Getting Frisky

Story by kiwiBB on SoFurry

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#1 of Requests

To celebrate 1 year of writing stories + 100 followers on Tumblr, I did a bunch of ballbusting story requests! I think they came out pretty well, and it was interesting to write about a few subjects that don't normally appear in my own stories.

If you submitted a request and it didn't get written, my apologies -- there ended up being more suggestions than I was expecting. For those who are just hearing about this, you should still feel free to submit new suggestions (, and maybe I'll use some of those ideas the next time I'm in the mood to do requests.

For now, though, I should probably go back to working on my own dang stories. XD

Anonymous asked: Girl popping both a guys balls for getting too frisky? Any characters are fine with me :)

The nightclub was hot and crowded and sweaty and LOUD -- and for a while, that was exactly what Farrah had wanted. Where better to spend a Friday night when you're single? But now, with the clock approaching 2:00am and her alcoholic buzz fading, the vixen was ready to call it quits and head home.

If only she could shake the wolf on her tail.

"Come onnn, babe!" he shouted into her ear, his voice drowned by the thumping bass. He held her from behind, his hands on her waist, pulling her in close to press his crotch up against her ass. His breath was warm on her neck. "Let's go back to my place!"

Farrah was not interested. Sure, they had been grinding pretty heavily about an hour ago, but that was just for kicks! It was fun feeling wanted, and feeling a hard dick against your rump. Now, though, she just wanted to be in her own bed. Alone.

"NOT HAPPENING, dude!" she repeated for the sixth time, trying to keep her growing frustration in check. "I'm LEAVING!"

He groaned in disappointment, rocking his hips in an un-subtle attempt to hump her butt. "But that's not fairrrr! You're sooo hot, and I'm sooo horny." His paw slid across her stomach, and he grabbed one of her wrists. " least help me bust a nut before you go, yeah?" He pulled her paw behind her back, slipping it beneath his own waistband--

Farrah's eyes went wide and her nostrils flared. Her palm was suddenly pressed against something hot and hard. Reflexively, she tried to pull her paw back, but the hormone-happy wolf refused to let go.

Cold anger flared in her chest. This was fucking BULLSHIT. The vixen grit her teeth and looked around, weighing her options. She could cry out for help, but no one would even notice -- it was too crowded and too loud.

...An idea popped into her head.

"You want to bust a nut?" she replied icily, sliding her paw further into his pants.

"YES!" shouted back the wolf, oblivious to the dangerous edge in her voice.

In a moment, she found the two fuzzy lumps that she was looking for. She squeezed, immediately and without mercy.

The male stiffened against her back, a choked yelp escaping from his throat. He clutched at her body and at her arm, scrabbling to stop her as she brutally flattened his gonads. As the seconds ticked on, he began to squeal in a high and desperate voice. "FUCK, my--!!...STOP--!! BAAAAAAAGHAHGH!!!"

Farrah just bore down even harder, counting silently to 10. After a few seconds of squeezing, she thought she felt a CRUNCH, but it was hard to be sure. Then a few moments later, she felt a second CRUNCH. That one she was pretty sure about. Even so, she continued crushing the furry orbs into oblivion for a few more seconds, even as they continued to crack and collapse in her vicious grip.

When she reached 10, she let go of her mangled fistful of wolf testicles, and the male immediately crumpled to the floor with a sob.

"Enjoy your weekend!" she shouted, then turned and slipped away into the crowd.