an open field 10 meters away from Yavis he once again felt himself falling asleep, the high grass of the plains were blocking the view around him.

It was slightly wet, the ground itself felt colder the longer he lied there, soon the air cooled down too and he awoke, he didn't feel so amazing anymore, a freezing cold crept up to him from the lower ground.

Quickly he got up and looked, it was a cold mist, really thick and getting thicker the closer it got, his legs were already covered by it, surely he wouldn't want to sleep that way.

Now the omega just pushed all pride aside and walked and made his way towards Yavis, relying on his nose as the view was getting worse.

"I knew you'd come back, now tell me why I should let you sleep next to me?"

Fuck it, the cold was really making him uncomfortable, it was beyond the point of freezing water, those were crystals and not water droplets.

"Because I'll do anything you want..."

", come over here and get comfortable." The voice was a bit groggy, he might have just woken up from his sleep too.

Upon lying down next to him he felt a paw lay on his back, which pulled him closer.

"You'd still freeze if you sleep that far away from me."

A weird feeling to sleep so close to a guy who dislikes him, especially when that wolf has one arm over the back, so that chest was touching his backside and even his tail covered him.

But it did feel good to sleep like that, anything can be said about Yavis, but the fact that he behaves the way he does gives him an aura of strength and protection.

It's not only comfort he felt, unfortunately, he felt himself get pulled closer, the head of his superior wandered over his and rested there, he couldn't really see anything anymore, but he was no longer feeling that cold air touching him, that wasn't the unfortunate thing that he noticed.

Just as the larger wolf's leg went over his flank to encase him further it was clear.

A certain something was touching his flank, it was a very warm groin, warmer than the rest of the body, Jessy could easily tell each testicle apart and that thick sheath too, it wasn't erect but that could change any moment he feared.

The act itself wasn't what troubled him, but how he might have to do it, anal could hurt and he had no real interest in such things at the moment, not that he could say no anyway.

The younger wolf closed his eyes and tried to relax, even when thick genitals were pressed into his backside suggestively.

I hope you enjoyed another first chapter, i though why not write something again :3

I got more stories in my inventory but id like to know what you think of this one ?

For me this story would only have 2 chapters as it is not that much based on story and more on that one thing ;)